#ruction Company
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By: Toadworrier
Published: Mar 18, 2024
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As of 23 February 2024, Google’s new-model AI chatbot, Gemini, has been debarred from creating images of people, because it can’t resist drawing racist ones. It’s not that it is producing bigoted caricatures—the problem is that it is curiously reluctant to draw white people. When asked to produce images of popes, Vikings, or German soldiers from World War II, it keeps presenting figures that are black and often female. This is racist in two directions: it is erasing white people, while putting Nazis in blackface. The company has had to apologise for producing a service that is historically inaccurate and—what for an engineering company is perhaps even worse—broken.
This cock-up raises many questions, but the one that sticks in my mind is: Why didn’t anyone at Google notice this during development? At one level, the answer is obvious: this behaviour is not some bug that merely went unnoticed; it was deliberately engineered. After all, an unguided mechanical process is not going to figure out what Nazi uniforms looked like while somehow drawing the conclusion that the soldiers in them looked like Africans. Indeed, some of the texts that Gemini provides along with the images hint that it is secretly rewriting users’ prompts to request more “diversity.”
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[ Source: https://www.piratewires.com/p/google-gemini-race-art ]
The real questions, then, are: Why would Google deliberately engineer a system broken enough to serve up risible lies to its users? And why did no one point out the problems with Gemini at an earlier stage? Part of the problem is clearly the culture at Google. It is a culture that discourages employees from making politically incorrect observations. And even if an employee did not fear being fired for her views, why would she take on the risk and effort of speaking out if she felt the company would pay no attention to her? Indeed, perhaps some employees did speak up about the problems with Gemini—and were quietly ignored.  
The staff at Google know that the company has a history of bowing to employee activism if—and only if—it comes from the progressive left; and that it will often do so even at the expense of the business itself or of other employees. The most infamous case is that of James Damore, who was terminated for questioning Google’s diversity policies. (Damore speculated that the paucity of women in tech might reflect statistical differences in male and female interests, rather than simply a sexist culture.) But Google also left a lot more money on the table when employee complaints caused it to pull out of a contract to provide AI to the US military’s Project Maven. (To its credit, Google has also severely limited its access to the Chinese market, rather than be complicit in CCP censorship. Yet, like all such companies, Google now happily complies with take-down demands from many countries and Gemini even refuses to draw pictures of the Tiananmen Square massacre or otherwise offend the Chinese government).
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There have been other internal ructions at Google in the past. For example, in 2021, Asian Googlers complained that a rap video recommending that burglars target Chinese people’s houses was left up on YouTube. Although the company was forced to admit that the video was “highly offensive and [...] painful for many to watch,” it stayed up under an exception clause allowing greater leeway for videos “with an Educational, Documentary, Scientific or Artistic context.” Many blocked and demonetised YouTubers might be surprised that this exception exists. Asian Googlers might well suspect that the real reason the exception was applied here (and not in other cases) is that Asians rank low on the progressive stack.
Given the company’s history, it is easy to guess how awkward observations about problems with Gemini could have been batted away with corporate platitudes and woke non-sequiturs, such as “users aren’t just looking for pictures of white people” or “not all Vikings were blond and blue-eyed.” Since these rhetorical tricks are often used in public discourse as a way of twisting historical reality, why wouldn’t they also control discourse inside a famously woke company?
Even if the unfree speech culture at Google explains why the blunder wasn’t caught, there is still the question of why it was made in the first place. Right-wing media pundits have been pointing fingers at Jack Krawczyk, a senior product manager at Google who now works on “Gemini Experiences” and who has a history of banging the drum for social justice on Twitter (his Twitter account is now private). But there seems to be no deeper reason for singling him out. There is no evidence that Mr Krawczyk was the decision-maker responsible. Nor is he an example of woke incompetence—i.e., he is not someone who got a job just by saying politically correct things. Whatever his Twitter history, Krawczyk also has a strong CV as a Silicon Valley product manager. To the chagrin of many conservatives, people can be both woke and competent at the same time. 
Krawczyk is, at most, one example of the politically correct activist orthodoxy that blinds otherwise competent decision makers to the excesses of their ideology. That culture has organically permeated Silicon Valley, but it also has formal support structures within Google’s AI effort. One of these is the Responsible AI team, whose list of focus points begins with “equity and fairness” and ends with “applications for social good.” Similarly, their list of “AI Principles” is headed by the injunctions that AI should “be socially beneficial” and “avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias.” The idea that it should truthfully reflect reality appears nowhere on the list, not even under the heading of “unfair bias” which Google elaborates in the following way: 
AI algorithms and datasets can reflect, reinforce, or reduce unfair biases. We recognize that distinguishing fair from unfair biases is not always simple, and differs across cultures and societies. We will seek to avoid unjust impacts on people, particularly those related to sensitive characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, income, sexual orientation, ability, and political or religious belief.
