quinn-of-aebradore · 9 months
Rewatched my recording of Rowen's epilogue party today for fun and promptly got knocked out with emotion by her conversation with Gale again, so I figured I might as well inflict that on y'all :3
Their conversation opened with a hug, which is in this post, it's very cute, and then Gale talks about teaching for a bit, prompting this:
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Which is wonderful and lovely! Rowen's looking at him so fondly, which makes sense given that their little magic lesson was the first time anyone had ever "properly" taught her magic! She was a scrappy little thieves guild kid who taught herself, after all. So of course she tells him he's an excellent teacher.
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Of course she does, given the above. And then-
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This look, coupled with that line and the fact that Rowen imagined going on a romantic walk with him during that moment? And that very soon after, he told her about Mystra and she promptly pulled away and that was that? Heartbreaking.
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And he follows it up by complimenting her! He knows very well by now that Rowen in that moment had never been formally educated in magic like he was and he's telling her she was already incredible from her own efforts! This man is still so smitten. And then he redirects, back to his students before asking-
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Gods, how conflicted I (and Rowen) felt about answering this. Everyone she's talked to so far, when they've asked (and the option was there), she's mentioned Astarion and how happy they are. But with Gale, after they've just danced around the "what could've been" aspect of their relationship, it would feel like rubbing salt in a wound to not only do that, but call Astarion the love of her life, wouldn't it?
So, wizard-exclusive option four it was.
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Look at this man's face! Oh my god. Granted I didn't manage to get the best screenshot of it, I was fighting the video player's progress bar a bit, but I swear. He is so fucking fond. I'm unwell about it.
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And then!!! He goes from So Damn Fond to "I can't stop talking about you" "I've told my students all about you. You should come teach with me." He has it so bad, my heart hurts.
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This is very much Rowen's Worry Incarnate face but let me tell you. When I heard that Gale becomes a professor in his non-god ending, I immediately headcanoned that he brings Rowen in as a guest lecturer, not knowing that he actually makes that offer. Because he knows her history, he knows how much something like that would mean to her. That even though she's grown so much from her state of feeling constantly inferior to everyone when they met, that having her skill as a wizard legitimized in that way is a dream come true. So that's not a look of worry on her face, really. That's "I am holding back tears".
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And then below that, there's the layer of "I've missed you, here's a way we can spend time together that I know you won't decline". Not in a manipulative way, obviously, he knows she's happy and he wouldn't begrudge her of that in a million years. Regardless of their relationship being platonic or romantic or anything in between, Rowen's his closest friend who he can truly talk about magic with and it's the same for Rowen! And in the end, even with the heartache that is there, that's what their foundation is and that's what matters.
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quinn-of-aebradore · 1 year
Okay okay okay so. The deal with Rowen and Gale. I have. Words.
What it boils down to is that they met when they were both far too early into their own healing for any feelings to develop painlessly. Rowen was still a basically open wound of poor self-worth and inferiority. Gale was still enamored with Mystra, still so in love, and couldn’t yet see how fucked up that relationship was.
And the thing is there is no them meeting later in their journeys. They needed each other to heal. Gale needed Rowen, a fellow wizard who to him should’ve been just as taken with Mystra as him, to look him in the eyes and say “she is using you” and “you deserve better then her. you deserve to live.” Rowen needed Gale to look at her and see not the scrappy street mage she’s always felt like and been seen as, but as the talented and powerful woman she is.
It just so happens that they fell a little in love with each other at the wrong point in time. That Rowen felt comfortable enough to let a little of that show and then two nights later Gale said “so, me and Mystra…” and knew no other response than to pull away in fear of being not good enough. And that by the time things might’ve worked out for them, Rowen had fallen for Astarion and he had fallen for her.
Rowen/Gale are the epitome of “honest feelings, wrong time” and I’m forever in my feelings about them.
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quinn-of-aebradore · 1 year
Now, please enjoy the pain (and hilarity) of the next morning following Rowen hugging Astarion. aka Gale Breakup and Live Shadowheart Reaction
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Rowen (because I know out of character that Gale isn’t down for polyamory) tells him that she only wants to be with Astarion
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It hurts! A lot! He looked very sad! But also he did this not only in front of the entire party (no party limit mod) but the entire courtyard of people at Last Light too. Gale. Sweetheart. Why didn’t you have this conversation with me at camp.
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