#rumble in the prairie 14
luckyspike · 4 years
Adventures in America, Ch. 14 - An All-American Angel
told you i didn’t forget about this fanfic
in this chapter: thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening, hoag-IES 
(and some scrapple, and some scrapple here we go, magnifico)
Start with Chapter 1 here (or on AO3 now!)
Refresh on Chapter 13 here
or check out my fic tag for more!
The storms came, later that day, to the skies over Nebraska. Lucky and Adam had pulled the laptop into the back seat at Rachael’s urging, and were studying the radar patterns together, occasionally pointing at something or other and muttering about wind shear and relative atmospheric pressure. Above, dark clouds gathered. In the front seat, Noel was sat back in the driver’s seat, snacking on a stick of jerky, while Rachael was resting her face against the window, eyes on the sky. “So?” she asked after a while. “What’s the verdict back there, do you think?”
“It doesn’t look tornadic,” Lucky said, while Adam nodded in agreement. “I dunno, I’m not seeing enough instability coming from these two fronts.”
“I agree.” Rachael turned around to grin. “But it certainly looks like a storm’s shaping up out there, hm?”
Adam nodded. “Yeah. I mean, there’s still a big cold front moving down from the north, and this chunk -” he waved his finger at the screen, “- coming from the Gulf of Mexico has been carrying really high humidity the entire time, so there’s plenty of moisture.”
“Which means?”
Lucky grinned. “Lightning.”
“Lightning,” Rachael agreed. “And?”
“Hail,” said Adam.
Noel grumbled, “Yeah. Hopefully not big stuff today. Windshield’s already got a little crack in it - not sure how many more hits it can take before we need to swap it out.”
Rachael shrugged. “We’ll see. So, where do you guys think we ought to move to get the best lightning data?”
Adam and Lucky looked around the truck. There were pulled to the side of the road in the little village of Cedar Bluffs. Around the truck, little houses squatted on the prairie, surrounded by miles of farms stretching out in all directions. “Well,” Adam said, half-joking, “probably not right here.”
“Good call,” Lucky said with a snort, still studying the laptop screen. “I dunno I think … well, we probably wanna find somewhere without much around, right? How about northwest?” He looked up, in the direction he was indicating. “Looks like mostly farms out that way, right?
“Pretty much.” Rachael reached into the back seat and Lucky handed the laptop over. “Good job, guys. You’ll be regular meteorological pros by the time we’re done with you. Okay, Noel? You heard the boss: let’s drive.”
“We should do a timed competition with the set-up, now,” Noel said conversationally as he pulled the truck onto the road and pointed it out of town. “You guys are comfortable with it, yeah?”
Adam and Lucky looked to one another and shrugged. “Pretty comfortable,” Adam conceded. “I dunno that we’re that comfortable.”
“And I’d rather it be done right, yeah.” Rachael grinned at her companion. “But if you wanna time it, go for it. Even without racing, we can see how much faster you guys get over the next couple weeks.”
“Yeah, alright.” Adam looked out of the window as the little town rapidly fell behind them and crop fields started to yawn out on either side, green from the roadside to the horizon. Quickly, he glanced to the side mirror, and was reassured to see the now-familiar grill of the big, black SUV following at some distance behind. When he looked away, Lucky caught his eye, and he just nodded once, wordlessly. The other boy slouched back a little more comfortably.
Rachael, meanwhile, was fiddling with cameras. “Alright … I think I’m gonna shoot with the long lens today, for the most part, but in case we get more underneath it than we’d like - which one of you want to do the short lens? I can trade you if it’s really on top of us.”
Lucky raised his hand. “I’ll take it.” He grunted a little as Rachael passed the heavy bag back to him. “Do I need to do anything?”
“No, it should be ready. So Adam, that means you’re on video. Is that okay?” He voiced his agreement, and Rachael nodded, satisfied, and turned over her shoulder to grin at the two of them. “Alright, guys. Fingers crossed let’s see some lightning, hm?”
They wasted no time setting up once Noel found a suitable place along a side road to pull over. The clouds were gathering, thick and full in the sky above, and dark as soot. Noel timed them while Adam and Lucky ran around like men possessed, darting from one instrument to the next, ensuring they were secured and operational before jogging back to the car to wait.
“Not bad,” Noel appraised, glancing at his phone. “You’ll get better.”
“What was it?” asked Lucky, panting a little, hands on his hips.
“Twelve minutes and change. It can be done in eight, if you book it. But you’re learning - you’ll get there.”
The boys exchanged a determined sort of look. “Eight minutes,” Adam repeated. “We got that.”
“As long as it’s done right,” Rachael said from behind the lens of her camera, already shooting the leaders that were still a mile or more away, “I don’t care if it takes twenty minutes. I need the data; your set-up times aren’t publishable, unfortunately.”
Noel grinned at the two students. “Nice not to waste time with it, though.” 
“We can do it.” Lucky and Adam high-fived. “We’ll get there. Hang on, I’m gonna get the camera. You’re already set up, Adam?”
“Yeah.” Eyes narrowed and blonde hair blowing in the wind, he watched as the first bolts started to reach for the ground, closer now. “Over near the front of the truck. I’m gonna head over now, I think? Will the picture be any good this far away?”
“Eh.” Rachael shrugged, and snapped another rapid-fire burst of photos as the first bolt they’d seen connect with the Earth flared to life. “Maybe not, but might as well - we have plenty of space for the videos, and I can always pare them down later if it ends up being a wash.”
Adam hummed his agreement, and headed toward the video camera, fiddling idly around with a few of the settings before deciding the zoom was as good as it was going to get, and settling in to film. The thunder was quite loud by now, rumbling through the air around him as well as the clouds overhead, making the bones of his ribcage rattle with each tremendous clap. The air cooled, started to feel damp, and gooseflesh erupted on his arms. He sucked in a deep breath, watching through the viewfinder as the thunderhead drew closer, and tasted the storm on his tongue.
Not a tornado, he thought, but a big storm. He’d seen the radar and here, on a cracked old road in the middle of a cornfield, he could feel it too. As the first few drops of rain began to spit down, Adam shifted the camera around gently to an area that looked to be generating more lightning than the main bulk of the storm, and did his best to get as much of the storm in frame as he could.
At first, it looked like a decent storm for lightning, although Adam wondered if they’d missed the mark a little in their lightning instrument setup: most of the strikes looked to be occurring to the south, rather than the north. Cedar Bluffs might yet have been the right place to set up, he thought, right there on the main street: not like it was a metropolis or anything. Still, with all the buildings around it would have been more likely that the lightning would have hit one of those rather than the metal antennas that were attached to Rachael’s instruments, which were almost the tallest thing for the next half mile, out here, power lines excepted.
It changed, though. It was slight at first: just a few bolts a bit closer, a bit nearer to the truck and the instruments. Adam grinned as he looked through the camera, alternating between checking his shots and watching with his own eyes. Although he’d come out here to see tornadoes, he had to admit that lightning was pretty incredible: beautiful, powerful, and unpredictable. Not well-understood, either, although Rachael had already taught him miles more than he’d known when he first arrived. He was appreciating it now, adjusting the shutter speed a little to see if he could catch more of the discreet flashes rather than the more easily-filmed single bolt. When an upward leader climbed up off of a power transmission tower, he breathed out sharply, awed, and hoped it hadn’t been so fast that the camera had missed it; the actual bolt struck a half-second later, arcing down through the sky and searing into the cornfield.
“That’s what I’m looking for!” he heard Rachael whoop from the other end of the truck, joined by a happy shout of laughter from Noel. “Let’s keep ‘em coming!”
There were a few more bolts after that that were just as spectacular: it was a very active storm, and try as he might he couldn’t catch all of them on film. He did his best though, which was why when the first unusual bolt struck, he saw it. 
It was off by itself. The storm was quite close now, still not raining where they were but looking as though it might do soon enough. The sky was dark, and the clouds flashed and grumbled just to their south. The lightning was nearer, too, although still not quite to the line he and Lucky had arbitrarily set at the border of the irrigation ditch with the instruments. He was panning slowly along the cornfield, hoping to catch another leader or something similar, when the bolt struck.
The first thing Adam noticed was that it was slower than the others before. The second thing was that it hardly forked at all, instead only zig-zagging a little as it seemed to search for something on the ground, before flaring to life and cracking through the sky to strike the transmission tower nearest to them on the road. The tower screamed, electricity arced, and one of the fuses blew with a shower of sparks. Rachael yelled. “Shit! Did you see that?”
Adam swallowed. “Should we get into the truck?” he called, still looking fixedly through the viewfinder. “It’s getting kind of close.”
“Nah, we’re alright for a minute yet,” he heard Noel reply. His stomach squirmed a little at that, but he looked away from the view quickly, a careful glance down the road, and took a deep breath when he made out the black bulk of the 4Runner, half-hidden behind the young corn stalks. Not to mention the pale shock of hair next to it. Okay. It was alright. Just a lightning storm, he thought, and returned to filming.
The next odd bolt struck one of the instruments. Rachael cried out triumphantly, crowing about a direct hit, but Adam winced. He’d felt the hair on his head stand on-end briefly, and the backs of his arms had erupted into gooseflesh that had nothing to do with the rapidly-cooling air. Too close. “Maybe,” he just heard Noel say over the peal of thunder that followed, “we oughta get into the car.”
“It’s getting kind of close, yeah,” Rachael replied. Adam felt a few rain drops patter down and he shivered a little. “Looks like it could produce hail, too, so -”
Adam smelled the ozone before he saw the upward leader. In spite of himself, he didn’t jump: he hardly had the time. The leader blindly reached up from the dirt on the side of the road just opposite to him, and a second later another strangely slow, direct bolt tore through the air to make contact with the leader. He was blinded by the light a second later, deaf from the thunder, his arms raised to protect his face and his nose and mouth full of electricity. He might have screamed, but it was lost in the thunder, and he bolted for the truck, camera and tripod clenched in his fist which had slammed shut with the strike, either from terror or residual current. His senses were returning to him by the time the door slammed shut, his vision still dazzled but clear enough to see Lucky sitting in the seat across from him, wide-eyed with terror. 
“Did it hit you?” The other boy asked, his voice thick in Adam’s ears. 
Adam found himself trying to talk with a mouth that was too dry. He was vaguely aware of Rachael and Noel in the front seat, but paid them no mind, instead fumbling a bottle of water until he managed to open it and take a mouthful. “Are you okay?” Rachael asked, leaning into his field of vision which was, gradually re-widening from the too-narrow tunnel it had been. “Adam? Did it hit you?”
“Didn’t hit me,” he replied, breathless but already feeling better for the water. Rain was lashing at the truck now, interspersed with some hail, and he shivered in spite of himself as another bolt found purchase in the road just in front of the grille. “Almost, but didn’t.”
“Lands, that scared me.” Noel laid his hand on Adam’s head, and then let his arm fall to his shoulder, pulling the boy into as much of a hug as he could considering he was in the driver’s seat and Adam was just behind him. “I thought it had you, Adam, I really did.”
“It almost did.” He took another gulp of water, and turned back to the window, looking out to the gray rain-soaked road he’d just been. A charred patch of asphalt was still faintly smoking. “It was … literally right there.”
The four of them jumped as one when another bolt hit the truck proper, this time on Rachael’s side, blowing the mirror off. Lucky yelped and ended up practically in Adam’s lap, as far away from the window as he could be. 
“Is it targeting us or something?” Noel yelled. “Cheese and rice, look at that! The mirror’s gone!”
Rachael had shut her laptop and set it on the floor mat, as far away from herself as she could. “We could drive away and come back for the instruments later. I doubt anyone out here will be looking to swipe them …”
Noel waved to the windshield. “It’s coming down in sheets; I couldn’t see to drive anyway. Just no one touch the doors, stay away from the windows if you can, and we’ll get outta here as soon as I can see.” 