Here Google is not promising to tell the truth, but rather to adjust the results of its algorithms whenever they seem unfair to protected groups of people.  And this, of course, is exactly what Gemini has just been caught doing.
All this is a betrayal of Google’s more fundamental promises. Its stated mission has always been to “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”—not to doctor that information for whatever it regards as the social good. And ever since “Don’t be evil” regrettably ceased to be the company’s motto, its three official values have been to respect each other, respect the user, and respect the opportunity. The Gemini fiasco goes against all three. Let’s take them in reverse order.
Disrespecting the Opportunity 
Some would argue that Google had already squandered the opportunity it had as early pioneer of the current crop of AI technologies by letting itself be beaten to the language-model punch by OpenAI’s ChatGPT and GPT4. But on the other hand, the second-mover position might itself provide an opportunity for a tech giant like Google, with a strong culture of reliability and solid engineering, to distinguish itself in the mercurial software industry.
It’s not always good to “move fast and break things” (as Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg once recommended), so Google could argue that it was right to take its time developing Gemini in order to ensure that its behaviour was reliable and safe. But it makes no sense if Google squandered that time and effort just to make that behaviour more wrong, racist, and ridiculous than it would have been by default.
Yet that seems to be what Google has done, because its culture has absorbed the social-justice-inflected conflation of “safety” with political correctness. This culture of telling people what to think for their own safety brings us to the next betrayed value.  
Disrespecting the User
Politically correct censorship and bowdlerisation are in themselves insults to the intelligence and wisdom of Google’s users. But Gemini's misbehaviour takes this to new heights: the AI has been deliberately twisted to serve up obviously wrong answers. Google appears not to take its users seriously enough to care what they might think about being served nonsense.
Disrespecting Each Other 
Once the company had been humiliated on Twitter, Google got the message that Gemini was not working right. But why wasn’t that alarm audible internally? A culture of mutual respect should mean that Googlers can point out that a system is profoundly broken, secure in the knowledge that the observation will be heeded. Instead, it seems that the company’s culture places respect for woke orthodoxy above respect for the contributions of colleagues.
Despite all this, Google is a formidably competent company that will no doubt fix Gemini—at least to the point at which it can be allowed to show pictures of people again. The important question is whether it will learn the bigger lesson. It will be tempting to hide this failure behind a comforting narrative that this was merely a clumsy implementation of an otherwise necessary anti-bias measure. As if Gemini’s wokeness problem is merely that it got caught.
Google’s communications so far have not been encouraging. While their official apology unequivocally admits that Gemini “got it wrong,” it does not acknowledge that Gemini placed correcting “unfair biases” above the truth to such an extent that it ended up telling racist lies. A leaked internal missive from Google boss Sundar Pichai makes matters even worse: Pichai calls the results “problematic” and laments that the programme has “offended our users and shown bias”—using the language of social justice, as if the problem were that Gemini was not sufficiently woke. Lulu Cheng Maservey, Chief Communications Officer at Activision Blizzard, has been scathing about Pichai’s fuzzy, politically correct rhetoric. She writes:
The obfuscation, lack of clarity, and fundamental failure to grasp the problem are due to a failure of leadership. A poorly written email is just the means through which that failure is revealed.
It would be a costly mistake for Google’s leaders to bury their heads in the sand. The company’s stock has already tumbled by $90 billion USD in the wake of this controversy. Those who are selling their stock might not care about the culture war per se, but they do care about whether Google is seen as a reliable conduit of information.
This loss is the cost of disrespecting users, and to paper over these cracks would just add insult to injury. Users will continue to notice Gemini’s biases, even if they fall below the threshold at which Google is forced to acknowledge them. But if Google resists the temptation to ignore its wokeness problem, this crisis could be turned into an opportunity. Google has the chance to win back the respect of colleagues and dismantle the culture of orthodoxy that has been on display ever since James Damore was sacked for presenting his views.
Google rightly prides itself on analysing and learning from failure. It is possible that the company will emerge from this much stronger. At least, having had this wake-up call puts it in a better position than many of our other leading institutions, of which Google is neither the wokest nor the blindest. Let’s hope it takes the opportunity to turn around and stop sleepwalking into the darkness.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
Helsingin Sanomat reports that bullying has increased in Helsinki schools.
