koala-fluff · 2 years
Hello everyone! Here is a fic for the wonderful @hotshot624 that they requested. In November...
I hope you enjoy, and I'm sorry if it's bad. Writing something that is not related to the bonds if my hyperfixation can be quite difficult...
But it came out ok, so I will be proud of my creation!
The Greatest Dragon Rider Trapper Alive
When the Twins reveal Snotlout's methods are outdated, Eret seeks revenge. And once Astrid reveals a weakness of Snotlout's... Well, he just has to take advantage of it, doesn't he?
Original Request (shortened): Hi! I was wondering if I could request a How to train your dragon fic (as you can see that's what I'm hyper fixating on rn lol) anyway if you could, could you write one with maybe Lee!Snotlout and Ler!Eret, where it's set in-between httyd 2 and 3 and Snotlout is being super obnoxious, rude, and just plain annoying to Eret, so decides to take him down a notch and wrecks him with tickles and it's just super fluffy and cute at the end.
"Are you sure this will help me ride Skull Crusher?" Eret asked, looking very skeptical.
Snotlout scoffed, hiding a grin unbeknownst to the larger viking. "Of course I'm sure! This is how Astrid taught everyone on the A Team."
"I have no idea what the A Team is, but I do know this is humiliating." Eret groaned, continuing the exercise.
What was this exercise exactly? Run in circles with a broom between your legs like a witch.
"Just trust me." Snotlout stifled a chuckle. "You'll be high in the sky in no time."
Eret cheered up a tiny bit at that. Oh, how he wanted to just fly and touch the clouds. To do cool tricks like the other dragon riders on the back of those magnificent beasts.
He'd do anything. Which apparently included hobbling about on a broom as his cocky teacher hovered above him on Hookfang.
"You're doing great, Son of Eret."
"You know, the more you quip like that the more I believe this is just a joke, Son of Spite." Eret snapped back, huffing grumpily.
"What are you doing over here, Snotlout?"
The twins flew in on their two headed dragon, Barf and Belch. As soon as they saw Eret, they needed no explanation. Both fell into boisterous fits of laughter as they watched him waddle around in circles.
"Aha prank wohorthy of Lohoki himself!" Ruffnit shouted, almost sliding off her saddle. "Gohood one, Snohot!"
"Indeed, sister." Tuffnut giggled, clutching his sides. "Unlehess our dear friehend doesn't remember thahat Hiccup dubbed this exercise useless a fehew months agoho."
Eret stopped moving. Snotlout froze as his icy glare reached up to them.
"Did he now?" He asked, his voice terrifyingly calm. "It seems my mentor has forgotten to mention this fact."
Snotlout grinned. "What can I say? You were too gullible to let it pass by."
"I may be gullible, but I will not be made into a fool."
"You already do that to yourself anyway."
"I would choose your next words very carefully, Son of Spite."
"And if I don't?"
Both twins stopped laughing and grinned as they looked between the two vikings, holding their breaths as they waited to see what would happen next.
"Our hotheaded friend seems to have sealed his fate." Tuffnut whispered to his sister. "Mayhaps we assist Eret today?"
"Mayhaps we shall, brother." Ruffnut answered, grinning deviously. "It has been a good long while since someone has shown him his place."
"Excluding us?"
"Of course."
"Hookfang!" Tuffnut yelled, shocking the other two vikings. "Would you come assist us with house repairs?"
The Monstrous Nightmare seemed to grin deviously as well. He huffed and nodded before tossing Snotlout off his head.
The cocky viking screamed as he fell. He hit the ground and immediately stood back up, fury written all over his face.
"Hookfang!" He yelled, throwing his hands up. "What was that?"
"Your dragon has volunteered to assist us while you pay for your crimes, Snotlout." Ruffnut announced dramatically.
"You will be sorely missed!" Tuffnut added as they flew away.
Hookfang only looked back, his large mouth pulled back into a smirk. Soon enough, the four (five?) traitors had disappeared from view.
Snotlout opened his mouth, most likely to shout some obscenities, and a yelp shot out as a heavy force knocked him over. He fell on his face, but was quick to sweep around and grapple with Eret.
"You tricked me!" Eret growled, kneeing his opponent in the gut.
"You shouldn't make it so easy!" Snotlout gasped, grabbing the larger viking's shirt and throwing him to the ground. Eret was quick to grab Snotlout's ankle and drag him down as well.
The two rolled around the arena, cursing and attempting to overpower each other. Any vikings that flew by only watched for a moment before chuckling and going back to work.
