#s nomore
kpopulr · 8 months
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씨스타19(SISTAR19) - 'NO MORE (MA BOY)' M/V Teaser #1
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agenayamgeprekmawot · 2 years
GRATIS ONGKIR!!! Call 0876-9878-4325, Ayam Geprek Mawot
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yunitagamisjumbo · 2 years
0858-2666-1921 TERMURAH
Jual Lampu Hias Kubah Masjid Pasir Tanjung"
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thelampunabawimurah · 2 years
0858-26xHGPDqL2JmmgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1280/Slide1.JPG,[email protected],Laba100Jt/Bln0858-2666-1921 TERMURAH
Jual Lampu Hias Kubah Masjid Nagrak"
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fazalisans · 7 months
Bad Habit(s)
Beberapa bulan terakhir aku mulai dimintai tolong untuk mengurus persiapan umroh ibu. Beliau memilih untuk umroh mandiri dengan beberapa temannya di bulan Ramadhan nanti, katanya biar lebih murah dan fleksibel juga. Tapi ya gitu, semuanya harus diurus sendiri, mulai dari tiket pesawat, penginapan, visa, sampai belanja semua keperluan. Berhubung ibu sudah masuk kepala 5 (read: gen x berjiwa boomer), semua hal itu dilimpahkan padaku, alasannya "ibu mah gaptek", sebuah keputusan yang sejujurnya menjadi beban tambahan untukku.
Mungkin aktivitas sederhana seperti transfer, mengisi formulir dan membeli tiket pesawat adalah hal mudah dan harusnya bisa dilakukan dengan cepat bagi kebanyakan orang, tapi untuk manusia overthinking macam aku kegiatan itu sudah sangat menyiksa. Berbagai kekhawatiran mendadak muncul saat mulai memesan tiket, seperti "Jangan sampai salah ngetik nomor passport", "tanggal lahirnya udah bener kan?", "tanggal berangkatnya udah aman?", "jadwal penerbangannya udah bener kan?", "mau beli asuransi atau gimana?", "siapa tau ada harga yang lebih murah?", "transfernya kemana?", "payment nya "gimana kalau pesawatnya tiba-tiba reschedule?", dan berbagai kekhawatiran (yang harusnya gak usah terlalu dipikirkan) lainnya. Ditambah lagi Ibu yang suka inisiatif sendiri nawarin teman-temannya untuk "dipesankan sekalian aja tiketnya sama anak saya", tentu jiwa overthinkingku meronta-ronta, karena kemungkinan terburuk dari semua kekhawatiranku bakal bertambah berkali lipat. Kayak, "ini kan uang orang lain", "kalau tiketnya gagal aku harus ganti", "kalau harus reschedule dan ternyata ada fee tambahan apa harus aku bayarin ya?", "gimana kalau mereka marah dan kecewa sama ibu?" dan berjuta pertanyaan lain yang sukses membuatku gelisah.
Dan hal yang aku khawatirkan pun ternyata kejadian. Tiket yang aku pesankan untuk 2 teman ibu dari KL-CGK ternyata ada perubahan jadwal dari maskapai, yang tadinya jam 9.40 jadi 8.45. Yang jadi masalah adalah, mereka baru landing dari madinah jam 5 pagi. Harus nunggu bagasi keluar, ngurus imigrasi, terus check in lagi ke penerbangan selanjutnya. 3 jam 45 menit sepertinya terlalu riskan, harus antri imigrasi dan ambil bagasi yang mungkin makan waktu 3 jam sendiri, dan udah gak bisa check in kalau ternyata molor. Apalagi arus balik lebaran. Ya Allah, yang umroh siapa, tapi aku ikutan pusing wkwkwkwk T_T
Aneh juga kalo dipikir lagi, ibu disuruh temannya buat pesan tiket ke madinahnya dari KL aja, katanya biar lebih murah, tapi jadinya harus beli tiket JKT-KL yang ternyata sekarang cukup mahal. Kenapa gak langsung JKT-MED aja sih? Gak perlu ribet transit, dan gak usah ngejar-ngejar jadwal. Maap jadi emosi. Hadeuh.