That's according to the School Health Promotion study, a biannual survey of the state of the nation's schoolchildren performed by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (Finnish acronym THL).
The survey found that an average of 9.6 percent of pupils in Helsinki schools experienced bullying once a week. That represents an increase of two percentage points on the last survey, which was carried out two years ago.
HS looks deeper into the results to see what the situation is like in individual schools in the capital.
The paper has a handy tool allowing parents to check individual schools. The data shows that some 29.6 percent of children at Tahvonlahden Primary school in Laajasalo reported being bullied once a week, the highest school-specific number in the study.
The school's rector told HS that things have improved dramatically since the survey was done, with some 68 percent of pupils saying in the autumn that they were not bullied at all. That is up from around 30 percent in the survey.
There was wide variation in the results, with Swedish-language schools in Helsinki reporting much lower prevalence of bullying.
The survey is based on questionnaires sent to 4th, 5th, 8th and 9th graders.
MPs' shareholdings
Kauppalehti takes a look at legislators' declarations of financial interests, which have been required since 2015.
The paper found some fairly lax rules on MPs' investments. Firstly, any shareholding worth less than 50,000 euros does not need to be declared.
KL looked at the shareholding registry for Fortum, the majority-state-owned energy firm. They found plenty of MPs complying with the rules, but still holding thousands of euros worth of Fortum shares without declaring that in the parliamentary register of interests.
In mid-October National Coalition MP Pauli Kiuru had some 44,800 euros worth of Fortum shares. Other Fortum shareholders included Timo Harakka (14,800 euros, SDP), Atte Kaleva (8,600 euros, NCP), Markku Eestilä (8,500 euros, NCP), and Antti Lindtman (6,300 euros, SDP).
Of those, only Eestilä had declared his holding in the register of interests.
Companies where MPs exercise significant control are another issue. They only need to declare those shareholdings if they own more than 30 percent of the voting shares.
A parliamentary working group has suggested that the threshold be reduced to 20 percent of the voting shares.
Vaccine fury
Ilta-Sanomat follows up on an Etelä-Suomen Sanomat story about angry Lahti residents causing ructions as they demand Covid booster shots.
The autumn Covid wave is in full swing in Finland, with plenty of people falling ill. That has prompted a belated rush for booster doses of vaccine, but capacity to deliver them is being tested in the Päijät-Häme region.
People have been abusive towards bookers on the phone lines, and even turned up at vaccination centres and tried to demand inoculation without an appointment.
The current vaccination programme is limited to those in risk groups, who are mostly over 65 years of age. Their behaviour has surprised health professionals.
"We're always hearing about young people this and young people that," said vaccination coordinator Henry Raita. "But there has been more disruptive behaviour from the over-65s than from the youth, which is a little strange. We are talking about grown up people who have plenty of life experience, and then they don't know how to behave."
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grammymk · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Stencils Song birds Thursday’s Child Woodland Santa.
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businessnewss · 2 years
Pension funds after the gilts crisis: the big asset allocation rethink
Pension funds after the gilts crisis: the big asset allocation rethink
When UK pension funds started to buckle under the turbulence caused by the Truss government’s “mini” Budget in September, senior executives at J Sainsbury were taking no chances. The supermarket group’s pension fund, which has more than 70,000 members, had weathered the initial market volatility. But the company, fearful of more ructions once the Bank of England stabilisation measures were…
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UK watchdogs maintain disaster talks to avert gilts cliff-edge
The UK watchdogs chargeable for the £1.5tn nook of the pensions sector that got here near imploding this week are holding day by day talks with asset managers to stave off a recent disaster when the Financial institution of England’s emergency bond shopping for ends. The £65bn plan, which ends on October 14, was launched on Wednesday to safeguard the pensions sector after this week’s market turmoil sparked by chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s plans for unfunded tax cuts. Regulators have referred to as emergency conferences beneath their Authorities’ Response Framework, which is triggered by threats to monetary stability, individuals acquainted with the matter stated. They’re involved that when the BoE withdraws its assist a bond sell-off will resume, inflicting yields to rise and placing extra strain on defined-benefit pension funds, which dumped gilts as they sought emergency collateral. Outlined-benefit pension schemes are nonetheless having to promote different property to boost money to fulfill margin calls, regardless of the BoE’s intervention. Within the rush to