syleus · 1 month
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ㅤㅤthe coin resting on his thumb is sent twirling in the air before returning to his hold and then being sent up again, ruby gaze watching it and accompanied by a bored expression on his face. ❛ the n109 zone is no place for a lost kitten, ❜ he comments, tone dry. catching the coin, there's a pause before he speaks again, this time looking directly at @rosewiltd. ❛ unless you're here in hopes of making a deal ⸻ in which case, i expect you to have something of value to offer. ❜
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tiderider · 2 months
there had always been something cold about corinne's home, a distantness to everything inside of it. harry had noticed it the first time he'd snuck through her bedroom window. the house was lonely and isolated, too much surrounding space and not enough things to fill it. outside of corinne's room the whole place had felt like there was no one inside it. like a starved beast, hungry for something it didn't know how to catch.
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her parents had felt the same way. cold, distant, and starved. whatever intimacy they seemed to have with corinne had looked strange. like neither of them knew how to do it and were too afraid to try.
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❝ you're tougher than you look. ❞ harry said without prompting. sweeping her hair back and over her shoulder when she looked at him, ❝ i don't think i ever told you. ❞ // @rosewiltd gets a starter .
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enchaentd · 3 months
permanent new bloggie starter call, always accepting!  ˎˊ˗             featuring;  @rosewiltd ♡
        “ i love it here so much,   it’s so sweet,   and warm,   and you’re so close to everyone you love. ”   allie flits about the little cottage,   saying the same things she’s said a million times since coming here,   knowing that the moment she settles   …   she won’t be fresh daisies and sparkling smiles anymore.   she fears the wilt.   actually scared.   once she’s done flying around and chirping,   she slows,   blue eyes meeting brown ones,   shaky,   guilt ridden.   “ i’m sorry i was gone. ”   allie’s hands knot in her pastel,   floral skirt.   back to normal.   she’s supposed to be back to normal.   “ i really missed you,   i always miss you,   when i go away. ”   and especially,   this time.   sharp pieces of family falling to her feet in front of her,   with no way for her to look away.   corinne was the closest thing she had to a sister,   really.   she feels her in her heart.   the fairy girl skips forward to embrace her,   slipping around her like soft petals.   “ i really,   really missed you. ”
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loetise · 5 months
going with my grandmama references here and suggesting hannah murray from her skins era. she has the waifish, bug-eyed, slightly "head empty" look that i always ( affectionately ) associate with allie. ALKSJFLKSDAJFSDFG. i was also gonna try to suggest someone more current, but my brain literally started doing the dial-up noise. rip.
who/what gives you the allie vibes!!!!, accepting!  ˎˊ˗
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HJBGVFCGTGGHGVJHBK kinda real actually, bc cassie ainsworth is actually in the allie variants post so for sure the vibes are there
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also this collage was so vibey
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wickdcreatures · 1 year
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do not perceive her.
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he's glad she's chill with the whole.... stalking for sport thing since hes already been doing it <3
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tiderideraa · 1 year
the pirate scratched his cheek absently with his thumb, looking particularly out of place in corinne's fine furnishings, lazing across her large plush bedding with only the faintest sparing of thought to keep his boots off the covers by letting his ankles hang over the side.
❝ i'm . . . giving her space, ❞ harry admitted carefully, brows furrowing. he tried to pass the confession off casually but there was an edge of uncertainty to the usually bold scoundrel. he eyed corinne for half a breath, two, then added, ❝ henry's looking after her, ❞ // @rosewiltd inspired by our chat today ig
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bloodsalted · 2 months
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@rosewiltd || meme continuation || from here!