It wasn't long until Hiccup was notified of the fight and he obviously sent the most feared Viking to take care of it.
"Hey, Meatheads!" Astrid shouted from above them. "Why in Odin's name are you fighting like children?"
"He's just salty cause I'm smarter than him!" Snotlout hissed, twisting Eret's arm.
Astrid raised her eyebrow.
"He tricked me into riding a broom around in circles!" Eret yelled, finally trapping Snotlout in a headlock. "Made me look like a fool!"
"Oh." Astrid fought down a smile. "I see…"
The two continued their scuffle for a few moments until Astrid spoke again.
"Well, we need everyone in top shape for repairs, so stop fighting!"
"Yeah, Eret." Snotlout chuckled, kicking his opponent away. "Stop attacking me!"
Eret growled. "Then how am I supposed to take my revenge?" He asked, looking up at Astrid.
"Snotlout's ticklish. Use that."
Snotlout froze. She did not just…
"Oh, really." Eret turned towards him, a terrifying smirk replacing what was once an angry scowl. "Thank you, Astrid. I will use that."
"Cool. Just try not to murder him!" Astrid called out as she flew away with a massive grin on her face.
"How dare you, you-"
Eret tackled Snotlout to the ground, cutting off his insult. As soon as they hit the ground, Eret dug his fingers into Snotlout's sides.
The man instantly shrieked and flailed about in his opponent's grasp. Loud, gruff laughter soon filled the arena as Eret wriggled his fingers up towards his armpits.
"So Astrid was telling the truth." Eret chuckled, hooking his leg under Snotlout's so he wouldn't get kicked. "You are very ticklish."
"GEHET OHOHOFF MEHEHE!" Snotlout snorted, curling away as his ribs were squeezed.
"Absolutely not!" Eret gasped, using one hand to scratch his hip. "You made me out as a fool! And I, Eret son of Eret, the best dragon rider trapper alive, will not have it!"
And with that, he shoved both hands under Snotlout's arms and relished in the high-pitched scream that answered his attack.
Snotlout fell into an inescapable pit of desperate laughter. He tried to get away from the madding feeling, but it was useless. All he could do was thrash as Eret switched targets at the speed of a Speed Stinger.
"Does this tickle? How about this? And this?" Eret asked as he clawed at his stomach, then hips, then back.
Snotlout started to wheeze and fell completely limp when the attack was targeted under his arms again. Eret got the message and stopped. He continued to pin Snotlout against him as the dragon rider calmed down.
Soon enough, Snotlout recovered enough to say:
"I'm not tutoring you anymore."
Eret cackled at that announcement. "Whahat makes you thihink I'd want to be tuhutored by you after today?"
Snotlout huffed and struggled to his feet. He scowled down at the giggling man and his face softened slightly.
"Yeah, well, Astrid would be the next to teach you, and she is not easygoing." Snotlout countered, a cocky grin returning to his face.
Eret pursed his lips. "You do have a good point there, Son of Spite." He stood up as well and held out his hand. "I will allow you to continue to tutor me, as long as you take it seriously."
Snotlout scoffed. "I'm pretty sure I was the one who rejected you first."
Eret's eyes hardened and he took a step forward. "Must I use tickling to get you to agree?"
Snotlout's face turned red and he quickly shook Eret's hand. "No need! I will take it very seriously from now on."
"Great! What now, sir?" Eret asked, crossing his arms.
Snotlout sighed. "Unfortunately, young pupil, we must postpone my magnificent lessons, for my dragon has decided to fly away."
Eret nodded seriously. "That is quite unfortunate indeed."
They both stayed solemn faced for about ten seconds. Then they burst into giggles, like the dorks they were.
"Alright, Snotlout." Eret started walking towards the exit of the arena. "Let us go locate your missing dragon."
Snotlout grinned and followed the taller man out. Eret may be way more gullible than the others, he conceded, but he'd fit right in with the dragon riders.
I hope everyone enjoyed! Sorry for the shorter tickle scene...
Next up: a super secret fic...
I hope you have a fabulous day/night and don't prank the great Eret son of Eret!
