#rooster fan ficton
topguncortez · 11 months
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Into the Fire || Whumptober Day 17 - Bradley & Dragon
whumptober masterlist
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synopsis: dragon and rooster feel like they are reliving their worst nightmare over again. but this time, things look a little bit brighter
word count: 1.3k
@ailesswhumptober prompt: "you look a little pale"
warnings: mentions of stillbirth, mentions of miscarriage, fear of hospitals, passing out, ultrasounds, pregnancy, PTSD
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Rooster had gotten the message right before he was about to get up in his plane. Hondo came running straight towards him, yelling and calling his name. Rooster thought that maybe he had forgotten something during pre-flight, but he had always been so careful about checking his plane. But the look on Hondo’s face said otherwise, and Rooster took off towards his Bronco, dialing his wife’s number over and over. He probably broke every single traffic law that he possibly could get to the hospital. When he arrived Y/N Seresin was pacing the floor, her face looking pale and her body was slightly shaking. 
Dragon had been spending the day with Y/N Seresin and Val Machado. It was her first day of maternity leave, and she was taking it a bit hard. She had woken up at 5 AM when Rooster’s alarm went off, but she sat on the bed with a sad look on her face while Rooster got ready. The pregnancy hadn’t been easy on her, and Rooster was worried that spending all day by herself wasn’t going to be very helpful, so he called Y/N. 
They were at brunch when Dragon started to complain about her head hurting. She had been having headaches and dizzy spells off and on for the past couple of weeks of her third trimester. She summed it up to her body just being exhausted. Growing a human was hard work. Growing a human who was already measuring bigger than 29 weeks was even harder work. 
Dragon had been fine, or so she had told them until she had turned as white as a sheet and passed out in Val’s arms. 
“Y/N,” Rooster called out and the woman looked up at him. 
“Val is with her,” She simply said, and Rooster nodded, “I-I don’t know what-what.” 
“Shh,” Rooster said, bringing her in for a hug, “Thank you for getting her here.” 
Y/N nodded her head, “No problem, Rooster.” 
Rooster pulled away from her, “Jake coming to get you?” Y/N nodded her head again, “Okay. I’m gonna go find my wife.” 
It felt like deja vu all over again as Rooster checked in at the nurses’ station, giving them Dragon’s name and his relation to them. He felt the same fear he did nearly a year ago as he rode the elevator in silence, holding back tears. Rooster tilted his head back and looked up at the ceiling, saying a small prayer to whoever would listen. 
“Please don’t take them,” Rooster sniffled, “I need them, Dad.”  
When the elevator dinged and the doors rolled back, Rooster started preparing himself for the worst. He let out a shaky breath as he rounded the corner, and saw Val sitting by Dragon’s bedside. His wife looked to be sleeping, and Val had her hands clasped as if she were saying a prayer. He clenched his jaw as he knocked softly and Val lifted her head, giving him a sad smile. She stood up from the chair she was in and kissed Dragon’s forehead before stepping out of the room to talk to Bradley. 
“W-what happened?” Bradley asked. 
“She passed out while we were shopping,” Val said softly, “Her blood pressure was extremely low when we got her in. We’re running some tests.” 
Bradley covered his mouth with his fist, biting back tears, “The baby?” 
“She wouldn’t let us do the ultrasound without you,” Val frowned, “She’s terrified, Bradley.” 
Bradley didn’t blame her, he was terrified too. The last time this had happened, Dragon woke up to the news that her baby no longer had a heartbeat. Bradley felt bile rising in his throat, as he swallowed thickly and looked at Val. 
“I need to be with her,” He said and Val nodded, “Thank you, Val, for being there for her,” Bradley patted the woman’s shoulder and went towards his wife’s room. 
Bradley knocked on his wife’s door and quietly pushed it open. She was looking away from him, out the window at the now falling rain. He quietly made his way to her bedside and sat down in the chair next to her. He didn’t say anything as he lifted his hand and placed it on hers. Dragon closed her eyes as silent tears rolled down her cheeks. She grabbed onto his hand and held it in her own, squeezing it tightly as a sob left her mouth. Bradley clenched his jaw and looked down at his boots, letting his own tears fall. 
“I’m sorry,” Dragon whimpered and Bradley moved quickly, getting in bed next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong, sweetheart,” Bradley said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. He could see Val peeking through the small window in the door, “Will you let them do the ultrasound?” 
Dragon’s eyes filled with tears as she looked up at the ceiling. She had been dreading this moment since they brought her into the hospital. The last time she was in a room like this, she was told her baby no longer had a heartbeat. Anxiety filled her body even thinking about having an ultrasound done. Every appointment she went to, she would look the other way as the doctor took the scan. 
“Yes,” Dragon said, pushing away her own fear. It scared her even more not knowing what was going on at all, “I just didn’t want to be alone.” 
Bradley’s heart broke in his chest thinking about how scared and alone his wife felt. He had promised that he’d be right by her side for anything and everything, no matter how big or small it was. He didn’t want to miss a single moment. 
Gingerly, Bradley got out of the bed and walked to the door. Val was waiting patiently outside, ready to do the ultrasound. She had been the one to do the ultrasound when the Bradshaws were pregnant with Ida, and ultimately she had been the one to deliver the horrible news. Val wheeled in the ultrasound machine and set it by Dragon’s bedside. The Trace girl kept her eyes trained on the rain hitting the window. 
“Alright, this is gonna feel pretty cool,” Val said as she squeezed some gel onto Dragon’s bump, “Have you felt them move at all?” 
Dragon looked at her friend, “A bit,” She answered softly. 
Val gave Dragon a small smile, “That’s good. Let’s take a look here, alright?” 
All Dragon could do was turn her head, looking back towards the window. Val and Bradley shared a look, both understanding how this was for her. Bradley could feel his wife’s anxiety rolling off her in waves. He sat down in the chair next to her bed, taking her hand in his and running his other hand over her hair. Dragon eyes drifted to Bradley, his warm honey-brown eyes feeling like home. 
“Whatever happens-” Dragon started. 
“We’ll get through this together,” Bradley spoke. 
Val glanced over at the two of them and smiled, before turning the ultrasound screen more towards them, “Here’s baby Bradshaw,” Dragon turned her head to look at the monitor as the all too familiar whooshing sound filled the room, “Heartbeat is strong. They look good for their size, the head shape looks good, and the femur length looks good. And, oh!” Val chuckled, “They’re kicking!” 
“Kicking me in the fucking spleen,” Dragon huffed and playfully rolled her eyes, looking down at her bump, “Everything is alright?” 
“Everything is alright,” Val said, “We’re still waiting on your test results before we send you home. We paged your regular OB to come talk to you.” Val gently grabbed a cloth to wipe up Dragon’s belly, “I’ll be at the nurses’ station if you need me.” 
“Thank you, Val,” Bradley said, his eyes full of sincerity. Val nodded towards her friends before leaving them alone. Bradley nuzzled his face against Dragon's neck, "I love you to the moon and back."
"And I love you more than the stars love the moon," Dragon smiled, "We're gonna be alright, you, me and them."
Bradley nodded his head, "We're gonna be alright."
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