crimsonxlight ยท 6 years
Months had past since Elleth had been to Dale but when she last been there all there was ruin and death but she had heard that the cities were in the process of rebuilding from what the war had left them with and also the dwarven king Thorin and his prince nephews had fallen in battle against their foe but they died with honour.
The red-haired archer found herself wandering around middle earth for a while until she had managed to make her way back to place she had left behind months ago but now she had nothing to live for now that everything she cares about was gone and she was never getting them back. Elleth made her way further into the forest being careful of where she stepped and then once she had found a safe spot, she decided to camp for the time being and just against a tree as as she drank from her leather waterskin.
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