#ror developer
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botreetech · 2 years
The difference between Node.js and Ruby on Rails can be difficult to understand. Read this article for a detailed comparison of Ruby on Rails and Node JS.
Read more: https://www.botreetechnologies.com/blog/ruby-on-rails-vs-node-js-a-detailed-comparison/
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geitpl · 1 year
Expand your skillset and take your development career to the next level Join Our team Now 🧑‍💻👩‍💻
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nekofantasia · 2 years
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Not me downloading a bunch of courses
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prowurkdotcom · 3 days
I'm highly experienced full stack developer having huge experience with Ruby on Rails, React.Js and React Native and Sharetribe customization.
I have more than 8 years of web development experience in Ruby on Rails, Ruby, Javascript, Bootstrap and Foundation.
I got more than 4 years experience with React.Js front end framework and and React Native cross plafotm mobile application frame work.
I have nearly 4 years of extensive experience with the open source peer to peer marketplace framework sharetribe.
I have also worked as a system administrator, and more than 8 years and a half I am involved in web developing industry. My passion for back-end development and front-end detail has helped to produce effective and aesthetically pleasing web applications.
I have been working on cross platform mobile applications framework from last 3 years. I have helped develop more than 10 mobile applications for many well funded startups in the past.
I was responsible for: - Developing web applications, software components in Ruby on Rails and Mobile applications in Ionic and React Native. - analyzing, evaluating and supporting improvements to existing systems - assisting in creating and executing new concepts.
I'm comfortable to work closely with any existing developer or team of developers to work with.
Knowledge of software and technology: 1. Operating systems: * Macintos Linux - advance level, 6+ years
2. Technologies: * HTML5 - advanced level, 7 years * CSS - advanced level, 7 years * JavaScript framworks(Angular/React)- Expert Level, * Mobile applications frame work - React Native and Ionic * Redux Library * JQuery - advanced leve * AJAX - advanced level * Ruby - advanced level, * Ruby Slim - advanced level 3. Frameworks & libraries: * Ruby on Rails - advanced level * Bootstrap - advanced level * Foundation - advanced level, 4. Databases: * MySQL - advanced level * PostgreSQL - advanced level * SQLite - advanced level 5. CMS: * Wordpress - intermediate level 6. Version control systems * GIT - advanced level * Asana - advanced level
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pattem · 4 days
Why Use Ruby on Rails for SaaS development?
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How Ruby on Rails Spurs the Growth and Evolution of SaaS Ventures with its Rugged Dependability?
In the field of web development, a project's proficiency and achievement can be extraordinarily affected by the system that is chosen. Ruby on Rails is an extraordinary choice for creating Software as a Service (SaaS) items for various reasons. Let's explore the reasons behind Ruby on Rails SaaS popularity as a framework for SaaS development.
Achieving Speedy Results with Convention over Configuration
The idea behind Ruby on Rails is "convention over configuration," which permits developers to rapidly get to work without investing an excessive amount of energy configuring files and settings. A bunch of conventions and best practices that speed up the development cycle are incorporated with RoR. This strategy functions admirably for SaaS products that should be updated and enhanced on a customary premise. Developers can focus more on composing code that upgrades the Ruby on Rails SaaS product by following established conventions as opposed to shuffling complex setups. Faster time-to-market and serious differentiation are made conceivable by this faster development pace, which likewise empowers organizations to react quickly to customer demands.
Navigating the Intersection of Scalability and Agile Development
SaaS products habitually need to adjust rapidly to the moving necessities of the market and develop coupled with the number of clients. Ruby on Rails' modular architecture and strong testing frameworks, like RSpec and Capybara, make it an extraordinary fit for agile development approaches, like Scrum or Kanban. Using gems (libraries) for common functionalities, adhering to the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle, and sticking to best practices for coding are undeniably energized by the Rails framework. These components support the versatility and practicality of codebases, which makes it more straightforward for SaaS suppliers to coordinate new highlights, improve execution, and oversee developing client loads.
Exploring the Bountiful Treasury of Gems and Libraries in the Tech Ecosystem
Ruby on Rails' vast gem and library ecosystem is perhaps its most striking component. Packages of reusable code known as gems give RoR applications new features, such as payment processing (Stripe, PayPal) and authentication and authorization (Devise, Cancancan). This gives Ruby on Rails SaaS developers admittance to a huge number of pre-developed components that speed improvement and decrease the need to waste time. Furthermore, finding and easily incorporating third-party gems into Rails projects is simplified by the RubyGems repository. As well as expanding engineer efficiency, this tremendous gem library likewise adds to the overall robustness and feature-richness of SaaS solutions based on Ruby on Rails.
Thriving on Ongoing Growth and Community Backing
The developer, contributor, and enthusiast community for Ruby on Rails is flourishing and empowering. RoR is up-to-date with the latest with the newest trends, security patches, and performance enhancements on account of this community-driven ecosystem. This converts into a trustworthy structure that gives stability, security, and innovation a top priority for SaaS companies. Furthermore, the Rails community advances knowledge exchange via forums, conferences, meetups, and online materials such as documentation, blogs, and tutorials. This wealth of useful information empowers developers to examine novel methodologies, take on challenging problems, and stay current with industry best practices — all of which work on the caliber and competitiveness of SaaS offerings.
Endgame Thoughts
Ruby on Rails is an incredible choice for making Software as a Service (SaaS) because of its many benefits. Organizations can facilitate their SaaS development drives, give extraordinary client encounters, and keep up with agility in a unique computerized scene by saddling the force of Ruby on Rails. Our RoR development company flourishes since it utilizes the adaptable design, rich gem ecosystem, community support, and quick development of RoR. By focusing on giving successful, feature-rich SaaS solutions, we ensure brilliant services that empower organizations to prosper in the digital environment.
