#rook (mike)
b-bear06 · 3 months
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Chapter 3 line up revamp (Edit) Tenna: Main Boss Mike: Ally Character C. Rook: True Boss
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glitch-the-artist · 2 months
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chapter 3: smile! your on camera!
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artverso · 5 months
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Mike Rooth - Rook Exodus
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ragtimeunder · 4 months
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Very nearly finished with DR!NN Ep. 5. Here's a very old unfinished sketch from when I was doing art for the music visualizers. Consider this a first look at the upcoming big climactic encounter of Act 1. (yes we're only almost a 3rd of the way through this blasted series)
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im-s0rry · 3 months
Grimm's Chapter Three - everyone's getting redesigned.
Heya guys, you know the AU that I've honestly spent the most time thinking about out of all of my AUs? So basically, I'm redesigning almost all of the cast, starting with the BIG Three. . . Darn, I need a better name for them. A-Anyway, I based their redesigns loosely off of the designs from this show called Crashbox(?) which I realized had some pretty neat designs that could be referenced in my designs. So, without further adieu, here are the redesigns!
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I think the person who changed the most is Rook so I'll start with his design notes. First of all, I made him adorable. This man is now the silliest little guy and I'm so proud that I could keep all of the things that I liked about his original design. His outfit hasn't changed too much aside from the pants that I absolutely love. I wanted to add a sort of pattern that alluded to him being the rook and I think I did good implementing that part. Next we have Tenna who, along with Mike, got a nose! I exaggerated Tenna's shape language quite a bit to really push the fact that they're kind of the main threat you'll have to face in this chapter and that everyone hates them for being a selfish and stuff. I changed the way their arms worked as well, which was a reference to one of the designs from Crashbox. Finally, we has Mike. I think Mike changed the least out of the three. I made him considerably shorter and also made his color pallete more. . . Neon-y, I guess? His trenchcoat would be black or some dark color used for the outlines and that'd be accented by bright purples as the accents on his coat. This, obviously, can't really be shown with the medium I used, so that kind of sucks. Anyway, that was the BIG Three's redesigns! . . .
. . .
Oh yeah, I did sort of redesign Tumbal one last time.
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I changed his stem and made the mantle look a bit better. That's about it. I did try to reference the weird 3D guy from Courage the Cowardly Dog for the mantle and I hope that came through. . . So yeah, that's the start of the slow process of gaining the energy ro redesign an entire cast of characters. Wish me luck!
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petra-creat0r · 5 months
Petra's chapter 3 concept
Welp. I finally caved and gave into the full prediction. Or at least my take on Tenna, Mike, and Rook. (Plus a shop keep for Bitsy)
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Are my takes on Rook and Tenna a little safe/cliche? Probably, but I still like them. Especially Tenna. She's a silly fella. A real wiser cracker. They berate Mike over their hyper specific coffee order off camera.
I might also hear you asking "Petra, if your Rook and Tenna are horrible people, how are they supposed to mirror Asgore and Toriel?" IDK. I just wrote that down and am still working the take out. Additionally, while they'd be parallels, they wouldn't be one to one. Most of how I imagine them atm is they're how Kris wishes Asgore and Toriel were when it comes to their relationship. Aka, loving and together. Rook and Tenna are horrible people in a healthy relationship, Toriel and Asgore are relatively good people who's relationship wasn't working.
Again, I don't know, I'm still working on it.
Also Mike. I think Mike is my favorite take/design of these three. Overworked, tired, boom mic operator/stage hand who hates it here. Even prior to Rook meeting the Knight and making changes to the studio, Mike was generally under appreciated and didn't like all the entitled actors he had to work with. Especially Tenna. Only person he's worked with who he's actually liked and gotten along with was Spamton, who I imagine did some commercials back in his Big Shot days. (Oh if only Mike knew what Spam was going through in those days... The horrors.) As for Mike's opinion on Bitsy? He tolerated her, pre- the spider's popularity. I imagine after Bitsy signed that contract with her mysterious benefactor, she became a little bit of a brat off camera. Before just completely going off the rails at least.
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Just some more notes on stuff. Rook is based on the TV remote and Tenna was originally just a game show/variety show host before Rook started cutting corners and costs and so now half the channels are hosted by Tenna or sponsored by TennaVision. Tenna is either the TV itself, or more likely just the antennas. Mike's of course a microphone. Maybe a speaker idk. I've said in previous posts that Bitsy is an old VHS tape and Lanino and Elnina are just on there for another frame of reference. They're the weather channel, I doubt there's any argument about that.
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Finally, the shop keep. V.C. Ramsey, aka Grampa Ramsey. He's based on a VCR player and the nursery rhyme, "Baa Baa Black Sheep". Ramsey is the shop keep connected to Bitsy, and they used to be old friends before you know, the whole mystery man stuff went down. The VCR details may be subtle, but I still like Ramsey's design. I could listen to his stories for hours.
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static-studios · 7 months
Ey look I don’t got much time here. This is Mike smarts from the creative alliance and I was able to steal rooks phone, I don’t know how long till he notices it’s gone. But that isn’t important, I gotta get this message out beforSHIT ITS THE GAURDS HE FOUND ME PH FUCKING A OH GOD THEIR BEATING UP TED, NOT TED OH MY GO
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mercair · 5 months
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*(Alright, we're rollin'. Don't ruin this collaboration for us, Visin. . .)
