#ryan hudson x shy reader
armyangxls · 7 months
Halloween Movie Marathon
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Ryan Hudson x Plus Size Reader
You were currently finishing the final touches of preparations for your Halloween movie night, while dancing to She Wants Revenge.
Suddenly you heard a creak of wood.
Your body tensed up, and your heart rate quickened.
"What was that?" You thought
You'd think after everything you've seen while being around the Drew crew, you wouldn't be scared of ghosts or the creeks of the floor.
You spun around at the sound of the door creaking open, getting ready to run away from it.
Where you saw the sight of your amazing partner Ryan in a blue shirt and orange ascot holding a bag of your favorite takeout, you sighed in relief that it wasn't a killer or a killer ghost.
"You scared the hell out of me! I thought you were a killer! Ryan I mean Fred!" You said, breathing out, and smiled.
"I'm so sorry! I thought you heard me, y/n/n I mean Daphne!" He said, smiling, setting the bag on the coffee table in the living room.
You wear a purple shirt, skirt and a green bandana around your neck.
You slugged your arms around him, hugging him.
His cologne consumed your senses
aroma of fall pine trees, and cinnamon.
He wrapped around you, kissing the top of your head.
"You smell amazing!" You said, muffled into his shirt.
"Thank you!" He said, chuckling and smiling.
You both pulled apart from the hug.
"What movie first?" He asked,
"(Your favorite horror movie)!" You said, smiling.
"Yes, the best!" He said, smiling.
You put the DVD in as Ryan got the food out and set it up.
You both had finished eating, now you were in the middle of the movie, cuddling up against each other, his arm wrapped around you, your head on his chest, soft heart beats in your ear. Your eyes glued to the screen no matter how many times you had watched it, it was just as entertaining and surprising as the first time.
You lifted your head from his chest, your eyes finally wandered from the screen to Ryan who was staring right at you.
"What?" You asked, confused, scared that there was ghost behind you.
"Nothing you're just soo beautiful!" He said, looking at you, you reminded him of a gorgeous renaissance painting with a look of the shining 70s.
You heart skipped a beat and raced after your breath, no matter how many times he complimented you it felt same as the first time.
"Thank you! You're beautiful too!" You said, your eyes glistening as you stared into his emerald eyes.
"I'm so glad I have you!" You said softly, smiling, scooting even
"I'm so glad I have you too!" He said, gently putting his hands on your cheeks.
Your face heated at his touch.
You both pulled apart, you closed your eyes, your lips met his soft as marshmallow lips in a soft affectionate kiss, the feeling that felt like a warm bonfire on a long autumn's night went through both.
You both pulled away from the kiss, your hand subconsciously went in his hair messing with it.
"Happy Halloween my love!" Ryan said, kissing your forehead.
"Happy Halloween Ryan!" You said, smiling.
Author's note: Hiii guys!! Happy Halloween!! I hope you guys like this fanfic!! Also I think this is the first Ryan Hudson fanfic!! 😱😱 :))) 💜💜💜
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//Okay some Nancy Drew Ace x reader ideas could be one shots or multi chapter there’s just not enough Nancy Drew x reader/Ace x reader things.
Any & all ideas are freely up for grabs for anyone who’d like to take a stab at one.
1.) Nancy’s twin sister (older by 4 minutes), was friends with George in school/still are friends, very sweet & likable, solves cases with the crew while taking online college courses to be a doctor. (She’s smart so unlike Nancy reader was able to tell at an early age that she looked nothing like Carson or Kate so she did a test & brought her findings to them, but for some reason was asked to keep the secret from Nancy, (or Ryan & the secret were revealed sooner so a father/daughter relationship was formed between reader and Ryan.
2.) reader works at the library with Rebecca, she’s sweet & shy & loves books, and mystery/true crime & Rebecca & Thom adore her.
3.) Reader is a detective at the Horseshoe Bay Police Department who meets Ace & things develop from there.
