#runilaros || general
roquenxnar · 2 years
Character Sheet: Runilaros
About Full Name: Runilaros Culinarian Nickname: Runi (by his parents and elder brothers) Age: 6507 (By the end of the Third Age) Date of Birth: 21st of January, FA 545 Species: Silvan Elf Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Gay Home: Lothlorien Current Residence: Rivendell Occupation: Physician
Weapons training: No training with physical weapons, except for magical staves and rune-stones  Physical strength: More scholarly than combative– thus considered weak Speed: average Powers: healing magic, the ability to raise and communicate with the dead, learned through studies of necromancy; the ability to create and use runestones 
Relationships and Family
Parents: Lovilas (father, deceased) Endariel (mother) Siblings: Three older brothers: the eldest, Telarendil; the second oldest is Varanil; and the third oldest, Corvaros Children: Oriinthel (adopted daughter) Grandchildren: none Pets: four cats— among them Conch, Coral, Skipper, and Sandy Current Partner: Elentelume Have they ever been married?: no Are they in any kind of romantic relationship?: yes
Height: 6’8” Weight: 200 lbs Body build: thin Eye Color: Gold Glasses or contact lenses?: Yes, to correct nearsightedness  Hair Color: Dark brown Type of hair: Thin, smooth Hairstyle: Long, pulled back into a braid.  Complexion and skin tone: Light (due to time spent indoors); Somewhat aged, though not necessarily old Do they have any disabilities?: Yes; has had a  ventricular septal defect (VSD) since birth, as well as Thoracic Scoliosis— for which he wears a leather and steel brace— and nearsightedness. These conditions tend to make long travel difficult, as he becomes tired easily and is at increased risk of heart disease.
Mental Characteristics 
Native language: Sindarin Secondary Languages: Quenya, Common Personality type: INFT Any Mental Illnesses: Anxiety, PTSD (from his time with Annatar/Sauron) Do they consider themselves religious? Not particularly, but he does venerate the Valar, as his family does.   What God(s)/Goddess(s) do they believe in?: The Valar 
Originally from Lorien, Runilaros spent much of his childhood sequestered from his peers, the few that there were. The fourth and youngest son born to Lovilas and Endariel, a rune-carver and a mystic of Lorthlorien, his first six years were spent in relative peace; his older brothers doted on him, as did his parents, and he began learning magic soon after learning to read. However, at the age of seven, it became clear that there was something terribly wrong with the young Runilaros: his spine began to twist, and he could no longer play as he once had. Ashamed that their son— who they’d once claimed to be a prodigy— was so clearly deformed, and believing it was a bad sign, the couple isolated him from the settlement, ensuring that they taught him personally, and that he never “caused them embarrassment”. Only his second-oldest brother, Varanil, continued to treat him as an equal, and often took him on long walks in the forest.
Runilaros endured this treatment as long as he was able, bitter and angry as it made him; he would often escape to his studies for respite, and developed a deep knowledge of the healing arts, and rune-carving. However, by 1490 of the second age, the young healer felt he could take the isolation and shame forced upon him by his parents no longer, and he left Lorien to wander the world, though travel remained difficult, and he had little to his name but his clothes, his walking staff, and his horse. 
In the winter of 1492 of the Second Age, Runilaros found himself in Eregion, though he was far from safe in his new home. The young mage survived by creating potions (of varying efficacy), doing scribe-work, and, occasionally, performing magic shows for the folk that would pass by on their way to the market. 
Like everyone else in his new home, and the wider world, his life was forever changed when Annatar arrived in Eregion, and began teaching the smiths Runilaros would so often entertain, and do small chores for; and like others in the city, the young mage was taken in by the Dark Lord’s trickery. Seeing Runilaros’s natural magical abilities, and under the guise of Annatar, Sauron sent him to “friends” who would be able to help with the lad’s physical ailments, and who could teach him more than he could have ever dreamed of learning as a simple clerk or street-magician. And like so many, Runilaros believed every one of the stranger’s words, and gladly accepted the gifts of a new steel and leather brace, and knowledge of necromancy. 
Runilaros spent many years learning from Sauron’s “friends”, unaware how close he was to being drawn into the fold of Mordor; but day by day, cracks in the kind facade began to show, and the young mage, with his newfound mobility and knowledge, began to grow uneasy. Just before the forging of the One Ring, Runilaros attempted to leave the care of his teachers— only to be stabbed through the chest by a morgul-blade. Only through both his knowledge of healing and necromancy was he able to survive long enough to escape to Eregion once again, where he would be halfway healed— though the wound would trouble him for the rest of his life. After he was well enough to leave the city, he did, as quickly as he was able. Ashamed of how easily he’d been duped, Runilaros sentenced himself to a sort of self-exile, vowing to spend the rest of his days— or however long he could stand it— traveling from village to village as a healer. 
He spent centuries that way, battling the ever-growing, lingering wound from the morgul-blade, though it eventually became too much to bear. Having heard of the renowned house of healing in Rivendell, the Silvan made his way there, begging the lord of the house to help, even offering to serve as long as he was needed in payment. And though he was not required to stay and help, the House was peaceful, and the first place that felt like home to the physician since his early years in Lorien. 
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roquenxnar · 2 months
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