#rude behavior >:( i am 100% original dude
chicago-geniza · 3 years
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well i intended to go for a nice evening walk, ended up having a panic attack, ordering a couple of cocktails at the bougie bar, joining a jam session with a bunch of old hippies on the logan green (one of them gave me a handpainted wooden medallion which seems to be carved out of tree bark, strung on a length of yarn???), met a crustpunk train-hopping dude in town for the month (& his dog, in a leather-studded harness) who's lived in 45/50 states & a 44 yr old guy everyone called "the wizard" wearing a tattered, patch-covered robe who shares most of my parents' conspiracy theories & considers himself a latter-day prophet, he bought us sorbet & ice cream, wound up hanging out with them & staying up all night at their indescribably eclectic, cluttered, blood-spattered (!!!) apartment, belonging to 44 yr old guy's art curator father & decorated accordingly, smoking m*th & listening to music & talking (or rather listening to them rant/rave/recount stories from their incredibly wild lives), i gave them advice on applying for unemployment & medicaid & how to appear compliant enough w/ carceral psychiatric intervention so they won't section you without actually submitting to forced medication or institutionalization, especially if they assign you a case worker & do regular "wellness checks." also how to pass off certain aspects of behavioral dysregulation as executive dysfunction, get them to pay for an adhd evaluation, get an adderall IR scrip, sell the 30 mg pills (cite body weight, high doses of other psych meds as reason for higher dose; look sincere; play to systemic biases toward cis white men, unfortunately), & use the cash to buy m*th, if they'd prefer to keep doing that. you can also pass positive psychotic symptoms--agitation etc.--off as severe anxiety, especially if you have a history of trauma, & they will give you benzodiazepines. it is in their best interest to keep you docile, i.e. tranquilized, particularly if your past convictions & involuntary institutionalizations revolve around a pattern of aggressive behavior, & that's On The Record/there's a paper trail. (e.g. one dude got arrested trying to keep cars away from an injured bird on the road, some genre of raptor i think (???) by threatening them with a shopping cart, not hitting them, but like, running at them as if to collide then feinting at the last minute so they'd swerve out of the way. not the safest or most effective maneuver, lotta reckless endangerment, but the motivation was admirable. probably put the fear of god into some drivers, though. he doesn't seem to have, like, impulse control.) it's a lot easier & you have fewer run-ins with the cops if you game the system & appear cooperative. they gave me this coat, which "just showed up in their apartment one day," like i did. 44 yr old guy walked me back to apartment, stole a street sign & tore down a real estate sign en route, lori lightfoot did indeed take down the pride flag in front of her house on july 1st & replace it with an appropriately patriotic american flag, i walked past the idling plainclothes cop car & another marked police vehicle with their Mayoral Guarding Detail inside at like 4.30 am smoking a menthol cigarette (not inhaling), high on m*th, draped in a neon anime jacket, in the company of a visibly insane, unshaven & unshorn middle-aged man in a technicolor patchwork trenchcoat, holding a lit cigarette in one hand & an upside-down traffic cone in the other, which he was using as an ad hoc amplifier for a noise track playing on my phone. he was also carrying the stolen real estate banner &, inexplicably, a stack of mail. i gave him my old backup phone (no SIM card & doesn't hold a charge long, ancient, but still works), since neither he nor the other dude have phones (cops took them), also one hybrid edible for each of them, as a thanks for the m*th & the kindness. their hearts are in the right place but they have some fucked-up beliefs about "reverse racism" being real, while also saying in the same breath that you can tell our country is irredeemable by the way it continues to
treat black people. we were discussing medical weed for seizures on medicaid & 44 yr old guy mentioned one of his close friends, a black epileptic woman, whose seizures were frequent & severe enough they prevented her from working. then he added, in apparent bemusement, they she hadn't spoken to him in some time, & he wondered why. a little while later he relayed their last conversation & i was like "my dude, i can say with 100% certainty she is not talking to you because you said some *appallingly*, jaw-droppingly racist shit & did not even realize it was racist." then i, comma, a white person, explained to this man that he literally thought of their exchange as, like, an abstract argument over insignificant ideas, a theoretical exercise, & therefore considered it simply a smug gotcha to "counter" hotep theories about egyptian origin by claiming that "if that's true, american slavery & the oppression of black people in america are divine retribution for the enslavement of the jews in ancient egypt, an eye for an eye & a deserved punishment." like, first of all, what the actual fuck, if i were that woman i would also never speak to you again, second of all there's the collapse of historical time & mythical time, history & exegesis, an assumption that rests on spurious claims of biblical literalism (zionist colonization logic, btw! him: what's exegesis? what's zionism? me: never mind, not the point. exegesis is the interpretation of religious texts in a religious CONtext, in this case what you would likely call the hebrew bible.)