boost money, pension schemes have dumped shares and bonds, with some looking for bailouts from their company backers. Daniela Russell, head of UK charges technique at HSBC, stated the BoE bond purchases have been a “sticking plaster” which buys time for pension schemes. “With a attainable cliff-edge when this is because of finish . . . the financial institution could think about providing extra assist,” she stated. “The BoE has purchased time to mitigate the shock,” stated Salman Ahmed, world head of macro and strategic asset allocation at Constancy Worldwide. “However until one thing modifications on the fiscal coverage aspect the BoE should keep available in the market longer. The market must see how they’re going to get a decline in debt to GDP over the medium time period. Both the insurance policies from the finances should go or they’re going to want large spending cuts.” Beneficial One possibility could be for the BoE to formalise its gilt-buying operation right into a everlasting facility that might be triggered in comparable circumstances, with out the necessity for emergency intervention or the backstop of taxpayer funds, a former policymaker stated. The occasions of the previous week have rocked pension schemes and likewise the UK housing market, with many lenders withdrawing offers, and householders unsure about whether or not their mortgages can be inexpensive. The sharp fall within the worth of 30-year authorities bonds, triggered by final week’s tax reduce announcement, led to unprecedented margin calls — calls for that they stump up extra cash — for defined-benefit schemes. The Monetary Conduct Authority, the Pensions Regulator and the Treasury declined to remark. The BoE stated in a press release that the “scale and pace” of the ructions within the bond market this week far exceeded historic strikes”. The 30-year gilt yield swung 1.27 share factors on Wednesday, better than the annual vary in all however 4 of the previous 27 years, it added. Further reporting by Adrienne Klasa, Daniel Thomas and Sylvia Pfeifer Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
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burtfromohio · 4 years
This is a bunch of OC stuff
Big long post, will take energy to get through. Enjoy.
Nessalyn Aradath
     Born to Joselyn Aradath and a father who is not in the picture. After Joselyn had Nessalyn, she moved from her home (in an underwater city I’m sure exists) to Elmville in Solace to have a better life with her daughter and to decrease the chances of seeing her slimy ex.
     Nessalyn (Ness) grew up in a very suburban non exciting environment. Her mom let her go to Aguefort because she thought adventuring would let out any pent up energy and curb any teenage rebellion. In school, Ness completed her freshman year as a fighter who wields a trident then multiclassed wizard with ice spells as her go to (because of the aesthetic). Also because of aesthetic I think she fuses her focus into her trident so she can cast from it. After graduation, Ness wanted to continue adventuring through college and go into a career that includes adventure; however, her mom convinced her to “choose a sustainable career choice”. Ness went to a four year university and became an accountant after college. She felt fine with it mostly, but after getting out of a very bland relationship, she knew she had to reevaluate her life.
     While cleaning and redecorating her living space, she finds her old trident and decides to screw what anyone says and start adventuring again. She’s kept up her health and endurance so she thinks she can go back into it but she’s really rusty with magic and combat stuff (see rust condition in the players handbook I’m not writing lol). She takes all her money and puts a lot of it in a bag of holding to hide it and goes out into the ocean to, at 26, start life over and become a pirate because what else do you do as a semi aquatic with pent up aggression.
     She makes her pirate living by taking jobs from non water breathers on Leviathan to dive for treasure. She of course skims a little treasure to keep for herself in her bag of holding that no one knows she has as she keeps many bags on her belt, delivers the treasure after which she is paid her cut.
     She does find her way to The Gold Gardens and meets Garthy (bc that’s why I made her in the first place) and after some fanfiction worthy stuff and time they become really good close friends. I like to think Garthy confides in her as much as she confides in them.
Side notes:
Ness gets her name from my usual screen name plus Triton naming conventions
I use my regular voice (standard american accent) for her just a bit more mature and optimistic sounding i guess
This is me if i could be a cool pirate almost mermaid and friends with everyone at the Gold Gardens especially Garthy
     Born to an neglectful orc mother she doesn’t really remember and a shitty triton father she remembers only slightly with great hatred. When she was very young, her mother gave her to her deadbeat father to take care of which he did for like a month then dropped her off where he thought was the most civilized place in the middle of the ocean that was close and convenient. He was wrong and left the young child to fend for herself on Leviathan. He kind of just dropped her on the lowest, closest stoop from the ocean which ended up being The Bilge.