They sat silently for a few minutes while the storm battered the truck, Adam and Lucky huddled together in the middle of the back bench, Adam still shaking a little and Lucky still as calm waters, his shoulder against Adam’s warm and reassuring as long as Adam didn’t make a note of how pale his face looked. 
“You got a direct hit, though,” Noel said quietly, after a bit. “On one of those instruments. Oughta get some good data out of that.”
“Ought to, yeah.” Rachael glanced into the backseat, to the two students, and then looked to Noel. “It was … strange, that lightning, don’t you think?”
Noel winced. “Yeah. I mean, I’ve seen lightning do weird stuff before, but to move that slow and so … like it was direct, didn’t you think? I thought it looked pretty straight-and-true, for lightning.”
“Me too.”
Adam didn’t say anything. As soon as the conversation had started, he had looked to Lucky, and found the other boy already watching him carefully, face slack. “Direct,” mouthed Lucky silently, echoing Noel. Adam nodded slowly in return. Lucky’s eyes flicked backwards, searching down the road for the 4Runner, but it was too dark and rainy outside to see if it was still there. Likely, though, Adam thought, because there was a glow back there in the rain. Headlights, probably, he thought. Crowley and Aziraphale. He took a breath and nodded to the other student, whose shoulders sagged visibly with relief. 
“It’ll be interesting to analyze the data later,” Rachael muttered, watching the storm bluster outside. “Right, looks like it’s calming down. This might be our break?”
“Let’s head back to town. I could use a coffee. You got a flashlight for later?”
“Cool.” Noel turned the truck on, flipped a U-turn, and started back down the road, through the rain which was at least not completely ruining visibility, and toward Cedar Bluffs. “You guys alright with this?”
“Yeah,” Adam replied, watching the 4Runner carefully as they drove past. No sign of Aziraphale or Crowley outside of the car, but it looked like they were inside, maybe with the interior light on, if the soft glow in the car was anything to judge by.
“Yeah,” Lucky echoed, voice faint, still huddled up next to Adam. “Yeah, I think that’s super alright.”
Although the lightning may not have looked different initially, Aziraphale had noted something almost immediately. Even Crowley, whose senses were blunted to the sacred and holy, felt something off.
“What do we do if they try to do something?” Crowley murmured, the two of them leaned up against their car, watching the storm roll in. “And what about you, in the middle of all of this?”
“You’re quite sure you can’t manipulate the weather?”
Crowley stared at Aziraphale for a second. “No,” he answered after a stunned pause. “What? No! I’m a demon, not Zeus.”
“Well, you stopped time once.” Aziraphale replied snippily, glowering at him out of the corner of his eye. “Just thought I’d ask.” He frowned as another bolt flickered up in the clouds, never appearing beyond the borders of the thunderhead. “Would you be able to do a … a shield, sort of thing? Or discourage the storm from harming them?”
“Dunno.” Crowley frowned, brow furrowed. “Probably could manage something. Er … well, if we’re worried the big threat is lightning -”
“I’m rather hoping it will be, yes.”
“What? Hang on, we’ll come back to it, anyway, as I was saying, if the big threat is lightning, there’ll be a negative charge that’s strong enough to attract the positive charge from the clouds, so I could kind of … scramble the electrons …” as he’d been speaking, he had moved away from the car, stalking around Aziraphale until he was positioned near the engine. He stared ahead, watching the flickers of movement around the red mass of truck, and then nodded suddenly, satisfied. “Right, got it. Okay. So what was that about lightning?” He turned on his heel, swaying a little after he spun, to face the angel. “Did you say you want there to be lightning?”
“Yes, rather.” Aziraphale was still watching the storm, expression mildly interested but with a weight to the air around him that Crowley had come to recognize through the years as one brought on by deep thought. “I’ve not done this in a while, but with a proper strike of lightning, I think I could manage to pull another angel through.”
“Oh,” Crowley said simply, wide-eyed. “Naturally.”
“You didn’t know that? Here, dear boy, do you still have that chalk on you?”
Crowley produced the box of chalk from his pocket. “Rain’s just going to wash it away in a bit,” he warned Aziraphale as the angel considered the available colors and, at length, chose yellow. 
Aziraphale bent over and started ponderously drawing out a series of sigils. “It’ll last long enough,” he said, encircling a cluster of symbols with a perfect, flawless circle in spite of the cheap chalk and cracked asphalt. “I can’t remember the exact name but …” he straightened up and propped his hands on his hips. Closer now, a crack of lightning split the sky. Crowley started glancing frantically back and forth, between his husband and the truck, unsure of who to watch more closely. 
“Bit important that, don’t you think?” He twitched his nose and flicked his tongue out quickly, and then, with a wince, snapped his fingers, rearranging the electrons around the truck just so. 
“Not as much as you’d think,” Aziraphale muttered, now tapping the chalk against his lips. “I believe demons are fussier about exact terms and names, honestly. Ah, yes, I think this ought to do it.” He bent down again and deliberately wrote a handful more symbols. “There. Now, where is the lightning?” He dropped the chalk back into his pocket and turned around. Crowley pointed to the northwest but didn’t dare look away from Adam and Lucky. The air was sharper now, all around, and he’d seen the first strange bolt searching blindly for a target. 
Aziraphale watched politely for a minute and said, “Er, Crowley?”
“Yeah?” The second odd bolt struck, and Crowley winced, scenting at the air again right after and huffing out a strained breath as he snapped his fingers. “Bit busy, angel.”
“Obviously, of course, but er …” Aziraphale folded his hands behind his back and cautiously took a few steps toward the demon, leaning around Crowley’s shoulder a bit further into his field of vision. “I don’t suppose you could help me out a bit?”
“With what?”
“Well, you’re manipulating the charges around the truck, I see - and a wonderful job you’re doing with those electrons, my dear, really - but I don’t suppose you could make my circle a bit more prone to a lightning strike?” He shuffled his feet. “Just a bit. I won’t need much.”
“Angel.” The clouds above rumbled again and Crowley winced. A drop of rain plopped onto his jacket and, after a minute, began to steam. “It’s not as easy as I make this look, you know.”
“Of course not! Naturally. But, well, you stopped time once …” Crowley glanced over - just for a second - and Someone help him Aziraphale might have actually batted his eyelashes. Crowley rolled his eyes. “Please?”
Thunder broke overhead, and Crowley snarled, managing to snap again. A fork of lightning veered off at a 90-degree angle, suddenly finding a more invitingly-positive stalk of corn about 20 yards away from the boys. “What do you need?” he asked, trying to keep the shake out of his hand. The rain was falling a bit harder now, a proper drizzle, and he could feel his corporation aching a little at the joints, exhaustion seeping into centuries-old bones as the true, more metaphysical version of Crowley started to press outward, the better to see the electrons all around. The clouds above were positively boiling with them, just looking for a place to strike. And, he thought, maybe a bit more organized than he’d expect an ordinary thunderstorm to look, not that he’d done much checking before today.
“Just a positive charge around my circle there, if you’d be so kind. I just need one bolt, if you can.”
Crowley grit his teeth. “No idea if I can. I can try.” He could feel the air around him, too-thick and full of particles. He warned, “Nothing about this is going to be even remotely controlled.”
“Understood.” Wisely, Aziraphale took a step backwards, positioning himself just behind the demon. “Let me know when you’re ready so I can be prep -”
 A few things happened at once: first, there was a blinding flash of light from the clouds above, as a swarm of particles congealed into one place and promptly superheated to the point that any surrounding elements vaporized instantly into plasma. Crowley saw this, and also saw that at that very same moment, there was an absolute dearth of any kind of negative charge around Adam whatsoever, for feet to all sides. With a snarl, he acted, his form rippling at the edges and black scales flickering into existence across his skin, but no matter. It was working, was the important part, and even though the effort of it made his head swim he couldn’t help but feel intensely proud as he dipped his metaphysical hands straight into the particles around Aziraphale’s little summoning circle and flung them 100 yards down the road, toward Adam, buffering the boy with a cloud of electrons.
The lightning forked, just below the bottom edge of the cloud. The largest fork - the one initially intended for Adam, Crowley was sure - tore downwards toward the boy but was deflected, searing into the road just in front of Adam with an ear-splitting crack. Behind Crowley, another smaller fork arced into the summoning circle, and although there was a bit of a squeak about his tone, Aziraphale managed to blurt out something in the language of the angels. Amid the heavy smell of ozone and the washed-out white of his vision, Crowley suddenly sensed another Holy signal - an angel, not Aziraphale - at his back.
Down the road, just before Crowley realized the road was coming up to meet him, he saw Adam, Lucky, and the other two bolt into the truck. “Oh, good,” he said, as his cheek smacked against the asphalt and he promptly passed out.
He came to in the car. He was covered by Aziraphale’s coat, and the first thing his mind alerted him to was that his clothes were soaked. The coat was warm - probably a minor miracle, if he had to guess - and that was going a long way at the moment, but the sensation of wet clothes was still deeply unpleasant.
Then again, he thought muzzily, the prospect of miracleing them dry at the moment just seemed a bit much. He made a quiet little noise of discontent and tried to wriggle deeper into the coat, hissing in irritation as his shirt caught on … on his scales, yeah, that’s right, it would do, wouldn’t it, he’d have to work on getting them put away in just a second. 
“He’s cool, right?”
The strange, thickly-accented voice cut through Crowley’s post-unconsciousness haze and he bolted awake, spinning around in the seat, wide-eyed, to face the voice. Aziraphale’s hand settled on his shoulder, reassuring. “Yes. He’s cool. Crowley, it’s alright; this is Moroni.”
Crowley blinked. The angel in the back seat - dark hair, olive skin, and a dark green shirt - blinked back before timidly offering up a little wave. “‘Ey.”
“Aren’t you the one responsible for Mormons?” Crowley squinted, trying to bring the new angel into better focus, and halfway succeeding. Well enough, anyway, to see the word ‘Eagles’ emblazoned in white across the front of his shirt, and to make out a two-day beard along his chin. “Right?”
The reply, when it came, was muttered. Embarrassed. “Yeah. Kinda.”
“Golden plates, hm? Were those actually real?”
Moroni huffed. “I dunno, pal, was that apple really the key to all knowledge or was it just an excuse?”
“It was the key to all knowledge,” Crowley snapped, bristling. “The fuck kind of angel are -”
“Moroni,” Aziraphale cut in suddenly, gently shoving Crowley back into his seat a bit, “was just telling me about the goings-on in Heaven. Such as he is aware.”
Crowley boggled a little. “They still talk to you? You started a cult.”
Moroni sat up a little straighter, pointing toward Crowley as his expression twisted into something ugly and bitter. “Listen, asshole, I didn’t do shit about a cult, I was just supposed to renew faith with those things but it ain’t my fault that -”
“Yeah, okay,” Crowley scoffed, cutting him off. “S’that how you justified it to your boss?” He sneered. “Surprised you didn’t enjoy a complimentary free fall into the old sulfur spa after that cock-up.”
Crowley figured it would get a rise - that was the whole point, after all. He hadn’t totally expected the other angel to take a lunge toward him though, winding up for what looked to be a practiced and very competent right hook. Crowley didn’t flinch away - he was a demon after all, and what kind of demon shies away from taking a hit now and then - but before Moroni could land a punch Aziraphale scrambled in between them, one hand flat against Crowley’s chest and his other clenched into a fist around the collar of Moroni’s shirt. “Enough!” the Principality snapped, and both Crowley and Moroni froze.
For a solid thirty seconds, the only sound was the rain lashing at the car and the thunder rumbling outside. 
Crowley was the first to relax, slumping backwards against the steering wheel and craning his head around toward where the red truck had been. The rain was falling too furiously to make out the bulk of the truck itself, but the red tail-lights were bright in the gloom, the yellow flashers blinking underneath. He nodded, satisfied, and turned back around. 
