#rooster and ice is something i think about alot
forsty · 2 years
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ice <3
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All We Need - Part 7 - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
A/N: Sorry guys for the delay on this part. It is a bit shorter than usual and there will probably be 1 maybe 2 more parts to this series. I hope you enjoy it - as always feel free to send through requests or feedback.
A/N2: I have just reposted this it turns out some of the tags were not working so sorry to those who wanted to be tagged and weren't hopefully that is fixed now!!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, spoilers for the mission in the movie, naval inaccuracies, alot of Rooster x reader giving sibling vibes
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Sitting in my cabin on the carrier my leg was bouncing up and down it was only two hours until the mission took place. I hadn’t spoken to Jake since last night when I left him speechless on the couch and I had my dad pick me up early before anyone was awake leaving Daisy with a kiss on the forehead. Flashbacks to my conversation with Jake running through my head when the cabin door cracks open to reveal Bradley with a sad look.
“You okay in here Thena?”
“Brad, come in, yeah i am fine”
“Want to try that again?”
“Who told you?”
“Hangman actually, said something about a disagreement last night then said he hasn’t seen you since.” I nod lowly.
“It wasn’t a disagreement I just told him why I picked you and not him.”
“Ah yes he also mentioned that. You do know you are not replaceable to anyone especially not Jake and Daisy.”
“Did you just call him Jake?” Rooster cringed slightly with a laugh.
“That is beside the point, you aren’t. I know we haven’t spoken much since we got recalled but Athena you have to see what we all see, you are Daisy’s mother and Hangman is so in love with you.”
“And you are in love with Phoenix.” Rooster laughed and looked down at his hands.
“Yes I am, how about we make a deal, we both make it through this we tell Hangman and Phoenix how we feel.”
I laugh slightly “you know what, deal.”
“We are going to make it through this aren’t we?” Bradley ask in a sad voice.
“I am going to try my hardest to make sure you do.”
“I love you Y/N, we will get through this.”
“After all we have a few angels looking out for us, I love you too Bradley.” Bradley pulls me into a tight hug and kisses the top of my head before turning towards the door. 
“Bradley! When we are up there, Don’t think, Just do.” He nods and leaves my cabin. I fix up my uniform before grabbing my helmet and heading towards the flight deck, as I get there i can see everyone else next to their planes doing there checks, at the end i see Jake and Coyote getting there planes ready incase we need back up, Jake and I make eye contact, his eyes hold a sad look, I turn quickly to my plane starting to do the checks when i hear footsteps behind me. I turn to see Ice and Mav and Hondo standing there.
“Sirs, can I help you?” Ice doesn’t respond just give me a tight hug followed by mav and Hondo.
“Be safe and come home. We all love you.” Ice says and Mav nods before they turn around and head back to the control centre. 
“You have some people looking for advice Athena.” Hondo steps aside and I see Payback, Fanboy, Bob, Phoenix, Rooster, Coyote and finally Jake right at the back.
“Daggers, some of you may know but after this we are permanently becoming a squad, therefore whatever happens up there today, we stick together and we have each others backs to make sure everyone comes home. And if by some miracle we pull this off, beers are on me.” They all cheer at the laugh statement and start hugging each other. Phoenix and Bib hug me before we hear the announcement that we are to be taking off in less than 5 mins and that kills that laughter before we all look at each other before heading back to our planes. I climb into my jet Hondo following me up.
“I don’t like that look Athena.”
“Its the only one I have Hondo.”
“Mav only says that when he is about to do something dumb.” I laugh and so does he.
“Look after them Hondo, for me.”
“Always,” i nod it was one of the things i lkked about Hondo, he was a realist and never tried to pull the whole everyone will make it back speech. “you know everyone compares you to Ice but you really do have the best of your Dad, Ice and Mav, so fly like that today okay.” I nod as i start to close the canopy up.
“Dagger Three Up and ready” i hear Phoenix say through coms.
“Dagger Spare Up and ready.” Jake comes through next followed by Payback and Rooster. I take a deep breath.
“Dagger One, up and ready.”
“Daggers ready on catapult awaiting command approval.” I hear control centre thorough the comms, then we hear Cyclone.
“Send them.” With that we are launched off the carrier and get into formation, after descending below radar level, i give the all clear to release the tomahawks looking up as they fly above us. 
