#rue's ocs : 21 - 25 years old
nyxedpages · 6 months
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Zhang Hua, known as Lia Zhang. 22. She/Her. Reserved for Luna. Bisexual. Rebellio-born. Neutral Supporter. Born in Beijing, China. Raised in multiple countries. Currently living in Los Angeles for university. Nepo baby, but chooses to be private about her life and only lets people know limited information about her. Professional photographer, university graduate.
Lia Zhang is a calm girl who doesn't usually lose her temper. It takes a lot to hurt her, but she'll never hold a grudge - unless it's seriously bad. Lia's father, Kija, and her stepmother, Ivona, were major celebrities until their group disbanded and left the public eye. Lia has two sisters, an older stepsister called Yasmin, and a younger half-sister called Muna, that she loves more than anything, though she doesn't see them a lot due to them all choosing different countries for university. Her best friend is Evelyn Lindeay, or Evie Lindeay (or Evie Chen when in China). She's been friends with Evie since childhood, though she left for university whilst Evie stayed in Romania.
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mahvaladara · 5 years
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I was tagged by the lovely @izayoichan​ to do these. And I love these! Thank you so much.
50 Questions for your Sim
So I’ll be doing my OC, Nataniel DellaSanta.
More under cut.
1: How old is your sim? 
He’s around 400 years, more or less. He’s been around since the XVI century.
2. When is your sim’s birthday? 
He doesn’t celebrate birthdays, but you could say on Saint Nataniel’s day. Which is often celebrated in June or August, but he’s actually crash landed on Earth during winter
3. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? 
Either Gemini or Aquarius. Gemini: Communication, Indecision, Inquisitive, Intelligent, Changeable. A jack of all trades, but a master of very few of them. Hence, able to generate surface communication about virtually any subject. Quick intelligence, good at multi-tasking. Requires stimulation, variety and enjoys fast-paced situations. Logical, rational and usually a masterful instructor.
Aquarius: Knowledge, Humanitarianism, Serious, Insightful, Duplicitous. Original thinker, able to deftly move around problems with unorthodox solutions. Idealistic, and prefers the equal opportunity for all. Tends to be the defender of underdogs. Philosophical and appreciates high spirited debates with others of equal intelligence. Can be unpredictable, highly opinionated and remote.
4. What is your sim’s ethnicity? 
Appears caucasian.
5. Does your sim have any nicknames? 
DellaSanta, Nate, Little star/nebula.
6. Do they have a job? If so what is it? 
Private investigator, paranormal researcher, medium, dark-arts enthusiast.
7. Where does your sim live? 
Third Street, third door, “Third Eye Investigations”.
8.Who does your sim live with? 
Alone with his raven, Garrett and a few sealed demons.
9. What environment did your sims grow up in (strict, loving, cold etc.)?
Loving. Father Cesário was a wonderful man.
10. What are your sim’s favorite food? 
Pringles, the onion ones. 
11. What is your sim’s favorite drink? 
12. If they have one what is your sim’s favorite color? 
Black and yellow.
13. Does your sim believe in any clichés (like love at first sight, etc)?
14. What is your sim’s sexuality?
Believed to be pansexual, might actually be demysexual.
15. What is your sim’s gender identity? 
Doesn’t really care, but has been seen mostly as male.
16. Is your sim type a or type b? 
17. Is your sim introverted or extroverted? 
A bit of both.
18. What is your sims favorite woohoo position? 
19. Is your sim a pet person? If so what is their favorite animal? 
His raven, Garrett.
20. Does your sim have a best friend? 
Matt, the inspector that is now stuck with him.
21. What is/was your sim’s favorite school subject? 
22. Is/was your sim a high, mid or low achiever in school? 
High Achiever. He had time.
23. Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? If so, what would be or what was their major? 
Yes, he went to collage. He actually has five degrees. One in history (outdated), one in english literature (outdated), one in psychology/psichiatry (a bit outdated), one criminology and one in demonology and religious sciences.
24. What are your sims political beliefs (if they have them)? 
“Let Chaos reign, then reign over chaos.”
25. What is one thing your sims wants to do before they die? 
He can’t die so he kinda wants to go to space.
26. Does your sim have a favorite TV show (cable) and/or movie?
X-Files, Fifth Dimension, and Lucifer.
27. Is your sim a Netflix viewer? If so what are their top 3 shows. 
28. Does your sim like books? If so what’s their favorite one? 
Edgar Allan Poes “The Murders of Rue Morgue”, anything by Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft.
29. Does your sim enjoy video games, if so what is their favorite one and do they play on PC or console? 
He loves videogames. His faves would most definitely be the Thief Series and Devil May Cry games.
30. What is your sim’s personal style? 
Anything that makes you question everything about him, from his gender to his sexuality.
31. Does your sim have a lucky charm? 
One of his red feathers.
32. Is your sim religious? 
No. Though as he says “All religions are right on one or another aspect.”
33. What kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favorite artist? 
Everything. Though if it sounds like it could be the soundtrack of a western, cowboy show, or supernatural country show, he relishes on it.
34. Is your sim a festive person? If so what’s their favorite holiday? 
Not really. He likes renaissance fairs though.
35. What is your sim’s favorite type of weather? 
Rain and thunderstorms.
36. Does your sim prefer to start fights or finish them? 
Finish them, definitely.
37. Does your sim have a dream job? 
He has it already.
38. Does your sim have any siblings? 
Not that he knows.
39. Does your sim get along with their family? 
He has no family he knows off. But when he did, he got along very well with his sons and daughters.
40 What is your sims favourite hobby? 
41. What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? 
42. What is a secret about your sim? 
He is literally a star. A Star Nebula to be correct.
43. What is a wish your sim has? 
To return to the stars.
44. What is a flaw your sim has?
Overthinker and unpredictable.
45. How do others generally perceive your sim? 
As a cocky know-it-all. Probably insane. Might be a snake oil salesman.
46. Does your sim have a greatest achievement? If so what is it? 
He learned magic, he learned to conduct the raw energy of his spirit and that makes him very proud indeed.
47. If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? 
Letting his son believe he was immortal too.
48. Does your sim have a favorite emoji? 
49. Does your sim use simstagram? If so what’s their @? 
No simstagram, simbook, switter or any form of social network. Third Eye Investigations has a facebook though.
50. What is the last text your sim sent (and who did they text)? 
To Matt: “Let us assume I cursed a rude suit who cut me and everyone else in line and he got ran over by the Karma truck on the way out. Is it murder by proxy? Or can I just assume he had already been cursed so hard before that when the punishment came it literally ran him over.”
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