Aziraphale was watching him sternly, and once Crowley had turned back around he nodded once, an affirmation. Crowley returned the gesture, but kept his eyes on Moroni even as Aziraphale eased up his grip on the football jersey collar. “Alright?” Aziraphale asked, more to Moroni than anything. “I have a few questions, and once they’re answered you’ll be free to return to … wherever you were.”
“Philly,” Moroni murmured sourly. “Fine. Long as your snake keeps his mouth shut.”
A sharp look from Aziraphale cut Crowley off before he could reply. “Crowley,” Aziraphale snapped, once he turned back to Moroni. “His name is Crowley. I’d thank you to remember it.”
“Yeah. Whatever.” Moroni looked out of the window, jerking backwards and out of Aziraphale’s grasp to sit, arms crossed and legs spread, across the back seat of the car. “Fine. What’d you wanna know?”
“Well, it’s just as I was saying before you woke up, Crowley.” Aziraphale sat back a bit, not really relaxing but obviously wanting to give that impression, his eyes flickering back and forth between Crowley and Moroni. “It appears there is a … a movement from Above to re-start Armageddon. Or, well, at least to terminate the former Anti-Christ. What do you know of it?”
Moroni shrugged. “Nothin’. News to me.” He sniffed, and looked sidelong to the other angel. “You think it’s gonna get goin’ again?”
“I’m not sure; that’s why I’m asking. Have you heard anything from Above about a … a re-do, as it were?”
“No.” Warily, he looked to Crowley. “You shouldn’ know any of this, demon.”
“I’m not exactly on good terms with your opposition,” Crowley responded tightly. “Hardly as though I have anyone to tell.”
Moroni harrumphed. “Guess so. But yeah, no, no re-do s’far as I know. I jus’ saw Uriel last week too, in town for some blessing or something, she didn’t say a word about it. In fact …” he looked furtively side-to-side, and lowered his voice. “Well, this doesn’t go anywhere, right? But we had a few drinks after, got some hoagies, an’ we were talking about, you know, stuff.” He shrugged. “Earth stuff. Nothing serious. She’s an Eagles fan, you know? Fly Eagles Fly, baby.”
Aziraphale and Crowley looked blank. Moroni shook his head mournfully. “Gotta get you off that island some time, Aziraphale. Anyway, the way she was talkin’ - an’ she didn’t say anything super specific, y’know, but just talkin’ - was like she thought things were just situation normal. Leadin’ up to that whole thing a few years ago, s’all she would tell me about, how things were goin’, preparations bein’ made, all that.” He huffed and shook his head. “I wasn’ too pumped for it, an’ she pro’ly knew, but I played the part. But this was like all the times we talked before then. Just, y’know, normal conversation.” He shrugged. “Sports, gossip, all that. You know Gabriel’s been spending more time Earth-side?”
“Has he?” Aziraphale blinked. “Doing what?”
“No one knows. He goes all over, too, she said - like he’s lookin’ for something. So I dunno, maybe he’s doin’ something, but doesn’t sound like it.” He sighed. “An’ Michael’s, y’know, still ramping up for war whenever it happens, but Michael’s been doing that for, I dunno, what, five thousand years?” He spread his hands. “Nothin’ new there.”
Aziraphale frowned. “No. And Yeshua -”
Moroni barked out a laugh. “You think they let me know anything about Yeshua? C’mon Aziraphale - I’m pro’ly the only other angel that gets kept at arm’s length aside from you. I got nothin’. Last I heard they had Raziel watching him, but that was years ago.”
“Hm. Yes.” Aziraphale stayed tight-lipped while Crowley involuntarily grinned, remembering their unusually memorable Christmas a few years back when Yeshua had given old Raziel the slip and spent the night. “Alright.”
“Y’know it makes sense though,” Moroni said conversationally. “If someone offs the old Antichrist, Hell can place a new one and it’ll start all over again. ‘Course, that assumes Hell’s in on the whole plan and Old Scratch is up for having another kid.” He looked at Crowley. “Hm?”
Crowley snorted. “If you think Downstairs talks to me anymore you’re crazier than the guy you -”
“Yes, Crowley, please don’t.” Aziraphale silenced him with a glare, prompting Crowley to slouch backwards against the door and cross his arms. “Your point is well-taken.”
Moroni snorted. “At this rate you’re gonna know more about Heaven than Hell.” He pointed out of the windshield, toward the taillights of the truck ahead. “And watching that kid, hm? Sure you ain’t an angel?”
A hiss slipped out, mostly unprompted, although Crowley might have thrown a little extra umph into it once he realized what he was doing. “Very.”
“It wasn’t a threat.” Moroni raised his hands. “Jokes, man. You ain’t no angel, I know that.” He made a show of checking his watch. “Hey, uh, are we done here? ‘Cause the Phillies got a night game -”
“Yes, I think we are.” Aziraphale looked to Crowley, who nodded slowly, not looking away from the other angel. “Yes. Oh, and the rain’s slowing. How convenient.”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll fly.” Crowley looked away as the holy light flooded the car. When he looked out of the window, the red truck with the boys in it drove by, heading back toward town. “Let you get back to work there with your kid, Guardian.” He snorted at Crowley, who snarled in response. Moroni looked away, the back seat of the car suddenly filled with dazzlingly white wings, and nodded to Aziraphale. “Good luck. Lemme know ‘f you’re ever in town. Thanks ah … well, don’t tell anyone I said this but uh, thanks for not lettin’ the world end. Both of youse, and that kid.” He beamed. “Gave me a whole year to enjoy the Eagles bein’ Superbowl champs.”
Aziraphale’s smile was a bit brittle. “How lovely. It was our pleasure.”
“I’ll treat you to some scrapple, hey? Uriel says you like food. Get you some local delicacies.” He punched Aziraphale companionably in the shoulder and ignored the snarl he got from Crowley in return. “Some pork roll, cheesesteak obviously, an’ hey if it’s nice I know a guy who does water ice, ‘ey? Lemme know.”
He flapped his wings one time as much as he could in the cramped confines of the car, and then went spectral, phasing through the roof and rising skywards, through the clouds, presumably darting away with the cover of the storm. 
Crowley waited for a long moment before he grumbled, “No wonder you didn’t want to talk to him. Prick.”
“He’s been through a lot.”
“We’ve been through a lot, and I’d hope we’ve got more bloody manners than that wanker.” Still grumbling rather incoherently, more out of a general feeling of annoyance than any particular string of words, Crowley re-situated himself in the driver’s seat and turned the car on, a delighted shiver coursing through him as the heaters blew on. “That’s alright. Bloody freezing in here.”
“Oh, of course; you’re still soaked. I miracled the coat to be warm and dry,” Aziraphale said, but Crowley was already pulling it on anyway, wrapping the old thing around his skinny torso and hunching down into it with a contented sigh. Warmth miracles aside, Aziraphale’s coat was just … nice. Crowley loved it, although he would never admit it out loud. “Will you be … well, Crowley, do you think you ought to be driving?” Aziraphale dithered. “What you did back there with the lightning was remarkable, my boy, but it seemed to take rather a lot out of you.”
Crowley shrugged his shoulder and tried not to sag down in his seat, although now, with the other angel gone and the warm comfort of Aziraphale’s coat wrapped around him, he would admit his angel had a point. He wondered where the boys would be setting up for the night, and whether or not the crappy motel beds would do the job, since he certainly wasn’t feeling up to miracleing a bed into being. He could always ask Aziraphale to do it, of course, but then they were trying to avoid unnecessary miracles, weren’t they … ?
“Crowley?” He startled a little, and realized he’d been sitting at a stop sign and staring blankly ahead for the past however-long. Aziraphale was watching him with no small amount of concern. “Crowley, I do know how to drive.”
“No, you don’t.” The demon shook himself and sat up a little straighter. “Which way’d they go?”
Aziraphale sighed. “That way, and then left onto the main street again.” Neither of them spoke until they caught sight of the red truck parked along the curb across from the town’s only bar. There were a handful of other cars clustered around it, and warm yellow light spilled out from the front window of the bar. “Looks like a few people decided to wait it out inside.”
“Smart.” Crowley cruised past the bar slowly. “You see them?”
“N - Yes! Yes, there the four of them are. Near enough to the windows, anyway, if you can find a spot that I can watch them.”
Crowley yawned. “Don’t have to tell me twice.” The town wasn’t exactly populus, and he had little trouble finding a space to pull over and park. With the car stationary and firmly in park, the radio playing some tropical-sounding song softly over the speakers, Crowley scrambled from the driver’s seat and into the back seat. “You mind if I - ?”
Aziraphale was already shaking his head. “I’d rather hoped you would. Rest up, Crowley - I’ll keep watch.”
“Great.” The 4Runner’s back seat wasn’t exactly meant for sleeping but, well, Crowley had slept on worse. He curled up under the coat as much as he could, eyelids already sliding shut. A bit of wriggling until he found the most comfortable position possible, and then he breathed out, feeling the thick fog of sleep starting to settle over him. “Hey, Aziraphale?” he asked, slurring his words around his sleep-thick tongue. 
“Yes, dear?”
“What the fuck is ‘wooder ice’?”
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southbendswimclub · 2 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 2/6-2/12
Dear SBSC families,
Practice Schedule Riley HS Group 1 Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:30 G1 Elite Wednesday 5:30-7:30 Group 2 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:30-7:30, and Friday 5:00-6:30 Group 3 Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:30-7:30, and Friday 5:00-6:30 New Prairie HS Group 1 Monday and Tuesday 5:00-6:30 PM CST Group 2 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 5:00-6:30 PM CST Group 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 5:00-6:30 PM CST Practice Notes: NP Swimmers and parents should use door N18.  Parents are welcome to stay to watch practice and masks are optional. Riley families please use door #22.  This is the door on the north west corner of the building and faces Fellows Street. If you are planning on staying to watch practice there is a stairwell that is adjacent to this door and this will lead you to the seating area.  Everyone choosing to stay to watch practice must be wearing a mask and social distance while in the seating gallery. New Prairie swimmers are welcome to attend their corresponding group's practice at Riley. Speedo Sectionals March 31-April 3 IUPUI USA Swimming's On-line meet entry system opens tomorrow.  If your swimmer has cuts and you plan on attending please email me this evening and I will enter them first thing tomorrow to guarantee their spot.  Here is a link to the meet letter. USA Swimming Guidelines-MAAPP/Safe Sport USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me. If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.  This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is 574-276-6057.
  I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website, here is the link. Fall and Winter Meet Schedule/Dates of Meet/Location/Deadline to commit Below is our fall/winter meet schedule. The first date listed is the day(s) of the meet and second date is the deadline to commit. Swimmers wanting to compete will need to commit to those meets.  The deadlines are based on deadlines that were set in previous years. They may change once the meet hosts posts the meet information.  When committing to multiple day meets if the option to select the days you want is not available, leave a message in the available notes section of the specific days you would like to attend. Meets marked with an * are meets that require swimmers to meet certain time standards.  All pool locations can be found on our website under the "Pools" tab. Intra-Squad/Oct. 5/Riley High School/Oct 4 WAR Monster Splash/Oct. 30/ Warsaw High School/Our Results NASA Sprint Meet/Nov. 6 & 7/Northridge High School/Our Results CON Skypoint/Nov. 12-14/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results ELK Rudolph Romp/Dec. 3-5/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results DUNE Rumble IN the Region/Dec. 18/Chesterton High School/Our Results IA TW Invite/Jan. 7-9/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results CON IMX/Jan. 21-23/Concord High School/Our Results CON Last Chance/Feb. 25-27/Concord High School/Entry Sent *IN Swim Divisionals/Mar. 4-6/Lake Central High School/Sunday Feb. 19 *IN Swim Age Group State/IUPUI/Mar. 11-13/Sunday Feb. 26 *IN Swim Senior State/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Mar. 18-20/Sunday Mar. 5 *Speedo Sectionals/IUPUI/Mar. 31- April 4/ASAP As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. -- John VanDriessche Head Coach South Bend Swim Club South Bend Riley High School (574)276-6057 www.southbendswimclub.com #SBSCForLife
0 notes
actualkomodo · 6 years
Nature Aesthetic
bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse.  
repost, do not reblog. feel free to add any natural features you see fit!
