skylarclarke · 8 months
( Open starter )
Sky was sprawled out on a couch in the rec room, casually browsing the tablet he'd mapped his comm to for the time being - until suddenly, he moved to hold the tablet up inches from his face. "Ah, fuck." But for someone who had just sworn at a tablet, he didn't seem all that upset.
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danieleansworth · 2 years
(Open Starter)
Date: Late March, 2023 Location: KBW - Observation Room
So far, working on a smuggling ship was shaping up to be a deeply confusing experience. It was quite thrilling (in a terrifying sort of way) to be able to say now that he had been to Earth, though the trip had hardly seemed focused on smuggling at all - instead, the crew had gone to see... a concert? Daniel had never heard of My Chemical Romance prior to joining up on the Prosperity, but he could now safely say that some of their music was a little frightening. He’d quite liked some of the theatricality seen on stage though, so it had been a good experience overall. Until the subsequent realization that the crew had accidentally smuggled a human, somehow. That had led to several days of solid panic, during which Daniel’s primary focus had been getting through the day with his work done and sanity in place. Knowing that there was some sort of plan that seemed likely to keep everyone out of jail had helped on that front, at least enough that he was able to start enjoying life somewhat again alongside being terrified of the turn his had taken.
Being at the Kuiper Belt Waystation again helped as well. It wasn’t solid land, not even close - but still, it was quite nice to have a bit more room to move around as compared to the typical living and working space on the Prosperity. With the plants on the ship tended to and the cleaning that was his responsibility done, Daniel had a bit of time to himself, and so he made his way over to one of the KBW’s observation rooms - viewing the galaxy was one of the activities at the waystation that was in the range of what he could afford (free). Better still, there was a good amount of open space - and with the smuggling event over, he had the observation room to himself for the time being. After looking out at the stars for a bit, he got out his comm and began playing some of the Taylor Swift music that Ryder had shown him, through his earbuds so as not to be a disturbance. Truly though, there wasn’t anyone around... maybe now would be a good time to get some dancing in. With space limited on the Prosperity, he’d have to take his opportunities when he could find them.
The downside to having his earbuds in was that he didn’t notice as quickly as he otherwise might have when he was no longer alone - he jumped, startled when he saw a fellow crew member, and promptly stopped dancing. “Oh - sorry! I hope I wasn’t in your way,” he said sheepishly. He had been between them and the observation window, technically, though there was still plenty of space to see around him.
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iansolko · 3 months
closed starter for @ryderastrea
Some time after his talk with Daniel, Ian was feeling better about their friendship.  He didn’t feel like he needed to pull away out of necessity anymore at least, and he made himself follow his own urge to text him and meet up when he wanted to.  He’d come to tell himself if Daniel didn’t want to hang out or not text him back, then he had the option on his own of not doing so.
He didn’t feel very good about his friendship with Ryder, though; having given them the same weird cold shoulder for months.  And Ian had realized late one evening while unable to sleep, that if Daniel had noticed he’d been pulling away and felt sad about it, then Ryder probably did, too.  If that were the case, then he didn’t want to make Ryder sad anymore.  That was the last thing he wanted out of all of this.  The thought of potentially having another conversation like the one with Daniel made his stomach churn uncontrollably, but the thought of no longer being friends with Ryder hurt even more.
The next evening, Ian headed to the medbay when he knew their shift was about to end, so that he knew where they would be.  The other medics were obviously still around as he entered, and he gave a cheerful enough smile to them on his way to the hybrid’s station.  “Hey, Ryder,” Ian greeted, then in a quieter tone he continued, unthinkingly fidgeting with his hands.  “Um, I was wondering…could I talk to you about something?"
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marshallmaevik · 6 months
closed starter for @ryderastrea
Marshall was not completely sure if she believed in Earth tarot so much as memorizing what each card meant and finding that occasionally they would answer her questions in sometimes scary-accurate ways.  At the very least, it was an enjoyable way to pass the time.  She was doing this now on the floor of the rec room, examining her cards as they were spread out in an elaborate configuration, when she spotted Ryder’s general shape coming in the room out of the corner of her eye.  “Hello,” she greeted while giving them a small wave, still looking down.  