Yang jadi masalah lagi adalah, 2 tiket yang aku beli ini ternyata non-refundable, dan aku gak beli asuransi platform (atas keinginan 2 temen ibu itu, biar murah) dengan asumsi gak akan ada perubahan apa-apa. Setelah semalaman (sampai sekarang) nyari informasi reschedule, ternyata bisa ubah jadwal penerbangan di web maskapai, dengan catatan harus ubah semua tiket, gak bisa perorang aja.
Dan masalah berikutnya adalah, 2 orang ini jadwal landing ke KL nya beda, yang satu jam 00.05, yang satunya bareng ibu, jam 05.00. Yang satu gak mau reschedule (gak mau nambah bayar dan nunggu lebih lama), yang satunya mau gak mau harus reschedule. Kasihan juga kalau harus reschedule dan nunggu penerbangan berikutnya (14.45), berarti harus nunggu 15 jam di bandara, sendirian. Sebenernya masih ada 2 temen lagi, tapi nenek-nenek semua, yang kalau ikut reschedule juga mereka rugi banyak (waktu dan uang). Kalau gak reschedule, kemungkinan yang satunya bakal ketinggalan pesawat karena mepet sekali.
Inilah yang aku benci dari diriku sendiri. Masalah kecil dan yang berhubungan dengan orang lain selalu menyiksaku. Aku jadi sadar kalau aku belum siap (mentally) buat dipaksa ngurusin urusan orang lain. Rasa bersalah dan khawatir selalu menghantui setiap diberi suatu tanggung jawab. Padahal harusnya amanah itu bisa melatihku untuk belajar memecahkan masalah dan bertanggungjawab, tapi entah kenapa, rasanya berat aja gitu.
Gak apa-apa. Semoga pelan-pelan bisa belajar mengatur mental dan emosi, belajar buat bertanggungjawab, dan berhenti buat ngekhawatirin semua hal yang gak bisa aku kontrol.
Lah. Malah jadi mikirin tiket pesawat orang, padahal harusnya ngekhawatirin tesis yang gak ada progress dan yudisium yang jadwalnya makin dekat. HAHAHAHA.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me.
Extra note: Taylor Swift konser di Singapura dan banyak mutual IG yang nonton (dan update di story). Aku cuma bisa rewatch movie nya aja, iri dikit ga ngaruh. Ya udah lah ya, semoga lain kali bisa nonton langsung.
Plis mbak Tay, bikin konser lagi kalo aku udah kaya raya ya!!
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adhindatb · 1 year
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Halo Tumblr
Kembali jumpa lagi tentu saja dengan kisah-kisah manusia bucin yang mana ternyata dia sekarang sudah jadi suami aku gaes 🥺😭 (masih nggak nyangka)
Masih dengan HASTAG #SuratUntukmu yang dulu rajin sekali aku tulis buat kaka tingkat favorit ku ini. Ternyata memperjuangkan seseorang memang harus s e r i u s
Si manusia yang dulu dingin sekalii seperti ubin masjid, ternyata pas udah nikah jadi si paling pengertian, paling paham perasaanku, dan paling perhatian. Tidak lupa panggilan romantis nya "adek" walaupun 24 tahun jadi adek aku nggak pernah dipanggil "adek" sama kakak ku sendiri...
Dalam rangka memperingati 44 hari bersama mu yang nano-nano. Senang, sedih, nangis, dan marah ternyata kita lewati di plus minus satu bulan pernikahan ini...
Semoga kamu makin sabar sama si "adek" yang banyak maunya ini. Aku cuma mau bilang kalau aku nggak menyesal sudah menunggumu hehehe 🤭🥰
Untuk : Mas Bojo🌻
Dari : Fans Mu Nomor Satu
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BERKUALITAS Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Untuk Tanaman Pertanian Padi di Desa Janget, Call/WA : 0896 9618 3556
Penawaran Produk Pupuk Organik Cair (PDTOC) untuk tanaman perkebunan, pertanian dan kehutanan. Produk sangat berkualitas dan memberikan manfaat yang cukup bagus tehadap pengembangan pertanian dan perkebunan Anda.