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fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rain clouds. a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbet-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water. blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich, orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk. heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder.
icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds. grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean waves. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines. rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites. creeping, green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water.
flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur. sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt. soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor. tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain.
summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat. a windy blizzard. thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky. a tree standing alone in a barren, yellow field. a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground.
bitter, cold winds. tumultuous skies of stormy clouds. branches of lightning ripping across the sky. a foggy swamp. the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range. sandy brown cliff sides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis.
a black sand beach. a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow, aqua waters. underwater volcanic vents. a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit. light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain wading peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night. natural diamonds nestled in coarse desert sands. a frozen lake.
Tagged by: @red-dawnbringer thank you!
I’m a bit late getting to this and have largely forgotten who’s done this... I read them all but it gets a little hazy when there are a lot! Feel free to tag me back if you’ve already done this.
Tagging: @pearlescent-scales​ @onceahocat​ @zoran-taela​ @innocuousember​ @the-original-rel​ @elegant-etienne​ @talechaser-ffxiv​ @ff-14-aileron​ @foxlike-ffxiv @therealmtraversed
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junker-town · 4 years
10 minor league baseball mascots we really want to eat
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Let’s feast on these beasts.
Once in a great while we’re introduced to a mascot so bizarre that it confronts us in a way that evokes an immediate reaction. That happened on Tuesday with the introduction of the “Mighty Mussels,” out of Fort Myers.
Fort Myers' Class A Advanced club is coming out of its shell... Introducing the Mighty Mussels! https://t.co/AmD2yV1pug pic.twitter.com/kd9eXh0kpC
— Minor League Baseball (@MiLB) December 3, 2019
As a man with portion control problems and no self respect, my immediate response to seeing this swoll sea beast is “I want to eat it.” This realization took me to a weird place where I was pondering which minor league mascots I would eat, if given the chance. After painstaking analysis and evaluation I made a fool proof list of the mascots I would ingest for sustenance if given the opportunity.
The method is simple: We are grading on a 20 point scale evaluating deliciousness, how satisfying the mascot would be as a full meal, with a final tilt for misgivings — a minus rating applied to how disgusted with myself as a person I would feel for eating it.
No. 1 — The Montgomery Biscuit.
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What am I eating? A golden brown biscuit, its butter tongue, two eyeballs.
I like the Montgomery Biscuit because it solves the primary problem with a biscuit as a sole breakfast dish — lack of protein. Normally you need something inside the biscuit to bulk it out into a full meal, and the internet tells me that eyeballs are protein-rich, which naturally makes this a better meal. Honestly, I’m a little more concerned with the butter tongue. Biscuits are already the most butter-laden bread stuff available, and I’m a little worried it might be too much.
Anticipated delectableness: 10/10 Expected satisfaction: 10/10 Misgivings: 2/10 Total: 18/20
No. 2 — Down East Wood Duck.
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via MILB.com
What am I eating? An angry-ass duck.
I can get down on some duck. Even an angry-looking one. Duck isn’t something I’d order on the regular, but when prepared correctly it’s a symphony of flavor the likes of which almost nothing can match. I have some concern all that anger would contribute to the build up of lactic acid in the meat, making this duck taste a little funky — but funky duck is better than no duck at all.
Anticipated delectableness: 10/10 Expected satisfaction: 10/10 Misgivings: 3/10 Total: 17/20
No. 3 — Hartford Yard Goat.
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via MILB.com
What am I eating? A goat.
Goat is incredible. A yard goat is essentially just a free range goat. This is not a very cute goat, so it definitely makes it easier to imagine eating this goat. That said, I have a problem too: This isn’t a delectable farm-raised meat goat, this is a tin can eating trash goat. I am concerned this would lead to a low quality eating experience, because you are what you eat.
Anticipated delectableness: 7/10 Expected satisfaction: 9/10 Misgivings: 0/10 Total: 16/20
No. 4 — Modesto Nuts.
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via MILB.com
What am I eating: Nuts.
There are two mascots that make up the nuts: An almond and a walnut. Almonds are delicious, and I would eat them without hesitation. Walnuts are only good in things. I would not wish a handful of raw walnuts as a snack on my biggest enemy. This is a 50/50 situation. That said, I could eat enough nuts to make it a meal.
Anticipated delectableness: 5/10 Expected satisfaction: 10/10 Misgivings: 0/10 Total: 15/20
No. 5 — Binghamton Rumble Pony.
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via MILB.com
What am I eating? A horse.
Come close, because I going to let you in on a little secret. Lean in, because I don’t want too many people to hear this .... horse is delicious. I ate horse on a trip to Montreal and I still think about it at least 2-3 times per year. There’s a toothsome, gamey quality that feels like it perfectly splits the middle between beef and venison. I would regularly eat horse, though I have to admit I feel a little guilty that I like it so much.
Anticipated delectableness: 10/10 Expected satisfaction: 10/10 Misgivings: 6/10 Total: 14/20
No. 6 — Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp.
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What am I eating? A head-on, whole shrimp with additional muscly arms.
Shrimp are objectively delicious unless you have an allergy. However, this shrimp is a minefield. First of all it’s clearly a product of bizarre genetic engineering to give it mammalian arms, though I bet the arms would be delicious. Furthermore I see those spiky bits on the top of the shrimp and it looks like they would hurt the roof of my mouth. Peeling this bad boy goes against the spirit of this venture. Also one shrimp isn’t a meal.
Anticipated delectableness: 9/10 Expected satisfaction: 7/10 Misgivings: 4/10 Total: 12/20
No. 7 — Amarillo Sod Poodle
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via MILB.com
What am I eating? A whole-ass prairie dog with a stalk of wheat in its mouth.
I don’t know what a prairie dog tastes like, but I imagine it’s delicious. This is a leap of faith. I would take the wheat stalk, make bread out of it and load this sod poodle onto the roll to engorge in a meat feast the likes of which nobody has seen. Prairie dogs are kinda cute though, so I do feel bad.
Anticipated delectableness: 8/10 Expected satisfaction: 7/10 Misgivings: 5/10 Total: 10/20
No. 8 — Rocky Mountain Vibe.
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via MILB.com
What am I eating? A human-sized smore in mountain boots with sunglasses.
This is a “too much of a good thing” scenario. Smores are delightful, and one of the best desserts made better by camping. That said, I don’t want to eat that much smore. I think I might die trying to eat 150 pounds of smore. The boots and sunglasses will suck to eat, but at least they’ll give me a bit of a break from the clawing sweetness of the smore.
Anticipated delectableness: 10/10 Expected satisfaction: 5/10 Misgivings: 7/10 Total: 8/20
No. 9 — The Beloit Snapper.
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via MILB.com
What am I eating? A tiny, scared turtle.
I feel bad just talking about this. The Beloit Snapper is the veal of the mascot eating world. I know it will probably be delicious, I know it will satisfy me. I also know that the night after eating this little guy I’m going to cry myself to sleep and my family and friends will judge me harshly for my decisions. I don’t like guilt.
Anticipated delectableness: 9/10 Expected satisfaction: 7/10 Misgivings: 10/10 Total: 6/20
No. 10 — Cedar Rapids Kernels.
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via MILB.com
What am I eating? A processed corn-based product shaped into a baseball bat.
Corn is a delicious near-perfect food. Boil it, grill it, roast it — slather it in some toppings and it’s a vehicle bound for Flavor Town. I do not like the prospect of a processed corn product made into a baseball bat. This is either dry, or ungodly. There is no middle ground. I cannot abide by this.
Anticipated delectableness: 4/10 Expected satisfaction: 6/10 Misgivings: 10/10 Total: 0/20
0 notes
International Champions Cup Matches Headlines Tuesday Onsales
International sports takes over Tuesday’s ticketing market, with the International Champions Cup being the day’s biggest headliner. Eight soccer matches from this year’s event have tickets for sale to the general public Tuesday, including Real Madrid v. Arsenal and FC Bayern v. AC Milan.
The NCAA Tournament and NBA season are coming to a close, but basketball remains hot on the market, particularly the Canadian Elite Basketball League. Several teams across the league will begin to release home tickets for this upcoming season, including the Niagara River Lions, Hamilton Honey Badgers and Edmonton Stingers.
Children’s and family events are also well represented on Tuesday’s listings. A handful of Paw Patrol Live and Peppa Pig Live show tickets are available via presale, as well as tickets for Nickelodeon star JoJo Siwa’s DREAM Tour.
See what else you can expect in the full breakdown below.
*Sale information is subject to change and presented for informational purposes. Presales may require access passwords to purchase. As always, it is best to contact the venue or ticket retailer to confirm any and all details before purchase.
Seller Key: TMUSA: ticketmaster.com; LIVN: livenation.com; AXS: axs.com; ETIX: etix.com; TFLY: ticketfly.com; FGATE: frontgatetickets.com; TCOM: tickets.com; TWEB: ticketweb.com.