“Daggers into attack formation, enter point in Tminus 30secs, 2minute 30 second on the clock - entering now.” I press the timer on my dash as i hear the others confirm they have to as we enter the canyon. As we fly at pace I can hear in the comms that rooster is falling behind.
“Rooster you have to pick up the pace.” I yell into my comms
“Come on Dad talk to me.” As I am about to respond i bear Mav come through the comms.
“Come on kid, dont think just do.” Suddenly Rooster picks up the place as i fly under a bridge speaking into the comms to warn the others.
“You with me Phoenix?”
“Right behind you Athena.”
“Popping up in 10secs be ready on that laser Bob.” 
“All system check, Laser is a go.” Bob responds.
“Popping in 3,,,2,,,,1” i suddenly feel the force on my body as we pop up and level out heading towards the target, as Bob confirms he has a lock to the target  I drop my missiles and pull up on the joy stick, crushing weight of gravity as the G-Force gets stronger, i can hear the heavy breathing of Phoenix and Bob.
“Stay with me Phoenix, Rooster status.” I say through laboured breaths,
“Nearly there Athena. Fanboy have the laser ready.” I hear Bob yell that we had direct contact, simultaneously with Fanboy saying there is something wrong with the laser. He is going back and forth with Rooster until Rooster said he was dropping blind. I levelled out when i saw smoke in the air from the SAMs.
“Here they come guys, SMOKE IN THE AIR.!” I yell. With that chaos ensures everyone screaming at each other where the SAMs were coming from and what direction to break, i saw rooster with two SAMs behind him.
“Deploying counter-measures,,,SHIT I am out of flares.” I hear Roosters panicked voice through the comms.
“Rooster Evade Evade!” I yell back at him as i see he has come up behind me, without hesitation i pulled the throttle back soaring over the top of Roosters jet releasing the flares I had left before i felt an all too familiar jolt of a missile hitting the back of my jet and before i know it I am burning in plummeting towards the snow as I reach down below me and pull the ejection handle, quickly followed by the string to deploy my parachute before blacking out as i land in the snow.
Icemans POV
Everyone let out a sigh of relief when we heard through the radio the Rooster had hit the target. The mission had been successful. I hear Cyclone mutter under his breath now they just all had to get home. I looked at Maverick who look as nervous as i felt listening to our pilots yelling directions at each other in order to avoid the SAMs. I held my breath when I heard Rooster saying he was out of flares with two SAMs on his tail. I looked at Mav as we heard Athena yelling at him to evade, and i felt like i was about to pass out when Roosters voice came through the comms.
“ATHENA NO!!” Rooster screams
“D-dagger one is down” I hear Phoenix say her voice breaking slightly “I repeat dagger one is down”
I stumble backwards sitting down on the chair behind me looking at Maverick who has tears in his eyes, Hondo has his head in his hands and Cyclone and Warlock are speechless, before we can even really process one of the operates reports that there are bandits incoming, and Cyclone is telling them to come back to the carrier, like ringing in my eyes i can hear Rooster argue that they should go back for Athena and cyclone argues that they aren’t losing anyone else. A silent sob leaves my chest when i hear Jake through the comms
“Dagger Spare request permission to fly cover and search and rescue.” Hoarseness in his voice indicating that he too probably has tears streaming down his face like me and Mav who both are yet to say anything outloud.
Cyclone shakes his head at Jakes request. “Negative spare, daggers return to the carrier.”
“Sir, what about Athena.” Hondo says his voice slightly shaky.
“There is nothing we can do for her, not in goddamn F-18s” he shakes his head “I won’t lose anyone else today.” We all look down understanding his position.
“Rooster, don’t do it, she is gone.” We hear Phoenix over the radio.
“I am not loosing her, not today.”
“ROOSTER!!” We look at the screen to see Roosters jet going in another direction before hovering for a few seconds then disappeared on the screen much like Athena’s had done minutes before. Now Mav sat down next to me head in his hands.
“We certainly raised dumb stubborn kids.” I laugh slightly but can’t form a sentence, I pat Mav on the shoulder before walking out of the control room towards the flight deck. 
When I get to the flight deck I can see Jake sitting against the landing gear head in his hand and I go and sit next to him.
“We lost them both.” Jake looks up shocked.
“What do you mean both?”
“Rooster went down as well, I think he went back for her and got shot down.” Jake let out a sob as I wrapped my arms around him.
