#romantic heart// miray osman
Open starter: Miray Osman + open
Dazzling. It was by far the most apt word to describe Versailles and it more than made the long journey to France worth it. Miray had never before been outside of the Ottoman Empire before, even when her sister was married. The two had drawer-fuls of letters that they had exchanged but Miray had long existed behind their gilded walls. When her brother had announced their visit to France and, at the same time, her betrothal to the Grand Duke of Russia, she had been ecstatic. All at once, she would be traveling far from home, seeing her half-sister once more, her nephew for the first time, and possibly even starting her own great romance. It was more than she could hope for.
The sight alone of the gardens and the palace had been breathtaking. She had heard stories of the splendors of Versailles and she was happy to see that the momentary ousting of the Bourbons had done little damage to the integrity of the palace. Now that the Bourbons were back, they had made the most of the glories and Miray was keen to see them all. She wandered through the carnival with her hands to her chest. “Have you ever seen anything so wonderful?” she exclaimed as much to herself as anyone else.
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Closed starter: Miray Osman and Defne Osman-Windsor
In the wake of the losses, Miray had only two thoughts in her mind: get away from Mustafa and find Defne. The first was easily done, but the second proved tricky, possibly because Defne had her own family to care for in the wake of such devastation. True, Miray had heard only of the destruction of property and no actual violence, but the threat was present and haunting. Miray knew that once she saw her sister, all would be well again, but the wait was difficult. She left word with one of Defne's ladies that she wished to see her whenever she got a chance.
She waited for only an hour or so for her sister, but it felt like much longer as she turned over a toy horse in her hand, part of a set of toy soldiers that she had gotten young Edward as a present. After the robbery and destruction, the horse was all that remained. It was the loss of her nephew's presents that had wounded her most.
Still, when she saw Defne approach, all sadness was momentarily forgotten while she ran to her sister and hugged her tightly. "I was so worried about you. Are you okay? Did they take anything important? Is Edward okay? Was he scared?" The questions spilled from her lips as quickly as she thought them.
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Closed starter: Miray Osman and Amara Romanov@stvrdvstsx
Miray did not know where she wished to be in the moment or whom she wished to see, but she found herself walking quickly, one foot in front of the other, away from the rooms which housed herself and her brother. The robbery had been enough to set her on edge, enough to make her feel unsafe in a place leagues away from her home. However, it was her brother's reaction to the robbery which had sent her fleeing from her chambers. She still felt her heart smashing around in her chest, pounding hard as she sought freedom, eventually finding a balcony. She leaned over the rail and took in gulps of air like a woman drowned. She felt her heart slow the longer she stood there and eventually, her heart had slowed enough. She looked up to the skies, a clear blue even for a January day, a sharp joyful contrast with all that had occurred inside. She had almost calmed when the sounds of footsteps behind her set her heart beating again. She spun quickly and saw the Tsarina approaching.
Hand over her heart, she still managed a smile. "Tsarina, I am sorry. I was terribly lost in thought with all that has happened. Did you lose much?"
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Closed: Miray Osman and Esha Bedi (@classiqcals)
Despite what Miray had studied about Versailles and the few days spent there, the palace could still be something of a puzzle to Miray and she found herself turned around from time to time. The palace was beautiful, however, a veritable house of culture, and Miray found that even getting lost amid its splendors could lead to amazement. Though she had been looking for the gallery, finally making time to see the amazing artwork of the palace, she had instead ended up in a wing of apartments and as she kept walking forward, she saw someone stepping out from an adjacent room.
"I am so sorry to bother you, but would you happen to know where in the palace we are. I am afraid that I have gotten myself quite turned around in my search for the galleries. Still, it is lovely to see a new face."
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☼☾ ( farah zeynep abdullah , 30 ,she/her , cisfemale, osman3 ) - have you seen MIRAY OSMAN?  we’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re ROMANTIC but also UNREALISTIC. when you think of them , you think of dazzling jewels threaded through strands of hair, delicate fingers tapping a table, a flower petal dropping from the rest of the bloom  .