     She hid in the dark until she was brave enough to head out where more people were to find help. She was treated incredibly poorly. In fact, when asked what her name is, her answer is “the only thing anyone has called me is ‘a filthy street urchin’. Makes sense,”. She did catch a glimpse of fighting especially from the Row and the Ruction and learned that the only way to survive was to be able to fight and hide and steal. She slept in only the darkest parts of Leviathan and sometimes had to hideaway in the ocean. She stole two gorgeous scimitar (gold hilt, black blade)from a ship with no detection. She classifies as a fighter and rogue.
     She stalks in the shadows and has at least a little info on everyone in Leviathan. Her dream is to sink the whole place down but with powerful people like Ayda and Garthy calling Leviathan home, she wouldn’t dare act on her desire.
     Urchin did once try to reach out to Garthy but upon seeing the gorgeous people who wandered about in The Gold Gardens, she assumed they would turn their noses up at her like most people did and assumed that about Garthy as well because those people were the type of company they keep.
     She has gathered info to try to track her mother and father down and confront them by stealing various documents and records from all over Leviathan and any significant ships. She doesn’t find her mother that way but she did find her father or at least his name.
Side notes:
Urchin has a real name read below
I use a kind of british accent for her voice (think Karliah Skyrim) with a little more idk cockney in there
This is just a really good idea i had and not me at all
The two now women do eventually have a chance encounter while Nessalyn hides in the Bilge from some people she screwed over. Urchin wants absolutely nothing to do with anyone and she knows base information about Ness (not her whole name tho), the optimistic new pirate wannabe who captured the heart of Garthy and everyone at The Gold Gardens. Ness is surprised at this and Urchin is surprised that Ness gives her the time of day since no one has ever spoken to her at length. When Ness asks her name she uses the quote above. Ness then vows to become Urchin’s friend because why not. Urchin hates this but maybe deep down likes it because she’s never had a friend and craves the affection she never had. After much persisting from Ness and repeat visits to talk, Urchin opens up about her shit family and how she has found some key info on her father and his whereabouts. Turns out his name is Syrus Aradath and he is held up in some sleezy underwater city that I’m sure exists. Ness is taken aback because that’s her last name (also to Urchins surprise since full names aren’t important unless they belong to powerful people)but doesnt know much about her father’s side of the family. All she knows is the one thing her mom had mentioned when she was worked up. Something about having to leave her two timing dirtbag husband who cheated on her when he was supposedly on a business trip but really he went to visit an orc. Then the final piece comes together with that memory and Ness is elated that she figured out that they are in fact half sisters with Ness being a little older though Urchin does not know her exact date of birth (Ness offers to share her birthday bc she’s cute like that). Urchin isn’t excited but in time warms up to the idea. They do forge a sisterly bond. Urchin finally meets Garthy and feels bad that she assumed they were going to be like mean or something. The two embark on a journey to confront their shit father and they do and tell him off and its cathartic and whatnot in the way that their father lives a deserved shitty life in an undersea hovel with many people mad at him for one reason or another. He truthfully claims he has no other children and Urchin gets the info on her mom, Valra Head Smasher, and goes off to confront her by herself for closure purposes. She does find her and sees that she leans more on the side of traditional orc (tough and mean). Her mom tells her that she was very small and weak when she was born and didn’t deserve a name that was fully orcish so she named her something kind of orcish but leaning more towards her weakling father’s heritage or something. Her real name is Korhal Aradath. Valra commends Urchin’s bravery of tracking her down and confronting her.
thats what ive got :p
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Brazil's fintechs feel coronavirus sting, in government funding talks
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Brazilian financial startups are in talks to obtain funding and possibly new business from development bank BNDES or similar institutions now that their usual financing channels have dried up due to coronavirus-linked market ructions, an industry group said.
ABCD, an association of Brazil’s digital lenders, said it is also discussing the possibility that the central bank will provide incentives to banks to provide funding for fintechs.
“We’ve been discussing some alternative plans, such as having BNDES or other public banks providing funding for fintechs’ lending during the crisis,” ABCD head Rafael Pereira said in an interview late on Wednesday.
ABCD’s members include SoftBank-backed lender Creditas, payments company StoneCo Ltd and MercadoLibre Inc ‘s financial unit Mercado Pago.
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brewedsunlight · 3 years
OYA Solar building six community solar projects in New York State
Follow @EngelsAngle
OYA Solar, a renewable energy developer and independent power producer, has started construction on six community solar projects in New York State.
The combined 32 MWDC community solar projects are part of the NYERDA VDER program, benefiting residents and businesses in Franklin, Jefferson, Livingston, Onondaga, and Oswego Counties.
