#ryuunosuke’s hair is so shape. it’s so much fun to draw
otaku553 · 1 year
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Some sketches of the new eepy
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
hello may i have a haikyuu matchup plz<3
Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns and i’m 15. And i would prefer someone not over the age of 19 plz.
have like a caramel colored skin-tone (i feel like saying im black may be easier but 🤷🏽‍♀️) and im 5’3. Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair, im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape (but i have super noticeable hip dips) , i got pretty big fucking tittes (not even in a bragging way, im a fuckin k cup bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
Honestly I don’t really have a type. Tbh most of my relationships have ended pretty badly cause they ether only wanted something sexual from me or I was “too clingy” when i just wanted basic ass affection. But the most I want is someone who is physically affectionate (like kisses, cuddles, and hugs for days) also im ok with pda to an extent like i will hug and like cuddle you but im not gonna make out with your infront of others thats weird af.
Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion, which is hard when you have chronic anxiety and major depressive disorder. Which also means i take medication for it, which i forget a lot. And because of these things i have anxiety tics, where it ranges to making noices and twitching a bit to full on hitting myself and saying random shit. But I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people. I also like playfully bantering with people, like i love you but will full on roast you and get into fake fist-fights. I am a bit of a violent person at times but I have a punching bag and boxing gloves which help a lot. But I only get that angry when someone uses an insecurity of mine against me or is talking bad about someone i love, cause it you do that im beating your ass. I do have a bit of body insecurities mainly about my hip-dips and stomach. But because im curvy i get hit on by adults a lot and its creepy as fuck.
My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music.
Personality: funny, sarcastic, creative, kind, inappropriate and the right times. Like im not gonna pull out a dick joke in front of your family
I don’t really have a type and im queer so i dont have a gender preference, but anyone who’s love language is physical affection cause im a clingy bitch
I have a couple ideal dates. So the first one is like an indoor picnic and a movie, an arcade date, and a stargazing date where you get take out or fast food and drive up a hill to see the stars and you like cuddle n shit
I match you with……..!
Ryuunosuke Tanaka!
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I just get such big vibes that Tanaka would be head over heels for you.
First and foremost: the 7 inch height difference? Yes please.
He loves to rest his arm on your shoulder bc it’s just so cute to him.
He loves your style??? I think Tanaka is also an alt Boi himself.
I’m talkin ripped jeans, skater Boi tees. Like he already wears beanies???
He loves your hip dips bc he swears that his hands fit perfectly on your hips.
Tanaka is always down for a night on the town. He loves being social and hanging with people.
But I also think that big crowds might intimidate him in just the slightest
He’ll never tell tho.
So I think he’ll cling to your forearm if he gets nervous.
Whenever you have the big sad, he brings over stuff to make nachos and dances to absolutely no music when he walks in your home.
“I’m dancing to the music in my head. And the music we’re about to be listening to”
I think that this man LOVES Hispanic music.
During your tics, he just kinda acts like it doesn’t happen if that makes sense? He doesn’t want you to feel bad or insecure about them so he just doesn’t even react to them.
Of course If you start hitting yourself too much, he’ll step in and give you a pillow to hold just in case.
Please wrestle and fake fight with him. Please he needs to be knocked down a peg
He likes to nerd out over marvel movies with you!!
I’m talkin he’s laying upside down on a beanbag and freaking out everytime something cool happens.
Always some kind of physical touch is included, and he treats you like a deity.
If anyone even TRIES to agree, he gets hELLA possessive lmao.
He is a simp. Expect gifts.
Finally, I think that he would like to go on dates like roller skating and arcade, but the day you tell him about how much you want to go stargazing, he’ll take you.
He ends up loving it and that’s what you do for your anniversary every single year!
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