Tickets On Sale – Tuesday, April 9, 2019 Presale April Wine with special guest Asia Featuring John Payne Genesee Theatre Waukegan, IL 09/28/2019 07:30 PM TMUSA Boston Bruins at Toronto Maple Leafs Rd1 Hm Gm A Scotiabank Arena Toronto, ON 04/15/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Boston Bruins at Toronto Maple Leafs Rd1 Hm Gm C *If Necessary* Scotiabank Arena Toronto, ON 04/21/2019 11:59 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Edmonton Stingers FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 05/12/2019 04:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Edmonton Stingers FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 07/21/2019 04:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Fraser Valley Bandits FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 05/29/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Fraser Valley Bandits FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 07/06/2019 05:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Guelph Nighthawks FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 06/05/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Guelph Nighthawks FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 08/03/2019 05:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Niagara River Lions FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 06/12/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Niagara River Lions FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 08/14/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Saskatchewan Rattlers FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 05/18/2019 05:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Saskatchewan Rattlers FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 07/27/2019 05:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour AT&T Center San Antonio, TX 09/14/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour Bankers Life Fieldhouse Indianapolis, IN 09/06/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour FedExForum Memphis, TN 09/10/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour Forest Hills Stadium Queens, NY 07/21/2019 07:00 PM AXS JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour Huntington Center Toledo, OH 09/04/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour KFC Yum! Center Louisville, KY 09/07/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour Legacy Arena at The BJCC Birmingham, AL 09/08/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza Wilkes-Barre, PA 08/31/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour Pinnacle Bank Arena Lincoln, NE 08/24/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour Smart Financial Centre at Sugar Land Sugar Land, TX 09/13/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour The Theatre at Grand Prairie Grand Prairie, TX 09/17/2019 07:00 PM AXS JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour U.S. Cellular Center Cedar Rapids, IA 08/25/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour UNO Lakefront Arena New Orleans, LA 09/11/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour Van Andel Arena Grand Rapids, MI 08/27/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Miranda Lambert: Roadside Bars and Pink Guitars Tour Colonial Life Arena Columbia, SC 11/08/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA PAW Patrol Live!: Race to the Rescue Von Braun Center Arena Huntsville, AL 08/24/2019 10:00 AM TMUSA Peppa Pig Live! Peppas Adventure City National Civic San Jose, CA 11/16/2019 04:00 PM TMUSA Pop-Up Magazine Paramount Theatre-Oakland Oakland, CA 05/11/2019 07:30 PM TMUSA Rascal Flatts: Summer Playlist Tour 2019 Darien Lake Amphitheater Darien Center, NY 09/13/2019 07:30 PM LIVN Td Wpg Intl Jazz Festival Presents: Bobby Mcferrin Burton Cummings Theatre Winnipeg, MB 06/23/2019 08:00 PM TMUSA Td Wpg Intl Jazz Festival Presents: Galactic Burton Cummings Theatre Winnipeg, MB 06/21/2019 08:00 PM TMUSA The Dude Perfect Pound It Noggin Tour Chaifetz Arena St. Louis, MO 07/20/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA The Dude Perfect Pound It Noggin Tour Save Mart Center Fresno, CA 07/13/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA The Dude Perfect Pound It Noggin Tour Sears Centre Arena Chicago, IL 07/21/2019 07:00 PM EVNU The Dude Perfect Pound It Noggin Tour Silverstein Eye Centers Arena Independence, MO 07/19/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA General Onsale Arsenal vs. FC Bayern Dignity Health Sports Park Carson, CA 07/17/2019 08:00 PM AXS Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers Denver Botanical Gardens Denver, CO 08/18/2019 06:30 PM TFLY Edmonton Stingers vs. Guelph Nighthawks Edmonton EXPO Centre Edmonton, AB 05/24/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Edmonton Stingers vs. Guelph Nighthawks Edmonton EXPO Centre Edmonton, AB 07/11/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Edmonton Stingers vs. Saskatchewan Rattlers Edmonton EXPO Centre Edmonton, AB 05/31/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Edmonton Stingers vs. Saskatchewan Rattlers Edmonton EXPO Centre Edmonton, AB 08/08/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Fraser Valley Bandits vs. Edmonton Stingers Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford, BC 06/22/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Fraser Valley Bandits vs. Edmonton Stingers Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford, BC 08/15/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Fraser Valley Bandits vs. Guelph Nighthawks Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford, BC 05/09/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Fraser Valley Bandits vs. Guelph Nighthawks Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford, BC 07/04/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Fraser Valley Bandits vs. Hamilton Honey Badgers Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford, BC 05/22/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Fraser Valley Bandits vs. Hamilton Honey Badgers Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford, BC 07/18/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Fraser Valley Bandits vs. Niagara River Lions Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford, BC 07/11/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Fraser Valley Bandits vs. Niagara River Lions Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford, BC 08/08/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Fraser Valley Bandits vs. Saskatchewan Rattlers Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford, BC 06/13/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Fraser Valley Bandits vs. Saskatchewan Rattlers Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford, BC 07/25/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Edmonton Stingers FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 05/12/2019 04:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Edmonton Stingers FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 07/21/2019 04:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Fraser Valley Bandits FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 05/29/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Fraser Valley Bandits FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 07/06/2019 05:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Guelph Nighthawks FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 06/05/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Guelph Nighthawks FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 08/03/2019 05:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Niagara River Lions FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 06/12/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Niagara River Lions FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 08/14/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Saskatchewan Rattlers FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 05/18/2019 05:00 PM TMUSA Hamilton Honey Badgers vs. Saskatchewan Rattlers FirstOntario Centre Hamilton, ON 07/27/2019 05:00 PM TMUSA Haymakers for Hope – Rumble In The Rockies II Fillmore Auditorium (Denver) Denver, CO 06/06/2019 06:30 PM LIVN International Champions Cup: AC Milan v Benfica Gillette Stadium Foxborough, MA 07/28/2019 03:00 PM TMUSA International Champions Cup: Arsenal v AS Roma Bank of America Stadium Charlotte, NC 07/20/2019 06:00 PM TMUSA International Champions Cup: Benfica v Chivas de Guadalajara Levis Stadium Santa Clara, CA 07/20/2019 01:00 PM TMUSA International Champions Cup: FC Bayern v AC Milan Arrowhead Stadium Kansas City, MO 07/23/2019 08:00 PM TMUSA International Champions Cup: Real Madrid v Arsenal FedExField Landover, MD 07/23/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Intl Champions Cup, Audi Football Summit: FC Bayern v Real Madrid NRG Stadium Houston, TX 07/20/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Intl. Champions Cup: Chivas de Guadalajara v Atlético de Madrid Globe Life Park in Arlington Arlington, TX 07/23/2019 08:00 PM TMUSA JJ Grey & Mofro and Jonny Lang Denver Botanical Gardens Denver, CO 08/06/2019 06:30 PM TFLY Niagara River Lions vs. Edmonton Stingers Meridian Centre St Catharines, ON 05/16/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Niagara River Lions vs. Edmonton Stingers Meridian Centre St Catharines, ON 07/26/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Niagara River Lions vs. Guelph Nighthawks Meridian Centre St Catharines, ON 06/14/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Niagara River Lions vs. Guelph Nighthawks Meridian Centre St Catharines, ON 08/01/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Niagara River Lions vs. Saskatchewan Rattlers Meridian Centre St Catharines, ON 06/21/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Niagara River Lions vs. Saskatchewan Rattlers Meridian Centre St Catharines, ON 07/05/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Dallas Mavericks BOK Center Tulsa, OK 10/08/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Pop-Up Magazine Paramount Theatre-Oakland Oakland, CA 05/11/2019 07:30 PM TMUSA Pop-Up Magazine The Theatre at Ace Hotel Los Angeles, CA 05/17/2019 07:30 PM AXS Pop-Up Magazine – Spring Issue 2019 Revolution Hall Portland, OR 05/13/2019 07:30 PM TFLY Pop-Up Magazine – Spring Issue 2019 Revolution Hall Portland, OR 05/14/2019 07:30 PM TFLY Saskatchewan Rattlers v Edmonton Stinger SaskTel Centre Saskatoon, SK 08/09/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Saskatchewan Rattlers v Edmonton Stingers SaskTel Centre Saskatoon, SK 06/06/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Saskatchewan Rattlers v Guelph Nighthawks SaskTel Centre Saskatoon, SK 07/18/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Saskatchewan Rattlers v Guelph Nighthawks SaskTel Centre Saskatoon, SK 08/15/2019 07:00 PM TMUSA Comments
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Learn More: http://www.northgeorgiasportsman.com/international-champions-cup-matches-headlines-tuesday-onsales/
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southbendswimclub · 2 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 1/23-1/29
Dear SBSC families,
Practice Schedule Riley HS Group 1 Wednesday and Thursday 6:00-7:30 G1 Elite Friday 5:00-6:30 Group 2 Monday Wednesday, Thursday 5:30-7:30, and Friday 5:00-6:30 New Prairie HS Group 1 Tuesday and Wednesday 6:15-7:45 PM CST Group 2 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 6:15-7:45 PM CST Practice Notes: No practice Monday at New Prairie and no practice Tuesday at Riley and due to a high school meets. NP Swimmers and parents should use door N18.  Parents are welcome to stay to watch practice and masks are optional. Riley families please use door #22.  This is the door on the north west corner of the building and faces Fellows Street. If you are planning on staying to watch practice there is a stairwell that is adjacent to this door and this will lead you to the seating area.  Everyone choosing to stay to watch practice must be wearing a mask and social distance while in the seating gallery. New Prairie swimmers are welcome to attend their corresponding group's practice at Riley. Concord IMX Invite Times for today's meet are listed below.  I will be the coach on deck.  If you are unable to make it or running late PLEASE send a text (574-276-6057).  A little courtesy goes a long way. Sunday AM Session (8 & under and the 9-10 age groups) Warm-ups 9:15-9:50 -- our athletes need to be on deck by 9:00 Meet Starts 10:00 Anticipated finish time 12:45 Sunday PM Session  (11/12 and 13 and over age groups) Warm-ups 1:00-1:50 -- our athletes need to be on deck by 12:45 Meet Starts 2:00 Anticipated finish time 6:00 CON Last Chance Meet February 25-27 Concord High School Concord has not yet posted the meet information for this meet.  We have opened up the meet committment section on our website.  If your swimmer has not qualified for championship meets this will be their last opportunity to race until May.  I highly reccomend atteding.  I will keep the meet committment section open as long as possible. USA Swimming Guidelines-MAAPP/Safe Sport USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me. If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.  This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is 574-276-6057.
  I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website, here is the link. Fall and Winter Meet Schedule/Dates of Meet/Location/Deadline to commit Below is our fall/winter meet schedule. The first date listed is the day(s) of the meet and second date is the deadline to commit. Swimmers wanting to compete will need to commit to those meets.  The deadlines are based on deadlines that were set in previous years. They may change once the meet hosts posts the meet information.  When committing to multiple day meets if the option to select the days you want is not available, leave a message in the available notes section of the specific days you would like to attend. Meets marked with an * are meets that require swimmers to meet certain time standards.  All pool locations can be found on our website under the "Pools" tab. Intra-Squad/Oct. 5/Riley High School/Oct 4 WAR Monster Splash/Oct. 30/ Warsaw High School/Our Results NASA Sprint Meet/Nov. 6 & 7/Northridge High School/Our Results CON Skypoint/Nov. 12-14/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results ELK Rudolph Romp/Dec. 3-5/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results DUNE Rumble IN the Region/Dec. 18/Chesterton High School/Our Results IA TW Invite/Jan. 7-9/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results CON IMX/Jan.
21-23/Concord High School/Results Coming Soon CON Last Chance/Feb. 25-27/Concord High School/TBD-Will remain open as long as possible *IN Swim Divisionals/Mar. 4-6/TBD/Sunday Feb. 19 *IN Swim Age Group State/Mar. 11-13/Sunday Feb. 26 *IN Swim Senior State/Mar. 18-20/Sunday Mar. 5 As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. -- John VanDriessche Head Coach South Bend Swim Club South Bend Riley High School (574)276-6057 www.southbendswimclub.com #SBSCForLife
0 notes
southbendswimclub · 2 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 12/26-1/1
Dear SBSC families,
Practice Schedule Riley HS Group 1 Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-11:30 AM Here are our results, our updated all time Top-10, and our current qualifiers page. G1 Elite Wednesday 9:30-11:30 AM Group 2 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, and Friday 9:30-11:30 AM New Prairie HS Group 1 Monday and Tuesday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CST Group 2 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 11:00 AM -1:00 PM CST Practice Notes: NP Swimmers and parents should use door N18.  Parents are welcome to stay to watch practice and masks are optional. Riley families please use door #22.  This is the door on the north west corner of the building and faces Fellows Street. If you are planning on staying to watch practice there is a stairwell that is adjacent to this door and this will lead you to the seating area.  Everyone choosing to stay to watch practice must be wearing a mask and social distance while in the seating gallery. New Prairie swimmers are welcome to attend their corresponding group's practice at Riley. Thank You!! On behalf of our entire coaching staff I wanted to say thank you to everyone who thought of us.  We received generous gift cards, ornaments, cards/notes and lots of holiday snacks.  These small gestures truly go a long way! DUNE Rumble in The Region Lifeguarding/Assisting with Group 1 and Group 2 The last several years we have had a 4 hour volunteer requirement for our Group 3 swimmers.  We also still have several of the swimmers who took our lifeguarding class last fall not finish their 10 hours of volunteering.  It helps the club considerably more to have those swimmers fulfill their commitment as opposed to billing those families for the class.   The November lifeguarding and volunteer positions are now available for sign-up. USA Swimming Guidelines-MAAPP/Safe Sport USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me. If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.  This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is 574-276-6057.
  I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website, here is the link. Fall and Winter Meet Schedule/Dates of Meet/Location/Deadline to commit Below is our fall/winter meet schedule. The first date listed is the day(s) of the meet and second date is the deadline to commit. Swimmers wanting to compete will need to commit to those meets.  The deadlines are based on deadlines that were set in previous years. They may change once the meet hosts posts the meet information.  When committing to multiple day meets if the option to select the days you want is not available, leave a message in the available notes section of the specific days you would like to attend. Meets marked with an * are meets that require swimmers to meet certain time standards.  All pool locations can be found on our website under the "Pools" tab. Intra-Squad/Oct. 5/Riley High School/Oct 4 WAR Monster Splash/Oct. 30/ Warsaw High School/Our Results NASA Sprint Meet/Nov. 6 & 7/Northridge High School/Our Results CON Skypoint/Nov. 12-14/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results ELK Rudolph Romp/Dec. 3-5/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results DUNE Rumble IN the Region/Dec. 18/Chesterton High School/Results IA TW Invite/Jan. 7-9/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Entry Sent CON IMX/Jan. 21-23/Concord High School/Entry Sent CON Last Chance/Feb. 25-27/Concord High School/Sunday Jan. 9 *IN Swim Divisionals/Mar.