--but most importantly it is 100% irrelevant to this discussion whether or not black americans are Actually Factually descendended from ancient egypt! you just told this woman to her face that the ancestry she claims, of which she's proud, is the reason & justification for SLAVERY & BLACK SUFFERING--not only that, but that if it WERE true, than black people would DESRVE to suffer, by DIVINE DECREE. you are trying to force her to abdicate her claim on this heritage by putting her in a position where she'd be forced to concede complicity in her people's historical & present-day persecution, oppression, & essentially the existence of structural racism. & using The Figural Jew as a rhetorical cudgel to bludgeon her into this corner. what a despicable thing to say. like, he hadn't considered it from her perspective at all, & once he groked why the comment itself was, like, unforgivable (idk, maybe she's more forgiving; she has a virtue-name), i started socratic-method-ing him through why it was particularly unforgivable for *him* to say to *her*--the individual is not responsible for the systems from they benefit, but they are imbricated in them, they are implicated when they actively perpetuate & uphold them, even with speech acts. & finally gave the same "there is no such thing as reverse racism because racism is not an individual act, it is an institutional, systemic phenomenon, & it is an ideology, one which individual acts can bear out or be in accordance with, & to which individuals can subscribe (this bearing it out in their behavior, in their institutional roles, in their interpersonal interactions--here i gave & solicited examples of each) or be subject (also gave & solicited examples). m*th makes me very good at Explaining clearly & he was surprisingly receptive--like, it was astonishing that it had not occurred to him??? but it hadn't, the same way it hadn't occurred to my mother, & she interpreted it as "reverse racist" when their next-door neighbor called her the "white devil" for disputing their property line, & i had to be like "ok but if you called in a random third party to mediate in lily-white [city], oregon, where white supremacists openly drive down the street in pickup trucks with swastika armbands, whose side do you think they would take, statistically speaking, in your property dispute. that's why racism is systemic & institutional, & your rude neighbor calling you a name over a disagreement does not constitute 'reverse racism,' because 'reverse racism' by definition cannot
exist." now this dude wants to like, read books, so i gotta get him some entry-level Intro To Racism primers??? how did i end up here, but better me than his black epileptic (ex-)friend, i guess??? jesus christ. both of these guys have the most chaotic, reactionary politics in a potpourri with these deep commitments to abolition & mutual aid & a kind of proto-anarchist consciousness, none of which would be called by those names, but all of which is borne out in practice & in the politics of everyday life. they remind me a LOT of my parents. i'm loath to imagine how they'd internalize my stepdad's rambling, street-preacher-style libertarian lectures. probably go out & buy guns & invest in gold on the stock market & double down on the conviction that free speech is being curtailed & individual rights are in jeopardy because you can no longer unleash a barrage of harassment against some guy on the street because you think he looked at you funny. these claustrophobic convictions, like the space to express oneself is getting smaller & smaller every day, *other people* are taking it away from you, suffocating you on all sides with their offense demanding your silence, they are *making* the walls close in--when in fact it's more like a holodeck. you're a member of the Hegemonic Group, afforded the privilege of the default, so you don't question the vast verdant expanse that is your domain--ah, Free Speech, the sun never sets on the empire of ~uncensored expression, you can say whatever you want whenever you want without facing consequences because you control all the organs that mete out consequences & you have also determined that those groups who might be adversely affected by your words--emotionally OR materially--are not, well...of consequence. but of course the vast verdant domain is an illusion, photons & forcefields, held together by the all-encompassing TOTALITY of the dominant group's hegemony, power, etc. once that power begins to redistribute throughout the system--however unevenly, however incrementally, however slowly--as even the smallest pieces are appropriated by those deemed inconsequential, who have endured years of systemic, material, institutional violence that allowed the dominant group to become dominant & retain its dominant position--once those 'inconsequential' groups speak up & say "actually, these words bear an indelible imprint of the violence enacted upon us, these words are the legacy of that violence, these words are a tacit endorsement of the ideology behind that violence, which classifies us as subhuman, & even if *you* can't hear those echoes, the words broadcast on two historical frequencies, so now that we're able to broadcast on a frequency *you* can hear, we request you find other language, & consider the implications of the words you've been using for years." well--once The Subaltern Speaks, the dominant group loses its 'innocence,' & becomes aware the vast verdant expanse of language is an illusion of infinite space, aware of the four holodeck walls pressing in behind the simulacrum of the horizon, & suddenly "what one can say without negative consequences"--largely social, sometimes, rarely, if social media goes viral, professional--feels much more claustrophobic. so they get angry. & some of them are just bigots, obviously, but some of them--like my parents, &, even, this weirdly well-intentioned m*thhead who said one of the most shockingly racist things i've heard in my life & *honestly didn't understand why it was racist*, is really riled up about free speech & individual rights, hates the government, hates "FANG" (facebook amazon netflix google) & has a bunch of dystopian conspiracy theories about data harvesting & personal information that only miss the mark in that they get too nefariously biopolitical (billionaires want to put microchips in everybody for surveillance to monitor our movements & sell us more stuff; they don't need to, they already use our phone location & browsing habits to generate the algorithm & sell the information to ad companies lol, it's digital& cast a
single illuminati figure in the role of comic book villain, controlling the operation behind the scenes like an evil puppetmaster (classic conspiracy fare; again, we gotta take that energy, that suspicion, the understanding that they are being taken advantage of & tricked, the idea that power & capital & resources are concentrated among a very small number of people, however it's not an individual wealthy villain with a desire for world domination who wants to turn Free Americans into microchipped drones, it's a *class* of people--or rather several classes, but *who those people are as individuals does not matter*. if you guillotined bill gates, another billionaire would take his place. bill gates qua bill gates is not the problem. it is classes of people who control the means of production & own property & profit enormously from exploiting the labor of a desperate, rapidly increasing underclass, i.e. from the system as it is. therefore it is in their interest to maintain the status quo, because it serves them. 