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careful gaze locked on the vampire that changed direction the moment he saw dean scoot into the booth of a poor stranger who he struck conversation up with in the first way it popped in his head pretend to laugh. jokes. you know? mundane--not vampire huntery shit. he flashes the pretty lady a sharp, charming grin before he turns his attention back to his target needing him to relax. needing him to forget that silly notion that dean's been following him for a couple blocks. last thing he wants is a confrontation here. or him bolting out the door and getting way too much of a lead on him that dean's not gonna be able to keep up with. then.. a grimace. dean's not the only one finding company. looks like bloodsucker is, too.
living or dead...? that's yet to be determined. but he's got other things to focus on, too. mainly being his company. who is rightfully confused but going along with his request. makes him grin. some people would've told him to get the hell out of their booth and leave them alone.
she's a champ. pretty, too. if he wasn't busy, he'd stick around. ask her if she wanted company. rather than promising her. "i'll be back." like some line from the end of terminator. he doesn't stick around much longer past that. not entertaining what might lead into conversation. he's on the job. and he's got a target in his mental crosshairs.
dean slides out of the booth just as the vampire makes his way towards the back. then stops. when from the corner of his eye, he sees some seriously stereotypical nine inch nails, hot topic looking creeps come in the door. one after another. after another. were they having a gathering somewhere? shit. he knows where the nest is. it's gonna be best to let this one go. FOR NOW. there's way too many potential bloody outcomes he's weighing in his head to keep pushing. no innocent people need to get hurt in here. so? mid-slide, he stops--turns his attention back to the lady. "sorry. change of plans.. uh.. hi. i'm dean.. and kinda missed anything after that laugh.. how's your night" keep it casual. act like this is wholly commonplace. best way to go, yeah?
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bloomrots · 4 months
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" cor , honey , sweetheart , next time someone is mean to you like that , you just need to bite them . just a big chomp on the nearest body part you can reach . it works great , trust me . "
@rosewiltd liked !
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hellbleided · 9 months
guide take them by the hand, arm, or shoulder to guide them. / for gonzo!
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auradon still felt like another world, a place separate from his own. despite all the time he had spent exploring and traveling and meeting with other craftsmen, despite the schooling and the tests and the fancy events, gonzo still thought of auradon as foreign and alien. a place that made him feel too big for his own skin, hyperaware of what he looked like, what he said, how he said it.
corinne, sensing his unease, slipped her hand into his. gonzo startled, blinking down at her as she smiled up at him and it felt as if every anxiety had melted from his shoulders. gonzo grinned back, curling blacksmiths fingers around her hand as corinne pulled him down the cobblestone streets.
❝ where're you taking me, huh? ❞ gonzo asked, but the words were light and carefree. he took a handful of quick steps to fall into line beside her, tugging her slightly closer and kissing her temple.
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ohfiendangelical · 9 months
          “That’s a loaded question,”          he says, grinning.          “If you mean my general attitude, that’s just a choice you make. A decision to live without apology. It’s very freeing, and very easy, once you get out of your own head about it.” 
He downs the rest of his wine, staining his lips burgundy. Abandoning the empty glass, he takes to toying with a strand of Corinne’s silky hair, admiring its softness.
         “If you mean something more literal, though—well, adopting my infernal majesty is just as easy. Easier, maybe.”          His voice is a purr.          “One of us shares our blood with you, and it happens. Like an infection.”
He pinches her cheek.
          “You’d make a terrible monster, I think. People like you are made to be hunted—not to do the hunting. But you should play around with your wicked side, at least a little bit. Everyone has one. The people who refuse to acknowledge it are the ones who end up getting hurt the most by it,”          he goes on.          “And we wouldn’t want you to get hurt, now, would we?”
(...continued, @rosewiltd)
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verumking · 11 months
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⚔️ *:・゚✧┆plotted starter. ❪ @rosewiltd​ ❫
Amid cosmic oceans, upon which mechanical arks floated stagnant, the cycle of seasons was a myth. Yet, even in the absence of elements, the ebbing lights within Gigas Corporation's ballroom offered the illusion of a snowfall on a winter's night. Humans were creatures of habit ( despite the residents of Replica Earth being naught but ghosts of mankind's glory ) -- and thus was a Winter Solstice Ball still held every twelfth month. It was at this ball where the recently crowned king-- the teenage Yozora-- had made his first public appearance.  
