#rosalind: bastard geometry
cambieandrews · 2 years
BASTARD GEOMETRY. rose + cambie
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[ The door opens, and Rose can feel her jaw clench and her eyes widen in surprise. She staggers back a little, all too suddenly aware that she has been hogging door space like those kids she wanted to strangle in college. You really do either die a hero in the apocalypse or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. ] Oh, Christ, sorry.
[ The woman smiles the kind of smile that Rose would want to put on paper if she spotted it on a stranger across the street. Rose smiles the kind of smile one gives when they can tell someone is giving them an out for being obtuse. A pull of the lips and crinkling of the eyes that is sheepish and relieved and says ‘thanks for not calling me an idiot to my face.’ ] Brink. I know it’s on this floor, but I… think I zoned out and turned around too many times. [ She sighs through her nose. ] At this point I’m about to resign myself to sleeping in a tree.
[The poor woman looks so wide eyed and exhausted -- although the wide eyed thing might be her natural state. Her eyes are a startling green, and so round that you can’t help but be drawn to them.
Cambie shakes her head at the apology. It’s really not a big deal. On an island this size you can’t help but bump into people sometimes. Small as it is, though, there’s certainly no need for anyone to be sleeping in trees when there’s plenty of beds to go around.] 
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Oh, that won’t do at all. It’s way too windy on this island, you’d freeze. Come on, I’ll take you to Brink. [She tries not to think too pointedly that if Dante was a good head of house, he would have been around to help orient newcomers. It’s an old thought at this point: she’s used to the other three heads being pretty hands off. She sets off at an easy amble down the corridor, gesturing Rosa with her.] I’m Cambie, by the way. Where is it you’re joining us from? I’m guessing you’re still pretty fresh off the boat.
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rosastein · 2 years
tuesday. april 11th,  2163. outside delma house.
[ Rosalind Stein is not unintelligent (no matter what her long-buried chemistry exams might say), though she’s starting to question the legitimacy of such a claim. A woman had directed her up the stairs and to the right, said “that’s where your house is,” and let her loose with her bag and her sketchbook. Still, Rose finds herself sighing in front of the wrong door, with the wrong symbol, in the wrong wing. The logical solution would be to look at the map available to colony members on her PDD. The implementation of this solution is lost somewhere between the fact that semi-regular system updates are keeping the map from loading, and an unhealthy dose of stubbornness that insists she doesn’t need a map anyway.
Rose is so incredibly lucky, she thinks, that she hadn’t been left to her own devices in the wilds of the earth for four and some years. Screw statistics, honestly, but there was at least an 87.69% chance she’d be dead. ]
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...It’s a square, Rosalind. You went in a circle, in a square.
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