'the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.' the middle class gradually ceases to exist. if you want to compound it by race, consider the GI bill as an example - you learn about it as the leg up that enabled thousands of WWII vets to buy houses, enabling them to enter the middle class. hundreds of thousands of third-gen middle class white americans still reap the structural, socioeconomic benefits of their grandparents' initial upward mobility, including,, very tangibly, those selfsame houses, which can be inherited & then rented out as a second property if the children or grandchildren accrue enough money to buy their own properties. but only about 100 black vets got approved for homeownership loans, despite the staggering numbers of black soldiers who enlisted & applied through the GI bill. anyway! the impulses are there, & they're only being funneled into conspiracy thinking because that makes intuitive sense on a narrative level. these guys have a high school education; so does my stepdad. their reading habits are...eclectic, sporadic, pretty much dictated by occasional recommendations & like, little free libraries around the neighborhood. it's both interesting & frustrating to see like - hey, here are these people, we agree on a lot of things, they're earnest & open & want to learn & would give their neighbor the shirt off their backs as a matter of principle. they'd give a *stranger* the shirt off their backs; they'd share whatever they had. even what chores there are in their collective--they live with two other guys--(dumpster diving, walking the dog, tidying up the apartment) are allocated by ability & inclination. they made advance plans to look after the dog & their roommate with War PTSD on the 4th of july if the fireworks upset them, jokingly called the dog an emotional support animal. you give them the tools, the reading, talk to them like normal people with a stake in society--like, imagine a society that would have a stake in people like you instead of criminalizing you & consigning you to the margins! that's already *political imagination* because anyone who occupies a marginalized position will have their existence politicized, whether they want this or not, so better to become a self-aware, self-reflexive political subject, no?--talk *with* them because tbh i am them, i'm just better at situational masking & also i am very very afraid of cops so i only damage property in groups during planned political actions (not spontaneously, because i feel a flash of rage at my neighborhood gentrifying, & simply do not have a superego, so i tear down the real estate sign for the fancy new apartment complex in a fit of pique, because in this house we believe that spontaneity can & should be developed into class consciousness, again, the seeds of which are there in the initial trigger for the spontaneous reaction, i.e. anger at gentrification. not opposed to a little direct action, but they're just gonna put up a new sign tomorrow, it doesn't advance your agenda or hinder the gentrifiers' progress. now, if
you sabotaged the construction site for the new apartment buildings & painted a few potent symbols + graffiti'd a pithy, written statement expressing your opposition to gentrification generally & these apartments specifically? in a prominent place, large font, eye level, visible & legible from oh, a block away? maybe as a member of a collective, your neighbors, perhaps? & you could sign it "[neighborhood] or [block] residents" to pack more of a punch, the power of a crowd speaking in unison to say "not OUR home, you predatory developers"? that's no longer spontaneous, impulsive, affective violence, & it's also no longer an individual--acting alone leaves you vulnerable. again--i didn't just *intuit* that he tore the sign down because he was mad about gentrification, i asked, in a genuinely curious tone, not at all accusatory, no hint of reprimand or censure, just...interested, "why did you do that?" & he was like "it made me fucking mad." & i was like "what about it made you mad? the apartments? how come?" & he thought about it for a minute & explained. i'm not sure *he* necessarily made the conscious connection until prompted. idk, i know people talk a lot about the fact that breitbart & drudge report are free while NYT & "all the news fit to print" is paywalled, & q-pilled covid hoax sites are free while "reputable" pandemic coverage & public health guidelines & explanations of mRNA vaccines for a lay audience are paywalled & that's true but also We Live In A Society & if you talk to the wingnuts who AREN'T that way because of any far-right ideology, a lot of them are just...autodidacts without much formal education but a lot of raw intelligence that leads to analyzing The Big Picture & trying to deduce a pattern, find a framework that explains why the world is the way it is, profoundly frustrated, deeply aware of American society's, universalized & figured as the world's, exceptional unfairness & cruelty, & *that can be redirected* with reading, discussion, prompting critical thought, introducing community connections, & perhaps most importantly for this genre of person, getting them to see patterns at work in terms of systems & structures rather than individuals, letting go of American individualism's explanatory power & belief in its liberatory potential (see: the sort of ad hoc libertarianism that goes hand-in-glove with much conspiracy thinking, both stemming from 1) mistrusting the government, & 2) ultimate freedom of the individual as the most sacred value, therefore it is what all enemies want to take away), outlining positive, actionable goals rather than just ambient suspicion & anger at authority, & figuring out how those goals can be accomplished more effectively by an organized collective (but this will ultimately benefit the individual). If the world isn't run by a shadowy cabal, if you begin to understand the structures responsible & how they manifest even on the scale of your block (e.g.!!! predatory developers buying up properties during a pandemic, tearing down affordable housing to build expensive condos on the lot, or giving old buildings a "spit and polish" so they can double the rent, pricing all the current residents out, not to mention all the little local businesses, almost all mexican & run by the mexican families who live here, that give our block its culture & will get pushed out by boutique coffee shops & the like, catering to a more affluent & almost certainly whiter clientele)--you can, in fact, change the world, something both of them repeatedly referred to as their purpose on earth. it may not be as a maverick figure, one against an army, but strength in numbers is an aphorism for a reason.
