#roro riquelme
pensat-i-fet · 3 months
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the-offside-rule · 6 months
Rodrigo Riquelme (Atletico Madrid) - Elevator Secrets
Day 17 of Christmas
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As the days to Christmas counted down and it seemed almost eerily close, Rodrigo and his best friend since childhood, Y/n walked through the bustling streets of Madrid, now decorated with twinkling lights and various other christmas decorations. Laughter filled the air as they entered Starbucks, the warm aroma of coffee embracing them. Rodrigo grinned. "How about we start our Christmas shopping adventure with some festive drinks?"
As they sipped on their peppermint mochas, Y/n teased, "I hope your gift-giving skills are as good as your taste in coffee."
Rodrigo smirked, "You'll see, Y/n. I've got a plan." Their laughter echoed through the crowded shopping centre as they browsed through stores, carefully selecting thoughtful presents for their families. "We should go onto the next floor. There's meant to be a jumper my mother really wants." Y/n mumbled. "The elevator is right there. I say we do that instead of the stairs." Rodrigo suggested.
In the elevator with their shopping bags, Rodrigo looked around as the silence became somewhat awkward between them. Upon looking around, he noticed mistletoe hanging above. He chuckled nervously, and nudged the girl beside him, making her look up from her phone and blush furiously. "Well, would you look at that?" Y/n replied, her throat almost dry from nervousness. "Guess we're stuck in here until someone makes a move."
A playful smirk crossed Rodrigo's face as he leaned in, stealing a sweet kiss under the mistletoe. It felt familiar, as if it was meant to be. It was obvious to everyone in Madrid that they were more than just friends but to them, they were oblivious. The elevator doors opened to reveal a surprised couple waiting to get in.
With an awkward laugh, Y/n said, "Looks like our secret's out." She said, breaking the silence and grabbing their bags to make a speedy escape.
In the midst of more shopping, Rodrigo turned to Y/n, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know, that mistletoe kiss wasn't so bad." Y/n blushed once again. "Maybe we should test it out again, just to be sure."
Their playful banter continued, each flirty comment deepening the connection between them. Finally, Rodrigo took a moment to stop and speak up. He stopped dead in his tracks and gently grabbed Y/n's arm to stop her too. "You know, Y/n, there's something I've been wanting to tell you."
Y/n raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Oh? Do tell." Rodrigo took a deep breath, "I... I really like you." He paused, trying desperately to read her face. "More than just a friend." He held his breath in anticipation, just waiting for her to reply. Thankfully, a smile tugged at Y/n's lips, before she stepped that bit closer, within a breaths touch. "Funny you say that because I've been feeling the same way. I think I may actually love you, Rodrigo."
Their eyes locked, and the world seemed to pause as they simply stood. Rodrigo reluctantly held his hand out, and of course, she took it. He breathed a sigh of relief before his normal smile returned and together, they left the shopping centre, with the magic of Christmas lighting up not only the streets but the newfound relationship.
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balllikedepaul · 5 months
And a roro goal 🥺🥺
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pinkbreeze · 8 months
roro looks specially good today
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pedriscroquettes · 5 months
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summary. your brother’s annoying teammate is hard to resist when he shows off his tattoos.
warnings. smut, oral (fem receiving), weed, alcohol, and griezmann!reader.
a/n. finally wrote for my starboy. based off trust by bad gyal!
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ever since you moved to madrid over ten years ago the city had managed to take you by surprise every one of those years. this year was no exception due to the high heat every day. it was a wonder you hadn’t run back home to france already. and somehow your brother had managed to throw a successful pool party with all of his teammates showing up. unfortunately, he had decided to host it in your house claiming that you had a better pool when in reality he just didn’t wanna deal with the aftermath.
you close the book you’re trying to read but you can’t make it past the first page as the sun blazes on your skin. beads of sweat form on your body for the simply act of sitting outside. you just hope that in this misery you can’t at least get a good tan. although, that thought doesn’t last long as you’re soon drenched in your own margarita. the cold drink making your exposed skin shiver. you look up locking eyes with the culprit. roro approaches you slowly with an unbuttoned t-shirt, exposing his hidden tattoos.
“shit. don’t tell antoine.” he picks up the football not even offering an apology.
“is he that scary?” you tease him.