Selamat datang para petani dan penghobi pertanian!
Kini telah hadir produk unggulan kami, BMC - Bina Mitra Cendekia, solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan pertanian dan perkebunan Anda. Kami mempersembahkan PDTO (Pupuk Daun Tanaman Organik Cair) dan PHTOC (Pembasmi Hama Tanaman Organik Cair), produk berkualitas tinggi yang siap membantu tanaman Anda tumbuh dengan optimal.
Apa Keunggulan Produk Kami?
PDTO - Pupuk daun organik cair kaya akan nutrisi untuk pertumbuhan tanaman yang subur dan sehat.
PHTOC - Pembasmi hama organik cair yang aman dan efektif untuk menjaga tanaman bebas dari serangan hama.
Komposisi Produk :
PDTO : N 2,95%, P 0,039%, K 0,80%, Ca 0,20%, Mg 0,03%, C 3,54%, Zn 4ppm, Mn 3ppm, Fe 153ppm, Na 0,18%, S 2,07%, Cu 1ppm
PHTOC : N 3,33%, P 0,50%, K 0,93%, Ca 0,21%, Mg 0,08%, C 4,25%, Zn 5ppm, Mn 10ppm, Fe 171ppm, Na 0,15%, S 2,81%
Mengapa Harus Memilih BMC - Bina Mitra Cendekia ?
Berkualitas Tinggi: Produk kami terjamin kualitasnya dan telah terbukti efektif.
Ramah Lingkungan: Menggunakan bahan organik alami tanpa bahan kimia berbahaya.
Tepat untuk Pertanian dan Perkebunan: Cocok untuk berbagai jenis tanaman dan mengatasi masalah hama.
Penggunaan PHTOC sangat tepat pada Tanaman pertanian berikut ini :
Padi (Oryza sativa)
Jagung (Zea mays)
Kedelai (Glycine max)
Tebu (Saccharum officinarum)
Kentang (Solanum tuberosum)
Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum)
Cabai (Capsicum annum)
Wortel (Daucus carota)
Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum)
Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata)
Singkong (Manihot esculenta)
Lada (Piper nigrum)
Pisang (Musa spp.)
Stroberi (Fragaria x ananassa)
Terong (Solanum melongena)
Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea)
Sawi (Brassica juncea)
Labu (Cucurbita moschata)
Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor)
Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis)
Bagaimana cara mendapatkan produk kami? Hubungi kami di nomor wa.me/6289696183556 untuk pemesanan dan konsultasi produk
Ayo bergabung dengan kami dan jadilah bagian dari komunitas petani sukses dengan BMC - Bina Mitra Cendekia !
Kami menjalin kerja sama dengan Mitra dan Kelompok Tani Nasional. Kami juga melayani pesanan dalam jumlah besar untuk kebutuhan dan kalangan sendiri.
Terima kasih atas minat dan kepercayaan Anda. Mari bersama-sama kita dukung pertanian organik yang berkelanjutan!
Silahkan kunjungi media Facebook kami klik DISINI.
#PdtoBMC #Phtobmc #TanamanSehatTanamanSukses #PupukOrganikCair #PembasmiHamaOrganikCair #TanamanSehat #PerkebunanOrganik #PupukOrganik #HamaTanaman #PertanianHijau #OrganikCair #TanamanSubur #PertanianMasaDepan #PupukDaun #SolusiPertanian #PertanianIndonesia #PerawatanTanaman #HidroponikOrganik #PertanianBerkelanjutan #kelapasawit #kebunsawit #pertanianmodern #kemitraanpetani #inovasipertanian
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a-bucket-of-trash · 1 year
The Garden of Horrors- Kelvin x Female Reader – Part 16/?