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laurie-vexen · 9 months
closed for @ryderastrea
"Hey Ryder," Laurie greeted as she walked into the med bay carrying a large, heavy box full of medical supplies, with more ease than the average person would have. "Samira asked me to bring this up from storage when I was free. To spare anyone from accidentally pulling their back." She was glad to help. It was also a nice reminder her abilities could be used for other things that weren't just to be a potential bloodthirsty killing machine. "Is there anywhere in particular you want me to put these?"
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carrekiblue · 1 year
closed starter for @ryderastrea​
It was now only a couple days before they were set to leave, and they’d been holding off on goodbyes for as long as possible, but now...it was time to stop the procrastinating, as hard as it was.  Blue wandered around the ship, finding their fiancé in the place he usually was--the medbay.  “Hey, Princess...are you busy?”  They attempted to be cheerful, but the sudden tightening of their throat from emotions made it hard to be.
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beck-derringer · 1 year
closed for @ryderastrea​
Beck really had been innocently looking to grab a beer from the fridge in the kitchen, but seeing Ryder and no one else, she couldn’t resist asking them something. She had noticed, since Daniel joined the ship, that Ryder had been giving the Ly’Daesun long stares. Now, she was an expert at eye-ing others out of lust, so she knew what it looked like. “Question for you.” She grinned as she approached Ryder. “When are you going to stop staring at Daniel and finally bloody root him?”
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robinastrea · 2 years
closed starter for @ryderastrea​​
Among other things going on, no surgeon on board meant there was a large disparity in medical services.  Robin had been asked to schedule any training the medics were willing to sign up for to fill this gap, which had meant holding meetings with each of them one-on-one to plan out their schedules and sign them up for said training.  Pacifica’s and Bree’s meetings were over, which left his own twin brother’s.
It wasn’t like he was not looking forward to this meeting.  It was rare that their jobs overlapped, and seeing his brother and best friend during the workday would have otherwise been sort of fun.  But as it was, he was well aware that Ryder didn’t want to be a medic in the first place, and here he was: signing them up for more medic training.  And then, a certain vanneer had left the ship not even twenty-four hours ago, and he was sure that would be hanging over their heads.
Robin looked up from his computer when he saw the door open and Ryder walk in.  “Hey,” he glanced down again to finish what he was working on.  “I hope you’re going to tell me you want to learn to perform heart surgery.  For some reason, the others haven’t been on board with this.”  This was a joke, but he couldn’t make himself raise his tone above a flat one.
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salem-ilmari · 2 years
closed starter for @ryderastrea​ date: July 24, afternoon location: Floor 19: Technology room 
Salem wasn’t all too familiar with old Earth games, but he figured it would cheer Ryder up somehow. He still hadn’t found out what was wrong per se, but he went out on a limb and asked then if they wanted to play a few video games with him in the technology room. He did admit though that the hybrid might be spending the majority of their time teaching him how to play these games, and he hoped that wouldn’t deter him from coming. He started at the screen as he had thought he had grasped the main concept of this game. Apparently he was wrong. “Wait, I can’t move. Why can’t I get out? I’m going to die,” he said, laughing a bit hysterically as his bomberman got stuck between a dead end and a bomb. He could only watch helplessly as the bomb took him out and the little animation of the little robot grimacing appeared before he disappeared. “This is pretty exhilarating. I feel very scared like I’m the one being chased after aliens.”
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lydia-seong · 2 years
closed starter for @ryderastrea 
She scooted closer to Ryder and draped the quilt over their legs, pulling the tablet off her lap from underneath to set it on the hospital bed table beside her. It was a fairly quiet day in the med bay, with no scheduled elective surgeries, so she figured she’d watch a Kdrama with the hybrid seeing as how he was the only one who seemed to enjoy them as much as she did, amongst the medics. She pulled the table over the pair of them and propped her tablet on the stand. “Okay, so hit me with your theories as to why Man-wol is stuck at the hotel. I mean, there have been so many people who have probably done heinous things, so why does she have to be the one  stuck their specifically? I think she killed powerful people or something--which I still think isn’t a valid reason.”