The projects are expected to generate approximately 895,000 MWh of power and offset 699,000 tons of carbon dioxide over their 25-year operation.
Read more: Curtailments of solar electricity generation continue to increase in California
“OYA Solar has an ambitious goal of becoming one of the largest constructors and operators of community solar projects that will support New York’s transition to a cleaner and more resilient energy source,” said OYA Solar CEO Manish Nayar. “Our strong development and construction platform has a proven track record in New York, and more broadly across the Northeast U.S. and Canada, and we embrace our role as a driver of solar energy expansion and accessibility.”
OYA Solar expects to build an additional 140 MWDC of community solar projects in New York State by the end of next year. The company has a 2 GWDC pipeline of community solar and utility-scale projects across the Northeast U.S. and Canada.
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the-breakfast-chub · 3 years
OYA Solar building six community solar projects in New York State
Follow @EngelsAngle
OYA Solar, a renewable energy developer and independent power producer, has started construction on six community solar projects in New York State.
The combined 32 MWDC community solar projects are part of the NYERDA VDER program, benefiting residents and businesses in Franklin, Jefferson, Livingston, Onondaga, and Oswego Counties.
The projects are expected to generate approximately 895,000 MWh of power and offset 699,000 tons of carbon dioxide over their 25-year operation.
Read more: Curtailments of solar electricity generation continue to increase in California
“OYA Solar has an ambitious goal of becoming one of the largest constructors and operators of community solar projects that will support New York’s transition to a cleaner and more resilient energy source,” said OYA Solar CEO Manish Nayar. “Our strong development and construction platform has a proven track record in New York, and more broadly across the Northeast U.S. and Canada, and we embrace our role as a driver of solar energy expansion and accessibility.”
OYA Solar expects to build an additional 140 MWDC of community solar projects in New York State by the end of next year. The company has a 2 GWDC pipeline of community solar and utility-scale projects across the Northeast U.S. and Canada.
Subscribe to Renewable Energy World’s free, weekly newsletter for more stories like this
from https://ift.tt/3yYeCVd
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logistiservices · 3 years
Adapting to the new normal: Key strategies for supply chain management companies
It is now clear that the impact of the pandemic is a long-lasting one. However, the most important question is how do we prepare ourselves for recovery and the new normal?
Predictions and implementations
The future may be unclear, but it has sets of economic predictions with a higher probability of V-shaped versus U-shaped recovery e a second or third stronger wave of covid-19 death ructions, etc. Supply chain management companies should prepare themselves for which every scenario is likely to become a reality. Regardless of the business plan, supply chain companies must consider alternative calculate costs and invest in a plan of action before the window of opportunity closes.
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Normalize your demand history
The impacts of the virus have created an unpredicted situation, and what we will see in the coming months could be nowhere near what we expect. The first step for supply chain technology companies would be to normalize historical demand according to the baseline. To normalize, companies must consider accuracy, speed, and efficiency as the key deciders. The data used for safety stock calculations should accommodate wild swings and always meet customer service goals.
Develop an action plan
Working on an action plan based on the learnings from the various scenarios is important. Some of the ways to do that are to include each scenario's probability against one another pick the most probable range, and shoot for the most likely outcomes.
Realign strategies
During normal times, companies tackled uncertainty in inventory management by placing buffer inventory against safety stocks. In the current situation, inventory planners must consider both typical and atypical uncertainties by using certain strategies. Some of these strategies include changing deployment rules to reflect inventory plants so the stock will support the strategy and modifying inventory strategies to a more coverage-based model.
Work on limited supply
It is crucial to reconsider the bottlenecks and constraints occurring in the supply chain. More than just evaluating the levels of uncertainty, it is important to manage and make better use of the available supply.
The most successful businesses are the ones that quickly adapt to changing times. It would be wise for businesses to keep adaptability as their key survival skill with turbulent times ahead.
For Original Post Visit: https://logistic-consulting-services.blogspot.com/2021/05/adapting-to-new-normal-key-strategies.html
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freenewstoday · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/02/01/opinion-the-robinhood-non-conspiracy/
Opinion | The Robinhood Non-Conspiracy
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So much for the “rigged” market, the supposed conspiracy to fleece Reddit traders, and other nonsense spouted about last week’s stock market ructions involving GameStop and other companies. It turns out the controversy was essentially about a larger than normal clearinghouse call for capital.
As David Battan explains nearby, that’s almost certainly the story behind the decision by Robinhood, the internet trading app, to limit trades in certain stocks for a time late last week. Politicians like Sen. Ted Cruz and bar-stool financial analysts claimed to see a plot by the new Robber Barons.