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Part 15
You were sitting in the chair in the bunker, looking thoughtfully at the military radio on the table in front of you. It was noon, two days had passed, you would have to listen to Fisheye on the other end, any minute. But the minutes passed and longer you were sighing. If he wasn't communicating with you, it was because the radio on island four wasn't working. That was your best chance to escape and to think that it might not work, it was not the most pleasant news for you.
Kelvin saw you sigh for the 984th time, he knew you were tensing up, so he did his usual action to keep you calm, bending down, hugging your neck from behind, leaving his head attached to yours, cheek to cheek, squeezing you gently.
"Pretty sweet boy" You stroked his head "You're stupidly intuitive..."
"Umm?" He put his ear to your neck “Ag..ain…”
"You are intuitive" You said, louder and clearer "Beautiful"
Kelvin chuckled softly before kissing your cheek hard.
Since you had given in to the feelings you felt for that man, you had met a Kelvin who was even more sweet, close and affectionate, which you loved. You felt absolutely safe with him around and it was thanks to him that the idea of spending more days on that island was not affecting you so much. Beside him, that garden of horrors was transformed into a slightly chaotic paradise.
You read the written piece of paper that he had put in front of you, with a “Don't worry, Fisheye won't abandon us. He's going to get us out of here, be patient."
Of course he wouldn't, the soldier knew that well. He trusted his friend, not only because of the old friendship that had existed between them for a long time, but also because he knew him. Fisheye took his missions seriously, and what he said, he did. If he'd told he'd get you out of there, he'd follow through, one way or another.
You were going to take the paper to write to him, but Kelvin pushed it away, shaking his head, with a smile.
"What?" You smiled. "Give me that." You held out your hand.
"Nou" He denied, pointing at your neck "You... nomore writhe... Speakss me"
"Stubborn" You rolled your eyes and exposed your neck for him to put his ear to your skin and you spoke as soon as he was touching to you "I have patience" You said, clearly "I can wait a couple of years with you"
He pulled away, only to look at you, content and give a long, softened "awwwwwwwww", before jumping up and giving you a dozen affectionate kisses on the lips.
During that day, there was no contact with Fisheye, although you were lucky two days later, hearing him speak from the other side.
"Fisheye!" You replied, happy "I hear you!"
“SEXY GIRL, HELLO!” He greeted, happy “Finally! Sorry for the delay, this crap was not working well! How are you!?"
“Don't yell so much” You laughed, with Kelvin sitting on the floor, between your legs “We're fine, what about you? I'd ask about Alan, but I don't give a shit.” You played with Kelvin's hair.
“I'm fine, island four is clean. Alan continues to be the usual insufferable… unfortunately”
“Ey, eyyy, a couple of good news… Kel is getting some hearing back, he can't hear anything over the air, but ey, I hardly need to write anything to him anymore”
"That's great! Yeah!" He celebrated “And the other one?”
“Ah… erm…” You hesitated, thinking about how to say it “Maybe I listened to you…”
"About what?"
“Kel and I...”
“OHHHH YEAH” You heard him laugh like crazy “MY BRO HAS A GIRLFRIEND HELL YEAH!”
"Calm down..." You gently denied "The important thing, Fisheye. Can you get us out of here?"
“Now that I know the equipment is working, maybe… I need a little time to find and tune in the signal, ask for the ransom, you know… As soon as I have the basic confirmation, I can give you the day and time. A rescue like this, at this distance from the mainland, knowing that we are relatively safe... It can take time... Mmmmm” He murmured thinking “A minimum of 5 days from when they are informed”
"Fuck, why so much?" You spoke, looking at Kelvin, who had merely leaned against you to watch you speak, as if he were more concerned with watching you than anything else. "Can't it be earlier?" You used your free hand to gently caress his face, absently.
“Let's see, crazy girl… A whole day goes to bureaucracy. Even if it's a rescue, there are calls to make inside the base, that will take out all day one. One day in planning and asking for material and human resources. A day to receive the helicopters, pilots and others. Another day is going to be spent just getting to the islands. If I inform them that we are relatively safe, albeit with potential hostiles, they will prepare well, and that may take a few days."
"Nnnnnnngeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh" You complained at length with a funny expression that made Kelvin laugh.
“I promise you that I will try to encourage them. Besides, I'll make them go to island four first. I prefer to go personally to rescue you two”
“As long as Alan doesn't come…” You stared at Kelvin, who had taken your hand to kiss your fingers, romantically, looking into your eyes “Oh baby…” You whispered, somewhat seduced.
"OY OY OY, I don't want to hear you doing dirty things" Fisheye said, with a small laugh.
"We're not doing anything, silly…" You muttered, still looking at him, "It's just Kel being cuddly."
“Ah… Have you seen? It's unbearable” He laugh.
"He's extremely affectionate, I adore him" You laughed, looking at him "Love youuuuu"
“Love youuuu tooooo” Kelvin said reading your lips, holding your hand more “U hhoooot”
“Shut up.” You laughed, patting him gently on the cheek.
"Okay, couple of lovebirds" Fisheye said, shaking his head, smiling "I'm going to make the calls and everything, in two days I'll get back to you and give you more information"
“Perfect…” You saw Kelvin lick his lips as he looked at you, caressing your thighs seductively, his eyes fixed on you “Shhh… stop… Kel…” You saw him stand up, now with the difference in height to his benefit “Behave yourself …”
He chuckled softly, caressing your cheek, looking at you, beckoning with his eyes, indicating the perfect height you were.
“Keeeel…” You pointed at the radio “Stop… Fisheye is still listening…”
Kelvin purred, standing closer to you, his waist much closer to your face.
Fisheye was listening. He listened to everything, laughing from his side, celebrating in his own way that his partner was receiving something that was making him moan like a beast.
Part 17
(Slowly coming back, I’m not dead yet lmao) 
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shallyne · 2 years
🎅Secret Santa Playlist🎅
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For @alwaysreading9622
Playlist on Spotify | Playlist on Youtube
Merry Christmas, my darling! ❤️
This Playlist shows the journey of Feysand from the moment Rhys had glimpses of the mortal girl. I hope you enjoy it!
I made an Youtube Playlist in case you want to listen in order but don't have Spotify Premium.
To give you an insight of all the songs, why I chose those songs and what lyrics remind me of Feysand, I made a list! 🥰 You can find it all under the cut
Bring me to life - Evanescence (Rhys has dreams and glimpses of Feyre Under the Mountain)
How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb. Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home Wake me up inside, call my name and save me from the dark. Bid my blood to run, before I come undone, save me from the nothing I've become. Bring me to life, I've been living a lie. There's nothing inside, Bring me to life. Frozen inside without your touch, without your love, darling. Only you are the life among the dead. All of this time, I can't believe I couldn't see. Kept in the dark, but you were there in front of me. I've been sleeping a thousand years, it seems, got to open my eyes to everything. Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul. Don't let me die here (There must be something more) bring me to life. 
The Night We Met - Lord Huron (Rhys and Feyre meeting for the first time in Calanmai)
I am not the only traveler who has not repaid his debt. I've been searching for a trail to follow again, take me back to the night we met. I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you. Take me back to the night we met, I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you. Oh, take me back to the night we met. When the night was full of terrors and your eyes were filled with tears. When you had not touched me yet, oh, take me back to the night we met. 
I want it all - Queen (Rhys deciding to fight when Feyre arrives UTM) 
Adventure seeker on an empty street, just an alley creeper, light on his feet.  A young fighter screaming, with no time for doubt with the pain and anger can't see a way out. It ain't much I'm asking, I heard him say, gotta find me a future move out of my way. I want it all, and I want it now. Listen all you people, come gather round, I gotta get me a game plan, gotta shake you to the ground but just give me, huh, what I know is mine. People do you hear me, just gimme the sign. It ain't much I'm asking, if you want the truth, here's to the future for the dreams of youth. 