4.) Reader is Ryan Hudson’s younger sister (like Ace’s age looks similar to Nancy) even though she has the Hudson name she doesn’t care about the money & is very sweet and kind (Ryan is protective when it comes to her) she wants to make money & a difference on her own without the Hudson name, she likes having a job & she likes simple things.
5.) Reader & Ace meet through Grant who comes back to town (maybe she’s Grant’s best friend & Grant things they’ll be perfect for each other & once they meet they just click, she’s shy/sweet & other than Grant Ace helps her open up.
6.) What if Lucy & Ryan had a daughter (reader) at 16 than had Nancy at like 18 or 19, again kind of shy/quiet yet sweet, she’s a waitress with a love of reading & writing, she also likes music & playing guitar/singing, She and Ace have an automatic bond & just kinda click, she’s the kind of girl who’s always there for others no matter what, but hates having attention on herself or feeling like a burden so if she’s hurt, sick or has a problem she deals with it herself.
7.) Reader is Sweet & lovable yet kinda shy & quiet, she works with Carson either as like an assistant or fellow lawyer & Carson & Ryan (or even Nancy) introduce her to Ace & things go from there. Or Ace meets her on his own.
8.) Reader is Connor the coroner’s sister & Leo’s aunt again a shy & sweet lovable girl close with her brother & nephew (either she works with Connor or she’s like Leo’s teacher as well as his aunt & meets Ace & things progress from there.
9.) reader is John Sander’s daughter & friend of Nancy’s & is with John as he’s helping the crew & she & Ace meet & connect.
10.) Reader is Abe Tamura’s sister & when he came to town she did to either she’s a fellow detective (kinda a female Spencer Reid) or just likes solving mysteries (like Nancy)
11.) Reader is Carson or Kate’s younger sister raised alongside Nancy & meets/bonds with Ace.
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banjodanger · 4 years
X-Men Origins: Wolverine(2009)
I’ve got a lot to talk about, so I’m going to jump right in with a very unpopular opinion. This may SHOCK and OFFEND certain readers, but I’m not one to shy away from speaking my mind. More sensitive readers should beware, however, because I’m not going to shy away from rattling cages and saying what NEEDS to be said!
So, ready yourselves, because...
Origins is not the worst X-Men movie.
There. I said it. PBBBBBBTTTT!
I’m not arguing that this was a good movie, hell, there’s a good argument that this isn’t even a competently made movie. But this movie is also responsible for some of the absolute best movies to come from Fox’s X-Men. First Class and Days of Future Past are two of the absolute best movies of this series, and it’s doubtful the other two Wolverine solo movies would have aimed as high as they did if this movie hadn’t been so widely mocked. If you go back to watch this movie, try to keep in mind eight years later this series would get nominated for a screenwriting Oscar. Whatever your opinion of awards, that’s a hell of a turnaround, considering the story this movie tells is like three separate stories stapled together. Finally, however much this movie misunderstands Deadpool, it was right on in casting Ryan Reynolds and eventually gave us better Deadpool movies than we could have hoped for. It shouldn’t go unnoticed that both of those movies use Origins as a solid foundation for jokes. I’m not going to talk too much about Deadpool in this movie, because I plan to cover it in more detail when I get to the first movie.
But I’m not discussing those movies, I’m discussing Origins, and Origins is not very good. The CGI looks cheap and outdated, not just by the standards of the time it was released but by the standards of five years previous. And the movie makes said terrible CGI hard to ignore because, to quote the philosopher Michelle Branch, it is EVERYWHERE. Most people are quick to bring up Wolverine’s claws effects, and they should because they somehow look worse than any of the three previous movies and it’s the most easily noticeable. I’m not expecting them to have Hugh Jackman actually fighting and jumping around on top of a nuclear vent but it looks like they’re doing it in front of computer wallpaper. That hill outside the Hudson’s farmhouse literally looks like the default Windows XP desktop. I’m surprised Agent Zero isn’t hiding behind the recycle bin. This isn’t to say I don’t expect lots of CGI in my comic book movies,but I expect better when someone is dropping over one hundred million for a guy with metal claws to fight a mute with impossibly long sword fists.