I jolt awake in the cold snow and unclip my parachute before I turn around and hear the sound of a helicopter approaching. At first I thought that it may have been search and rescue then I saw their guns point towards me, without hesitation I start to run and I dive behind a log, accepting that this may very well be the end of me and I start to think of my parents, my dysfunctional aunts and uncles and finally Jake and Daisy and I smile at the thought they will be my last thought until I hear an explosion and look up to see that the helicopter is spinning out of control and there is one of our jets hovering, then I see smoke in the air and the jet tail is hit, I let go of the breath I was holding when I see a parachute land a few hundred meters away from me in the woods. I start sprinting towards where I saw the parachute land, as I get closer I see Rooster wrapping up his chute.
“Rooster, are you okay?”
“Athena, I am fine.”
“Good” I say as I shove him back into the snow. 
“What the hell Athena?”
“Me what the hell! You are meant to be back on the carrier by now Rooster what the hell were you thinking!”
“Mav taught us not to think, plus I made a promise to make sure you came home!”
“YOU WHAT! Who the hell made you promise that.” Rooster just raised his eyebrow at me “Jake of course, well news flash Rooster now we are both stuck!”
“They will send search and rescue.”
“No Rooster, they won’t, we have landed to far into enemy territory for them to risk it.”
“It is good to see you alive Athena.” “You too Rooster, you too.” I gave him a hug as I pull back I give him a look.
“I don’t like that look.”
“I think I have an idea, follow me.” After a walk we are perched on the top of a hill looking at the demolished airbase that our tomahawks took out earlier that day, I grab a mini telescope looking to see if there is any planes undamaged, “Bingo.”
“You have got to be shitting me Athena, a F-14”
“Hey Mav shot down 3 MIGs I one of those.”
“We don’t even know if that bag of ass can fly.”
“Only one way to find out.” I say as we start walking across the base towards the plane, Rooster pointing out people coming near us so we start to run to the plane. Once we get there I start explaining to Rooster what to do as I climb in the pilot seat, sighing with relief as it starts up and Rooster climbs into the back seat. 
“Do you even know how to fly this thing Athena.” “Rooster I knew how to fly one of these before I knew how to drive a car.” He just nodded as we got onto the taxi way, I look over to see the runway is completely destroyed, I start putting the wings out when I hear a panicked voice from behind.
“Why are the wings coming out Thena?” I ignore him as I push down on the throttle the plane speeding up as I do. I can hear Rooster stressing behind me. We gain speed quickly and just before the end of the taxi way i pull up of the throttle the plane jolting up along with it the landing clipping the ruin of a building snapping off.
“Get us in touch with the ship Rooster.”
“Any clue how to do that Athena?”
“Uhhh circuit breaker 2 I think.” 
“Thena there is over 300 switches back here”
“Figure it out Rooster it is in you blood.” I hear him mumble a complaint before his panicked voice breaks through again “tally two low Athena”
I tell Rooster to put down his visor and pull his mask up as the other planes pilot starts to make hand signals I barely recognise.
“What is your plan here Athena?”
“I don’t know yet, have you turned your beacon on?”
“Yeah I turned it on as soon as we were airborne.”
“I want you to punch out Rooster and then the ship will send search and rescue for you”
“And what about you huh? What are you going to do?”
“No Athena, if you think for one second that I am going to punch out and leave you to draw them away with a dog fight you are extremely wrong.”
“Rooster, you have to make it back.”
“Then do some of that pilot shit Athena, cause I am not leaving my sister to die up here.” I sigh heavily.
“Alright then, its a dogfight.”
@dory-98 @djs8891 @brooke-stinson @emma8895eb @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby @itsdesiree86 @dempy @kmc1989
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fandomxpreferences · 2 years
I Don't Remember Who I Used to Be
Pairing: Rooster x Pilot!Reader (female)
TW: angst, heavy alcohol use, fluff, mentions of death and grief, swearing, I think that's it.
Summary: Bradley knows you're struggling as the first anniversary of your near death experience is coming up. When you don't show up at the Hard Deck, and he can't get ahold of you he speeds home. What he finds breaks his heart.
Word Count: 3k
A/N: this is alot of angst and pain lol. There WILL be a part 2 to this. Please leave any feedback you have as always!
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You were currently balled up on your bathroom floor with tears streaming down your face and an empty bottle of whiskey. You agreed to go out with the dagger squad tonight, but grief had other plans. You were fairly new to the group and the Uranium mission was the first time you had flown with most of them, Rooster being the exception. You had known him your whole life. He was the only person who knew why you had been reassigned from your last squad. The only person you would want in a time like this. 