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meetkimber · 4 years
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It started thundering and Mom found me shaking in the spare bathroom. She put my woobie and pillows in her closet and made a safe place for me under her clothes. She put a blanket over me, turned the a/c and tv on and I finally relaxed enough to fall asleep. #dogsofinstagram #rescuedog #houndmix #sleepydog #meetkimber #sleepingdog #ridgebackmix #boxermix #cuddles #cutedog #dogloversofinstagram #beaglemix #boxermix #ruffnite #scareddog #thunder https://www.instagram.com/p/CAoEtDPJy-o/?igshid=18lyx8st8r2t6
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e-wills-afterhours · 2 years
A/N: Rufflout oneshot, because it's an underrated pairing that deserves some love-- for no other reason than they'd make a spectacular dumpster fire of a couple; and I'm honestly here for it.
Rating: T+
No one suspected Ruffnut had much going on inside her head. Most of Berk assumed the space between her ears was rather vacuous, save for a permanent cloud of mischief and chaos that shot out hairbrained schemes at random intervals. What they did not realize was that she possessed a vivid imagination. True, it was at its best when augmented with a little dragon nip, for flavor; but even by its own merit, her capacity for daydreaming was impressive. The only drawback was that she did not wield much control over it.
Indeed, it could be a bit of a problem. Hidden behind her distant gaze, while she picked at her fingernails or absently twirled her heavy braids, was an entire world that consumed her. At its epicenter was a certain short and beefy Hooligan. A few years ago, she would never give him a look; but sweet Allfather, hormones were powerful.
Anything could set off a fantasy--a much better name for it, really. His laugh, the way he could chug three tankards of beer in rapid succession, or even the stupid way in which he stopped to admire his own reflection whenever he could. He was a dumbass, truly--but oh, gods, was he a beautiful one.
"What are you looking at?" she would bark when he caught her staring, much to his utter confusion.
Unbeknownst to him, they were just rolling around in the sands of her imagination, shoving hands up and under articles of clothing as if their lives depended on it. She did not know for sure, but at least in her wild daydreams, he was a good kisser. Then, there were other parts of his body he wielded with equal finesse.
No, he had no idea as he challenged anyone who would listen to an arm-wrestling match, that he was also doing rather scandalous and impolite things to Ruffnut in her mind; it was a personal achievement to maintain such a blank facade while the fires of lust ranged beneath her skin. She mastered the art of scowling at his dumb face, while she thought about all the ways she might make him beg.
But she heard tell that fantasies were better left as such. Undoubtedly, Snotlout would leap at the chance to act out any of the scenarios that manifested, unbidden, in her brain. Maybe she was not the wisest, but she was not a complete fool, either. She and Snotlout were a volatile couple, outside of her salacious imaginings. Whenever he opened his mouth, she wanted to put her fist in it. At the same time, she wanted his lips all over her. In reality, he found her antics rather exhausting, but could not get enough of her in her mind. Daydreams gave him unfettered access to her body, but she kept him at arms-length with her abrasive attitude in the real world. They were destined to crash and burn--like the Red Death; any previous attempts to get close to one another ended that way.
She wished they could get along as easy as Hiccup and Astrid, who made the most infuriatingly perfect couple--but Ruffnut did not do perfect; she did messy. At least, she did so in her daydreams, pulling Snotlout down on top of her, shoving her tongue in his mouth. They were a disaster, unfolding anywhere and anytime she fancied it. He was clueless, and she liked it that way. No permission was necessary to undress him in the places they could never go.
"I hate you," she often told him.
"No, you love me," he would boast, just to get her dander up.
While he was not right, he was not exactly wrong either. The truth was not a binary; it existed somewhere in the space between. So did her unspoken attraction, and all trysts that never happened, which would remain comfortably nestled among her dirty little secrets, right where they belonged.