The reality is more prosaic. Robinhood and other brokers were deluged by traders looking to invest in GameStop and other shares, often with options contracts that can increase leverage and trading risk. A clearinghouse that processes and settles trades watched the volatile trading and demanded more collateral to cope with potential losses.
Robinhood Chief Executive Vlad Tenev explained the demand Sunday night in an interview on a livestream on Clubhouse, a social-networking app. “The request was around $3 billion, which is, you know, about an order of magnitude more than what it typically is,” Mr. Tenev said.
A margin call is not a conspiracy. A clearinghouse is an intermediary between buyers and sellers in a financial market. It “clears,” or finalizes, trades and makes sure the parties fulfill the contract and assets are delivered. It also mitigates risk by requiring that trades be backed by enough capital to reduce the chances that one of the trading parties goes bankrupt. This protects investors as well as brokers.
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verpelisplus-hd · 4 years
Descargar Los hermanos Willoughby Pelicula Completa en Espanol 2020 Latino - 1080p
Descargar Los hermanos Willoughby (2020) Animación, Comedia, Familia. Los hermanos Willoughby se puede ver de forma gratuita registrándose. Ver Los hermanos Willoughby HD Calidad.
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Los hermanos Willoughby (2020)
Fecha de estreno : 2020-04-22 Géneros : Animación, Comedia, Familia Runtime : 92 Minutes Home Page : https://www.netflix.com/title/80239482 IMDb Page : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5206260 Company : Bron Animation, Creative Wealth Media Finance, Bron Studios Reparto : Will Forte, Maya Rudolph, Alessia Cara, Terry Crews, Martin Short, Jane Krakowski, Seán Cullen, Ricky Gervais, Fiona Toth, Islie Hirvonen Tagline: Una historia familiar, para cualquiera que alguna vez haya querido alejarse de su familia... Overview : Los hermanos Willoughby están convencidos de que sin sus padres (un par de egoístas) les iría mucho mejor. Cuando consiguen mandarlos de vacaciones, los cuatro niños se embarcan en una aventura en busca del verdadero significado de la familia.
Ver Los hermanos Willoughby (2020) Pelicula Completa en Espanol. Los hermanos Willoughby se puede ver de forma gratuita registrándose. Descargar Los hermanos Willoughby HD Calidad.
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thecryptoreport · 4 years
Crypto Long & Short: Coinbase’s ‘Apolitical’ Stance Isn’t Nearly as Simple as It Sounds
Crypto Long & Short: Coinbase’s ‘Apolitical’ Stance Isn’t Nearly as Simple as It Sounds
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As if the ructions of the year aren’t giving us enough cause to re-examine things we thought we understood, now we find ourselves questioning what a company is for, and what role it should occupy in society and in employees’ lives. 
Earlier this week, Coinbase co-founder and CEO Brian Armstrong published a postin which he stressed the company’s focus on the mission of creating “an open…
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annubs-tcs · 4 years
RV College BTech Admission via Management Quota
RV College BTech Admission via Management Quota
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Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering (RVCE or R.V. College of Engineering, Rāshtrīya Vidyālaya Tāntrika Mahāvidyālaya) is a private technical co-educational college located in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.. Established in 1963. RVCE has 11 departments in engineering, . It is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. . The undergraduate courses are granted academic autonomy by the university. . RVCE is accredited by the All India Council for Technical Education and all its departments are accredited by the National Board of Accreditation. Get RV College BTech Admission via Management Quota for 2020 Session.
Contact TRUMP ® Career Solution [AN ISO 9001:2015 certified Company]. Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) || 9632226036 (Shekhar). Visit our website- www.engineering-admission.in or email us: [email protected]
RVCE is spread over 51.4 acres (20.8 ha) on the banks of the Vrishabhavati River in Bengaluru. The nearest commuter railway station is Jnanabharati Station, and the nearest major railway station is the Bangalore City Railway Station.
Campus: The college has a post office with postal identification as R.V. Vidyaniketan P.O, and a bank operated by Kotak Mahindra on its campus. The canteen serves a variety of cuisines, including North Indian, South Indian and Chinese. The campus is equipped with Wi-Fi routers, over its entirety. The college also operates a health centre, with round the clock medical supervision available. Get Direct Admission in RV College of Engineering for 2020 Session. Students and staff can also avail on campus gym facilities as well
Hostels: RVCE has 5 hostel blocks on campus, with 3 blocks being occupied by students and 2 blocks under renovation for the coming term. The hostel blocks under use are the Diamond Jubilee Hostel for first years, New Cauvery Block for second years, third years and MCA students, & the Sir. M. Visves varaya Block for the final year students. The college, along with the managing trust operates four other hostels in Bangalore located in Jayanagar, J.P. Nagar, and Rajarajeshwari Nagar meant exclusively for women.
