#rusty is the goth child of the SKR and you cant tell me otherwise
trainalt22 · 7 months
Tidbits & Bobs #2
(NG Edition)
• Rusty transitioned to gender-neutral in 1998 and goes by they them
• Duncan and Rusty are unlikely best friends but the two get along greatly
• Skarloey and Rheneas see the newer fleet members (except Duke) as their kids and act accordingly with Rhen being the "cool dad"
• Skarloey has a Welsh accent while Rheneas has an English one although Rheneas learned Welsh just for Skarloey
• Rusty has a Macabre sense of humor often their jokes don't land on the SKR fleet but they don't mind they get a laugh out of Duncan sometimes though
• Sir Handel and Peter Sam are in a relationship and have been since 2002
• Rusty can't see ghosts but they can sense them they can sense many different paranormal events and tries to warn others however Sir Handel never listens
• Duncan tries to listen to rustys advice including saying thank you to the "Forrest spirits" but he doubts their existence but he sees what happens to Sir Handel and doesn't wanna take that chance
• Rheneas hates when his name is mispronounced he says it's pronounced Rhen-E-as, not Rhen-A-as but Skarloey says it wrong on purpose just to wind him up
• Duke is a former guardian however when his shed was buried he respectfully retired and relinquished his powers so that it could find a new engine to take up the mantle
• Sodor technically has two guardians one on the NWR and one on the SKR it's a rare occurrence and as such it drains the sudrian golden well more than if there were just one leaving the guardian on the SKR weaker than their NWR counterpart
• Sir Handel is considered a cursed or unlucky engine that paired with his general bad attitude means that he rarely has a crew that wants to work with him
• Mr. Percival Sir Topham Hatt and Sir Robert Noremby try to gather once a month for tea and more often than not they take a scenic route around The Skarloey Lake pulled by the railway's namesake
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