4-6/TBD/Sunday Feb. 19 *IN Swim Age Group State/Mar. 11-13/Sunday Feb. 26 *IN Swim Senior State/Mar. 18-20/Sunday Mar. 5 As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. -- John VanDriessche Head Coach South Bend Swim Club South Bend Riley High School (574)276-6057 www.southbendswimclub.com #SBSCForLife
0 notes
southbendswimclub · 2 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 12/19-12/25
Dear SBSC families,
Practice Schedule Riley HS Group 1 Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-11:30 AM G1 Elite Wednesday 9:30-11:30 AM Group 2 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:30-11:30 AM New Prairie HS Group 1 Wednesday, and Thursday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CST Group 2 Monday 6:15-7:45 PM CST, Wednesday, and Thursday 11:00 AM -1:00 PM CST Practice Notes: No practice at New Prairie on Tuesday due to a high school meet.  No practice on Friday, Christmas Eve. NP Swimmers and parents should use door N18.  Parents are welcome to stay to watch practice and masks are optional. Riley families please use door #22.  This is the door on the north west corner of the building and faces Fellows Street. If you are planning on staying to watch practice there is a stairwell that is adjacent to this door and this will lead you to the seating area.  Everyone choosing to stay to watch practice must be wearing a mask and social distance while in the seating gallery. New Prairie swimmers are welcome to attend their corresponding group's practice at Riley. DUNE Rumble in The Region CON IMX Meet/Concord High School/January 21-23 The deadline for committing to this meet is tonight, Sunday December 19.  Here is the link to the meet letter for all info about the meet.  This includes session start times and meet entry fees. Lifeguarding/Assisting with Group 1 and Group 2 The last several years we have had a 4 hour volunteer requirement for our Group 3 swimmers.  We also still have several of the swimmers who took our lifeguarding class last fall not finish their 10 hours of volunteering.  It helps the club considerably more to have those swimmers fulfill their commitment as opposed to billing those families for the class.   The November lifeguarding and volunteer positions are now available for sign-up. USA Swimming Guidelines-MAAPP/Safe Sport USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me. If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.  This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is 574-276-6057.
  I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website, here is the link. Fall and Winter Meet Schedule/Dates of Meet/Location/Deadline to commit Below is our fall/winter meet schedule. The first date listed is the day(s) of the meet and second date is the deadline to commit. Swimmers wanting to compete will need to commit to those meets.  The deadlines are based on deadlines that were set in previous years. They may change once the meet hosts posts the meet information.  When committing to multiple day meets if the option to select the days you want is not available, leave a message in the available notes section of the specific days you would like to attend. Meets marked with an * are meets that require swimmers to meet certain time standards.  All pool locations can be found on our website under the "Pools" tab. Intra-Squad/Oct. 5/Riley High School/Oct 4 WAR Monster Splash/Oct. 30/ Warsaw High School/Our Results NASA Sprint Meet/Nov. 6 & 7/Northridge High School/Our Results CON Skypoint/Nov. 12-14/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results ELK Rudolph Romp/Dec. 3-5/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results DUNE Rumble IN the Region/Dec. 18/Chesterton High School/Results coming soon IA TW Invite/Jan. 7-9/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Entry Sent CON IMX/Jan. 21-23/Concord High School/Tonight Sunday Dec. 19 CON Last Chance/Feb. 25-27/Concord High School/Sunday Jan. 9 *IN Swim
Divisionals/Mar. 4-6/TBD/Sunday Feb. 19 *IN Swim Age Group State/Mar. 11-13/Sunday Feb. 26 *IN Swim Senior State/Mar. 18-20/Sunday Mar. 5 As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. -- John VanDriessche Head Coach South Bend Swim Club South Bend Riley High School (574)276-6057 www.southbendswimclub.com #SBSCForLife
0 notes
southbendswimclub · 3 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 10/3-10/9
Dear SBSC families,
Practice Schedule Riley HS Group 1 Thursday 6:00-7:15 G1 Elite Wednesday 5:30-7:15 Group 2 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:30-7:15, and Friday 5:00-6:30 Group 3 AM Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 5:30-6:45 AM Group 3 PM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:45-6:15, and Friday 5:00-6:30 New Prairie HS Group 1 Monday 6:00-7:15 CST Group 2 Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 4:30-6:15 CST Group 3 Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 4:30-7:00 CST Practice Notes: NP Group 1 swimmers and parents continue to use door N17.  NP Group 2 and 3 swimmers and parents should use door N18.  Parents are welcome to stay to watch practice and masks are optional. Riley families please use door #22.  For our new families this is the door on the north west corner of the building and faces Fellows Street. If you are planning on staying to watch practice there is a stairwell that is adjacent to this door and this will lead you to the seating area.  Everyone choosing to stay to watch practice must be wearing a mask and social distance while in the seating gallery. Intra-Sqaud Meet Tuesday Oct. 5 Riley High School The job sign-up function is now active and you can register for any of the available jobs.  There are only 9 families that have signed up to help.  We will not be able to run an effective meet without your help.  Please sign up today! We would like all swimmers to be on deck by 5:45 EST.   We are going to push our start time of the meet to 6:15 EST.  Hopefully this will make it a little easier on our NP families and still be able to be out of the building at a decent time.  All of our swimmers are assumed to be swimming at this meet.  If your swimmer will be unable to make the meet you will need to decline attendance with the "Edit Commitment" button on our website or by using the OnDeck app. The meet will last approximately 60-75 minutes followed by a team pizza dinner/potluck in the RHS cafeteria. The club will provide the pizzas and drinks.  We are asking families to bring their favorite dish to share.  Families A-M bring their favorite side dish and families N-Z bring their favorite dessert.  If you are making the dessert please list ingredients on a note card to be displayed with your dish. Swim A Thon Thank you to everyone who received donations this week.  We are now over 60% of way to our goal. We have over 100 swimmers on the club and only 24 have been able to secrue donations. I am sure by anyone's assesment this would be considered less then ideal. This year we are requiring all families to raise at least $75. This is a per family requirement, not per swimmer. If a family does not meet that threshold they will be billed the difference.  Every swimmer who reaches a $150 will receive an embroidered team suit from Just Add H2O. Our team goal is to raise $10,000.  This is our only fundraising event of the entire year.  We need everyone's help! WAR Monster Splach 10/30 The meet information has yet to be posted on the Indiana Swimming website.  I have sent an email to the Warsaw head coach and hopefull we will have information soon.  The deadline to commit to this meet has been pushed to next Sunday, October 10. Lifeguarding/Assisting with Group 1 and Group 2 The last several years we have had a 4 hour volunteer requirement for our Group 3 swimmers.  We also still have several of the swimmers who took our lifeguarding class last fall not finish their 10 hours of volunteering.  It helps the club considerably more to have those swimmers fulfill their commitment as opposed to billing those families for the class.   The October lifeguarding and volunteer postions are now available for sign-up. USA Swimming Guidelines-MAAPP/Safe Sport USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be
missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me. If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.  This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is 574-276-6057.
  I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website, here is the link. The USA Swimming Safe Sport staff has been hosting Zoom training for parents, minor athletes and coaches to assist clubs in completing the Training and Education requirement of the Safe Sport Club Recognition program.  All participants will need to register to attend training. SAFE SPORT TRAINING FOR PARENTWed., October 20 at 8:00 p.m. ET | REGISTERWed., November 3 at 8:00 p.m. ET | REGISTERWed., December 1 at 8:00 p.m. ET | REGISTERSAFE SPORT TRAINING FOR ATHLETES (AGES 12-17Thur., October 21 at 8:00 p.m. ET | REGISTERThur., November 4 at 8:00 p.m. ET| REGISTERThur., December 2 at 8:00 p.m. ET | REGISTER Fall and Winter Meet Schedule/Dates of Meet/Location/Deadline to commit Below is our spring/summer meet schedule. The first date listed is the day(s) of the meet and second date is the deadline to commit. Swimmers wanting to compete will need to commit to those meets.  The deadlines are based on deadlines that were set in previous years. They may change once the meet hosts posts the meet information.  When committing to multiple day meets if the option to select the days you want is not available, leave a message in the available notes section of the specific days you would like to attend. Meets marked with an * are meets that require swimmers to meet certain time standards.  All pool locations can be found on our website under the "Pools" tab. Intra-Squad/Oct. 5/Riley High School/Oct 4 WAR Monster Splash/Oct. 30/ Warsaw High School/Sunday Oct. 10 NASA Sprint Meet/Nov. 6 & 7/Northridge High School/Sunday Oct. 17 CON Skypoint/Nov. 12-14/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Sunday Oct. 17 ELK Rudolph Romp/ Dec. 10-12/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Sunday Nov. 7 DUNE Rumble IN the Region/Dec. 18/Chesterton High School/Sunday Nov. 21 IA TW Invite/Jan. 7-9/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Sunday Nov. 28 CON IMX/Jan. 21-23/Concord High School/Sunday Dec. 19 CON Last Chance/Feb. 25-27/Concord High School/Sunday Jan. 8 *IN Swim Divisionals/Mar. 4-6/TBD/Sunday Feb. 19 *IN Swim Age Group State/Mar. 11-13/Sunday Feb. 26 *IN Swim Senior State/Mar. 18-20/Sunday Mar. 5 As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. -- John VanDriessche Head Coach South Bend Swim Club South Bend Riley High School (574)276-6057 www.southbendswimclub.com #SBSCForLife
0 notes
southbendswimclub · 4 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 2/16-2/22
Dear SBSC families, 
Practice Schedule

RHS Practice Groups
Group 1: Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:30 G1 Elite: Monday 9:15-11:30 AM Group 2: Monday 9:15-11:30 AM, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:15-7:30, and Friday 5:00-6:30Group 3: Monday 9:15-11:30 AM, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:15-7:30, and Friday 5:00-6:30 NPHS Practice Groups (all times for NP are CST) Group 1: Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:30 Group 2: No practice until spring Practice Notes:   Due to observance of President's Day the Monday practices will be held in the morning. NP families are asked to use the main doors when entering NPHS.  NP swimmers are allowed to attend their corresponding group's practice at Riley if it is more convenient for the family.  All swimmers attending Group 2's Friday practice are reminded to bring dry-land clothes including running shoes. iPhone Issues I apologize to anyone who has attempted to call me this week or text me from a non-iPhone.  I have lost cellular service the middle of last week and my iPhone has essentially become an expensive iPod. I hope to have the issue resolved no later then tomorrow.  In the meantime please email me if you need to get a hold of me. NCISC Meet Thank you to everyone who helped make yesterday's meet a success.  A big thank you to Darci Maurer and Amy Szakaly for running our hospitality room and concession stand.  All the pertinent pages on our website have been updated.  You can click here to see our results, click here for our all time top ten, and here for our up-to-date qualifiers page. Divisionals/State Meets We have several swimmers who are very close to multiple cuts.  If your swimmer is not already entered in the CON Last Chance meet at the end of the month and you'd like them to be entered please email me today. I will be sending an update no later then noon on Monday. It would also help if you listed the events you believe your swimmer is close to so there are not any mistakes.   On Sunday night of the Last Chance meet Concord is offering a time trial.  This is another opportunity for our swimmers to try to get a cut.  Swimmers entered in the meet can do additional events as long as they have not done more then 6 races for the entire day.  The cost of each time trial attempt is $5.  If they are not entered in the meet they can still do the time trial for an additional $2 to enter the meet.  The time trial runs fairly fast. I would advise anyone doing the time trials should limit their attempts to one or possibly two events.  All fees are to be paid when signing up your swimmer at the time trial sign up desk. Divisional Relays We are allowed to enter two relays in each age group for each relay offered.  As of yesterday's meet here are current relays for our 10 and under swimmers, 11-12 year old swimmers, and our 13-14 year old swimmers.  I will make a decision on the 15 and over relays as the meet approaches.  If your swimmer is on the list and you know they will not be attending please let me know so the next swimmer in line can be informed.  If you will be attending the meet please commit your swimmer.  Keep in mind, there are some relays that will need all four of the swimmers to commit for us to be able to have that relay swim at Divisionals.  This is just a rough draft and NO position is guaranteed. Please note, this year we have been assigned to the Divisional meet being held at Lake Central High School in St. John, Indiana. End of Season/Spring Summer Season The last day of practice for the winter season for our Group 1 and Group 2 swimmers will be Thursday March 19th.  The last day for our Group 3 swimmers will be March 25th or 26th.  The spring and summer season will begin Monday April 13th. If you are not planning on swimming in the spring please inform me no later then Sunday March 15th to avoid your account being charged Lifeguard Class at Riley and Clay High School I have attached a flyer for lifeguard classes that will be held at Riley and Clay this spring.  If you have questions use the contact information included on the flyer. New Prairie Group 2/NPMS Swimming A reminder that due to middle school practice starting we will no longer be holding Group 2 practices at NPHS.  If there are swimmers that would like to continue practicing with the club they are more then welcome to attend Riley practices. If your swimmer plan's on attending those practices your account will be charged for the whole month.  Middle school swimmers, just like high school swimmers, are still members of the club during their school season.  Any time done at a sanctioned middle school meet (also for high school meets) can be used to qualify for Divisionals, Age Group/Senior State, and Speedo Sectionals.   New USA Swimming Guidelines-MAAPP USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me.
