#ryoshu head cannons
ifuckingloveryoshu · 1 month
Self Indulgent Ryoshu X Vocalist!Reader
HCS (Or How I Got Myself into A Vocal Rabbit Hole)
This is self indulgent because one day I think I'm going to try to work on a project moon oc from the streets of music who sings. Also I'm too lazy to read all of this right now but it seems like a cool research thing and I will get some ideas from this. X Im blatently picking and chosing whatever. I'm also so out of the loop and like, I'm not reading all of these fully. I am an illterate Project Moon Enjoyer. Trust and go at your own discression.
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I treat this like singing would help out with the lungs but the article claims that reseach on this area are poor and few.
(also feel free to give me constructive critisim because i want to learn how to write Ryoshu)
Just three bullet points in and fuck. I was just searching about neurotoxins a few moments ago. Aughhhh. If I find out me embedding links didn't work, I will gut someone.
Wall squats. Y/N is doing wallsquats to better train their lungs and Ryoshu is supervising. May god have mercy on your soul. She does it too sometimes and you both compete who can stay there the longest. Y/N also has to sing while doing wall squat. Ryoshu is exempt but sometimes she'll do it with you.
Y/N and Ryoshu run laps around the area together.
Y/N regularly takes waterbreaks with Ryoshu and the both of you are well hydrated. Hydration is very good for the human body. X
Y/N is not stopping her nicotine reliance but singing and doing exercises like this helps offset the lung damage. X
Just for a moment, when your together working like this, she puts down the cigarettes begrudgingly.
Its annoying but she must admit, it shows results. It's also quite usefull being able to hold your breath, pretend your momentarily dead only to suprise the enemy, or go in for an ambush.
As far as Y/N knows, their walking on eggshells. Ryoshu's not going to do anything though. She's not going to tell you this, she takes amusment in Y/N's underlying feeling of never being completly safe? There has to be some sort of unspoken trust to keep you two relaxed to sing well enough and the excersising helps. Respiratory tension gets removed when you've been running laps, huffing for air.
If Y/N lets her, she has the skill to cut into cut into Y/N's chest and neck, carefully showing how the things expand and the vocal folds narrowing, seeing the airflow. Its disgusting but also very useful information. (warning, graphic videos) X X
Sinner karaoke night. Ryoshu refuses to sing with the other sin-gers. Y/N can not force her. When everyone's packing up to go to bed, she stays behind and sings to herself a gentle lullaby she used to sing to Yuzuki. She knows your there. Tell anyone and Y/N gets a B.E.L.C.A.N.T.O. (Beat Entirely, Left Concious, and Neck Totally Offuscated) wrung out from their lungs.
Y/N and Ryoshu have excellent posture. Sometimes, to improve singing, Y/N and Ryoshu get to sit on the floor together and lay down, backs on the ground and heads touching each others. This is called breathing into your back. X X X
Other workouts include sit ups, proper breathing exerices, core muscles exercies, stuff that removes tension on your upper body
Being relaxed is also very important for singer's not to sound bottled up? The only reason she can momentarily stop smoking is because the singing is a sufficient enough distraction for the moment. X X
Ryoshu has a deep voice because of the cigs. She can still sing well though. X X
If Ryoshu's somehow gets a high or so into music herself, this is a possible thing that can happen. Y/N's job now is to try and make sure she takes breaks or chills out somehow because through this, she's still smoking her cigarettes. X
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Sinclair is just with Y/N and Ryoshu sometimes because Ryoshu bullies him into it. The moment the other sinners got curious, she stopped. Indecisive if she stopped for good or stopped roping Sinclair in with Y/N. She just loses interest when other people start catching on. Sorry.
After that, she brings Y/N to her room sometime and you two only do the working out part together. Singing part is done on Y/N own time.
Put this somewhere idk (images of inside the vocal fold)
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ifuckingloveryoshu · 2 months
Vanilla Ryoshu Headcannons
-Ryoshu is Yoshihide and she exist after Hell Screen. The suicide after Yoshihide's death was a suicide of identity. That is why she goes by Ryoshu now. I'm taking stuff from the trivia section of the limbus company wiki, but with how Ryoshu can also be another word for boss or lord, Ryoshu took this name out of spite towards the one who burnt her daughter.
-Before Limbus, her family consisted of her, Yuzuki, and Monkeyhide (what would they name the monkey here if she was just Ryoshu? RyOOKshu? Imagine if the Monkey distorted or manifested EGO in the fire to save Yuzuki. And then the monkey joins Hermanns crew)
-Ryoshu overcompensated to look and act cool that now it's something she does subconsciously. Based on comedic timing, she either excels or fails miserably but goes, 'Fuck it, we ball.' In her head. She will never acknowledge her failure.
-She sadly does not call herself the greatest artist in all the City. She just knows it to be true
-The Hell Sceen is a screen door in a corridor you can actually walk into and see victims of the many horrible tortures suspended in time forever
-If your so sad and emotionally at your lowest point that you have to hug Ryoshu, she's not going to say anything. She might hug back and disassociate or feel very lost in thought but once the hug ends, she's not going to say anything to you or try to kick you while your down. Maybe she'll even give soft pats on the back. At worst, she'll walk away and never comment on the experince again
-If you try to hug Ryoshu at any other time, she will grab your arm and throw you flat on your back. Depending on who you are, she'll either take amusement or get very pissed and start threatening violence.
-Ryoshu used to wear red lipstick. Now she just wears lip gloss and that eye lash make up that's black and goopy. Idk the name
-Ryoshu is nice and patient to children in her own way. You can trust her to babysit a child. She's esspically good with social outcast children, she just doesn't have the best filter. She's a decent influence if you don't mind the swearing. I don't know what the standards for children in the City are but what can Ryoshu do that the City wouldn't have done before? Maybe that's a bad way to see it but Ryoshu was a mother before, she knows how to not threaten children and respects them.
-Ryoshu works out all her mucles and exercises really good. She has abs and nice legs.
-Ryoshu can actually cook, she just got very overwhelmed in Hell's Chicken by everyone.
-Ryoshu is combating depression day to day
-Ryoshu's eyes are a body modification to look cool or maybe the city has special red contact lenses that can glow according to emotion
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