#rtd give us the spin-off of 13 becoming one of the other vestiges of consciousness and spending her days with the other doctors
forest-of-cheem · 2 years
my initial reaction to the power of the doctor was… well. bloody loving every single minute of it.
now that i’ve had some time to think it all over…
(under the cut because spoilers!!)
this really did feel like such an excellent send-off for her.
she might well have made my favourite regeneration scene of new!who. the way she was so desperate for more time… but in the end, went into the sunrise with peace and happiness, and no regrets except wanting to know what comes next… and the visuals, on the clifftop with light shooting off in all directions…
the AI hologram!! i love that it was responsive rather than just reeling off the standard “if you’re seeing this, then i’m dead” message.
i love how expressive whittaker is. just. her face is doing so much, all the time, and it’s brilliant.
she’s come so far…
watching her pilot the tardis with her notes!! and even being able to catch ace as she was plummeting from the top of a building!!
i love her literally shoving the master to the ground and taking the tardis with her.
not to mention the way she fooled his ass, and forced him out of the doctor.
she carried the doctor!! yaz really stepped up and said i will be the goddamn hero today!!
i get the sadness over no thasmin kiss, but i guess. to me it makes sense, in a way. it’d be more painful for them to have some intimacy now when 13 is right on the brink of regenerating. and i’m a sucker for a tragic romance.
especially when new!who has only really seen two doctor/companion couples get romantic kisses in its entire run - 11/river, and 10/astrid. (yes, rose kisses tentoo, but he’s part donna, so i would argue it doesn’t entirely count.)
idk. what i’m trying to say is: romantic associations with the doctor rarely end well, for multiple reasons. that we got explicit confirmation of 13 and yaz’s mutual feelings at all is enough for me.
the master
dhawan is the best new!who incarnation of the master and i will die on that hill
inserting himself into all of those paintings was so uncalled for and so unnecessary, and i loved it
ra ra rasputin… artistic poetry. a masterpiece of the screen.
the master wearing 13’s outfit?? i am half-feral. i need more of it.
not trying to be rude, but i genuinely don’t get the people complaining that his plan/motives were too confusing/unclear. like… it was pretty clear to me…
“don’t make me go back to being me” i WILL cry.
playing the recorder when yaz abandons him…
and the way he squealed when the elevator doors closed on the way down to the bunker?? this episode really said here’s all the things you never knew you wanted sacha dhawan to do.
he was delightfully unhinged throughout this entire episode. if rtd doesn’t bring him back, it’ll be a damn crime.
look, i love 10. he’s my favourite doctor. but i am… conflicted about his return.
for one thing, i simply refuse to refer to him as 14 when that’s supposed to be ncuti gatwa!!
also, 13 leaves full of optimism and excitement, and then the first trailer for next year sounds all gloomy and severe?? i’m not feeling it.
also, i already feel like those specials simply will not compare to POTD. this was THE anniversary special for me, and it wasn’t even really intended as such. this ep had old doctors and companions alike, and so far the 60th is three episodes of… 10 and donna. and that’s it.
some of my bitterness here may well be the fact that i’m already sick and tired of seeing people all ~hooray the boring mediocre woman is gone it’s time for my favourite MAN doctor, yay, doctor who is saved!!~ like. shut the fuck up already.
everything else
no surprise that dan left, but tbh i feel like that could have been reworked into him leaving at the end of the preceding ep. it feels weird having him only at the very beginning and then near the end.
gonna be honest, before this ep i thought kate stewart was a perfectly decent character, but simply didn’t care much about her. but she was excellent in this episode, and now i definitely want to see more of her!!
the group for past companions is such a fantastic idea and i’m amazed it’s not been done before. everything about that bit was perfect. and it was so cool seeing classic companions! even if i didn’t have any real idea who they were!
this episode is gonna be what makes me watch classic who. i tried several years ago but… i got bored halfway through the second episode. keep meaning to go back, but i never have. now i definitely intend to.
on that note, i thought this was a great introduction to ace and tegan. their bits with the AI hologram were very sweet and have left me really wanting to see their classic stories.
i really thought vinder was gonna be the timeless child daddy, and instead. he was just there. he helped yaz, fair enough, but what was he even there for in the first place?? are he, bel and karvanista investigating alien shenanigans too now??
me, pretending to be shocked when graham arrives, despite having known for months about that set photo circulating of him and dan together…
all in all, this was a top-notch episode for me. my only quibbles are with dan’s early exit, and vinder’s presence feeling a bit random… and tennant’s return that may or may not go down well next year. idk. i have faith in rtd to deliver a fantastic era, but i have my doubts as to whether this is the way to kickstart it.
all else aside, jodie whittaker and mandip gill have made one of my favourite tardis teams, and sacha dhawan has cemented his place as my favourite master. and despite most of my actual predictions for this ep being wrong, i was right about this: it was chaotic, it was heartbreaking, and it was wonderful.
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