“no he isn’t but your tantrums are.” he smirks at his words.
you look up at him making sure to cover your eyes from the sun in the process. his sudden change in demeanor interests you and you find yourself drawn to him. he’s always tried his best to get under your skin despite knowing who your brother was. he didn’t care and you admired that. carefully you place your hand on his chest slowly dragging it down until it’s placed on his rib cage tattoo.
“i’d be careful if i were you, roro. don’t forget who my brother is. better put that mouth to better use.” you offer him a smile.
“doesn’t it suck?” he places his hand on top you’re stopping it from wandering off even lower. “being second to your brother always? you can’t even threaten me without bringing him up because in reality no one cares about you. some people don’t even know you exist.”
this time you’re the one left speechless and not because of his words, in truth you didn’t care what anyone said about you, but because he’d finally been able to use cruel words to defend himself. he’s always held back never once trying to get into your bad graces. maybe it was the humid weather that made him not care anymore.
the party continued with countless plastic cups being thrown around the yard and countless splashes could be heard one after the other. yet you found yourself analyzing the brunette in the pool. fully shirtless now allowing you a view of his back tattoos. you would’ve never guessed he’d be one to ink himself by the innocent smile he wore everyday.
unbeknownst to you, your actions didn’t go unnoticed. paddy, marco’s wife, had noticed how your eyes kept wandering off to the brunette. she had tried inviting you on a brand trip for the fifth time and you’d changed the subject for a fifth time.
“i mean look at him! everyone thinks he’s this innocent little guy but he isn’t. what an asshole!” you ranted to her as she drank from her mojito.
“fuck him.” she muttered tired of him being the topic of conversation.
“exactly. if only everyone else could see what a horri-”
“no. fuck him.” she rolled her eyes.
“what?” you turned towards her trying to find out the meaning behind her words.
“it’s clear you want to sleep with him and he probably wants to as well. so do it. get it over with! i can’t hear you complain about him one more time.” she sighs.
“you can’t possibly be serious paddy?” you scoff.
“i’m never been so serious about something in my life. i’ve had hate sex with marcos all the time and it’s arguably the best sex i’ve had in my life.” she continues drinking her mojito as if what she had just said was the most normal thing ever.
“do it or some other girl at this party will.” is the last thing she says to you before she wanders off looking for her husband.
the sun is soon replaced by the moon as the hours go on and it seems your brother’s party has only grown in size. you hope your brother is sober enough tomorrow to clean after his mess because you sure wouldn’t be doing anything. your brother is lucky he lives retired from the city so you don’t get any noise complaints as the music blasts through the backyard. it’s the perfect atmosphere for a get together and a perfect atmosphere for paddy’s suggestion.
you carry your drink inside careful to avoid any spillage. you analyze everyone hoping to find the brunette and when you do you head directly towards him with no hesitation. you’re so close to him when you trip, accidentally of course, and your drink lands all over his white button down shirt. you stand up quickly looking quite concerned and confused.
“fuck i didn’t mean to sorry.” you murmur the last bit feigning innocence because you absolutely meant to spill your drink all over him. “you can borrow one of antoine’s shirts.”
“it’s fine.” he mumbles clearly annoyed at what just occurred.
“no, i’ve been mean. it’s the least i could do.” you offer a truce.
he analyzes your face for any hint of malice but doesn’t find any. a part of him wants to take your offer of help but the other part is still hesitant. ultimately he decides he doesn’t want to walk around with a wet and sticky shirt for the rest of the night. he sighs before agreeing. you quickly grab his hand before he can say anything and drag him towards the spare room.
“this one or this one?” you hold up two button downs. one is a bright shade of baby blue and the other a plain white one similar to the one you had ruined.
he chooses the baby blue button down not waiting another minute to change into it. he rushes causing two packets and a heavier material to fall out of his pockets. quickly he tries to retrieve them before you see them but you’re faster. you let out a loud exaggerated gasp at the sight of the pills and vape.
“you? no way.” you almost laugh at how surprising he was. first the tattoos, then the attitude, and now this. he was truly unpredictable. “don’t you have to take doping tests?”
“who do you think gets me cleared before matches?” he asks as he grabs the pills and the vape from your hand. although, you manage to take the vape back noticing what it contained. you inhale.
“my brother.” you exhale causing the smoke to invade his face. “does he give you the weed too?”