anyway! thse guys were also really weird about jews, in the philosemitic way conspiracy theorists of a certain stripe often are. the itinerant vagabond guy gave me one of his drawings; it's really lovely. i'm going to give them "are prisons obsolete?" & "the wretched of the earth" & some david graeber. 44 yr old guy has this idea that society is atomized & people aren't connected to each other & have lost the willingness or the ability to communicate with each other, also that the overreach of authority has driven some people to violence, & that makes the world feel unsafe to everyone else. he feels guilty because he is acutely aware that language, when wielded adroitly & intentionally, always has the capacity to manipulate; he is afraid of succumbing to the temptation, because he senses the coercive power of language within himself. the other guy was mostly quiet but said 44 yr old guy is one of the best friends he's ever had. he thinks animals are able to sense emotions and to heal, & he thinks they can mediate between people who have become too isolated, who have forgotten humans' innate ability to forge connections, approach others as social creatures seeking to bond instead of mistrustful, apprehensive, rejecting overtures of friendship because they expect subterfuge, or propriety has evolved to deem such overtures inappropriate outside of strictly delineated, artificially orchestrated contexts. deviation from the norm is not permitted. & back again to policing. they have an idea called "the omega family," omega for the end, a group of like-minded people who come together, who encounter each other serendipitously (predicted through auspicious auguries & recognized on sight through a constellation of signs & wonders, because of course we are all psychotic here, it was nice to just be psychotic & discuss these things like they were normal lol), & serve as catalysts to each other's "personal truth." anyway this is why i don't go out when i'm crazy, i always end up in situations like this, see also: the last time i did m*th, in a pizza hut bathroom in tallinn with an art student from glascow named muhammad ali (he went by ali), the son of white muslim converts--we thought it was c*ke but it got lost in translation & that's how i figured out i had adhd. later i got [redacted] by a filmmaker from kazan & he gave me his business card afterward for some reason, which was extremely funny. thankfully these dudes were better behaved. one of them even gave a speech about how men shouldn't rape people??? & also how our society shouldn't construct women as universal victims because in doing so it makes victimhood almost compulsory & shoehorns women into a victim role as part & parcel of womanhood? i was like yes my dude you are almost there, read the essay "abject feminism." (i did not tell them i was trans bc i wasn't sure how that would shake down, to be honest; couldn't get a read on it. did tell them i was gay & they respected it, though one did say he dated a lesbian once, & i explained that many men feel compelled to interject with an anecdote relating an exception to the rule or insist that they will he the exception to the rule, & it's really just bad manners, not even getting into the bad politics. he took it on the chin & talked about how the girl in question came home to find her partner dead of an overdose & his wife had just died of MS, so their relationship was more about grief & comfort than sexual attraction. i was like that's really, really sad, & it's wonderful that you were able to be there for each other at a time of such staggering loss, & i am a person who totally understands what you mean to communicate, but if a lesbian tells you they're a lesbian & you reply that you once dated a lesbian & they get offended & instead of responding with contrition or correction you elaborate on the tragic backstory of the relationship as though that explains the circumstances in which a self-proclaimed lesbian would date a cis man, other lesbians *will* deck you, or at the very least not take you, an unwashed white guy in
his 40s who isn't neurotypical & sits way too close for social convention in a way that could easily be construed as a come-on, in good faith.) tl;dr made some new friends, did some good drügs (i much prefer smoking m*th to snorting it, basically like purer, more potent adderall, & as such will not be doing it again for a LONG time, because i enjoy it FAR too much; slices through the brain fog & the chronic fatigue & the joint/bone pain, makes me able to pay attention, follow the thread of a conversation, actually be *interested* & want to ask *questions* & expand, build, encourage my interlocutor to elaborate, place more kal-toh pieces until the conversation shimmers into a three-dimensional shape, instead of being listless & exhausted & disengaged & *bored* all the time, so obviously i would get addicted immediately if given the opportunity, & i've known this forever lol)--now going to hydrate, refill pill case, write some emails, & meet C at the beach! not how i expected to reboot my brain, but it works! also putting them on limited facebook view because i try to keep some groups of people in my life quarantined from each other & that includes 1) my relatives & my academic ~colleagues (ne'er the twain shall meet), 2) my exes & my family, 3) my relatives, colleagues, & uh. a couple of lovely, but extremely psychotic dudes with very long criminal records i met while doing hard drugs
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dangermousie · 6 years
So, I finally finished Meteor Garden 2018 ep 1
It took me three tries.
I will give it a couple more eps but it’s like pulling teeth, tbh. 
The actress who plays Shancai is OK but she doesn’t have the stubborn charm of Inoue Mao or the terrifying toughness of Barbie Hsu (seriously, that version of Shancai could probably wipe out an army single-handed.) The rest of them haven’t had much to do yet, so who knows. 
The biggest stumbling block for me is the F4 aka the “studiously and slightly rude group that is n1 in the school on academic merit.”
