#rotating a random tiktok mutual in my hands like a weird rock
boxingcleverrr · 9 months
True blathering/boggling ahead, but.
So there's a mutual in the cosplay circles I'm in who like...gets a LOT of hate. And their videos, cosplay, etc. aren't all that different than anyone else's! They get the same amount of views on average as the rest of us. They use a lot of the same audios, they're of average attractiveness (not that it matters, but yanno, in terms of looking through asshole-glasses), they're not being any more or less goofy than anyone else, etc. But while I'll maybe get oh, one or three pervy or trolly comments a month, this person gets 3-5 HATE comments almost EVERY video, EVERY week.
They laugh it off, which hey, if you're that unbothered, cool! I wish I had that thick of skin! But my analytical brain was still BOGGLED over how the algorithm could be THAT weird and mean.
And then just today I looked at their tags.
The....MILE of tags, that they put on videos.
My buds, they tag EVERY FREAKING DETAIL OF A VIDEO. After say, a dozen tags relating to the fandom, and cosplay, there's.... #browneyes #cute #funny #20something #jeans #coolchair #jokes #EYELASHES ....you get the point.
They're practically THROWING themselves at the normies and trolls. And not getting anything but hate for it! Their views and followers aren't any higher than mine or others!
Plainly, it doesn't get them ANY more positive rewards than other people cosplaying the same characters.
It ONLY gets them more trolls.
And I've been watching it happen for almost a year!
They're not someone who's constantly complaining about the hate they get either? Like, we've all seen people online who milk/fake any hate they get for sympathy, sadly, but they're definitely not that. I am trying SO HARD to wrap my obsessive brain around why you would do this to yourself when you could make it stop SO EASILY.
....pointless brain splinters are at least more fun than thinking about how the world's ending, anyway.
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