You stared at his contact debating on calling him before deciding against it and shutting your phone off. You already felt bad enough, you didn't need to feel like a burden too. It had only been a year, but it felt like you'd lost a decade of your life. The anniversary was coming up and nothing else could occupy your mind. You leaned back as scenes of that day ruthlessly flashed behind your eyelids.
It had been a routine mission. Everything should have gone smoothly, there was no reason to believe something like this would happen. Everything that could have gone wrong did. Your team leader was Razor and his wingmen were Thunder and Bambi. You had given Bambi her call sign when the squad went ice skating one year and she kept falling. She had been like a sister to you. You were flying solo and Raven and Cobra were behind you. Raven was getting married in a week and the six of you were talking about the wedding, already well on your way back to the carrier. You had already completed the mission, the hard part should have been over. 
You were about to make a dig at Raven for deciding to wear a burgundy tux when his voice suddenly filled your ears. "Eagle 4 to comms, I've got a bogey on my tail. Are we expecting any friendlies?" Before he could get an answer his voice came through your headset again, this time more frantic. "Smoke in the air! Tally two, 6 o'clock! Deploying flares!"
He broke left with Razor while you and 
Thunder cut to the right. You let the bandit chase you while Thunder tried to swing around and get a missile lock on him. He was able to shoot the enemy down but before you could take a breath, you heard Bambi yell that there was a third tally that they couldn't shake. You dropped in behind the bandit, but it was too late. Your heart stopped in your chest as you watched their jet go up in flames. You listened to their panicked voices as they yelled that they had been hit and tried to regain control. 
You didn't even realize you had been screaming. "Bambi eject! Thunder Please!" Their jet was in an unrecoverable tailspin and they were running out of time. You watched in slow motion as the bandit locked another missile onto them. Everything happened in less time than it takes to blink, yet it felt like you had been frozen for hours as you watched the plane containing two of your teammates explode. 
You were quickly pulled back to reality as you heard Razor's voice saying they had successfully shot down another enemy plane. But in what seemed like a sick cosmic joke, two more bandits came out of nowhere as soon as the words left his mouth. Raven was out of flares and Razor was running low. You heard him calling your name. 
"Sonic, get this fucker off of me!" Razor was trying to get a lock on the bandit chasing Raven but the fourth bandit was gaining on him and he only had one flare left. 
You jerked the yoke to the right, cutting a sharp turn before lining up your sights on the enemy. You were a good pilot. Great even. The top 1%. But it seemed the enemy was just as talented, as they anticipated your next move. They quickly dropped down and stalled out before coming up behind you. 
The next few minutes seemed like an eternity as you and your team deployed flares and evaded the enemy. But luck was running out and you had just used your last flare. The three bandits seemed to have unlimited ammo and missiles and you were starting to think you weren't going to make it out of this alive. By this point, you only had two missiles left and there were three tallies. 
You looked on in horror as Razor fails to escape a missile and his plane takes the impact. You close your eyes as you hear him scream before he's ambushed with gunfire and his plane crashes into the unforgiving water below. 
You're outnumbered and neither of you have any way of protecting yourselves from incoming threats. The only saving grace was that the plane behind you seemed to be out of ammo too. 
"Break left, Raven. We have to split them up." You watched as two of the enemy aircraft relentlessly pursued Raven and Cobra. Before you could process what to do, you felt your jet jerk suddenly before plummeting towards the earth. Apparently, the third bandit did have more ammo. 
You hear raven yelling at you to bail out as you try to restart your engines. A few seconds pass before you realize you can't save yourself from the free fall and you pull the handle by your feet. The force of the ejection knocks the air out of you and causes your vision to blur. 
Your parachute deploys, but you had been too close to the water for it to do much good. You braced yourself as you collide with the sea. Your body explodes in burning pain before you lose consciousness. 
When you wake up, you're met with bright lights and a deep ache in your muscles. You blink a few times before you remember what happened. You try to sit up and let out a pained moan. You hear a chair scrape before a large hand envelops yours. Bradley was listed as your emergency contact. 
You look at him and he gives you a small, tortured smile. "How are you feeling, killer?" You clear your throat. "Sore." He gives a small chuckle and rolls his eyes. "Well, yea I figured that."