There is nothing wrong with that sort of thing in abstract, but in the context of Hanadan, it’s like making a drama about Genghis Khan the pacifist who occasionally fights off people who try to invade his homeland. Talk about the opposite of source material! 
They study hard and get all As! They are geniuses at bridge like old American housewives in 1950s! If they don’t like you, they will invite you to play bridge and if you lose, you might have to do a chore or be subject to a mild prank!
Why don’t they just join Komsomol and be done with it? 
The original F4 is a bunch of spoiled, careless rich dudes who rule the school through snobbery, the fact that their parents pretty much own it, and the power of terror. I am not sure Domyouji has ever read a book :P They don’t do pranks - if someone is on Domyouji’s bad radar, they encounter pervasive and severe bullying and abuse to the extent that would normally result in calling the cops. The other three of the F4 may not be headcases but they don’t care that their friend runs the place like Jack the Ripper so it makes them just as culpable. 
Now, you may have problems with the hero and his buddies being basically psychopaths and hero slowly learning to be a human being for looooooove and that’s fine. Hanadan is not everyone’s cup of tea for many reasons. But it is what it is and an adaptation so far removed from the very basics of it seems bizarre. 
Let’s look at Daoming Si’s actions in this ep:
* Accidentally steps on Shancai’s phone, doesn’t notice. - OK. That’s not even a bad action.
* Refuses to pay when it’s brought to his attention - ummm, he won’t win Mother Teresa award but that is equivalent of those people who ding your car when it’s parked on the street and don’t leave a number, aka so common as to not be worth commenting on. 
* Gets covered in cake and mad at the girl whose cake it was. And shoves her to the ground. Also grabs Shancai by the neck when she objects. OK, these are actions of a dude you should never date and who you would not be surprised will land in a crime blotter one day, but once again, it’s so -- routine. The fact that he’s mad about being covered in food is normal enough. His overreaction is not but it’s sadly not unusual - once again, violent dude stay away but is he gonna sic the school on you? No.
* Sends a joker card so Shancai would play bridge with him. Ummmmm...what? Shancai views it as if he’s just molested her cat and I am wondering if she’s all right in the head.  
* Orders a bunch of food from Shancai’s mom, then insults Shancai when she delivers it - he’s a slimy rich kid. But that’s him and all the jerks who are rude to waitresses. 
* Throws food at her when she insults him. OK, that’s psycho. Unless you are two years old, that is not acceptable behavior. But you can see it was pure impulse and he’s sort of appalled he did that the moment he does. So, once again, violent with impulse control issues, but someone running a concerted reign of terror? Nope.
In fact, despite her fixation on this right after, any sane person would be more freaked out by some unconnected randoms who try to assault her!
And then she kicks him in the face and I am left going - what?!
It’s pretty clear that the food thing was going to be the end of it and he was going to stay away from her from now on. There is no concerted effort at harassment and destroying her in which the whole school participates and which shows no signs of ending. In Hanadan and 2001 MG, when Shancai kicks him, she’s already been nonstop bullied by the whole school relentlessly and she believes kicking him might make it worse but she’d be damned if she won’t defend herself. Here, she met a rich jerk with whom she had a couple of truly unpleasant interactions and who has not involved anyone else nor is particularly interested in continuing dealing with her. She decides to kick him in the face randomly. OK...at that point I am all “well, you are now 100% even and that’s it. Also, kicking people in the face is a bit much for what’s happened.” There isn’t this dramatic feeling to it or anything. 
In defanging Daoming Si, they have by definition made Shancai weaker. What she faced isn’t great but it’s not some unforgettable terrible experience.
This is probably more realistic but I love Hanadan because I love watching tougher than steel Makino/Shancai turn feral Domyouji/DaomingSi into a human being through her sheer refusal to take him until he is one, and this ain’t that. This is a slightly jerky occasionally violent smart rich boy and a pleasant middle class girl working it out with the school staying out of it. This may be nice, but it’s not Hanadan. 
PS. I always thought the fact the fell for her when she kicked him in the face was emblematic of his insane relationship with violence. But this DMS, while on the violent side compared to your usual college student, is neither a headcase nor a violence-driven mess, so it doesn’t make so much sense.
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Top 100 Whatsapp Attitude Status
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In this blog, we are going to share with you the Top 100 Attitude status for Whatsapp and other social media sites. All the statuses are picked by us and only those statuses are published in this blog which according to us are top levels status.
Status is a great way to express one's Feelings, Emotions, Thoughts, and Personality. Nowadays, almost every social website offers the options to its users to share text, images, and videos in their stories which get disappeared automatically after 24 hours. 
So without any further delay, let's move to the main topic, which is Top 100 Attitude Status.
 Do I really look like a guy who gives a fuck about what people think ?
 Don't let her treat you Poorly, just because you Love her.
 When you cared, you were taken for granted but when you said fuck it, You became the bad guy.
 When I shut my mouth and walk away, It doesn't mean you won. It simply means you are not worth any more of my life.
Fuck every single person who ever doubted you.
 If I needed you and you were not there. I will never need you again.
 The longer the explanation, the bigger the lie.
 People are not permanent. Remember this and you will be fine.
 You couldn't handle me even if I came with instructions.