“just give it back.” he holds his hand out waiting for you to comply.
you obviously don’t choosing to sit on the bed instead taking another puff. your movements cause your black sarong to move up your legs giving him quite the sight. it was a shame that you were so attractive because you were equally as annoying. and if you weren’t your brother’s sister rodrigo would’ve tried to at least attempt a move on you. but because you were so determined tonight you’d make sure he would.
he walks towards you hoping to take his personal belongings back. after all he’s stronger more agile he should be able to snatch them away from you. but he forgets that you’re faster and every time he tries to reach for them he only ends up dangerously close to your body. you notice he never managed to button up his shirt and his rib cage tattoo is once again exposed to you. you place your hand on it knowing it’s your one chance to get what you want.
“what does it mean?” you look up at his brown eyes finding them already staring right at you.
“what are you doing?” he sighs frustrated at your weird antics.
“nothing.” you answer simply.
there’s a short pause between the two of you with silence filling the air. the two of you are practically chest to chest and you’re so close to getting what you want. what you need. you act first kissing him. after all you could blame it on the drugs in case this ends up being a huge mess. you expect him to pull away but he does the complete opposite grabbing your jaw as he deepens the kiss. they say it’s always the silent ones and he confirms those rumors.
your hands find themselves in his curls tugging on the strands as he leaves wet kisses along your jaw. meanwhile his hand finds it’s way around your throat pulling you closer to him as the two of you roughly kiss. it’s the opposite of gentle, what you enjoy. you gain the confidence to drag your hand down his bare chest all the way to the hem of his shorts when he stops you by grabbing your hand.
“what are you playing at?” he steps away from you. once again analyzing you and your facial expressions trying to figure out why you wanted to sleep with him.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about roro.” you say his nickname so sweetly and somehow also seductively.
“bullshit. one minute you’re threatening me and the next you’re all over me. you couldn’t get anyone else to sleep with you?” he asks in a more serious tone. you enjoy the view of a shirtless heated roro.
“i didn’t want to sleep with anyone else. but if you don’t want to then i’ll guess i’ll have to find someone else.” you begin to stand up.
you’re immediately pushed back down by the midfielder shocked at the force. it somehow turns you on even more.
“then say it.” he demands.
“say what?” you look up at him.
“that you want to fuck me. say it.” he demands once again.
“roro…” you brings your hands up his torso and wrap them around his neck locking eyes with him as you bring him closer to you once again. “i want you to fuck me.”
that’s all it takes to push him off the edge and his lips are once again on yours. the kisses are rough and quick and you find yourself tugging on his bottom lip to provoke him even more. it’s all so sensual like a scene on television. his hands roam your body ultimately landing on your ass as the two of you gravitate towards each other. you can feel his hard on against the fabric of your swimsuit. you’re pretty sure he can feel your growing arousal as he begins to grind himself against your clothed core.
you don’t wait another second in taking off his shirt allowing a perfect view of his forming biceps and his tattoos. it’s almost unfair how long he’s been hiding himself. you’re keen on making sure this happens again. so you proceed to flip the two of you over ending up in his lap. the new angle allowing you to see his face perfectly. you hate how pretty he looks and how he’s basically forbidden fruit. the aching in your core continues to grow and you realize you have to do something about it.
“fuck, roro. touch me.” you practically beg.
you’re answered with a smirk at first but he obliges bringing his hand to your lower body. he’s moving his hand as slowly as possible, teasing you, and you’ve had enough. you placed your hand on top of his dragging it to where you need it the most. he moves your sarong to have better access to your core, taking off the bottom part of your swimsuit in the process. you continue to guide his fingers to your folds.
“fucking hell.” he groans as he feels your wetness.
he starts slowly rubbing circles along your folds which instantly brings you pleasure. his movements cause you to let out loud moans which he quickly tries to silence by kissing you. the last thing he needed was anyone walking in on the two of you. as he kisses you he continues to spread your wetness. he decides that’s enough foreplay and drags one of his fingers towards your hole.
“can i?” he asks you wanting to make sure you’re still okay with what’s going on.
“please.” you murmur.
he enters you slowly making sure you adjust to the intrusion. you cling onto his arms at the new sensation, holding back a moan as he stretches you out. it’s almost embarrassing how much he’s been able to surprise you in the span of a couple of hours. he wraps his arm around your waist to help you adjust and keep you grounded. you reach up for him again kissing him as he begins to pump his finger inside of you. it’s such an intimate moment and he’s been able to comfort you more than any other guy you’ve slept with before.