You glance around the room and notice he's the only one here. "Where's Raven and Cobra?" You tense as his face falls. He averts his gaze to look at the floor before meeting your eyes. You didn't like the way he was looking at you. It was concern mixed with sympathy. 
"Rooster, where the fuck are my teammates?" You heard the beeping on the monitor next to you speed up as you filled with dread and anxiety, praying he wouldn't say what you were thinking. 
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. They didn't make it." If you weren't in a bed you would have collapsed. Your breath hitched as your hearing was replaced with a muffled ringing. Your entire team was dead. Five of your best friends in the world. 
You had been lucky to walk away with just a broken clavicle and some gnarly bruises. They held you for observation before sending you home. Bradley took some time to stay with you. You were grateful since you didn't have any family where you were and all your friends- well. You suppose you didn't really have any anymore besides him. 
The next week goes by in a blur and before you know it you're saluting five empty caskets. The funeral was held with full honors on the day Raven was supposed to get married. You watched as his widow collapsed from grief and had to be drug away from the cemetery wailing.
Rooster gave you a few minutes before slowly and gently pulling you towards his bronco. He drove you home as you stared blankly out the window. The first couple of nights you had cried until you threw up. Now you were just numb. You didn't know if the gravity of the situation would ever truly hit you.
Rooster had spent the next week of his leave by your side, forcing you to eat and shower. In between, he just laid in bed with you and held you. Somewhere in that time frame, things changed. He went back to San Diego and you put in a request to transfer and be closer to him. 
You couldn't stand the way everyone on base looked at you and whispered behind your back. Everyone either looked at you with pity or like you were a ghost. You wanted a new start. You couldn't bare to see Raven's fiancé around town and everywhere you looked you were reminded of a memory with your squad. 
Over the next few months living in San Diego, your friendship with Rooster would evolve into a relationship as he helped you through the nightmares and made sure you were safe and taken care of.
Now, here you were on the verge of blacking out and all you could think was how you wish you died with them. You wanted to live. Really, you did. You loved Rooster and want a future with him. But every time you took a breath you felt like you were suffocating with guilt. 
Guilt that you were here and they weren't. That you would get your white wedding, and see another birthday, and get to experience all the joys of life they were robbed of. You thought about it every second of every day and you didn't know how to be happy anymore.
Rooster had been at the hard deck for a while before he looked at his watch and realized you were supposed to be here almost two hours ago. Normally, he would just assume you had been tired and decided to stay in. But he knew what was coming up and he had noticed the shift in your behavior. 
He checked his phone to find you hadn't texted him to fill him in on you staying home and began to worry. He moved to the patio outside as he hit call on your contact and brought the phone up to his ear. His stomach dropped as it went straight to voicemail.
You always had your phone and you were meticulous about keeping it charged. He called three more times before getting in his bronco and speeding home without telling anybody goodbye.
He pulled up to your shared home to find it dark and the patio light off. Now he was sure something was wrong. You always left the light on for him if he was going to be out late. 
He jumped out of the truck and ran to the door fumbling with his keys. He looked around at the dark house calling out your name. "Y/N? Baby? Where are you?" 
He began to panic when you didn't give him a response. He poked his head in the bedroom silently praying you were asleep and this was all just coincidence. His heart dropped when he realized he had no such luck. 
He was about to call your name again when he saw light peeking out from the en suite. He tried to open the door only to find it locked. It was dead silent and he could tell something wasn't right. “Baby, unlock the door. You're scaring me.”
When he didn't get a response he gave you a warning. "Y/N, you have until I count to three to open the door or I'm kicking it down." 
Meanwhile inside, you hadn't even registered his presence. Your vision had begun to go black and you were seconds away from giving into the darkness when the door came crashing down. Despite the loud noise and Bradley's frantic appearance, you barely showed any sign of acknowledgment besides a low groan. 
Rooster's eyes widened as he saw the state you were in. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't this. He looked over the scene in front of him and he felt his heart break. There was an empty bottle beside you and your cheeks were stained wit dry tears. Even with your eyes shut he could see they were red and swollen.
He felt tears prick his eyes as he knelt beside you. He gently grabs your head which has now lolled to the side and caresses your face. "Oh, sweet girl. What did you do?" 
He checks your pulse as he splashes cold water on you trying to get you to wake up. He's seen you drunk before but never like this. He was beginning to wonder if he should call an ambulance. 