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tw: death, birth complications, emotional abuse
Liljana Brankovic rubbed her swollen stomach and breathed heavily as she lay in a soft bed, her prison for the past month. The child in her womb was a restless one, bolder than Liljana could have imagined; the child's father, Sultan Mustafa had seen to it that his Macedonian mistress would have every comfort that he could provide. Despite his attempts, Liljana was feeling nothing that could be described as comfort. The child had tried to come far too early and from the pain she was feeling, the child seemed determined to make its entrance.
In the birth that followed, Liljana would give birth to a beautiful baby girl and would live long enough to hear her baby cry in her arms, stroke her little face, and name her Miray before her strength failed and she passed. The little girl was given to her father and his wife, Sultana Zehra. The Sultan looked to his wife who, in turn, looked at the pitifully small baby. She took the baby who, though she had been crying a moment before, settled into her adoptive mother's arms and Zehra acceded, accepting the baby into her family.
Miray was raised alongside the Sultan's other children Mustafa and Defne. Though her sister always accepted her as just another part of their family, Mustafa delighted in letting his littlest sister know exactly where she had come from, that she had been a murderer from her first breath. Miray countered her position by trying to be the best daughter a mother and father could ask for. She perfected every etiquette lesson, learned to be both demure and warm, and tried to be as obedient as possible.
When her sister was engaged, Miray was ecstatic for her, though she knew that she would miss her. She never imagined that it would be eighteen long years before she would see her again. Being left with their brother was tumultuous at best, especially after their parents passed. Miray was an easy target for the new Sultan; he knew all her weak points, as he was the cause of most of them. He made sure that she knew that she was nothing more than a bargaining chip to him, a little doll that would one day fetch a pretty price. Miray waited for that day anxiously, the day that she would be rescued. Now that she is going to France and has been betrothed, she sees a light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully, like Defne, she too will find her happily ever after.
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Miray Ball Outfit
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Closed Starter: Miray Osman and Aleksei Markov @rcsplendent
Location: Balcony during the ball
Even in February, the night air held the cold of winter; it sent goosebumps up and down Miray’s arms, despite the gilded shawl she wrapped around herself. She had just tucked Edward into bed but had not yet made her way back to the ballroom. Instead, she found herself out in the open air, breathing in the cold just to clear her head from the heat and music inside. Despite the joy she had felt dancing with her nephew and playing games with him, she found that her spirits faltered without him, especially as she watched her intended smile while dancing with others. Inwardly, she chided herself; she had told him that he was free to seek his joy elsewhere so she could blame no one but herself. A sigh left her lips as she looked back inside and noticed a figure making his way out onto the balcony as well.
Miray curtsied to the figure out of habit by way of greeting, her lips flicking back up into a smile. She almost apologized for her presence, but caught herself, remembering her conversation with Amara. She bit back the apology and wondered at what to say. “It is quite peaceful out here, if you were looking to get away from the more ebullient atmosphere in there. I must admit that I have been enjoying the quiet a bit myself. I am Miray Osman,” she politely added at the end.
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✿ Miray + Esha !
Miray thinks Esha is adorable and has told her as much since they met. She also trusts Esha implicitly in terms of style and taste and has come to call on Esha when she needs an opinion about a dress. Miray wears a lot of white and yellow though Esha has been breaking her out of those colors a bit.
The two of them have made a game of doing paintings based on paintings they find around the palace. Sometimes they do not do a very good job, or merely a passable job on recreating these works of art, but it is amusing to see if the other can guess which painting is which.
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Closed: Miray Osman and Elena De Medici (@crownedhead)
Miray pulled the shawl around her shoulders closer as she walked through the halls of Versailles; despite being indoors, the day had been uncommonly chilly and gray. Still, even on such a day, the palace of Versailles was beautiful, sparkling and grand. As she had lost her books, Miray had set about to discover if there was a library on the palace grounds and had been informed where she would find books, not that she was terribly choosy on the type at present. She had not expected anyone else to be in the library in the middle of the day, especially near as it was to lunchtime, but there was another, sitting in a chair by a window. Miray walked around for a moment or two, pulling some volumes from the shelves and flipping through their pages, filling her nostrils with the scent of the paper. She found one of French history and a collection of poetry, filled with love lost and found. Finally, she made her way back to the seating and turned to the other figure.
"I do hope that I am not interrupting your reading, but would it be alright if I joined you in reading for a bit?"
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