“fuck, more.” you practically beg.
he obliges inserting another finger instantly groaning at how you clench around him. you squeeze his fingers so tight he swears he could cum in his boxers. the way you look under him doesn’t help him either. he’d always admired you except for your attitude but now that he had you he couldn’t give you up. your moans also encourage him to go faster wanting to pleasure you in the best way possible. he can only think about you right now and the way his fingers feel inside of you.
“so close roro.” you murmur. your nails digging deeper into his biceps.
then out of nowhere the building up orgasm inside you disappears as his fingers leave you. you’re about to yell at him when you see him kneel.
“do you trust me?” he asks suddenly.
his fingers are soon replaced by his tongue. the sight of his curls in between your legs alone make’s your pleasure build up again. as he laps up your juices your fingers find their way into his hair pulling him even closer to your core. it doesn’t take long for the knot in your stomach to unfold and soon you’re orgasming on his tongue.
“what the fuck roro.” you say shocked.
instead of responding he simply kisses you again. it’s quite an intimate moment as he moves the strands of hair from your face. the two of you separate from each other and there’s a comfortable silence between you too. the act is so domestic as the two of you simply stare at each other. unfortunately, it’s interrupted as someone knocks loudly on the door.
“who’s in there? i need a shirt.” antoine slurs.
“shit. shit. shit.” rodrigo steps away from you adjusting his clothes and finally getting his vape.
“hide in the bathroom.” you urge him as you adjust your sarong before heading towards the door.
he doesn’t know why he does it but he pulls you closer by your waist before kissing you one last time before heading for the bathroom. you’re taken aback but can’t help but grin a little at the action. it’s going to take more than your willpower to stop yourself whenever you go to anymore games in the future.
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alexi-01 · 5 months
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my atleti boy scored in el derbi 🫶🏻
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corajexcorazon · 3 months
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"Oblak saved my ass"
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sports-on-sundays · 4 days
idk if you’re taking requests but could you do a fluff with rodrigo riquelme where him and the reader enjoy a rainy day indoors
rainy days / Rodrigo Riquelme
Summary: sunny!Rodrigo x girlfriend!cloudy!reader - A little bit of rain won't stop you and Rodri from having a fun day together. Fluff so sweet it might rot your teeth.
Warnings: thunder & lightning
Requested?: Frick yes!
Author's Note: My friend, I'm so happy someone requested for him that I probably actually blushed when I opened my inbox and saw this. I am your certified no. 1 Roro girlie, here at your service! 🫡
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Just as you enter the living room where Rodrigo has been waiting for you for the last half hour to finish getting ready, it starts raining.
"Nooo!" you whine, your hands going to your face in dismay. "You have got to be kidding me!"
Rodrigo sets down his phone, frowning, looking out the window. "And it looks like it won't be stopping anytime soon... Look at all those dark clouds over there!" He leans back at an angle to get a better view.
You plop down next to him, crossing your arms, and murmur, "And I got all dressed, too, in this brand new dress. Now I have to go change, since we can't even go out..."
"Hey, wait," Rodrigo says, turning to look at you for the first time since you entered the room. "You don't have to go change. You look lovely in that dress."
"Don't be silly. It's a sundress. I'm not going to be wearing a bright yellow sunny sundress when it's pouring outside and we're stuck indoors!"
"Aw!" he grins, his eyes sincere. "Why not? I'm here, and I think you look adorable in it. I'm certainly impressed, even though you took an hour and a half getting ready."
"You sure?"
"Of course I am!" he laughs, pulling you into a hug, kissing your cheek, like he's snuggling with a teddy bear. "I'm so glad you decided to wear that dress, rain or shine!"
"Well..." you smile softly, blushing deeply. "I was hoping you'd think it's pretty."
"See?" he grins. "I do, so there's nothing to worry about. And I'm sure we can find plenty of fun things to do inside. Come on!" He grabs your hand, pulling you up to stand with him.
He leads you to the dining room, where he has your picnic blanket and lunches on the table. You click your tongue in disappointment. "We can't even have our picnic."
But Rodrigo looks at you with cheery eyes. "Sure we can!"