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hauscatz64 · 5 years
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The catz had a ripe ol time playin around @neonbabydenver fur @strangepeopleofc w/ @michaelrosa_strangeppl @bodegacatsofc & @ruffnitemusic 😸😸👽💪 Don’t believe us? Just check out these sweeeet pix from @hossphotography 📸😜 . . . . #hauscatz #tailspin #djpurrplexed #bodegacats #ruffnite #micaelrosa #strangepeople #neonbaby #denver #colorado #neonbabydenver #hausmusic #housemusic #techhouse #techno #deeptech #denverdjs (at Neon Baby) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1w3dm9A1Ak/?igshid=wigwvtgupmnp
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misscleopup-blog · 6 years
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Ruff Nite 😯🙃 #ruffnite #roughnight #ruffnight #roughnite #saturdaymorning #whathappenedlastnight #uhoh #uhohspaghettios #wakeup #weekend #happysaturday #haveagreatweekend #saturdaywakeup (at Sumter, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnv4kZVHFga/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16ai3vwd9724a
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themarsh10 · 7 years
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RUFFNITE EVENTS PRESENTS SLAY @monsterbarnyc 🐲 BEATS BY SPECIAL GUEST DJ LADY TITA @djladytita 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 PERFORMANCES BY @jenik_alienik👽 Go Go’ @vinnyvega_nyc and William💪 Hosted By 🎤🎤🎤@acproductions @yampax @philchanel @flyazzwhtboi @naomilovehudson NYC'S NEWEST FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY Cover $10 ALL NIGHT 💸 Special guest birthday Tristan Leach🎈🎉 From 10 to Midnight Mount Sinai is providing free rapid HIV and STI testing. We can also help with questions about PrEP and PEP and help you start PrEP and help even if you don’t have insurances. Come get tested or get information. DRINK SPECIALS 🍹🍺🍻🥂🍾🍸 ALL NEW RENOVATION AND SOUND SYSTEM ! 🎧 Like our page https://www.facebook.com/SLAYRUFFNITE/ check out our pictures from past SLAY parties. The Monster downstair dance floor . 80 Grove street, Greenwich Village NY #slay #circuitparty #monsterbarnyc @ The Manhattan Monster Bar (at The Monster)
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antoniocedeno · 7 years
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🔈🔈The rumors are true! We are going to SLAY it tonight!🔈🔈 RUFFNITE EVENTS PRESENTS SLAY The Manhattan Monster Bar 🐲 BEATS BY SPECIAL GUEST DJ LADY TITA Tita Damiani 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 PERFORMANCES BY Jenik Alienik👽 Go Go’ Vinny Vega and William💪 Hosted By 🎤🎤🎤Antonio Cedeno Yamil Xtravs Phil Chanel Corey Evans Naomi Love Hudson NYC'S NEWEST FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY Cover $10 ALL NIGHT 💸 Special guest birthday Tristan Leach🎈🎉 From 10 to Midnight Mount Sinai is providing free rapid HIV and STI testing. We can also help with questions about PrEP and PEP and help you start PrEP and help even if you don’t have insurances. Come get tested or get information. DRINK SPECIALS 🍹🍺🍻🥂🍾🍸 ALL NEW RENOVATION AND SOUND SYSTEM ! 🎧 Like our page https://www.facebook.com/SLAYRUFFNITE/ check out our pictures from past SLAY parties. The Monster downstair dance floor . 80 Grove street, Greenwich Village NY #slay #circuitparty #monsterbarnyc @ The Manhattan Monster Bar (at The Manhattan Monster Bar)
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hauscatz64 · 5 years
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Been hard to keep quiet but we’re so happy to finally announce our DH pre-party w/ @bodegacatsofc will feature @strangepeopleofc boss & @desertheartsrecords veteran @michaelrosa_strangeppl 🔊👽👻 We’ll also be joined by Denver’s @ruffnitemusic & might even have some more surpurrrises in store 🎉🎁😸 So come dance early & DEF stay late, entry is FREE before 10pm but we’ll be gettin strange allll niiight looong @neonbabydenver 🔊🌙🕺 . . . . #hauscatz #tailspin #djpurrplexed #bodegacats #michaelrosa #ruffnite #deserthearts #strangepeople #preparty #neonbaby #denver #denverdjs #downtowndenver #do303 #thursday #housemusic #techhouse #techno #minimaltech #deeptech #deepdisco (at Neon Baby) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ccz5EgZzP/?igshid=1nimhetlvf4cx
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hauscatz64 · 5 years
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Been hard to keep quiet but we’re so happy to finally announce our Denver @deserthearts pre-party w/ @bodegacatsofc will feature @strangepeopleofc boss & @desertheartsrecords veteran @michaelrosa_strangeppl 🔊👽👻 We’ll also be joined by Denver’s @ruffnitemusic & might even have some more surpurrrises in store 🎉🎁😸 So come dance early & DEF stay late, entry is FREE before 10pm but we’ll be gettin strange allll niiight looong @neonbabydenver 🔊🌙🕺 . . . . #hauscatz #tailspin #djpurrplexed #bodegacats #michaelrosa #ruffnite #deserthearts #strangepeople #preparty #neonbaby #denver #denverdjs #downtowndenver #do303 #thursday #housemusic #techhouse #techno #minimaltech #deeptech #disco (at Neon Baby) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Zz5Pig4yi/?igshid=9uqsxv034p8