 If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.   This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is 574-276-6057.
 I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website, here is the link. Fall and Winter Meet Schedule/Dates of Meet/Location/Deadline to commit Below is our fall/winter meet schedule. The first date listed is the day(s) of the meet and second date is the deadline to commit. Swimmers wanting to compete will need to commit to those meets.  The deadlines are based on deadlines that were set last year (or best guess for new meets). They may change once the meet hosts posts the meet information.  When committing to multiple day meets please if the option to select the days you want is not available, please leave a message in the available notes section of the specific days you would like to attend. Meets marked with an * are meets that require swimmers to meet certain time standards.  All pool locations can be found on our website under the "Pools" tab
 Intra Squad Meet- NCISC Fall Sprint Meet--Our Results Dual Vs. CON--Our Results CON Skypoint Transit Invite-Our Results ELK Invitational-Our Results Maple City Classic/December 7th and 8th/LaPorte High School/Our Results DUNE Rumble in the Region/December 14th/Chesterton High School/Our Results IA TW Invite/January 3rd-5th/Rolfs Aquatic Center, Notre Dame/Our Results CON IMXtreme Challenge/January 24th-26th/Concord High School/Our Results NCISC Winter Championships/February 15th/Riley High School/Our Results CON Last Chance/February 28th-March 1st/Concord High School/Entry Sent *IN Divisonals/March 6th-8th/Lake Central High School/February 16th *IN Age Senior State/March 13th-15th/IUPUI/March 1st *IN Age Group State.March 20th-22nd/IUPUI/March 1st *Speedo Sectionals/March 26th-29th/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Entry Sent As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.-- John VanDriessche Head Coach South Bend Swim Club South Bend Riley High School (574)276-6057 www.southbendswimclub.com
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southbendswimclub · 5 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 10/13-10/19
Dear SBSC families,
Practice Schedule RHS Practice Groups Group 1: Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:15
G1 Elite: Monday 5:30-7:30 Group 2: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 5:30-7:30, and Friday 5:00-6:30
Group 3 PM: Monday, Tuesday, 4:15-6:30 PM, Thursday 4:00-6:15 PM, & Friday 4:00-5:30 PM
Group 3 AM: Monday, Tuesday, 5:30-7:00 AM, and Wednesday 6:30-8:30 AM
NPHS Practice Groups (all times for NP our CST)
Group 1 Tuesday and Wednesday 6:00-7:15
Group 2 & 3 Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 5:30-7:30
Practice Notes:   NP families please make sure to use the main doors when entering the building at NPHS.   A reminder to all Group 2 swimmers attending Friday's practice to bring dry-land clothes and running shoes.
There will be no practice at New Prairie on Thursday. Due to the fall break the school administration is choosing to use the time with no students in the building to finish some electrical work.
There is no evening practice on Wednesday at Riley this week.  Colorado Timing will be on site Wednesday and Thursday to work on the our system.  They will need to open up the deck plates and need to make sure they remain dry while doing the repairs.  But, we will offer a longer Group 3 practice in the morning for those that are able to attend.  There will not be morning practice on Thursday or Friday due to SBCSC fall break.
Thursday and Friday Group 3 practices at Riley will start 15 minutes earlier.  We are doing this to free up some pool space for Group 2 and still be able to accommodate those swimmers who need to travel to Riley.
Go Swim TV/CollegeSwimming.com/Deck Pass/OnDeck
Go Swim TV-the club purchased a membership from this site for our swimmers. The goal is to put up a video every day or so for swimmers to help with their technique.  To sign-up they'll need an email address.  Use this link:
College Swimming-A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by a college coach who was interested in one of our swimmers.  He was asking for information about this athlete because they had not yet filled out their profile on the CollegeSwimming.com website.  I was really unaware of this service they offered.  The basic profile is free and could possibly be the first introduction your swimmer has to a college coach.  If your athlete has even the slightest interest in swimming beyond high school take advantage of this free service.  Any age swimmer can start a profile.   There will be limited recruiting features available until they are a sophomore.  I have uploaded all of our meet results from the previous two years and will continue to do so as we compete in the future.  I hope we can use this site to leverage more opportunities for SBSC athletes to continue their swimming careers beyond their time with us.
Deck Pass app-USA Swimming offers an app for it's members.  Hopefully you received an email invitation this morning.  Here is what USA Swimming highlights about the app.
Earning digital patches by achieving a best time or a qualifying standard
Setting goals and utilizing visualization tools to follow their progress
Track their best times and meet participation
Lastly, swimmers can connect to their friends and follow along with each other's accomplishments, providing a fun, supportive environment.
When we change to our new website next month you will also be able to access the Deck Pass from our website.  Currently it is just a mobile app available with iOS operating systems.  
Here is a link that explains the app in more detail
OnDeck app-this is an app is a must for all of our families.  An invitation was sent to all families this morning as well.  This app ties directly to our website and is very user friendly.  You can declare for meets, volunteer for jobs, check your account status, and anything else you can do from the website.
Concord Dual Meet
Thanks again to our parents who volunteered their time and helped time at the meet yesterday. If I did not get a chance to thank you personally, I do apologize. I sincerely appreciate all that our volunteers do for the club.  We did have some great swims yesterday. We had one new team record set and another one tied. Mitchel Schott set the team record in the 15 and over 100 IM (54.69) and Sammy Sierra tied the team record in the 50 breast (29.02) set by Lance Fozo back in 2013   We also had 13 other swims make it into our all time top ten:
Sammy Sierra 15&O 50 back-2nd
Mason Young 15&O 50 fly-T2ndLauren Meyer 15&O 50 breast-3rd
Evie Sierra 15&O 100 IM-3rdMitchell Schott 15&O 100 free-3rd
Gabe Groves 15&O 50 breast-4thMitchell Schott 15&O 50 free-5thEvie Sierra 15&O 50 free-7thTanner Tomczak 8&U 25 back-8th
Ike Ruszkowski 13-14 50 breast-9th
Ashton Maurer 13-14 100 IM-9th
Cade Davis 8&U 100 IM-10th
Ike Ruszkowski 13-14 50 back- 10th
Great job SBSC!!
Swim-A-Thon at Riley High School October 19th
As of this morning we are just under 47% of our way towards our goal with less then one week to go.  Only 40 swimmers have received donations so far.  We currently have 124 swimmers active in our program.  This is the only fundraising we do for the entire year and it is imperative for our operating budget.  I realize every activity your child participates in does fundraising. I am also aware you can only ask the grandparents so many times.  But it very easy to set up your swimmer's account, send out to your email and put a link on your Facebook page.
This year will be using the funds for our Swim-A-Thon to not only keep your costs low but to purchase some updated dry-land equipment, power racks for the pool deck, and continuing coach education.  We also are looking into hiring a full-time lifeguard and hope to use the funds raised for this as well.
If every swimmer raised as little as $90 we surpass our goal. Any swimmer that doubles that amount and raises at least $180 will receive an embroidered team suit.  We have 7 swimmers who have already achieved that goal!
We will be need volunteers to help count laps for our swimmers. This may be the last time you get to volunteer this fall.  Don't miss out on your chance to help your club!  There will be coffee and bagels for everyone who helps!!
CON Skypoint Transit Invitational November 8th-10th
The entry has been sent.  You can check your swimmers entries by logging on to our website or by using your OnDeck app.  I will post the pertinent times in the coming weeks.
Elkhart Invitational November November 23rd & 24th
The meet information was posted this week.  The deadline is now this Thursday October 17th. High School girls wanting to compete in this meet will need an IHSAA waiver initiated by their high school coach and athletic director.  High school boys wanting to swim will not need a wavier.
Spirit Wear
We are making progress. We have a concept for the logo and we are now just making some minor adjustments.  Updates will follow as we get closer.
New USA Swimming Guidelines-MAAPP
USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me.
If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.  This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is 574-276-6057.
I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website, here is the link.  
Fall and Winter Meet Schedule/Dates of Meet/Location/Deadline to commit
Below is our fall/winter meet schedule. The first date listed is the day(s) of the meet and second date is the deadline to commit. Swimmers wanting to compete will need to commit to those meets.  The deadlines are based on deadlines that were set last year (or best guess for new meets). They may change once the meet hosts posts the meet information.  When committing to multiple day meets please if the option to select the days you want is not available, please leave a message in the available notes section of the specific days you would like to attend. Meets marked with an * are meets that require swimmers to meet certain time standards.  All pool locations can be found on our website under the "Pools" tab
Intra Squad Meet-Results not available.
NCISC Fall Sprint Meet--Our Results
Dual Vs. CON--Our Results
CON Great Lakes Meet/November 8th-10th/Elkhart Aquatic Center/entry sent
ELK Invitational/November 23rd & 24th/Elkhart Aquatic Center/This Thursday October 17th
Maple City Classic/December 7th and 8th/Laporte High School/November 3rd
DUNE Rumble in the Region/December 14th/Chesterton High School/November 10th
IA TW Invite/January 3rd-5th/Rolfs Aquatic Center, Notre Dame/November 10th
CON IMXtreme Challenge/January 24th-26th/Concord High School/December 8th
NCISC Winter Championships/February 15th/Riley High School/February 9th
CON Last Chance/February 28th-March 1st/Concord High School/January 26th
*IN Divisonals/March 6th-8th/Lake Central High School/February 16th
*IN Age Senior State/March 13th-15th/IUPUI/March 1st
*IN Age Group State.March 20th-22nd/IUPUI/March 1st
*Speedo Sectionals/March 26th-29th/Elkhart Aquatic Center/March 1st
As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.