Environmental initiatives: A rain water harv esting system sponsored by KPMG has been installed near the Telecommunication Engi neering block, and a similar system is in place near the administrative block, the const ruction of which was sup ervised by the department of Civil engineering. Both the harvesting systems make use of a sump, and the stored water is typically used for gardening purposes.
A large percentage of the electricity is generated by solar arrays placed atop the different departments, across the college campus.
Get RV College BTech Admission via Management Quota for 2020 Session
Contact TRUMP ® Career Solution [AN ISO 9001:2015 certified Company]. Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) || 9632226036 (Shekhar). Visit our website- www.engineering-admission.in or email us: [email protected]
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whatstheweather · 5 years
Explainer: Dollar Demand Reveals Market's Pain Point
By Reuters This month's dramatic selloff in financial markets is causing ructions in vital funding markets that keep money flowing between banks and companies and underpin anything from global trade to corporate cashflow. Published: March 13, 2020 at 03:17PM from NYT Business Day https://ift.tt/38NajPw via IFTTT
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preciousmetals0 · 5 years
1 Renewable Energy Stock Yielding 6% to Buy Today and Profit in 2020
1 Renewable Energy Stock Yielding 6% to Buy Today and Profit in 2020:
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Polaris Infrastructure (TSX:PIF) is a micro-cap renewable energy company with assets in Nicaragua and Peru. It has proven itself capable of delivering value for investors, despite the ongoing political ructions in Nicaragua and softer economic outlook in both Latin American nations, gaining an impressive 36% over the last year. There are signs that Polaris will deliver further gains over the course of 2020, although it maybe a bumpy ride for investors.
Quality Latin American assets
Polaris owns the San Jacinto geothermal power facility in Nicaragua and hydro assets in Peru, which it acquired in 2018. Nicaragua, which once had one of the fastest-growing economies in Latin America, has been convulsed by civil unrest since President Daniel Ortega attempted to reform pensions and social security in the country. Since then, it has also been hit with U.S. sanctions, which — combined with ongoing unrest and the political crisis engulfing the country — has caused economic growth to stall.
The IMF predicted that the gross domestic product would contract by 5% in 2019 and will do so again in 2020 by almost 1%. That doesn’t bode well for electricity demand and was a key reason for Polaris being sharply sold off when the crisis hit.
Nonetheless, Polaris thus far appears relatively immune to the economic fallout and reported some solid third-quarter 2019 numbers, which should be repeated for the fourth quarter. For the first nine months of 2019, the 72-megawatt (MW) San Jacinto plant generated 61.2 MW of electricity, which was marginally higher than the 61.1 MW produced for that period a year earlier.
Electricity output from San Jacinto should increase during 2020, because Polaris is focused on optimizing operations at the plant and boosting the amount of steam generated by existing wells.
More importantly, the renewable energy utility announced that it had completed construction of the eight MW El Carmen and 20 MW 8 de Agosto run of river hydro plants in Peru. Once those plants reach full commercial production, it is expected that the plants will add US$7 million to US$9 million to Polaris’s annual EBITDA.
The operational Canchayllo hydro plant, also located in Peru, which was also obtained as part of the purchase of Union Energy in 2018, performed according to expectations and is expected to generate 28,000 to 31,000 megawatt hours (MWh) annually. That would see it contribute up to US$16 million in revenue to Polaris, further boosting its earnings and reducing the utilities dependence on strife-torn Nicaragua.
This further reduces Polaris’s exposure to geopolitical risk, because Peru is one of the more stable nations in Latin America, and give its earnings a solid boost.
Polaris rewards shareholders through the payment of a sustainable quarterly dividend, which is currently yielding a very juicy 6.5%. The sustainability of that payment will improve significantly, as earnings from the electric utility’s operations in Peru grow.
Foolish takeaway
Polaris is an attractively valued play on the growing adoption of renewable power and greater demand or electricity in Latin America. While a sharp increase in geopolitical risk in the region will continue to weigh on its short-term outlook, Polaris’s stock will soar as that risk steadily decreases and its earnings from Peru grow.
Fool contributor Matt Smith has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of Polaris Infrastructure Inc.
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