#ryan murphy was on something when writing glre
brainrotsucks · 4 months
Glee used to be so much fun than in seasons four and five they were like “oh here’s an ED. how bout bullying. oh grooming and sexual assault here you go.” and then threw the biggest bomb shell a SCHOOL SHOOTING ?!?!
It’s crazy switch between the usual. Like they did serious stuff in the older seasons but they weren’t so aggressive with it.
In season one they covered teen pregnancy and sort talked about the whole bullying things.
Goin on to season 2, they actually covered the bullying thing. In what, i think is the worse way possible but that’s a different post.
Then in season 3, they covered attempted suicide while darren criss did the most beautiful and heart breaking cover of “cough syrup” I have ever heard.
I’ll stop rambling on now because i’m sort of really sleep deprived but I could literally goin so in depth about every season of Glee. It’s sort of scary.
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