#rsverse: ashley
klywrites 1 year
Ashley likes to joke about how Mira has a thousand lovers because Mira "accidentally flirts her way into relationships" and really is that libra meme ~don't flirt with me because I will flirt back and you will fall in love alone~
Mira is oblivious to others' feelings towards her until things get messy. my daughter, you cannot possibly assume everyone you flirt with knows you're just being silly, you dumb
Mira: *flirts*
Someone: *develops feelings for her*
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klywrites 1 year
man I don't talk enough about mira and ashley to the point where even I "forget" that mira has friends outside of elles and remy 馃拃
wrt RS specifically mira helps ash fund her shelter and ash teaches mira so much about the world and the culture her birth parents come from. no they're not like ~besties~ per say but they actually have a strong relationship, like I would say ash is sort of a big sister figure to mira. and ash knows mira in a way that nobody else does even though she doesn't acknowledge it and they never talk about it
and in some ways I think mira takes ash for granted. or she just doesn't realize how integral ash is to her emotional well being
brb crying
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klywrites 1 year
what are the languages mira can speak? I can speak three too! english plus two from philippines :)
Hi! I'm so sorry this is really late. Whoever you are, I hope you see this 馃槄
So in RS2 she can speak a few languages but knows only some words and phrases in others. (For some context she's adopted by wealthy parents who pay for private tutors.)
Her first language being the common/bridge language of Illanthys (for us it would be English I guess). Another one is like... fantasy French. (she lives in a region where "French" is an official language) Next, she can somewhat speak one of the languages in Aleurias (where she was born and her birth parents lived). I forgot the name but it's fantasy Turkish, (which she learned from Ashley and later took some lessons) And she knows some sign language like most people in RSverse. Then there are a few languages she just knows phrases and some words for but I won't include them. So basically in RS2 she can speak Fantasy English and Fantasy French fluently.
In the "modern" stories (set on Earth but like a different Earth) you can think of those too with slight variation depending on the story. E.g. in TROOL she speaks "Turkish" and "English" fluently (she grew up with her birth parents instead of being adopted) and a little sign language.
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