truly-morgan · 10 months
[JC has daddies]
AllCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 10-04-2021
[#allcheng - modern]  (cw: has nsfw-ish parts) 
Jc knows jfm has somewhat given up on him, or at least on him ever wanting to take over the company one day. He knows very well that jfm never really want /him/ to take his place anyway, wwx had always sounded like his first choice, if not for yzy he would probably have long since decided to make him the heir. 
Jc just got tired of always failing in meeting expectations and broke away completely from the vicious cycle he had been stuck in for years. Getting his hope up on something, working hard to do it well, waiting to see if he did good, receiving no positive reaction to his success, feeling like a failure. Rinse and repeat again and again. 
So he stopped that, deciding to study something that sounded much more interesting than what had been planned for him probably-
even before he was born. And if he couldn’t get his love and recognise from his father, then he would find it else. 
And else he did. 
With many people. All people his father knew actually (either old friends, business friends or rivals). 
Lqr was one of the first. He was one of the two who tried picking up the first broken jc who had officially started a new path of study /by himself/ for /himself/. This is where the worst blow had been given, his mother clearly disappointed and jfm... nearly indifferent, as if it didn’t matter anymore. one of the two who tried picking up the first broken jc who had officially started a new path of study /by himself/ for /himself/. This is where the worst blow had been given, his mother clearly disappointed and jfm... nearly indifferent, as if it didn’t matter anymore. He had always thought the older man was severe and stoic, but he was actually rather nice and gentle, making sure jc was doing good both mentally and physically. It had been weird to see someone so attentive of his wellbeing, it had not happened in years. 
Wrh was part of this- duo helping him up. Maybe jc had simply wanted to rebel a bit against his father and decided one of his business rivals would be good. Although the man had always intimidated him, he was surprised by how affectionate and passionate the man could be by moment, all going against the idea he had of him. He helps in pulling jc back up, trying to shove in more self-confidence and some more boldness so he could speak what was on his mind. He was also the first one with whom he had any kind of sexual relationship. 
Lxc came rather soon after them. Probably he had heard from lqr, probably he was just worried about for the kid he had seen many times when their families would go to the same events. He was similar to lxh in his love, although he was easier to give out praise and was freer to take him places than lqr was. Jc was happy to see the two men didn’t seem to mind sharing him. 
Nmj came after lxc, and the first time he really had any contact with him was because of lxc. Of course, he knew the man, he had been acquainted with nhs for many years now. But its only from there that he developed something with either of the nie brothers. There was something really comforting with them, maybe it was the familiarity of nhs that had made him at ease like this. He like the attention that was given to him, different from how lqr or wrh would do, less father-figurely or nearly as a sugar daddy by time. 
Sex soon became something he would do often with them, very rarely with more than one at a time really. Lqr was someone who would go painfully slow, yet it was still good, always making sure he would feel pleasure despite not being as rough as wrh could be. Although his age made it that he was not as energetic as jc could be (bit his crazy strong arms and hands would probably always surprise him). Lxc is a bit rougher (probably because he picked up jc likes it) and has obviously more stamina, so he fills in where lqr cannot always when he’s over at the lans. 
Wrh is one of the best (not that any of the others are bad, there’s just something). He has also made jc realise he maybe had more kink that he would have ever thought he had more kink than he would have ever thought he had, exploring with him newer things he feels comfortable doing. He feels like he can just let himself go and forget everything, only needing to follow whatever wrh says. And despite also not being young, wrh still has a lot of stamina, making jc wonder where he gets it. 
Nmj is a mix of both, starting all slow before things get rougher as he seems to lose himself in the pleasure with jc. Nhs is the only one jc tops, although nhs can be a bit of a power bottom (which he does not mind). He sometimes even had both brothers at the same time. It was admittedly a bit weird at first, but being stuck in a sandwich between them had been extremely good. 
All of them were providing for jc, helping him out monetarily (although he did find a job, not wanting everything he has to have always been given to him) and with his studies. He gets all the love and care he needs from all of them, more than he has ever received in the past years. 
All this lead to this night, where jfm is getting to a restaurant with his family, minus jc who apparently had something planned already, jzx joining in this time with jyl (“jc won’t come this time and it a five persons reservation, you might as well bring you fiance”). 
As he’s waiting for jzx and jyl to arrive, he notices a familiar car, his suspicion of who it is confirmed when he sees wrh getting out. He scoff to himself, wondering who he brought here this time, knowing this was somewhere wrh seems to like bringing his latest conquest. 
His shock when he sees jc getting out from the passenger seat, joining the man. He can barely believe it, is his son with wrh? Why do they wear clothing that nearly looks like they were meant to match? Everything about his appearance seems a bit... off, as if he had seen everything somewhere. 
From the nearly matching clothing, to the necklace which split into a double necklace with two pendants that he /swears/ normally belongs to the Lan family, to his hair he has let grown longer and now arbour some neat braid leading to a bun. 
He's distracted from his observation when jzx and jyl arrive, trying to put to the back of his mind what he has just seen, forcing a smile on his face. But this doesn’t stay long, because once they are seated, he realised that they are in the /same/ area as wrh and jc, half listing to what everyone is talking about, looking at them. 
They join nmj, which makes him wonder since /when/ does the man even enjoy wrh company. They are even joined by lqr after a while, only making him more confused. What is this weird meeting including his son? 
They are all talking happily, his son smiling and looking happier than he has ever seen him before, he would probably never have seen it was jc if he had not seen him outside. 
He tries to stay on whatever they are talking about in front of him, yet his eyes often shift back to jc, still unsure what he was doing with such a weird miss-match of man. 
He nearly chokes on his wine when he sees wrh arm moving closer to jc, leaning closer to whisper something that makes his son blush heavily, nmj and wrh laughing a bit at his reaction while lqr seems a bit amused. Jc seems to argue something, only making wrh grin widen. 
Then his eyes meet wrh across the room, the man clearly having seen him. He shoots him a smile and that look in his eyes is one he had seen before, the “Too late, this is mine now” look. 
What is happening?!
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