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hauscatz64 · 5 years
Excellent timez going b2b2b2b @bodegacatsofc & @ruffnitemusic before @michaelrosa_strangeppl Thursday!! Thanks to everyone who came out to get strange with us, @hossphotography pix coming sOoOoOn 👻👽🤪 . . . . #hauscatz #tailspin #djpurrplexed #bodegacats #ruffnite #michaelrosa #strangepeople #deserthearts #preparty #denverhousemusic #housemusic #techhouse #breaks #neonbaby #denver #colorado #neon #uv (at Neon Baby) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1pVKlrAK4A/?igshid=1mwha7yyibljo
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antoniocedeno · 7 years
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TOMORROW NIGHT IT IS ON! RUFFNITE EVENTS PRESENTS SLAY CIRCUIT EVENT BEATS BY SPECIAL GUEST DJ LADY TITA PERFORMANCES BY JENIK Go Go’ Vinny Vega and William NYC'S NEWEST FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY Cover $10 ALL NIGHT Special guest birthday Tristan Leach From 10 to Midnight Mount Sinai is providing free rapid HIV and STI testing. We can also help with questions about PrEP and PEP and help you start PrEP and help even if you don’t have insurances. Come get tested or get information. DRINK SPECIALS ALL NEW RENOVATION AND SOUND SYSTEM ! Like our page https://www.facebook.com/SLAYRUFFNITE/ check out our pictures from past SLAY parties. The Monster downstair dance floor . 80 Grove street, Greenwich Village NY (at The Manhattan Monster Bar)
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antoniocedeno · 7 years
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THOSE BEATS AND THOSE BOYS ARE COMING OUT TONIGHT!! RUFFNITE EVENTS PRESENTS SLAY CIRCUIT EDITION BEATS BY DJ/PRODUCER BRETT OOSTERHAUS NYC'S NEWEST FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY Cover $10 ALL NIGHT DRINK SPECIALS ALL NEW RENOVATION AND SOUND SYSTEM ! Like our page https://www.facebook.com/SLAYRUFFNITE/ check out our pictures from past SLAY parties. The Monster downstair dance floor . 80 Grove street, Greenwich Village NY (at The Manhattan Monster Bar)
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antoniocedeno · 7 years
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FRIDAY WILL BE SOON GET READY !! RUFFNITE EVENTS PRESENTS SLAY CIRCUIT EDITION BEATS BY DJ/PRODUCER BRETT OOSTERHAUS NYC'S NEWEST FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY Cover $10 ALL NIGHT DRINK SPECIALS ALL NEW RENOVATION AND SOUND SYSTEM ! Like our page https://www.facebook.com/SLAYRUFFNITE/ check out our pictures from past SLAY parties. The Monster downstair dance floor . 80 Grove street, Greenwich Village NY (at The Manhattan Monster Bar)
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antoniocedeno · 7 years
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GET READY !! RUFFNITE EVENTS PRESENTS SLAY CIRCUIT EDITION BEATS BY DJ/PRODUCER BRETT OOSTERHAUS NYC'S NEWEST FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY Cover $10 ALL NIGHT DRINK SPECIALS ALL NEW RENOVATION AND SOUND SYSTEM ! Like our page https://www.facebook.com/SLAYRUFFNITE/ check out our pictures from past SLAY parties. The Monster downstair dance floor . 80 Grove street, Greenwich Village NY (at The Manhattan Monster Bar)
0 notes
antoniocedeno · 7 years
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RUFFNITE EVENTS PRESENTS SLAY CIRCUIT EDITION BEATS BY DJ/PRODUCER BRETT OOSTERHAUS NYC'S NEWEST FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY Cover $10 ALL NIGHT DRINK SPECIALS ALL NEW RENOVATION AND SOUND SYSTEM ! Like our page https://www.facebook.com/SLAYRUFFNITE/ check out our pictures from past SLAY parties. The Monster downstair dance floor . 80 Grove street, Greenwich Village NY (at The Manhattan Monster Bar)
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themarsh10 · 7 years
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GET READY BOYS IT'S GONNA BE A SUPPER FRIDAY THE 13TH RUFFNITE EVENTS PRESENTS SUPER SLAY BEATS BY JOHN MARTO AND ERIC ABOBO NYC'S NEWEST FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY Cover $10 ALL NIGHT Like our page https://www.facebook.com/SLAYRUFFNITE/ check out our pictures from past SLAY parties. The Monster downstair dance floor . 80 Grove street, Greenwich Village NY (at The Manhattan Monster Bar)
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