#run ep 81 ym
5and3nevermind · 6 months
Yoonmin Run Ep Project: Week 7
This week, we watched episodes 81 & 82 from 2019.
Ep 81 moments:
- Fond:
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- Standing close:
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- Jimin says he feels nauseous and Yoongi says he does too. It looks like Yoongi is rubbing Jimin’s back here. We only get a very brief look at it and then there’s a cut:
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As you can see, Yoongi was mostly cropped out of this sequence. (Look at the vlive logo for reference. He’s barely in the shot at all.)
- Talking quietly in the background:
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Ep 82 moments:
- Yoongi suggests that they push Jk while he is taking his turn in the VR game. Jimin finds this funny. I love Yoongi’s little smile in the third pic. He always seems so pleased when he makes Jimin laugh, which is lovely.
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- The guys are scared of the game and Yoongi comforts Jimin by standing close and holding his arm:
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- Yoongi and Jin have to do one last game, an escape room, and Jimin puts his arm around Yoongi:
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Schedule and links to other run ep posts
Cute gif set of the moment
Another angle from the behind the scenes (!!!)
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