I could ignore all the bargain basement effects if there was a good story, but there isn’t one. There’s about two or three stories and they’re all bad. Gavin Hood wanted to make a throwback sevnties-style revenge movie, completely self-contained and R-rated(Hey, does that sound familiar?), but the producers wanted extra characters they could spin off into their own films. And as much as I want to excoriate them for that, I can only get but so mad. This was a big franchise that was approaching ten years since its first film. They were looking towards the future and that’s what their job was. The problem is that failure to find a common ground comes through on the screen. Some of the strongest scenes are between Logan and Victor, to the detriment that most of the other characters who come off as unnecessary cameos. That boxing scene between Logan and Fred Dukes could be a thirty second phone call without really losing anything.
It’s disappointing, too, because a lot of the performances in this movie aren’t bad. Believe me, I wanted to hate Will.I.Am. I was going to drag him and talk about all the terrible music he made but...he’s not bad in this movie. I’m not going to say he missed his calling by not becoming an actor full-time, but I enjoyed his performance and wish the movie had used him a little bit more.
My humps is still one of the worst goddamned songs ever.
Gambit was great in this movie too. Taylor Kitsch had this bizarre run of putting in good performances in hated movies. After this, he did John Carter then the second season of True Detective. That’s a shocking run of bad luck, and too bad to, because he’s good in all three. We missed out not getting at least one more movie with his take on Gambit, because he gets maybe fifteen minutes of screentime but he manages to be memorable, charismatic and charming.
Helicoptering with a bo staff still isn’t part of his goddamn power set though.
And I’m not going to forget Liev Schrieber, who makes an absolutely compelling villain. The only problem with his character at all is that he puts such a great performance that it stretches belief to imagine this is the guy that becomes a silent henchman in the first movie. There’s simply nothing in his performance to suggest they’re the same person. It would be like if the twist of Phantom Menace was that Darth Vader was originally Jar Jar Binks, or if they hired Nora Ephron to write a Hellraiser prequel. 
Even the Scott Summers we get in this movie is pretty good despite looking like a guy that steals copper wiring out of abandoned gas stations. Although I really question why Gambit watches them run off and I guess just assumes they’re being abducted by a good guy.
That leads me into the whole problem with prequels. Things happen in this movie and characters seem to live simply because earlier movies dictate that we have to see them again. It simply does not make sense for Kayla to leave Stryker alive. She has every reason to kill him, but she doesn’t, because he needs to be the villain in X2. Gambit doesn’t chase after the kids because they didn’t want to have him interact with Professor X. Sabretooth survives because he has to fight Wolverine on top of the Staute of Liberty while making no reference to their apparent relationship as siblings, or any words of any kind. This movie is awkwardly shoehorning itself into the lore established by the previous movies and it results in characters saying and doing things that go against what this movie seems to lead up to. The ending of most of those seventies revenge flicks was a bloody murder. Here, Stryker hurts his feet a little. It’s just not the same thing.
Ok, are you ready for the problematic parts?
Let’s start with Native American representation, because it ends up being a pretty big part of this movie. Lynn Collins’ Wikipedia says she claims Cherokee ancestry, so I’ll give the movie credit on that, but as near as I’ve been able to suss out, the myth she tells does not exist outside of this movie. First off, Wolverines do not howl. At all. They’re not wolves, they’re related to weasels. They’re small, vicious bastards. That information was readily available in 2009, by the way. Furthermore, the information I can find says that the moon in Native American mythology is predominantly gendered as male. Now, that’s not a blanket statement. This was the research I was able to conduct, and mythology, as with a lot of oral traditions, are a pretty mutable thing. Given that I was unable to find any mention of this myth that didn’t quote it from the movie, I feel pretty comfortable calling this myth nonsense.