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ROR Development Company | Protonshub Technologies
Finding the best ROR development company? Contact Protonshub, their expert team specializes in crafting scalable, efficient, and robust web and app development. Whether you're a startup or an enterprise, they offer tailored solutions to suit your needs. Contact: [email protected] for the details.
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heptagonglobal · 10 days
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semiosissoftware · 20 days
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Hire RoR Developers - ☎ +1 9177322215
Unlock the potential of Ruby on Rails for your next project. Hire RoR Developers from Semiosis for scalable and efficient web solutions. With expertise in RoR development, our team crafts robust applications to meet your business goals. Dial +1 9177322215 to collaborate with us and elevate your online presence.
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gouravsapra · 2 months
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Discover how to efficiently hire Ruby on Rails experts. Streamline your development process with our expert guide. Hire now!
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techerasworld · 2 months
ROR Development Company in USA | Protonshub Technologies
Protonshub can help your business to reach its full potential with our ruby on rails application development services. As the top ror development company, they have over 10 years of experience in creating websites. Contact: [email protected] for the details.
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rorbitssoftware · 3 months
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We are RORBits, the top Ruby on Rails Development Company in Canada. With a team of highly skilled and experienced Ruby on Rails developers in Canada.
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geitpl · 2 years
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We are looking for enthusiastic individuals who would love to join us and take us to the next level. Apply now 😉 👇 You can Apply here and also check out the job openings here - https://lnkd.in/dPsbcD8h
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thememakker · 3 months
Unraveling the 5 Layers of Software Development
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In the realm of software development services, every application is built upon a foundation of interconnected layers, each serving a specific purpose in delivering functionality to end-users. Understanding these layers and the technologies that power them is crucial for developers aiming to create robust and efficient software solutions. In this blog, we'll explore the five key layers of software architecture: User Interface (UI), Application Programming Interface (API), Database (DB), Business Logic, and Hosting, along with examples of technologies commonly used in each layer.
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User Interface (UI): The UI layer is what users interact with directly. It encompasses everything from the visual design to the user experience (UX). Technologies used in this layer focus on creating intuitive, responsive, and aesthetically pleasing interfaces. Some popular UI Design technologies include:
HTML/CSS/JavaScript: These front-end technologies form the backbone of web-based UIs. HTML defines the structure, CSS styles the elements, and JavaScript adds interactivity.
React.js/Vue.js/Angular: These JavaScript frameworks are used to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces for web applications.
Swift/Kotlin: For mobile application development, languages like Swift (for iOS) and Kotlin (for Android) are used to develop native user interfaces.
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Application Programming Interface (API): The API layer acts as an intermediary between the UI and the business logic, enabling communication and data exchange. APIs define the endpoints and protocols through which different software components interact. Common technologies used in API development services  include:
RESTful APIs: Representational State Transfer (REST) is a popular architectural style for designing networked applications. RESTful APIs use HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform operations on resources.
GraphQL: An alternative to REST, GraphQL provides a more flexible and efficient approach to querying and manipulating data. It allows clients to request only the data they need, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching.
Express.js/Django/Rails: Frameworks like Express.js (for Node.js), Django (for Python), and Rails (for Ruby) are commonly used to build web APIs quickly and efficiently.
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Database (DB): The database layer is responsible for storing, retrieving, and managing data. It provides a persistent storage solution for an application's information. Various types of databases exist, including relational databases, NoSQL databases, and in-memory databases. Some popular database technologies include:
MySQL/PostgreSQL: Relational database management systems (RDBMS) like MySQL and PostgreSQL are widely used for structured data storage and management.
MongoDB: A popular NoSQL database, MongoDB is designed for storing unstructured or semi-structured data in JSON-like documents.
Redis: An in-memory data structure store, Redis is often used as a caching layer or for real-time data processing.
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Business Logic: The business logic layer contains the application's core functionality and rules. It processes requests from the UI, interacts with the database, and performs the necessary operations to fulfill user actions. While business logic can be implemented in various programming languages, some technologies commonly used for this layer include:
Java/C#: Object-oriented languages like Java and C# are often chosen for building robust and scalable business logic components.
Node.js/Python: JavaScript (with Node.js) and Python are also popular choices, especially for applications requiring agility and rapid development.
Spring/.NET Core: Frameworks like Spring (for Java) and .NET Core (for C#) provide tools and libraries for building enterprise-grade business logic components.
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Hosting: The hosting layer encompasses the infrastructure and environment where the application runs. It includes servers, cloud platforms, containers, and other deployment options. Popular hosting technologies and platforms include:
Amazon Web Services (AWS)/Microsoft Azure/Google Cloud Platform (GCP): These cloud service providers offer a range of hosting solutions, including virtual machines, containers, and serverless computing.
Docker/Kubernetes: Containerization technologies like Docker and orchestration platforms like Kubernetes provide efficient ways to package, deploy, and manage applications across different environments.
Heroku/Netlify/Vercel: These platforms offer simplified hosting solutions specifically tailored for web applications, providing features like continuous deployment, scalability, and managed infrastructure.
In conclusion, navigating the various layers of software architecture requires a comprehensive understanding of each layer's purpose and the technologies that power them. By leveraging the right technologies for UI, API, DB, logic, and hosting, developers can build robust, scalable, and maintainable software solutions that meet the needs of modern users and businesses.
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