Yozora's guardians had made no effort to coach the young monarch on any manner of etiquette. Decked in a velvet suit and tie-- which fit poorly upon his skeletal frame, and drew more emphasis to his ghastly complexion-- the silver-haired boy was advised to remain silent as he was towed from elite to elite. Whilst the elders made conversation meaningless to an imprisoned adolescent, heterochromatic eyes scanned the ballroom for anything that could hold his interest.
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And someone did. A young girl, perhaps a similar age to Yozora himself, rooted herself in the perimeters of the hall. Was she another of Gigas Corp's victims… or a victim-in-waiting? Either way, the young king could not tell from this distance. Curiosity bested introversion, as the usually recluse monarch made the first step towards the stranger, whilst his attendants were in the thick of discussion. With a cautious question, the first rule of the night was broken: ❛  Are you… a 'resident' here?  ❜ A pause, as Yozora deliberated his wording. ❛  ... People our age aren't supposed to be upstairs.  ❜
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tiderider · 9 months
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there was nothing. no darkness, no light, no life or death, just an empty void. time meant little in the nothing, he would go mad and sanity would return within a breath of a lifetime. it could have been weeks, it could have been eons, he couldn't know. he couldn't remember anything before the nothing or perhaps the nothing had been always and eternal but then what place did he have in it? awake and yet asleep. he had a name. who gave it to him? the questions would surface and then dissipate almost as quickly. there was only nothing.
until there was something.
he was looking through eyes that were not his own, hearing through ears that were not his own, and the world came to him in such vivid clarity that he recoiled with a hiss. he felt their heart beat jump, the scent of sour anxiety, sharp and distracting. he tried to look around, nothing, he tried to move, still nothing.
the eyes that weren't his own blinked then glanced down at a pair of slender, delicate hands and a ring set within the palm. a ring. his ring. golden with an uncut obsidian stone in it's center. ❝ mine, ❞ harry said, willing the hands to close around it, willing them to hold so tightly the stone would bite into the soft tissue. harry. he was harry, and he was awake. ❝ who are you? ❞ // @rosewiltd , i genuinely don't know but i wanted a demon au and corinne drew the short straw .
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enchaentd · 3 months
📐 + 5'5!
height comparison meme, accepting!  ˎˊ˗
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loetise · 5 months
resident grandmama hobbling in with her walker to wish her bestest grandbaby a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! rora i love you so much. thank you for being friends with this old lady and putting up with my boomer humour. i hope you have a really good day that fills your heart with joy and love. crops watered, skin cleared, grass touched, etc etc. <3
birthday wishes for rora, always accepting!  ˎˊ˗
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wickdcreatures · 1 year
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          The sun had long since set, the only light left is cheap led candles and yellowed streetlights, castling long shadows down the misshapen and uneven cobblestone walkways. Passers by had long since stopped casting Corinne and Salem strange looks as they exchanged stories and shared food in their favorite cemetery picnic spot. It was an unspoken tradition, one that took a month-long hiatus for reasons Salem has been pretty cagey about — it’s not exactly easy to explain the whole possession thing, so he doesn’t really want to breach it. 
There had been no other visitors for quite some time, leaving them in the quiet of the night, bathed in the song of distant wildlife and crickets — which makes it all the more chilling when @rosewiltd pauses, uttering out a quiet     “ Did you hear that? ”     sharing a look with Salem.
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          “ N-no, ”     he murmurs, half concerned eyes now dancing around the cemetery's many twisting paths and grass patches, hoping to spot an animal or a late visitor. Maybe a police officer coming to tell him to shut it all down. But his eyes were met with nothing but the pale faces of headstones in the street light,     “ No, didn’t hear anything. Maybe it was, as cliche as this sounds, just the wind? ”
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klaeusd · 1 year
@rosewiltd, sc.
ㅤㅤ❛ i savor bitterness - it is born of experience. it is the privilege of one who has truly lived. ❜
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