Kelsey Woods -  Music Under the Mountain 
Survivor - 2wei (Feysand on the balcony UTM)
Thought it would be over by now but it won't stop. Thought that I would self destruct but I'm still here. Even in my years to come, I'm still gon' be here. I'm a survivor, I'm not gon' give up, I'm not gon' stop, oh, I'm gon' work harder. I'm a survivor, I'm not gon' give up, I'm not gon' stop, oh, I'm gon' work harder., I'm the survivor, I'm gonna make it, I will survive Keep on survivin'. 
The winner takes it all - ABBA (Rhys watching Feyre going home with Tamlin) 
I don't wanna talk qbout things we've gone through. Though it's hurting me, now it's history. I've played all my cards and that's what you've done too. Nothing more to say, nomore ace to play. The winner takes it all, the loser's standing small beside the victory. That's her destiny. The gods may throw a dice, their minds as cold as ice and someone way down here loses someone dear. Somewhere deep inside you must know I miss you but what can I say? Rules must be obeyed.The game is on again, a lover or a friend, a big thing or a small, the winner takes it all. I don't wanna talk if it makes you feel sad and I understand you've come to shake my hand. I apologize if it makes you feel bad, seeing me so tense. 
Carry you - Ruelle (beginning of ACOMAF, Feyre is in Spring Court, Rhys is in Night Court and feels her through the bond) 
I know it hurts, It's hard to breathe sometimes. These nights are long, you've lost the will to fight. Is anybody out there? Can you lead me to the light? Is anybody out there? Tell me it'll all be alright. You are not alone, I've been here the whole time singing you a song, I will carry you. I know you can't remember how to shine, your heart's a bird without the wings to fly. 
Speak Now - Taylor Swift (Rhys interrupts the Feyres and Tamlins wedding)
I sneak in and see your friends and her snotty little family all dressed in pastel. Somewhere back inside a room, wearing a gown shaped like a pastry. This is surely not what you thought it would be, I lose myself in a daydream where I stand and say +, Don't say yes, run away now, I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door. Don't wait, or say a single vow, you need to hear me out. And they said, "Speak now", Fond gestures are exchanged and the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death March. I hear the preacher say, "Speak now or forever hold your peace". There's the silence, there's my last chance, I stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on me. Horrified looks from everyone in the room but I'm only looking at you. 
Don't give up on me - Andy Grammar (Rhys and Mor saving Feyre when she's locked in the spring manor) 
I will fight, I will fight for you. I always do, until my heart is black and blue. And I will stay, I will stay with you. We'll make it to the other side like lovers do. I'll reach my hands out in the dark and wait for yours to interlock. I'll wait for you 'cause I'm not givin' up, I'm not givin' up, no not yet. Even when I'm down to my last breath, even when they say there's nothin' left so don't give up on me. And I will hold, I'll hold onto you. No matter what this world'll throw, it won't shake me loose. 
Cars outside - James Arthur (Rhys saving Feyre after getting locked up) 
I'm packin' my bags that I didn't unpack the last time. I'm sayin', "See you again, " so many times, it's becoming my tagine but you know the truth, I'd rather hold you than try to catch this flight. So many things I'd rather say but for now, it's goodbye. I'm not gettin' in the Addison Lee unless you pack your bags. You're comin' with me, I'm tired of lovin' from afar and never being where you are Close the windows, lock the doors,don't wanna leave you anymore.Oh, darling, all of the city lights never shine as bright as your eyes, I would trade them all for a minute more. I don't wanna leave you, don't wanna leave you anymore. 
Yellow - Coldplay (Feyres first week at the NC)
Look at the stars, look how they shine for you and everything you do. Yeah, they were all yellow. Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones, turn into something beautiful and you know I love you so. I swam across, I jumped across for you. Oh, what a thing to do. I drew a line for you and you know, for you, I'd bleed myself dry
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls (Feysand night court weeks) 
And I'd give up forever to touch you 'cause I know that you feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be and I don't want to go home right now and all I can taste is this moment and all I can breathe is your life and sooner or later, it's over, I just don't wanna miss you tonight. And I don't want the world to see me 'cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am and you can't fight the tears that ain't coming or the moment of truth in your lies. When everything feels like the movies, yeah, you bleed just to know, you're alive. 