-- John VanDriessche Head Coach South Bend Swim Club South Bend Riley High School (574)276-6057 www.southbendswimclub.com
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southbendswimclub · 5 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 9/8-9/14
Dear SBSC families,
Practice Schedule RHS Practice Groups Group 1: Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:00
G1 Elite: Monday 5:30-7:00 Group 2: Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:30-7:00, and Friday 5:00-6:30
Group 3 PM: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4:15-6:00PM, and Friday 4:15-5:45PM
Group 3 AM: Wednesday and Thursday 5:30AM -7:00AM
NPHS Practice Groups
All Groups-Next Practice-TBD
Practice Notes:   We have been told the NP pool will be open no later then then the 16th. Since practices will be missed, credit will applied to the NP family's swim club accounts equal to the amount of the training fees they paid.   The other option is any NP family is welcome to attend their swimmer's corresponding group's practice at Riley.  A reminder to all Group 2 swimmers attending Friday's practice to bring dry-land clothes and running shoes.
Swim-A-Thon Saturday October 19th
The South Bend Swim Club was founded with the belief that being part of a USA Swimming Club should be affordable for every family in our community.  Because of this firmly held belief we have not raised our training fees, our primary source of revenue, even once!  Our training fees are exactly the same today as they were when we started back in 2006.  Every year, like with every organization, our costs rise.  Due to the great success of our previous Swim-A-Thons we have been able to keep your dues the same and still maintain our great coach to swimmer ratio.  
This year will be using the funds for our Swim-A-Thon to not only keep your costs low but to purchase some updated dry-land equipment, power racks for the pool deck, and continuing coach education.  We also are looking into hiring a full-time lifeguard and hope to use the funds raised for this as well.
Hopefully, you received an email this morning with an introduction to the Swim-A-Thon.  I will be sending out another later this week with more instructions on how to get started helping the club.
Parent Meetings
We are waiting to schedule our meeting at New Prairie until we are back in the water.  The parent meet for Riley is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday September 24th, starting at 6:00.  It will be in the RHS cafeteria.  For our new families, the cafeteria is on the 2nd floor and a very short walk from the pool's seating gallery.  My plan is to keep the meeting under an hour, but I will stay and answer questions as long as needed.
Spirit Wear
One of the many benefits of being a swim coach/swimmer is the number of T-shirts one acquires over the years.  The downside to this is our parents sitting in the stands at meets also have multiple T-shirts to wear.  At any given meet, it's possible to see 10+ different SBSC shirts in the stands.  I genuinely appreciate parents who support our club by wearing our shirts but we would look more unified if we were all wearing, at minimum, the same colors.  
So, I am going out on a little bit of limb and trying to do something different this season and hopefully for future seasons.  This year the shirts for that you purchased for your swimmers when you registered will be just for swimmers and coaches.  Don't panic, I have a plan for our parents/grandparents/siblings and any other SBSC fans out there.  I have been in talks with a local apparel company, It's Tops, and they are putting together a spirit wear package for our club.  The plan is to include a regular T-shirt, a long sleeve T-shirt, and hooded sweatshirt.  The colors of the T-shirt will be navy with white and yellow lettering, the long sleeve T white with navy and yellow letting, and the sweatshirt will be athletic gray with navy/yellow/white lettering.  We are discussing two different options on the designs.  One is to have one traditional looking design and repeat it each season.   Or, to try to match the designs of the fall/winter shirt each season.   If you have any opinion on this please share.
We are also planning on offering towels, blankets, water bottles, string bags, and quarter zip jackets.  While the intention for the shirts/sweatshirts was to be for our fans in the stands they can of course be purchased for your swimmers as well.  I hope to have order forms available in the next week or two.  
New USA Swimming Guidelines-MAAPP
USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me.
If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.  This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is 574-276-6057.
I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website, here is the link.  
Fall and Winter Meet Schedule/Dates of Meet/Location/Deadline to commit
Below is our fall/winter meet schedule. The first date listed is the day(s) of the meet and second date is the deadline to commit. Swimmers wanting to compete will need to commit to those meets.  The deadlines are based on deadlines that were set last year (or best guess for new meets). They may change once the meet hosts posts the meet information.  When committing to multiple day meets please if the option to select the days you want is not available, please leave a message in the available notes section of the specific days you would like to attend. Meets marked with an * are meets that require swimmers to meet certain time standards.  All pool locations can be found on our website under the "Pools" tab
Intra Squad Meet/October 1st/Riley High School/September 30th
NCISC Fall Sprint Meet/October 5th/Riley High School/September 30th
Dual Vs. CON/October 12th/Concord High School/October 8th
CON Great Lakes Meet/November 8th-10th/Elkhart Aquatic Center/September 29th
ELK Invitational/November 23rd & 24th/Elkhart Aquatic Center/October 6th
Maple City Classic/December 7th and 8th/Laporte High School/November 3rd
DUNE Rumble in the Region/December 14th/Chesterton High School/November 10th
IA TW Invite/January 3rd-5th/Rolfs Aquatic Center, Notre Dame/November 10th
CON IMXtreme Challenge/January 24th-26th/Concord High School/December 8th
NCISC Winter Championships/February 15th/Riley High School/February 9th
CON Last Chance/February 28th-March 1st/Concord High School/January 26th
*IN Divisonals/March 6th-8th/Lake Central High School/February 16th
*IN Age Senior State/March 13th-15th/IUPUI/March 1st
*IN Age Group State.March 20th-22nd/IUPUI/March 1st
*Speedo Sectionals/March 26th-29th/Elkhart Aquatic Center/March 1st
As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.
-- John VanDriessche Head Coach South Bend Swim Club South Bend Riley High School (574)276-6057 www.southbendswimclub.com
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southbendswimclub · 6 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 9/23-9/29
Dear SBSC families,
 Practice Schedule
 RHS Practice Groups
Group 1 Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:00
G1 Elite Monday 5:30-7:30
Group 2 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:30-7:30, and Friday 5:00-6:30 Group 3 mornings Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 5:30-7:00 AM
Group 3 evenings Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  4:15-6:30 PM, and Friday 4:15-5:45 PM
 NPHS Practice Groups
Group 1 Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:00 CST
Group 2&3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 5:30-7:30 CST
 Practice Notes:  Swimmers attending morning practice should enter through door #22.  This door faces Fellows Street and is on the the northwest corner of the building.  It is the same door we use during the summer months.  Swimmers attending Group 2's Friday practice should bring dryland clothes including running shoes.
 Fall Registration Paper Work
If you have not done so already please complete the attached USA Swimming Membership form and return to practice this week. 
 Also, all new swimmers to our club must provide a copy of their birth certificate.  The preferred method, specifically for tracking purposes, is to scan the birth certificate and email it to me.  This way will create an electronic paper trail and we can fix any questions of eligibility rather easily. 
 If during the registration process you answered "yes" to the question about free/reduced lunch program you need to provide a letter from your child's school stating their eligibility for this program.
 We have a few new athletes that are transferring from other clubs.  Those athletes need to fill out the attached transfer form and return to practice.
 Parent Meetings NPHS 9-27
The New Prairie parent meeting will be this Thursday from 6-7 in the pool area.
 New Scoreboard
After nearly 20 years of constant malfunctions and repairs we are finally getting a new scoreboard installed at Riley.  Colorado timing is arriving on Monday and plans to have everything installed by Thursday.  There is a training scheduled for this Thursday afternoon. The time given was "sometime after lunch".  If you are interested in learning how to operate the timing system and scoreboard let me know.  As soon as I know a more confirmed time for the training I will pass it along.
 Intra-Squad Meet at RHS Tuesday Oct. 2nd
This is an entire team meet.  All swimmers will be entered.  There is no need to commit to this meet, but if your swimmer will be unable to attend please log-in to your account on our website and decline attendance.  We will need volunteers to time, help with food set-up, and most importantly help with cleaning the cafeteria when we are done.  More information will be coming as we get closer to the 2nd.
 RHS Port-A-Pit Friday Oct. 5th
Both the boys and girls swim teams will be doing their annual Port-A-Pit sales at the O'brien Skate Park.  The skate park is located on the corner of Michigan and Walter streets.  Starting Monday, September 17th we will be pre-selling tickets for half chickens for $7. We will also be selling pit-potatoes for $3 the day of the event.  If you would like a ticket ask any RHS swimmer or you can purchase one from me after practices.
 NCISC Meet Saturday Oct. 6th and CON Dual Meet Saturday Oct. 13th
More information will be coming for these meets at the parent meetings.  There will be several opportunities to volunteer for both of these meets and we will need all of our families help.
 Swim-A-Thon Saturday Oct. 20th.
Everyone should have received an email with instructions on how to set-up your swimmer's account for the upcoming Swim-A-Thon.  We plan the money raised this year for coach education, expanding our coaching staff, upgrading our dry-land equipment, and adding to our video recording capability.
 Facebook Sharing Contest for 2 Free T-shirts
Congratulations to Stephanie Park for having her name drawn for the free shirts.  Thank you to everyone who shared our FB post.  Parents who would like to order a T-shirt will have the opportunity to order shirts at the parent meeting.
 Lifeguard Class Opportunities
The SBVP&A is offering classes at Riley High School (flyer attached) and the Kroc Center is offering classes on Sunday this fall.  Here is a link for more information.
 Advertising Credit 
A Group 2 or Group 3 annual membership plus all the other associated fees with our membership -- spirit wear, meet surcharges, technology fees, concession stand/hospitality fees, USA Swimming-- is just under $550 for an entire year. (A Group 1 annual membership is about $100 less.)  If you were able to sell two of the Premiere+ adds it could easily pay for a whole year of swimming including meet entry fees!
Selling a one year ad to one company could earn you anywhere from $50 to almost $500. Here is the link for more information. 

Another easy way to earn credit for your swim club account is to hang our recruiting posters out in the public. For every poster you hang you will receive a $5 credit up to $25. Once you hang the poster post a pic of it on your Facebook page (or other social site) and tag the club.
 Fall and Winter Meet Schedule/Dates of Meet/Location/Deadline to commit
Below is our fall/winter meet schedule.  Swimmers wanting to compete will need to commit to those meets.  The deadlines are based on deadlines that were set last year. They may change once the meet hosts posts the meet information.  When committing to multiple day meets please leave a message in the available notes section of what days you would like to attend. Meets marked with an * are meets that require swimmers to meet certain time standards.  All pool locations can be found on our website under the "Pools" tab
 SBSC Intra-Squad/Tuesday October 2nd/Riley High School/Monday 10-1
NCISC Fall Sprint Meet/Saturday October 6th/Riley High School/Tuesday 10-2
Dual Vs. CON/Saturday October 13th/Concord High School/Tuesday 10-9
NASA Sprint Meet/Saturday & Sunday Nov. 3rd and 4th/Northridge High School/Sunday 10-14
SWAC Prelims-Finals/Friday-Sunday Nov. 16th-18th/HPB Natatorium, Ft. Wayne/Sunday 10-21
LCB Winter Blast/Friday-Sunday Nov.30th-Dec.2nd/Lake Central High School/Sunday 10-28
DUNE Rumble/Saturday December 15th/Chesterton High School/Sunday 11-11
IA TW Invite/Friday-Sunday Jan. 4th-6th/Notre Dame/Sunday 10-28
MSC 11 & Over/Saturday Jan. 26th/Munster High School/Sunday 1-6
MSC 10 & Under/Sunday Jan. 27th/Munster High School/Sunday 1-6
NCISC Champs/Saturday February 9th/Riley High School/Sunday 2-3
CON Last Chance/Friday-Sunday Feb. 22nd-24th/Concord High School/Sunday 1-27
*IN Divisional Champs/Friday-Sunday Mar. 1st-3rd/TBD/Sunday 2-17
*IN Age Group State/Friday-Sunday Mar. 8th-10th/IUPUI/Sunday 3-3
*IN Senior State/Friday-Sunday Mar. 15th-17th/TBD/Sunday 3-3
*Speedo Sectionals/Thursday-Sunday Mar. 28th-31st/IUPUI/Sunday 3-10
 As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.
 John VanDriessche Head Coach South Bend Swim Club South Bend Riley High School (574)276-6057 www.southbendswimclub.com
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