#roman rlly askin me for every arnora character and making me cry T^T
sageblogsthings · 3 years
Let me be as obnoxious as possible and ask for Cleric + as much of the Arnora cast as you can stomach. pwease.
roman u amazing beautiful human come catch this kith!! <3 just for u i shall do the main cast + everyone’s fave trio of side characters!
tw for very brief mentions of religious trauma
Cleric: What does your character place their faith in - a deity, universal energy, themselves, the government, etc.?
no one places their faith in the government bc it’s uhhhhh v corrupt lol
Vanna: at the beginning of Arnora, Vanna definitely places her faith in others, and not even necessarily her friends. she trusts easily and deeply and while this is a good thing in some ways, it really gets her hurt at times, so a big part of her character arc is learning how to place more faith in herself first. she’s definitely the kind of person to see the best in others though so i don’t think she will ever completely “grow out” of placing a bit too much faith in those around her.
Xalia: she’s a bit the opposite of Vanna, honestly (heck yeah character foils!!). in the beginning she only places faith in herself (even though she works for Verena she does not trust her at all). but throughout the story she will start to open up to others a little more, which she is v grumpy about lol :)
Silaesan: the concept of deities is weird in Arnora, magic and religion are v much separate but some people choose to intertwine them. as a Time Magister, Silaesan has a better grasp of magic than just about anyone in Arnora. but he is not religious at all, especially after some uhhh....events....that happen at the beginning ;p but there’s also some stuff that happens that changes who/what Silaesan places his faith in but if i told u it would literally spoil the entire plotline lol so for now i shall just say that Silaesan places his faith in the Pillars of Time and the magic he manifests from them
Tilaraen: this is another one that’s really tricky to answer without giving spoilers lol (btw if anyone would like spoilers i’m always down to spill the beans i just don’t wanna put em up on my blog) but Til either places their faith in Verena, themself, or Silaesan depending on which point in the plot we’re talking about. As far as religion, the best way I can think to describe it is that Silaesan is the Arnoran equivalent of agnostic, while Til is just flat out atheist. They believe that the best, and worst, things in life are products of humanity and humanity alone.
Verena: she places faith in herself but also,,,,the moon?? sort of?? and also Til?? it’s complicated lol. if you asked her she would say herself 1000% bc she would like to pretend that she doesn’t need anyone or anything. but actually her and Til are really close (can’t say much more atm) and the moon has always been a sort-of deity for her, i talk more about her connection to the moon here if ur inch rested!! Verena very much rejects formal religion tho
Ari: idt i’ve talked about this much but Ari comes from a clan of artificers that live in the desert. the clan is broken up into sub-groups based on what class of artificer you are, so Ari grew up with others who could transmute metal like him (ari is a metalbender confirmed skdjfskldf) but each sub-clan thingy (i haven’t named them yet ok 🙈) has their own patron deity that they worship. Ari is also huuuuuge on family so (even tho it’s technically against his upbringing) he places faith in his family over his patron deity
Mikah: his relationship with faith is incredibly complicated and damaged. he wants to believe in something, but every instance of religion he saw in his childhood was a perversion of it used to hurt him (i’m not using him to process religious trauma wym). Mikah seems like the character who would place his faith in others, but ultimately he places it in himself because every time he’s placed it in others he’s been let down. a big part of his arc is going to be him opening up to other people, and recognizing that sometimes people will let you down and you have to process that and move on rather than internalizing it and shutting out everyone in the future.
Dorian: i’m sensing a pattern here of my characters changing who they place their faith in lol but Dorian is definitely the lone-wolf, “i work alone,” “people will always let you down” broody type in the beginning since he got kicked out of the Thieves’ Guild, and thus only places faith in himself (and Tov, she’s the one thing he can rely on). by the end he learns to be a lot more open and is much more comfortable placing faith in his close friends. he’s not really religious, but he doesn’t mind it, he just is kinda neutral about it. not necessarily agnostic just literally does not feel like committing the brain cells to figuring out how he feels about it lol.
Matthias: matthias is religious! he doesn’t really place his faith in a specific entity, just more a sort of cosmic substance if that makes sense?? it started as him just praying while he was in the Aemornian Army as a way to pass the time and try to process some of the stuff he saw. but he found that the meditation and contemplation really did wonders for him, so he keeps up a habit of going to shrines in Aemorn to meditate. he doesn’t have a particularly deity he associates himself with, he’s just generally religious in the sense that he hopes there’s a benevolent higher power out there that can make some sense of all the chaos in the world
Tov: Tov is similar to Vanna in that she places her faith in a looot of people, but she’s also much healthier about it. she’s an incredibly positive person and she tends to attract positive people because of that. she places her faith in humanity and people not because she is blind to the bad things they can do, but because she truly believes that when you help people and give them the opportunities and chances they need they will choose to be good. i just,,,,i really love her okay i’m too soft for her T^T also she places so much faith in Daisy, like Daisy can (just about) do no wrong in her eyes <3
Daisy: daisy is religious and worships uhhhh a deity i haven’t named yet lol but she’s like Arnora’s version of Artemis basically, the goddess of women and the hunt. she worships this goddess specifically because she has dedicated herself to protecting people, especially women who cannot fight for themselves. she also does enjoy hunting but in a very fair, use-everything-and-thank-nature sort of way. so i would say that Daisy primarily places her faith in this deity,,,,which shall be named soon,,,but she does also trust her troop with her life, and ofc she will place her faith in Tov endlessly
some of these got a bit rambley lol my brain cells are not aligned today but i hope u enjoy!! thank u so much roman!! ☺️💜
dnd themed character asks!
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