#rose is an Edgy Agnostic Teenager Dabbling In The Occult For Shock Value i don't think she's actually put any deep thought into it
hinotorihime ยท 2 months
i'm honestly not sure exactly why he gives me these vibes* but i do genuinely think that canon dave** is not religious because he never got exposed to actual religion beyond general cultural osmosis rather than because he's actively not religious??
in particular, i love me some jewish strilondes, and dave feels to me like the most likely one of them to be genuinely observant if he got the chance, so i've been enjoying exploring that in a couple of my wips where the context allows for it.
*beyond, like, personal projection, and some nebulous thoughts about his extremely antagonistic relationship with his aspect
**in a watsonian sense, i mean. the doylist reason real-world religion isn't ever discussed in hs beyond a few dumb jokes is because that wasn't something the author was interested in exploring, which i am grateful for because come on, would you trust him of all people to handle that well
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