"Rodrigo, it's pouring!"
"We can have it inside!"
You frown, crossing your arms, and say bluntly, "That's stupid."
"No, it's not. Come on." He picks up the lunch and goes to the living room. He lays out the soft blanket on the floor and lays the food out. "No reason we can't have it right here. Here- and I'll open the windows, too, for some fresh air."
"Wait, no-" you suddenly say nervously, sitting down on the blanket.
He stops with his hand on the window's handle. "Why not?"
"I..." you hesitate, before continuing softly "What if it turns into a lightning storm...?"
Rodrigo smiles softly. "Then I'll close them. We'll be fine."
"You're sure?"
"One hundred percent," he chuckles, opening the windows. As he sits down next to you and begins taking out the food, you have to admit, the breeze does feel nice, and you like the sound of the rain outside.
So you sit together and eat your indoor picnic, and once you finish, Rodrigo lays down and pulls you down with him, murmuring, "Wanna just cuddle?"
"Sure," you chuckle. You have a very cuddly boyfriend.
So you just lay together, arms around each other. You rest your cheek against his chest as he runs his fingers through your hair, and you both stay silent, just contently listening to the pattering of the rain falling outside.
Suddenly, though, there's a loud crack of thunder, and you flinch, letting out a little squeal, and automatically take two fistfuls of the soft pullover sweatshirt Rodrigo is wearing.
He chuckles softly, leaning away a bit to look at you. "You scared?" he asks teasingly, but also softly.
"Can- Can you just close the windows please?"
He smiles and nods, before hopping up to do so. Once they're closed, he asks, "You're scared of thunderstorms?"
You pout a little, sitting up on the blanket. "Maybe."
"Aw," he grins. "Cutie."
You lick your lips, rolling your eyes, and cross your arms. "Whatever."
But suddenly, lightning flashes, and you jump again, biting your lip nervously, before tucking your knees to your chest and resting your face in your arms.
"Hey, hey," Rodrigo says gentler, sitting next to you. "It's okay..." He wraps his arms around you, which does add a lot of comfort. After a while of him just holding you, he says, "Hey, why don't we do something to get your mind off it? Why not play a board game or something?"
You swallow and nod, before clearing your throat and saying, "Alright. Sounds good to me."
He nods. "M'kay. You wait here; I'll be right back with a board game for us to play, yeah?"
You nod, and he's off. But only for a moment, because soon he's back with a Sorry! box in his hands. He sits down next to you, and you're just beginning to take the board out of the box when suddenly, there's another loud crack of thunder, and a second later, the room goes black.
"Rodri!" you gasp, clinging to him, burying your head in his chest.
He laughs softly and rubs your back. "It's okay. The electricity just went out, is all... There's nothing to be scared of... I'm right here..." he soothes gently.
The fact that Rodrigo knows you also have a fear of the dark- that's really not helping your situation. "But... what if... I don't know..." you sigh, leaning away. "How are you not scared?"
He shrugs with a little smile. "I like storms. And there really is nothing to be scared of. The chances of lightning hitting us is so incredibly low, there's no reason to worry."
"Hey." He gently tilts your head up to meet his sincere eyes, which you can just barely see in the dark room, with the electricity now out. "Chin up, princess. Your crown is falling," he teases.
You sigh with a nervous smile and nod.
"And do I look scared?"
You frown. "No."
"Then there's no reason for you to be scared, either."
You pout. "That's not fair for you to say. You're, like, a footballer and travel and stuff. You do scary things all the time."
He grins. "Have I ever been killed playing football? Have I ever been killed flying in a plane or driving in a bus? Clearly not, because I'm sitting here right now looking at the most beautiful girl in the world. So what makes you think that we're going to get killed in a thunderstorm?"
You shrug with a more genuine smile. "Nothing."
His grin widens. "There you go. Besides, I think we're far too important to get killed in such a dumb way as getting struck by lightning. You know? I think we've got far more life to live than that."
Now you match his grin. "Alright, alright. You've won me over. Now, you're getting pretty obnoxious: just looking at me so cute, and not even kissing me or anything."
He giggles a bit and says, "Well, sorry!" before cupping your chin and leaning in for a kiss, spreading his sunny, cheery, happy-go-lucky aura around you, despite the rain and wind and thunder and lightning outside.
