#rottmnt neourban au
nokmietarchive · 9 months
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neourban au doodle. donnie lecturing leo about smthn idk idk
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notemaker · 9 months
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@nokmietarchive So. Your design was too cool not to. Also Shelldon redesign. He's a computer now. Poor guy. Your sketches were SO exciting, and well, I wasn't sure what the shell would look like fully rendered, but I wanted to give it a go, because It's such a unique concept! It reminded me of how some gamer PC towers have these screens that let you see the inside of the machinery.
Unrelated; I realized I went on a rant past this point, so. Read for more if you're interested in that. Boo-yah.
Okay SO. The way I took it as I was re-drawing it, this particular shell is more focused on its technological abilities, as well as how it doubles as a Super Genius Fix-It Kit, and less of a Battle/Protective Shell. I wasn't really thinking about that when I was doodling the big picture. Btw, sorry if I kind of?? took the idea off your hands?? Brainstorming has no chains of its own,,,but if you're not cool with it, say so. I'll keep my lil' hands to myself. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully. But in the MEANTIME--I was imagining Donnie as this--like, the way he survives or gains the food on the table--It has more to do with how he can fix anything, right? He isn't picky about what he's asked to repair, so people of different standings can call him up. He'll be there. He charges almost nothing to those who don't have much and asks triple to the rich guys, so it all balances out. (He'll know if you're lying about your economic status. Fuck up once and that's on you.)
The thing is that his work is good. Very good. And fast. Those who can afford it know that he'll do a far better job than whoever else is on the market, so at the end of the day, he gets his pay. He probably also does underground work too, which works great for his dubious morality, but you know. Mostly to play Big Shot for fools for the right amount. Which can be straight up for free depending on who's on the other edge of the hammer. Lol. Now that the rant is over, I'd love to hear about anything and everything you'd have to say about these ideas of yours. If you want.
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nokmietarchive · 10 months
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art tag
coding tag (wow sorry i dont post in here enough)
RotTMNT Sisters AU what if the lost sisters were real
RotTMNT neourban AU self indulgent tech au
i take commissions sometimes
this is a sideblog so i follow/reply from full-metal-furies
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