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ryderastrea · 2 years
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Follow Ryder @ ryderastrea
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skylarclarke · 1 year
( Closed starter for @ryderastrea​ )
It usually felt a little weird coming back to Kraysha after a while away, and this time was no exception. So much had changed since April of last year, it felt like his life was on a totally different trajectory - and then there was whatever was going on with Karmel and her quest... he wasn’t thinking about that too much right now though, more interested in getting in some quality time with his brother before whatever it was that was going to go down. He had some time now, which was how he found himself grabbing lunch at a restaurant he hadn’t been to in a few years. “So,” he began as he sat down across from Ryder, the grin on his face suggesting that whatever was about to come out of his mouth next probably wasn’t all that serious. “Did you ask Daniel yet if he’ll carry you around?”
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danieleansworth · 10 months
( Closed started for @ryderastrea )
Date: 12/11/2023 Location: The Prosperity (currently parked on Sturn, near the Theme Park Fan Club's Clubhouse)
Prior to joining the crew of the Prosperity, Daniel had never lived anywhere with such a strong culture of gift-giving for birthdays. It was quite a lot of fun, and he'd gotten quite a lot of wonderful things for his birthday - some of which were rather touching, coming from people he cared a quite a lot about. He was also finding that he really enjoyed the gift-giving side of it - coming up with something that someone he cared about would like, and then getting the chance to make them smile. It was admittedly a little challenging on a tight budget, but so far it didn't seem like anyone was disappointed with their gifts, which was quite a relief.
With Ian's birthday coming up quite soon now, he'd put quite a lot of thought into what to get them. In the end, he'd landed on a couple things. One of the gifts was ready to go, but the other - well, it might be close to ready, or there might be a lot of fixing left to do. Again, he was faced with a situation where he couldn't really tell on his own. Thankfully, he wasn't on his own. Things were still new enough with Ryder that he wasn't quite sure what to call said 'things', but he definitely felt comfortable inviting them to try home (ship)-made brownies. Ryder loved sweets after all, so surely it wouldn't be an imposition.
Leaving the brownies to cool, he set off in search of his -- in search of Ryder, pleasantly surprised when he found them quickly. "Ryder - hey!" He greeted cheerfully, raising a hand in a half-wave at the sight of them down the hall, and reminding himself that there probably wasn't a need to be too self-conscious about the fact that he was smiling so much, or that he'd quickened his pace to meet them sooner. "How's your afternoon going? I was wondering - do you have a little while free?" Again, these were perfectly fine and normal things to ask, and he didn't need to stress about being over-eager, most likely.
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laurie-vexen · 1 year
closed for @ryderastrea​
Laurie had come out of a physical exam with Samira - which was interesting to say the least... - when she ran into Ryder. “Oh, hey Ryder,” she greeted with a small smile. Ryder had been one of the ones she was most worried about on the ship finding out about the Umbra thing, but based on the group conversation Ryder didn’t seem to think much bad of it. She hoped, anyway. “How, uh... how are you?” Maybe now was a good time to gauge where they were really at with all this.
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carrekiblue · 2 years
closed starter for @ryderastrea​
“Princess,” Blue called to her fake-fiancé’s back when they saw him pass by. “This is like, not even a big problem. I’m sure I can make it work,” they started, “But…this shirt and these pants don’t actually match, do they? It’s laundry day and I’m getting ready to head out to find lunch, but I think the Swiss will likely notice something’s different about me,” they rambled. “If you say it’s fine, it’s fine. It’s good to see you, by the way.” Blue realized now things had been hectic enough they haven’t talked much in a while.
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beck-derringer · 2 years
closed for @ryderastrea​
“So how does a ship without a surgeon work?” She had to admit, losing a navigator and a surgeon at the same time was a shit-show she hadn’t expected - not within the first month of her being on this ship anyway. But covering for the absence of a navigator was easier than making up for the lack of a surgeon. “Like if I got really drunk and bumped my head really hard, would you be able to save my life?”
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