Enchanted - Taylor Swift  (Feysand in summer court)
There I was again tonight, forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired, lonely place, walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face. All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you. The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy. This night is sparkling, don't you let it go, I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you. The lingering question kept me up, 2 AM, who do you love? I wonder 'til I'm wide awake and now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door. This is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the story line ends.  My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you. Please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you. 
I see the light - Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi (Starfall)
All those days watching from the windows, all those years outside looking in. All that time never even knowing just how blind I've been. Now I'm here blinking in the Starlight. Now I'm here suddenly I see, standing here it's all so clear, I'm where I'm meant to be and at last I see the light and it's like the fog has lifted. And at last I see the light and it's like the sky is new and it's warm and real and bright and the world has somehow shifted. All at once everything looks different. Now that I see you, all those days chasing down a daydream, all those years living in a blur. All that time never truly seeing things, the way they were. Now she's here shining in the Starlight, now she's here suddenly I know. If she's here it's crystal clear, I'm where I'm meant to go. And it's warm and real and bright and the world has somehow shifted. All at once everything is different now that I see you. 
Rewrite the Stars - Zendaya, Zac Efron (chapter 44, Starfall)
You know I want you, It's not a secret I try to hide. I know you want me, so don't keep sayin' our hands are tied. You claim it's not in the cards and fate is pullin' you miles away and out of reach from me but you're here in my heart, so who can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny? What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine. Nothing could keep us apart, you'd be the one I was meant to find. It's up to you, and it's up to me, no one can say what we get to be. So why don't we rewrite the stars? Maybe the world could be ours, tonight. All I want is to fly with you, all I want is to fall with you,so just give me all of you. It feels impossible. It's not impossible. Is it impossible? Say that it's possible. How do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing can keep us apart 'cause you are the one I was meant to find. It's up to you and it's up to me, no one can say what we get to be and why don't we rewrite the stars? Changing the world to be ours. 
Hold On - Extreme Music (acomaf chapter 49, Rhys gets captured by Hybern soldiers and Feyre saves him) 
You've been on this road too long, hearing music but it's not your song. Wanna scream but your voice is gone, days trapped inside your head. Can't look up 'cause your world is down, walking miles, staring at the ground all alone inside the crowd. Letting pockets hold your hand but the sun is always there to shine, the clouds block out the sky. Oh, hold on, just one more day. Hold on, you know you'll find a way. Hold on, you've got stars in your eyes, so let's paint the sky.  Oh, hold on, just one more time. Hold on, I'll be your reason why. It's time to start remembering dreams, lift your eyes, see the things unseen. Remember who you wanna be, let the light hit your eyes. Let out the beauty that's been trapped inside, let them know that you're not gonna hide. Hey up there your arms open wide, spread your wings and fly but the sun is always there to shine, the clouds don't own the sky. 
Haunted - Taylor Swift (Feyre leaving Rhys in the mud after the Suriel tells her they're mates) 
You and I walk a fragile line, I have known it all this time but I never thought I'd live to see it break. It's getting dark and it's all too quiet and I can't trust anything now and it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake. Oh, I'm holding my breath, won't lose you again. Something's made your eyes go cold, come on, come on, don't leave me like this. I thought I had you figured out. Something's gone terribly wrong, you're all I wanted. Can't breathe whenever you're gone, can't turn back now, I'm haunted. Stood there and watched you walk away from everything we had but I still mean every word I said to you. 
