viraldoosh · 1 year
After getting knocked down during basketball practice, Jake was sent to the school nurse to get his head checked. There was someone already in the room waiting to be seen, but Jake let himself in anyway and instantly went to poking around everything that was left out. "Yo, what up. Don't mind me. Coach thinks I have a concussion, so, like, this is totally normal behavior." He says while stuffing his pocket with a handful of condoms from the nurse's desk. "Just doing my part in practicing safe sex. You want some?"
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tyleroneills · 1 year
open starter!
Tyler wasn't a fan of staying around campus for any longer than he had to. He didn't get along with many people despite them wanting to be his friend. For the most part, he kept things on a strict and professional level. Tyler was known around campus for jailbreaking phones, gaming consoles, and computers. It was an easy and profitable business for the hacker. With everyone obsessed with technology, he was their go-to technician. Everyone at Westham could have all the same things the students at East Mount Academy have at half the price. "I'm heading to the billiards club so I don't have much time. What's up? Do you need a nude erased, spyware programmed on an exes phone? A grade changed? Turn your PS4 into a PS5?" He was going through his most popular requests, assuming that's what they approached him for.
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broobie · 1 year
open to: everyone
at some westham frat party
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"Here's to getting drunk as a skunk tonight and hopefully finding someone hot enough to make out with." Not that Brooke needed any more problems in the name of boys but, this was college and they were supposed to be living it up. Maybe if she got wasted enough, she'd forget that everyone at her old school hated her and wished her dead.
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butterflyonawall · 1 year
status: open
location: ace hotel
Lucy was at her monthly dinner with her father. She loved these dinners. She would put on a nice dress and they would share a bottle of wine. It would make her feel like grown up when he usually talked to her like a child. Her mother had insisted that it be at the hotel so they could trial the new menu, but before their appetisers had even arrived, her father got a call from a patient. Torn stitches from a recent breast augmentation. He had to attend to it immediately.
Typical. But Lucy understood that he was an important man and that she had to put her own feelings aside. Still, she was deflated as she watched him leave the restaurant. Just as she had let a frown settle on her face, she caught the eye of someone sitting at the bar. Lucy immediately smiled and waved them over. "I've got dinner for two on the way. You like lobster?"
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rivertolson · 1 year
status: open
location: billiard bar
Things were starting to look pretty bone dry on the Eastside. River was trying his best to sell a few of his infamous party bags so he could buy the motorcycle he’d been eyeing for the last three months. The owner called him a few hours to let him know someone else was interested and made an offer, so if he doesn’t act fast then he’ll lose out. Knowing he'd have better luck on the Westside, River showed up to the Billiard Bar and ordered a beer while he waited for some potential customers to show.
After a few minutes and a few more drinks later, he felt someone approach his left side. Now was the perfect opportunity to strike. “Beer's cold and the liquor's cheap, but if you wanna feel something…I've got a great selection of feel goods to help loosen you up.”
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chloexquinn · 1 year
Doja Cat’s Cyber Sex could be heard far and wide as Chloe danced in front of the camera she had set up with her tri pod. Another day, another slay, another Tiktok dance she was trying to upload before class started. In full uniform too. She was on her third take of the dance before she noticed another student walk into the room she was filming in. Chloe stopped dancing and rolled her eyes. She shot the other an annoyed look while walking over to the camera to press pause. “Not sure what would possess you to stroll on in when I’m clearly in the middle of something, but whatever it is, it better be good.” She crossed her arms over her chest waiting for the other to answer.
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dom-thatcher · 1 year
where: outside davey's diner
who: open
It wasn't often that he went out with his co-workers but he didn't have other plans and he didn't want to go home yet. He preferred to keep work at work, lest they got too close. Couldn't let people find out about his speckled past. Regardless of it's lack of lucrative status, he needed his job. He didn't want to resort back to less than legal means to make ends meet or have to sleep on his cousin's couch again. As adorable and freakishly endearing as they were, he could only handle them in small doses. He moved away from the table right as the talk about pole burn started and went outside for a smoke or three. Dom heard the footsteps approach as he lit up. "Yes, they're strippers or I think they like to be called exotic dancers now," he blew the smoke from the first drag out. "No I can't get you any of their numbers and if you recognize me from anywhere else, no you don't." He put the pack back inside his jacket, still not bothering to look at who had approached.
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izadorable · 1 year
She was on her way back to her dorm when she spotted a bag, left out and calling to her attention. The polite and responsible thing to do would be to bring it to the front desk so whoever left it could claim it. There was only one problem with that. Isadora wasn't polite or responsible. She was inquisitive and self-absorbed. Therefore, who could really blame her for taking a seat and slowly pulling its zipper back. If someone were to catch her, she already had a seemingly valid excuse in mind: "Oh sorry, I was looking for an ID."
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imanisim · 2 years
open starter for the event @rwstarters
where: anywhere! walking along. 
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Imani wasn’t one for group activities, truthfully. She preffered her solitude, her select few friends, or perhaps even just her animals and her books, but after much coaxing from her mother, and the tempation of her comfort foods making an appearance, she was convinvced to attend the festival.  She was eating a sugar plum tart from Soliel, something she could usually only get during the holiday season, walking along, singing softly along to the orchestras rendition of I’ll Be Home For Christmas. It was rare she was ever this social. Maybe the holidays brought out the best in her.   She wasn’t one to share food, but after another bite she let out a soft, satisfied groan “You know, I’m much more of a summer girl generally, but I swear I wait all year for these tarts. You have to try it! Here,” she holds it out to the other “Just one bite.”