When he pulls away, you're about to lean in for more, but just then, he slaps his thighs and says, "Now, let me go get a candle, so we can get to playing Sorry!"
You smile softly as he walks off with a skip in his step.
Oh, Roro.
Soon, he's back with the candle. It takes him four tries and some taunting giggles from you until he's able to light the match and the candle before it going out first. When he finally does, he lets out a relieved sigh and says with a laugh, "Finally!"
"'Finally' is right! Rodrigo Riquelme, public enemy number one- when it comes to matches!"
He grins and nods, very, very, slowly and carefully setting the candle down next to the playing board, before you get playing.
You end of beating his socks off in Sorry!. "There!" you grin, setting your last piece in the 'home' tunnel. "Professional Hasbro Sorry! player right here! No, no, really, it's okay- I can give you my autograph!"
This, though it's not particularly hysterical, sends your boyfriend into a fit of laughing. He just tends to find you funnier than most people. One of his friends could say the exact same thing, and he might give a small chuckle.
And you laugh with him, because you love the sound of his laughter.
Finally, he begins cleaning up the board, a smile still lingering on his face, as he says, "Look at us. A pro footballer and a pro board game player. Power couple one hundred right here."
"You got that right," you chuckle, before a sudden, big yawn comes on you.
Rodrigo looks up with a little sparkle in his eyes. "You getting sleepy?" he asks as he closes up the Sorry! box.
You shrug, smiling back. "Dark, gloomy days make me more tired."
"Gloomy?" he asks, standing up. He holds his hand out to you, and pulls you up to stand as well. "I don't think this day has been gloomy at all."
"What do you mean? The weather is crap."
He sets the board game box on the end table by the couch, before coming back to you and linking his arms around your back, looking you straight in the eyes. "Gloomy is the last word I would use to describe seeing my gorgeous girlfriend in such a pretty dress," his voice softens, and so do his eyes as he continues, "It's the last word I'd choose for having a picnic with her- indoors or not, or getting to cuddle with her. I would never, ever say getting to joke around with you, and laugh with you, is gloomy. I think getting to spend time with you, playing a board game, is the exact opposite of gloomy, actually."
You grin and throw your arms around him. "I love you so much! You know that?"
He kisses your cheek with a loud 'mwah!' before promptly lifting you up and bringing you to the couch. "I love y-"
"Now what are we doing?"
"My goodness!" he laughs. "You don't even let me say it back!" he jokes as he lays down on the couch, letting you lay on top of him.
"Okay, okay, sorry. Say it back."
"I! Love! You!" he giggles, and in between each word pecks your lips. "Now, I think it's time for you to go to sleep, sleepyhead."
You smile, nuzzling into him. "Alright. I'm down for that."
"Good," he whispers with a content sigh, before his hands begin absently loosely braiding your hair.
Your eyes flutter closed, and just as you're drifting off to sleep, you feel a sleepy sigh from Rodrigo, and you're not sure if it's his voice really, or just a fragment of your sugar sweet dreams, but you perceive the soft whisper from Rodrigo murmuring, "Oh, Y/n. Whatever would I do without my Y/n?" and his soft lips kissing you goodnight.
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trossibop · 4 months
the fact that spanish comms call riquelme "roro" all the time 😭😭😭😭😭
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mariuskalander · 1 year
RT @FTalentScout: European U-23 (players born in 2000+) Team of the Week by @FTalentScout! 🇧🇷Luiz Júnior 🇫🇷Chrislain Matsima 🇬🇷Konstantinos Koulierakis 🇫🇷Isaak Touré 🇨🇦Alphonso Davies 🇫🇷Eduardo Camavinga 🇫🇷Manu Koné 🇭🇺Dominik Szoboszlai 🇩🇰Gustav Isaksen 🇪🇸Roro Riquelme 🇫🇷Arnaud Kalimuendo https://t.co/7vEvGYxy7u
— Mario Calandra (@MariusKalander) Feb 21, 2023
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pensat-i-fet · 5 months
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nandosniguez · 4 years
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roro and borja being supportive sons 🥺🥺
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teamroscoes · 4 years
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sashosasho · 5 years
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Saúl Ñíguez & Roro Riquelme celebrate after the final whistle of the La Liga match against SD Eibar — September 1, 2019.
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pedriscroquettes · 8 months
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what it means ❤️
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awmiatleti · 5 years
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