 When you are talking behind my back. Feel free to kiss my ass.
 You were made an original. Don't die a copy
 Be like a mirror, show people what they show you.
Think like a Millionaire, Hustle like you are broke.
Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.
The word "lucky' is an insult, I worked hard to get it.
Confidence never goes out of style.
Let them party, One day they will be working for you.
Life gives you two choices, Give up or Man the fuck up.
The pain today will be the strength tomorrow.
Hustle because being Lazy is expensive.
If you want things to change, you have got to change.
Laugh with many, don't trust any.
You can't change the past, so focus on making great future
Dream big, there is nothing out of your reach.
Be a Man with a Plan, a Dude with an Attitude and a Gentleman with Class.
You were born to Stand out.
I am not afraid of losing, I am afraid of not trying.
I am mine before being anyone else's.
Don't blame distractions, blame your Focus.
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me.
Don't be afraid of being different, Be afraid of being same.
Focus on yourself. Don't get lost in other people.
Confidence is the key to do anything.
The goal is to live life on your own terms.
Swag is for boys, Class is for men.
They play the game, I change the game.
Passion is the fuel of success.
Don't be afraid to be alone. Goals are personal.
Always believe in yourself.
Make today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous.
If you want to go Big, stop thinking Small.
 This is my life, not yours, stop worrying about what I do.
Be crazy enough to believe. You can do anything in life.
Pain is temporary but pride is forever.
The best Revenge is Massive Success.
If you want to go big, stop thinking small.
Life is Better when You don't care.
A Dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards its Achievement.
A Happy soul is the best shield for this Cruel World.
Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.
If hard work is your weapon then Success will be your Slave.
Don't let your Dreams just be your Dreams.
Life is about taking chances and making moves.
You will never understand until it happens to you.
Not everybody you want deserves you.
Unlock the best version of yourself.
Life is a Game, Money is how we keep score.
If you do not like what you are? Move. You are not a Tree.
Their opinions, Don't pay your bill.
I may be crazy but Crazy is better than Stupid.
No matter how many times I fall, I still rise.
They call me a dreamer, but I am the one who doesn't Sleep.
Start for nothing, Stop for nothing. 
I am glad you stopped talking to me. Its like trash took itself out.
Call me crazy but I like to see other people succeeding and happy. Life is a Journey, not a Competition.
I am something, you will regret losing.
No regrets in life, just lessons learned.
I have learned a lot of lessons from a few fucked up people.
I don't get lucky, I make my own luck.
Those who Fly solo, have the strongest wings.
Tell your past, it can go and fuck itself. You are busy.
I hate people who assume shit. Just ask me and I will tell you.
When the people you don't even know hate you. That's when you are the best.
In a world full of fakes, stay real
I don't have time for fake friends anymore, either be Real or be Gone.
Don't let small minds convince you that you have Big Dreams.
Choose your habits carefully. They decide on your future.
I believe in 4G's 1. GOD 2. GLOWING 3. GOAL 4. GROWING
Not every " sorry " deserves an "it's ok " in return.
Don't judge me. You can't handle even half of what I have survived.
Damaged people are strong because they know how to survive.
No one stays with you permanently, so learn to survive alone.
Everybody is broken here. Some with Love and some without Love.
Karma has everyone's address, even if you are homeless.
A great future doesn't require a great Past.
I try to be a nice person but sometimes my mouth doesn't co-operates.
Know your worth and stop giving people discounts.
Be a Game Changer, the world is full of players.
When you are Poor, they see your face. When you are rich, they start seeing your heart.
I am not heartless. I just learned how to use Heart less.
I am one of the rare people who don't know how to quit.
A person who is Rude in behavior is the one who cares the most.
Tough times never last. Tough people do.
I am sorry if you don't understand my level of thinking.
They don't miss you when you are gone. They miss you when you start doing better.
Whatever you hear about me , please believe it. I have no longer time to explain myself. You can also add some if you want.
Tell me "I can't" and I will embarrass you.
I prefer to smile in my Darkest hours, just to show the life that it messed with the wrong person.
Show no effort and I will show you No Interest.
I am not born Rich but I work twice hard to fix it instead of crying.
0 notes
go-redgirl · 5 years
The Senate Votes To Approve The Controversial Spending Caps, Debt Ceiling Bill. The Final Passage Vote Was 67-28. This Bill Now Goes To President Trump to sign.
The Senate votes to approve the controversial spending caps, debt ceiling bill. The final passage vote was 67-28. This bill now goes to President Trump to sign.
Steven Jones ​yep! Torrok 01 is a paid Leftist TROLL! Everyone just iggy it. Bye Troll! no one cares anymore about you internet morons.
Ya'akov benAwake ​Citizenship question on census please .
Phil Mueller ​Vote Trump to protect America from socialism
caro sato ​1000 dollars for everyone is a Ponzi scheme
Destiny Menzies ​Yeah because y'all are lining your pockets with it rather then spending the money on what it was meant for!!! Gggggrrrrr wake up people!!!
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​ANTIFA = terrorisme
greywolfe ​TRUMP 2020👍
Rod Bender ​the census aids gerimandering
HK ​Artemis Fow Thank you i was confused 😸
Drill Bit ​torrok 01​, Yea, That*s why he gives his Salary to Charity.