Hey, what’s your tolerance for fatphobia? Because that’s going to impact how you feel about Blob’s character. Look, from his very first appearance he’s been a fat joke. That’s it. He’s a rude fat guy whose mutant power is being fat, hell, part of his power set is described as a “personal gravity field.” So while I can’t blame the movie entirely for this character being problematic, you’ve got to ask why they chose this character as the one that had to stay true to the comic book. He was in poor taste when he was created, when this movie was made, and now. And I absolutely can blame the movie for making him a fat joke.
At least they didn’t go the Ultimate comics route and straight up show him eating another character. Small blessings.
On a more final note, there’s that very strange character choice in the beginning credits. I know that they want to illustrate early that Wolverine doesn’t view violence the same way Sabretooth does, but why would they choose nazis as the villain in that moment? Even if they weren’t the most enjoyably killable villains in history, the last three movies have made the atrocities of the Holocaust a huge emotional linchpin of a major character. So it comes off as a genuine shock that this movie would use, in its introduction, a moment of sympathy for these very same villains. So you needed to show Wolverine with sympathy? Have a bar fight in France after liberating the country. Have them fight in the Korean war. Maybe Wolverine mourns a kid shot on the front lines. There’s a hundred choices that don’t involve Wolverine getting sad over a bunch of nazis.
So, why don’t I think this is the worst X-Men movie? I’m clearly not calling it a forgotten classic, and I’m not recommending you watch it unless you’re a weird completionist blogging about your arrested development on Tumblr. Sure, there’s some forgotten performances in here that deserve some consideration, but the movie is mostly a mess, a result of too many cooks with diverging visions. There’s a good revenge flick here, but it gets buried and muddled by a desire and knowledge that this movie has to simultaneously explain the past that led to the first movie and set up future installments. It tries to do too much and ends up not doing much of anything. I followed up on some of the people involved in this movie. Obviously Ryan Reynolds had the last laugh, but it still took seven years and a leaked teaser. Hugh Jackman learned from the mistakes in this movie and the rest of the Wolverine movies are pretty great. Gavin Hood, who got this job after being nominated for a foreign language Oscar, directed another big-budget flop with Ender’s Game. However, earlier in 2020 he apparently bought a four million dollar house so I don’t feel bad for him. Also, the flop of Ender’s Game could possibly involve Orson Scott Card being a vocal and unapologetic homophobe. Seriously, what is it with beloved fantasy authors and hate towards LGBT groups? You can conceive of wild, uncharted space and magical realms but the idea that two guys love each other is too far out?
Next in the series, from failure comes success, as we meet Xavier and Erik as frenemies and launch a million slash fictions.
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xbarrjallenx · 7 years
A Lovely Night
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Pairing: Finn Hudson x Reader
Word count: 1.090
A/N: I had fun on writing this shot, also because I love Finn and Cory so much. I miss him so much and I know you also do. Anyways, hope that this is how you imagined the story and hope that you like it. I suggest you to listen to “A Lovely Night” by Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, it is a song from the film La La Land, if you didn’t know. Anyways, thank you for your request and hope to receive some soon. Enjoy!
- G. x
The sun was setting soon, but the school was still crowded. You thought that maybe it was because of the football team’s practice but you were still amazed of it.
“(Y/N)!” You heard a familiar voice calling you and you were almost sure who it was. You smiled widely and turned your head to where that angelic voice came from.
“Finn!” You ran to him and you excitedly hugged him tightly. He just got out of the shower as his football practice just ended few minutes ago. You adored the scent of his perfume and he just laughed at your behaviour.
“You missed me so much, yeah?” He mocked you as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Of course!” You broke the hug that you’ve been sharing and you winked at him. He smiled at you widely and got the backpack that was hanging on your right shoulder.
Finn was your best friend and you knew him since the day you became a cheerleader. You quickly clicked together and you had a great friendship going on. You can always count on him and he can always count on you, of course. He’s a gentleman, kind, caring, a little bit dorky and idiot sometimes, but those are the qualities you loved in him.
“So? What are we doing tonight?” He asked you as you both started to walk, heading to the parking lot.