"Y/N." After not getting any sort of answer, he lightly taps your face and says your name a little louder. "Y/N. Baby, I need to know if I need to get help." Any other time he would cringe at the desperation in his voice, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
You slowly peeked one eye open and gave him a sloppy smile when his face came into focus. "Brabley, when did you get here?"
He gave a small smile at your mispronunciation of his name before remembering the severity of the situation. Under different circumstances he would've found it adorable, but the way you were struggling to form words sent another wave of worry through him.
“Ive been here for a few minutes, pretty girl. How much did you drink?” He knew you at least drank the entire bottle of whiskey, but he needed to know if that was all you had consumed.
Before you could give an answer, you shot up. "I'm gonna puke." Bradley wasted no time in helping you get to the toilet and tying your hair back. He rubbed your back and neck as you emptied your stomach until you were dry heaving. It went on like this for a few minutes before you fell back onto the cold tile and laid your head on your arm. 
While you were significantly more sober, you were still beyond what would even be considered wasted. At least now you could form somewhat cohesive thoughts and Bradley could understand your words. 
He watched in silence as new tears started falling off your face and picked you up off the floor. He leaned against the wall and brought you into his lap. He knew this wasn't something he could fix, but he was going to try his hardest to help how he could. 
When you registered Bradley's arms around you, you let out a tormented sob before collapsing fully into him. He held you as you cried and felt a few of his own tears slip out of the corner of his eyes. 
"I'm not going to leave you. You're never going to have to suffer by yourself again. I promise." You don't say anything but he feels your breathing slowly even out and after a few more minutes it's quiet besides an occasional hiccup. 
He sighs as he moves you to look at him. "You can't keep it all inside you know? Bottling it up won't do any good." You nod your head and he notices fresh tears on your waterline. You've sobered up more and you just want to crawl into bed. You have a splitting headache and your throat hurts from screaming and throwing up. 
You ponder for a second before opening your mouth to speak. You know you need to talk now while your guard is down. You're still just drunk enough for your filter to be off and you'd never open up fully stone-cold sober.
Bradley watched as the wheels turned in your head and waited patiently for what you were going to say. "When they died, I feel as though I died with them. I watched it all happen and time stood still. I don't understand why I was the one who survived."
If possible, Rooster's heart broke even further as he watched the girl he loved bare her soul to him. "I almost quit flying. Every time I sit in the cockpit, it's all I can think about until my feet are on the ground again. I'm not the same pilot I was."
Bradley went to comfort you before deciding not to interrupt you. He just kissed your forehead as an encouragement to continue. "When Hangman made those comments about me not having what it takes and being afraid to take risks, he was right. I don't remember who I used to be."
You looked up at him and at that moment he noticed how small and broken you looked. A shell of the vibrant and fearless woman and pilot he's always known. "You're safe, Y/N. I won't let you go. Why don't we go to bed and we can talk about this with clear heads over breakfast?"
You nod your head and he pulls you to your feet. He helps you brush your teeth before leading you into your bedroom. You sit on the bed and watch as he flits around the room. After a couple minutes, he brings you your favorite shirt of his and a pair of sweatpants. 
He helps you change out of your old clothes before tucking you into your side of the bed and kissing your head. "I'll be right back."
He comes back a few seconds later with a wet rag and gently wipes off all your makeup. You relish in how the cold feels against your burning skin as you feel yourself nodding off. You vaguely register the sound of Bradley doing his night routine before feeling the bed dip. 
You scoot back as you feel his arms wrap around you and pull you into his chest. It doesn't take long before his warmth and steady heartbeat lull you into a peaceful slumber.
Rooster lays awake most of the night trying figure out what to do. He was aware you struggled, but it had never occurred to him just how much agony you were in. He knew you needed to discuss this tomorrow, but he wasn't even sure you'd remember all this.
He felt you snuggle in closer to him and breathed in your scent. He didn't know what tomorrow would bring. So for now, he decided to relish in the feeling of you in his arms, safe and warm.
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akuasnow · 6 years
Munday Meme (I know. It’s not Monday.) (If you’re not comfortable doing this then dw. Copy and paste, and be sure to add in your own answers and tag some friends!)