Star Dust ​What did you do with those taxes before Trump became President ? Talk to Obama about high drug prices.. He did that
Merlin Krisp ​Where’s my royals Roy’s 😂😂 JK
andrew richardson ​Balance the G da..mn budget, get your sh..t together CROOKS
John Ortiz ​War famine diseases natural disasters and civil war is coming soon to America. Christians prepare
text kite ​CREEPER, AW MAN
Joey Big Things Poppin ​The kids shouting for Trump is because their parents are part of the 1%. while these children never worked a day in their life ,college paid for lmfao..
Havefunplayguitar ​Baltimore? Send money I need to pay my beach house mortgage
Why are you so Angry? ​Thats what we pay you clowns to do! Do your jobs, or fear, fear our LIBERTY!
torrok 01 ​If you make $50k a year Trump tax cut gave you $570. If you make $1m it gave you $70k. Is that fair? I would rather $1k a month
Annika_green ​@Joey that’s a broad generalization .
awildbill rightous ​HK ,, may the force be with you!👀👌
Happy Voice ​tax cuts for the rich lead to higher deficits and diminishing returns for the country
Travis Jackson ​Our President Trump is making Me proud.
GDPops ​Government shouldn't spend money they don't have. TRY DOING THAT AT HOME
Fuzz Man ​1 state 1 vote
Rebecca Brown ​Trump 2020!
Nothing ​Vote for democrats if you want your cities filled with 💩💩💩 and 💉💉💉
Edward Wallace ​Government bad answer to all problems. Marianne Williamson 2020
Mo Hamhead ​If it was up to me there would be zero free stuff for lazy unambitious parasites
nighttr ​I have an idea lets give the super wealthy a tax break,
Danny Hemphill ​the people that make a lot of money pay a lot of taxes idiot
Ramiro Garcia ​RINO'S & DEM'S SUCK.
David Hensley ​shut down the government good do it
Merlin Krisp ​True Danny 👍
richardcvlr5 ​there's creepy joe he's moving kinda slow in the men's room.
IR_Dankenstein ​Will there still be gummy bears? If not, it's on like Donkey Kong!
Drill Bit ​46% of people, don*t pay taxes.
Why are you so Angry? ​Many take pride in the fact that their children are made to work in honorable situations, with the word of god in their hearts, integrity in their minds, and a knowing of behavior. Who made you stupid
torrok 01 ​$1000 a month to everyone stimulates growth better than giving money to the rich
Havefunplayguitar ​I was blocked
abc def ​Joey why u watch fox,no tin foil hats here
Friendly Tourist ​I ❤ Cop Splash 💦🐖🐖
Niobokupletskite ​i say having it in your hand now is better then going out and find it
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​trump 2020 Landslide
HoarderCatG ​Nicole junkermann
Rod Bender ​people that make 12k a year and afford 1k per year taxes dumbocrats
awildbill rightous ​Master Jedi Trump leading the Jedi now! 2020 The lightside will defeat the darkside!🤜
Amy Tyler ​🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬
Bob A ​Richard he’s in there with booker
Rebecca Brown ​We The People demand Term Limits for congress and grandfather the limits.
Annika_green ​If there’s a crash & the bankers and corps get bailout, I will be upset!!! I think a check one time to WE THE PEOPLE IS FINE
Fuzz Man ​all the money all the billionaires in the world has would not pay for dems dreams
Dan Williams ​if there is more of something, does it increase in value?
Edward Wallace ​So don't spend pay the dog gone debt. Marianne Williamson 2020
Last Days ​What a fool. OH BUT THEY want to give everybody free S___! to put that debt on the backs of his grands
origine online ​Free education Free medical 5 weeks vacation bigger salary thx , try to be more like my friends in europe
Joey Big Things Poppin ​Never watched fox ever.. Alphabet
Happy Voice ​Raise taxes to reduce the deficit and fulfill budget shortfalls, it's not rocket science. Can't tighten the belt much more.
Stephen Rothwell ​maybe the good senators can donate his salary and half his net worth if he loves the kids so much
L Yachty ​TRUMP 2020
​CUT SPENDING....START WITH CONGRESS PORKERS Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. LEARN MORE
Leandro Garcia ​leave here , and go to the CSPAN live stream if you like
window789456123 ​trump 2020
Mo Hamhead ​There's too much parasite and not enough host now
Steven Jones ​do not buy the 1% LIE! That is all it is. LIES! Taxes went to everyone almost. THIS IS A LIE!
Why are you so Angry? ​Get a job, vote the Nanny government OUT of OUR lives! Figure it out, grow up. Most of us do, with or without the perpetually pubescent.
Danny Hemphill ​oh yes. free this free that equals loss of freedom
Blue Wizard ​🏆TRUMP 2020🏆
nighttr ​Trump supporters sure could use the free education
Drill Bit ​The rich make their money just like you do. Have you ever been hired by poor person???
torrok 01 ​Google Andrew Yang and check out his policies
Merlin Krisp ​Shut up 🤐
KritterKracker ​It's called stealing from Peter to pay Paul
De Dowd ​this guy is a Phoney Windbag! All talk and no action as long as his palm is greased with cash. Just watched a press conference in Baltimor and the Feds are cracking down on the drug dealers. Finally!
andrew richardson ​torrok 01, you sir, are an idiot, don;t breed
GDPops ​$22,022,376,894,711.12 National Debt
Kirrsty Locklear ​this dude is full of it our money is being stolen and not spent on the issues and foreign countries ain't paying their bills
Havefunplayguitar ​Why am I being censored?