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asherxbennett · 2 years
open: @rwstarters / at: Ravenswood Market
"Okay, buddy. Which one do you think mommy will like more?" Asher asked the toddler in his arms as he looked around the fruits display, deciding to do one last minute shopping while he took out his son for a walk. He and Ashton had come a long way, with now the little boy accepting his presence and being okay with being alone with his father as the days went by. Asher wondered if this had anything to do with Rikki approaching her due date and not being able to spend as much time as she used to with their son.
Placing the little boy down as Asher picked some fruits and paid the man, Ashton took the opportunity to wander off, leaving Asher to chase after his son as he headed straight to someone else's legs.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I don't know what got into him today, he usually stays by my side." Asher said as he reached for Ashton's little hand. "C'mere, little dude. I hope he didn't bother you much."
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s-arslan · 2 years
starter for: @rwstarters​
location: her booth at the winter festival
time: any
Sanem dipped her brush into the white paint for the last time to finish her masterpiece of a unicorn. It felt like she had painted a unicorn for the billionth time that day. And for the life of her, she couldn’t remember why she had agreed to sign up to do this.
It all became clear once the little girl lit up upon seeing the finished product. Sanem braced herself with a laugh as her customer threw her arms around her neck with a squealed thank you! and begging her guardian to admire the pretty unicorn. The stiff ache of her back went away with roaring approval. 
“If you’ll give me just a moment, I’d be happy to help you with a face-painting sesh. Unless you’d like a flyer?” she suggested. Her artwork hung behind her, along with some vases on a shelf. “All this stuff behind me’s for sale and I do tattoo work, too.”
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drippingsunflwrs · 2 years
to: open ( @rwstarters) location: once upon a tart
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the time to redecorate for the season had finally come. sol was thrilled to be able to take down the fall decorations and replace them with the winter ones. her favorite season had always been fall, they loved to watch the colors of the season change with time, but this year she was feeling the winter spirits full force. by the time sol saw someone approaching once upon a tart she were in the middle of hanging up some white christmas lights that had little icicles hung up on every other bulb, all they needed was to be able to get them around a small hook on the corner of the front of the shop, she silently cursed herself for not moving the small ladder a smidgen closer but it was too late now. “hello down there!” she happily greets, offering a warm smile to the new comer, or perhaps they were a regular, who they were sol currently couldn’t tell due to their gaze being focused on trying to get the lights on this hook. “i’ll be right down!” she assured, just before taking one small little push and tossing the line over the hook in hopes it would land and not miss. success. in their hands was the remote they needed to start the lights up which they clicked and illuminated the front of the shop. bright white christmas lights were weaved around the letters of once upon a tart, making the shop shine bright in the dimness of the night. “what do you think? there’s still so much that needs to be done, but believe it or not, the lights took up a good portion of the day.” she chuckled, coming down from the ladder, “anyway, sorry about that wait. how can i help you this evening? "
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tyleroneills · 1 year
status: open to all
location: billiards club
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Tyler was looking to blow off some steam after another night of bullshit. The Billiards Club was his favorite place to go for drinks and to hustle people out of their money, but tonight he was losing a high-stakes game of pool and was teetering on the verge of a killing-spree. "Whatever. Take your fucking money." Tyler threw the money in the guy's face and it went all over the room. The guy's friends had to restrain him from going after Tyler with a pocketknife. While they held him back and talked some sense into him, Tyler took a seat at the bar. After losing all the money he had, he was down to pocket change and would have to run a scheme if he wanted dinner. Luckily, there's a sucker born every day. Tyler scoped out his surroundings and then turned to the person closest to him. "So what brings you here? Drinking for fun or to forget something?"
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alezanderbo · 2 years
@rwstarters​ open to anyone really any place, go crazy
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“cuse’ me.” the gentleman turned a little on his heels only to softly nudge the person who was behind them. “i hate to bother you.” zan admitted, “and i hate to even admit this.” he chuckled more so to himself softly as he finally gotten to the point. “i have seem to have gotten lost.” making a face a little. “i was just trying to find a good place to get a cup of herbal tea and some dinner?” he asked. “i can’t even remember the name of the place i was headed to which makes finding it even harder.. you wouldn’t be free to help me out quickly?” he asked curiously.
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gingvrstallion · 7 years
     football was the one thing he truly missed considering his injury was still dictating his life. it was heartbreaking that he couldn’t strum at his guitar, sure, but the sport had always been a part of archie’s life and it was always something he could go to if he needed a break from something. so it wasn’t surprising that the boy was sat on the bleachers, watching a few players train with coach clayton. “what?? have you come to gloat too??” the boy mumbled as he sensed someone behind him, not bothering to turn and look to see who it was. “i’m killing myself watching this... i know. i just can’t help myself. i miss it.” it was becoming a regular thing now.. moping as he watched his teammates train and prepare for games. “---do you need something??”
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noel-khn · 7 years
Sorting out the piles of books in his lockers, Noel felt a presence approaching him. This was nothing out of the ordinary for him, he was a popular guy, he would always have the boys on the football team come over and constantly girls would walk past and say hello but this felt different. Noel knew that people talked about him and with everything that had happened recently he knew his name would get thrown around a lot in all these cutting theories and rumors. Closing his locker, the boy turned round to the person standing in front of him. “Can I help you?”
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