  General Info: ♡ Preferred name: Tally/ Aqua ♡ Age: 25 ♡ Pronouns: (Transgender) She/Her ♡ Sexuality: Demisexual
♡ Height: 5ft 9in
♡ Hair colour: Black
♡ Relationship status: Single, Also Single in game *Pouts* ♡  Favourite Things: My Computer, I call it Sapphire. Super Pretty blue LED Lights in it. ♡ Favourite colour: Blue, Green, Teal
♡ Favourite song:Hmm I usually stick to Hip-Hop and RnB. But I do dabble in everything. Usually listen to songs that tell a story and how it relates to how I personally Feel. But right now I’m listening to alot of the rapper Logic. My favorite song from him is either Till the end or Upgrade.
♡ Favourite band: Well this is also tough but a more modern Band would be Oceans Over Airplanes. Not well known though but give them a listen, you might like it!! For older I would have to pick Journey. Legendary. ♡ Favourite youtubers: My Name is Byf, Vaatividya, Geek & Sundry, Nerdist, Rooster Teeth, and Obsidian Ant ♡ Favourite food: Hibachi Chicken with Rice....Mmmm...now I’m hungry~
♡ Favourite family member: Noooone of them. My family is crazy ♡ Favourite bird: Cardinals! Pretty red bird and also my State Bird.
♡ Favourite animal: Omg otters!!!! I can’t stress enough at how much I love otters, with their hand holding while doing like...anything. Sleeping? Hand holding. Floating? Hand holding. Both? Hand Holding!! I think I like hand holding...<_< ♡ Favourite celebrity: Tough...Multiple?? Cuba Gooding Jr, Laurence Fishburn, Don Cheadle, Donald Glover, Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Keira Knightley, and Matthew McConaughey. ♡ Favourite time of day: Night time for sure. Around the day everyone is awake and they really tend to tire me out. During the night I feel like I can actually think and do things that I like to do.
�� Favourite holiday(s): Halloween and Christmas. What can I say? I hate having to choose just one! ♡ Favourite season: Winter ♡ Favourite fruit: Mmm...Grapes
♡ Favourite flower: Forget-Me-Nots ♡ Favourite emoji(s): ♥ ♡ Favourite app:Only Discord and Twitch and Crunchyroll
♡ Favourite hobby: VidjaGaems, Drawing, Movies, Fixing my computer if it breaks. ♡ Favourite country:  Japan!! Is it weird that I would feel more at home than I do at my home in the US? ♡ Favourite weather: Snowing~ or a Clear Night sky. I love looking up and seeing all the spectacles. ♡ Favourite element: Water/ Ice ♡ Favourite language: Japanese. When I was young I actually started to learn it in school but before It really stuck with me they took it out and fired that teacher. Damn Budget cuts. (I don’t know if that was really the cause, I’m just looking for something to blame my ineptitude) Name of: ♡ Name of your crush: I Have...a few but I’m not sure I’m ready to even say. I mean what if they saw?! ♡ Name of your pet(s):I don’t have any pets but...I do have a pair of fox dolls!! Amber and Silvy. ♡ Name(s) of your best friend(s): Don’t have any best friends at the moment but...hopefully I’m working on one or two...!! If they can put up with my anxiety and depressive modes.
This or That? ♡ introvert or extrovert: I’m an Introvert all the way. Too much socialization really drains me but with those that I like a lot that energy drains a lot slower. ♡ nerdy or sassy: NERDY!!...Ahem Nerdy. ♡ tall or short: Short is so adorable, I wish I was shorter. ♡ looks or personality: Personality. If you have a good personality, then chances are I’ll like you and when I like you and can get along well, more intimate feels develop in me and from there the sky is the limit...Why is that a saying? I don’t want limits to affection!! ♡ homesick or traveler: This one is tough, I’d much rather be home than anything but If I were to go on a trip I just kind of don’t worry about home at all until I’m back. Then I feel like everything Is weird and/ or different somehow.
♡ musician or artist:Artist, I mean I am an aspiring artist myself after all. ♡ woods or city: Woods, how else would I keep my sanity? ♡ tv or youtube: Youtube, yeah. TV really feels outdated now. But you know...People are out there just happily watching TV shows on the networks time instead of your own. ♡ phone or computer: Computer!! I need my MCP ♡ family or money: I really want to say friends that I can make my family. Because my family really is crazy and toxic. ♡ books or movies: I have to say movies. I’d love to read more books though. It would help me with my Roleplay and vocabulary. But for some reason reading is hard for me to keep focused. ♡ food or sleep: Sleep, Sometimes insomnia just steals sleep from me and I’m like...Insomnia you can’t keep doing this.
Tagged by: @saphiraalove
Tagging: @tovakiin @aguri-ff14
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