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​Eat bacon our leave USA🥓
Amy Tyler ​This is so interesting! NOT!
Nothing ​no such thing as free you will have uneducated taxpayers paying for top earner college graduate degrees
Niobokupletskite ​tax break for the rich is a disinfection for the rip of businesses that surround us
john doe ​ugh...
ascii ​Has anyone mentioned Israel yet?
AA14/MoshDuck ​Amy Tyler: Then why are you here?
Friendly Tourist ​🌚 PAGAN 🌛
IR_Dankenstein ​Word of the day is: Entitlement
Rod Bender ​"healthcare" should not be confused with "health insurance" DUMBOCRATS
Edward Wallace ​No one should be taxed by Government. Marianne Williamson 2020
grabitz ​slow mode
Bill Bush ​n
Star Dust ​why did you let Bush and Obama have all that money ?
Annika_green ​Stop taking too many meds and eat healthy. Again, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
No Regrets ​vote Trump 2020 President Trump 20/20 all the way
Happy Voice ​It's fiscally responsible to raise taxes on everyone, not just the rich, but middle class as well, before we even talk about changing healthcare or education.
Greig Ballantine ​oh my omar
BayouSef1 ​I don't know what he is talking about. It didn't cost me that much for a 12 year old.
Drill Bit ​Mushroom Williamson, Throw back from Woodstock
Steve Landy ​Trump 2020 ok
torrok 01 ​Trump has done nothing for you. Google Andrew Yang
Joey Big Things Poppin ​Talk deficit yet their spending more than they can print
andrew richardson ​National debt goes up 100 million per hour 24/7
Spiny Norman ​taxation is theft, crime does not pay
DRUNKEN RAMBLE ​We're all gonna get a Skyscraper on 5th Ave one day. It's gonna be Huge!!!!......lololol
David Hensley ​so who is this guy lobbying for big pharma?
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​Omar antifa leader?
Dawn Gray ​Joe Biden SAID it last night. GOV'T has failed us 40yrs. Joe has BEEN THERE 49 THERE LIES THE PROBLEM. #TermLimits #ForthepeopleBythePeople
Danny Hemphill ​torrok01. your delusional. never gonna happen. IT'S called communism
DFG ​Corey Booker is the whitest person running for president
junior ​Andrew Yang 2020
KritterKracker ​The Superiority of the Republics freedom TRUMPS the inferiority of Congress
Keonte ​Andrew Yang 2020
awildbill rightous ​We clearly need Master Jedi Trump another 4 years ,💯
HK ​Torrok 01 come on man don't be Rude
abc def ​soros antifa and dem leader,fact
Mo Hamhead ​How come the Democrats aren't talking about Mueller any more? It's like he never existed
Ganesh Jayatpal ​🚩🚩🚩
American Patriot 1776 ​Andrew Yang 2020 I agree Keonte
Happy Voice ​Taxes are used to support a government that provides necessary public services, such as a police force, public education, and public infrastructure, "taxation is theft" is simply idiotic.
Roger Clinton ​F Dems
Drill Bit ​Spiny Norman​ It pays for these people. They all rich.
Jenny Ward ​I I bet Nancy Pelosi cart and baby roaches and lice flee from her arse.
Jim Brauer ​YANG 2020 / FREEDOM DIVIDEND / M4A / Humanity First / Abundance Mindset / $1,000 per mo per adult / Solution to POVERTY = CASH in the hands of Parents and Teachers !!! YANG = YES !!! TRICKLE UP
Annika_green ​@American Patriot 1776?Yang?! You want the taxation called VALUE ADDED TAX???
no halo ​President Trump should read that deal again because democrats and republicans agree to it,there has to be a catch,and you can't trust crooked career politicians!
Why are you so Angry? ​No more alms.
L Yachty ​Majority vote TRUMP obviously
OurSavageGaming ​MAGA 2020 🦅🦅🦅
Alan Johnson ​All of them are thieves! If they are talking they are Lying! Drain the swamp!
AnabelleLee100 ​Universal Health Exploitation does not fix Costs. Caps on Medical Charges ONLY Way to Fix Healthcare.
Joey Big Things Poppin ​So Taxation on the American people is a crime
Nothing ​democrats hate all human rights. they are anti free speech, privacy, self defence, due process. I cant think of 1 human right democrats support
Danny Hemphill ​yang is a con man commie
Borng Jak ​ខ្ញុំ
KritterKracker ​Freedom from Congress' Bad Debt
Dawn Gray ​MY Indep VOTE goes to TRUMP2020 #IndependentsForTrump
David Hensley ​and the police force is a arm of corporate America that listens to those who make the laws they are the arm that inforces them
abc def ​deport the whole yang family,enemies of the state
Kodiak ​suddenly Durbin cares about the troops.
OPINION:  Great, great news to hear.  The Senate is doing an outstanding job.  
Lets give them applaus👏
0 notes