“I have no idea. I am so tired because of the cheerios’ practice.” You looked at him and he bit his lip as if he was thinking of something you can both do.
You both remained silent for awhile, both thinking of a possible activity to do together. You suck at thinking though, because the more you think of something, the more you can’t find the right answers at the right moment.
You silently walked, just hearing the crowds chaos in the background and the starting tune of a familiar song to you.
“(Y/N)!” Finn excitedly shouted your name. You thanked him as you thought that something has already came in his mind.
“So?” You curiously asked.
“Hear that song they’re playing?” Finn widely smiled at you and you quickly understood what he wanted to do.
“No, just no.” You shook your head several times, but you knew that Finn always gets what he wants. He wanted you to sing with him in front of the crowd and you hated him for a short moment for that.
“C'mon!” He grabbed your hand and he ran near the girl who was playing the song that you both loved together.
“Finn!” You pouted but he just flashed you a sweet and lovely smile. You are a great singer, but you are always shy to sing in front of others and that is one of the things you hate in yourself. Also, because of your shyness, Finn couldn’t convince you to join the Glee club, where he was a member too.
“The sun is nearly gone,” Finn has started to sing, as he put down the backpacks on the bench. “no lights are turning on, a silver shine that stretches to the sea.” Finn has sung confidently. His voice was fantastic and he had a great talent. You admired him from afar as he performed for the crowd around him.
“He’s just so perfect.” You silently though to yourself.
“Some other girl and guy, would love this swirling sky. But there’s only you and I and we’ve got no shot. This could never be, you’re not the type for me,” He continued singing as the beat went on and you continued admiring your best friend.
You then stopped looking at him absent-mindedly when you felt that someone pulled your hand. It was obviously Finn, asking you to join him. You shook your head several times, but the crowd started cheering for you and you haven’t gotten any other chances to back yourself out.
“You say there’s nothing here? Well, let’s make something clear, I think I’ll be the one to make that call.” You sang shyly at first but then Finn smiled at you, as if he was saying that you were doing great. You suddenly gained a scrap of confidence and you started to not care of your surroundings anymore.
“What’s your call?” Finn asked as it was part of the song.
“I know you look so cute in your polyester suit.”
“It’s wool.” You smiled at him as you enjoyed this moment with him, not caring of what others might think.
You started to enjoy the song and you felt appreciated as you heard the crowd cheering happily and cheerfully for you and Finn. You loved the idea of singing your favourite song from your favourite movie, swaying your hips too.
“What a waste of a lovely night.” You both sang in unison and the instrumental part of the song came.
You and Finn danced like what the protagonists did in their film and you couldn’t deny that you both had fun.
When the song has stopped, the two of you earned some loud claps from the other students and you thank them endlessly.
“It was fun, right?” Finn mocked you as he was fixing the backpacks on the both of his shoulders.
“Shut up!” You rolled your eyes, but it was obvious that you had fun performing in front of the crowd.
“So, glee club it is?” He playfully made his eyebrows dance and you just shook your head.
“I’ll think of it.” His eyes widened because of euphoria and you couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction.
“Wait, talking of thinking something.” He quickly put on a serious expression on his face. “What are we doing tonight?”
“Oh,” Your lips grew wide as a great idea came through your mind. “La La Land and popcorn.”
“Again?” Finn complained as you both already saw the film for about hundred times.
“Then you shouldn’t have let me sing A Lovely Night.” You raised your shoulders as if you were saying that he had no choice. “You knew how much I loved that film.”
“Or maybe how much you loved Ryan Gosling?” Finn raised his left eyebrow, offended.
“Sorry, not sorry.” You gave him a teasing smile and he let a soft laugh escape from his lips.
He was happy to spend time with you, his beloved pretty and lovely best friend, even though it was watching the film La La Land for the hundredth time now.
Because with you, it was never a waste of a lovely night.
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armyangxls · 7 months
Comment to be tagged in Nancy Drew fanfics!!
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