*Lightners and Gentle-darkners, welcome to this live recording for the one and only Tenna Talk Show! I'm your host, as always, Mx. Tenna! The darkner you can always count on to call themself your aunt and give you little to none of some pretty good advice in all honesty. Tonight, we have some very special guests! Everyone give it up for the one and only Mike Roffani and The Director!
*W-wait what??? Visin, you said that I was out of this recordin'! I didn't sign up to be on air today, I just had to deal with dat stupid plant-
*Oh nonono, my dearest Rophony! These two are from an. . .adjacent dark world and must have a lot to say about their careers! Now, tell us, Roffani n' Miss Director, how have your careers been shaking up? Have you seen any Lightners in the crowd? Maybe, perhaps, our glorious Little Knight, Kris, who made this dark world for us! Give them a hand, will ya? Anyway, back to the topic, how has you guy's days been? And if you don't mind me adding to this. . .what's your opinion on Rook's little gang on misfits he's made over here with me, Rophony, and him? Got anything to say about us? Don't worry, I'm always open to constructive and destructive criticism!
*(Wait! I-I wasn't supposed to be a part of this script! You know how I get when the cameras are rolling and-)
*Relax, Action! You'll be fine out here! Why dint we all give him a big hand as he misreads the room and decides to come over here now to get an exclusive interview with all three of us!
*Ummm. . .Hi. . ?
*Oh this is gonna be fun. I's can already tell. Maybe i was against it earlier, but now that Action's here to embarrass himself I feel a bit less like the odd one out in dis room. . .
*H-Hey! You can't. . . Wait! Right! Interview! Yeah, okay, yep! So ummmm. . .yeah that.
* Well, first of all, thanks for having us here on your show, Visin! It really is a new experience, especially for me! I'm usually the one sitting over there askin' stuff to people! It's nice, sometimes you just need a lil' fresh air, you know what i mean? How 'bout you, boss?
* Gotta say buddy, it's preeetty damn weird to not be behind the cameras after so long. But eh, i guess it's not that bad.
* As for your first questions, Visin. Well now that we're back at it, work is goin' pretty good i say, thanks to lil' Kris in the crowd! Perhaps the only lightner i respect.
* HAHA, YOU'RE RIGHT! It's thanks to them that i get to see the boss again!
* Aww, how unecessarily and horribly sweet, Mike (don't say things like that in public ever again or i swear to god i will fire you).
* Anyways Visin, as for your other questions, i gotta say i-
* OH MAN I LOVE IT HERE! You guys got such a nice studio, and i have to tell ya' buddy i like your style, n' that suit looks really good on ya', Visin! Do you mind givin' me your tailor's info or somethin'?
* ... Do you have a tailor?
* AHEM, as i was saying before the rude interruption of my buddy Mike, i like the vibe here!
* Your buddy Mike Rophony looks like a serious business man and that's also one of the only professions i respect, i mean, i myself am runnin' a studio n' a mo- A STUDIO, i said a studio. I know the work, i know how hard it is. Besides, i like the style, looks almost like it came right out from a movie, haha!
* And your buddy, Mr. Rook Action, from a director to another, i gotta say i like their work, sure famous people might get a lil' bit borin', (No offense, Visin) but they're FAMOUS for a reason, ain't i right?
* And i'd say that anxiety is a normal thing in this particular line of work, you know, wantin' to please the public n' all that crap, but i gotta be honest, that might actually be a problem, and it ain't gonna do you any favour, buddy. I myself have never had any anxiety problems or anythin' like that-
* What? But boss, remember that one time that we ran out of actors for a princess movie?
* Mike i swear to god-
* And you got so desperate to please the lightners that you decided to play the role of the princess yourself...
* And you were stuttering almost all the time in all of your lines...
* And almost had a panic attack when the cameras started rolling in the kiss scene...
* And then you never finished the movie because of that...
* HAHA! I remember i was playing the prince on that one, that was wei-
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spdy4 · 10 months
You are a Bombshell Purple Goat Lady
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dark-arts-stuff · 10 months
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So I drew this guy about 2 months ago and never finished it until now. The Host with the Most belongs to @spdy4
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theweirdcobrakaifan · 4 months
been thinking of snake Dennis and Mike being terry and kreese adopted sons and like they would having karaoke night in terry mansion in the 80s
And then kreese leaves and terry gains custody of them even tho he already custody because come on kreese wasn’t being a good dad anyway 🙄 he was to busy trying get Johnny back
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b-bear06 · 7 months
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Here's my Deltarune Chapter 3 Perdtions (Old OLD designs)
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glitch-the-artist · 11 months
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made a concept sketch of a poster for my chapter 3 take, maybe when my drawing pad is fix I can make a better quality Version of this.
anyways ya, I know there are a bunch of characters here I haven’t introduced yet to y’all, but hey think of it as a little teaser I guess.
anyways if you guys want me to make another poster for my take on chapter 4, or hell even five, then let me know.
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eucidianlyendless · 1 year
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These are a bit old, and potentially I might update them at some point, but I'm quite proud of each of these guys, being my conceptual ideas for each of the proceeding bosses in Deltarune, leading up to the Knight.
I think it's fair that I will just keep reposting with the individual characters to explain each of them for you (besides lancer King and queen, I don't need to tell you about them they're canon characters)
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ragtimeunder · 23 days
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combo attack
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im-s0rry · 5 months
This is a question for this other “Mr. Rook”!
This can go one of two ways,
Option One: "Alright, Rook, I'll see you in court with my best lawyers (who just happy to be my closest friends with the snazziest of suits!)"
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Or Option Two:
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