POV - Ariana Grande (Feyre realizing she wants Rhys, chapter 50-53)
You know me better than I do, can't seem to keep nothing from you. How you touch my soul from the outside? Permeate my ego and my pride. I wanna love me the way that you love me, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too, I'd love to see me from your point of view. I wanna trust me the way that you trust me 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do, I'd love to see me from your point of view. I'm gеtting used to receiving, still gеtting good at not leaving. I'ma love you even though I'm scared, learnin' to be grateful for myself. You love my lips 'cause they say the things we've always been afraid of. I can feel it startin' to subside, learnin' to believe in what is mine. I couldn't believe it or see it for myself. Boy, I be impatient, but now I'm out here fallin', fallin', frozen, slowly. Fallin', got me right, I won't keep you waitin'. All my baggage fadin' safely and if my eyes deceive me, won't let them stray too far away. 
I hear a symphony - Cody Fry (chapter 54)
I used to hear a simple song, that was until you came along. Now in it's place is something new, I hear it when I look at you. With simple songs I wanted more, perfection is so quick to bore. You are more beautiful by far, our flaws are who we really are. 
Kelsey Woods - chapter 54
Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine (acomaf chapter 54-55)
And in the dark I can hear your heartbeat. I tried to find the sound but then it stopped and I was in the darkness, so darkness I became. The stars, the Moon, they have all been blown out. You've left me in the dark, no dawn, no day. I'm always in this twilight, in the shadow of your heart. I took the stars from my eyes and then I made a map and knew that somehow I could find my way back. Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too, so I stayed in the darkness with you. 
Lay all your love on me - ABBA (acomaf chapter 55, Feyre accepting the mating bond)
I wasn't jealous before we met, now every woman I see is a potential threat and I'm possessive, it isn't nice, you've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice but now it isn't true, now everything is new and all I've learned has overturned, I beg of you: Don't go wasting your emotion, lay all your love on me. It was like shooting a sitting duck, a little small talk, a smile, and baby I was stuck. I still don't know what you've done with me, a grown-up woman should never fall so easily. I feel a kind of fear, 2hen I don't have you near. I've had a few little love affairs, they didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce. I used to think I was sensible, it makes the truth even more incomprehensible. 'Cause everything is new and everything is you and all I've learned has overturned. What can I do?
Stargirl - The Weeknd, Lana Del Rey (chapter 55)
I had a vision, a vision of my nails in the kitchen scratching counter tops, I was screaming. My back arched like a cat, my position couldn't stop. You were hitting it and I shouldn't cry, but I love it, starboy. I just wanna see you shine 'cause I know you are a stargirl. 
Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift (acomaf, before entering Hybern) 
He's so tall and handsome as hell, he's so bad, but he does it so well. I can see the end as it begins, my one condition is: say you'll remember me. Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe. Red lips and rosy cheeks, say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams. 
Alive - Victoria Carbol (Acomaf)
Bring me back to life, end this darkness inside. I want to feel alive, eyes lit with star-kissed fire. A touch taking me higher, I want to feel alive. Who are we? Friend or rivals? Falling under your spell. What lies behind your smiles? Oh, you wear them so well I could learn to be, to trust but the fire I was has burn to dust. Again haunted, again taunted. Again trapped and running in circles. Then you release me, again I am free. Oh, again. Take my hand and we'll rise. 
Infinity - Jaymes Young (acowar) 
Baby, this love, I'll never let it die. Can't be touched by no one, I'd like to see 'em try. 'Cause I love you for infinity, I love you for infinity. Oh, darling, my soul, you know it aches for yours and you've been filling this hole since you were born, oh. 'Cause you're the reason I believe in fate, you're my paradise and I'll do anything to be your love or be your sacrifice. Meet me at the bottom of the ocean, where the time is frozen. Where all the universe is open, love isn't random, we are chosen and we could wear the same crown, keep slowing your heart down. We are the gods now. 
Never Enough - Loren Allred (beginning of acowar)
I'm trying to hold my breath, let it stay this way, can't let this moment end. You set off a dream in me, fetting louder now, can you hear it echoing? Take my hand, will you share this with me? 'Cause darling, without you all the shine of a thousand spotlights, all the stars we steal from the night sky, will never be enough. Towers of gold are still too little, these hands could hold the world but it'll never be enough. 
You should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish (acowar court of nightmares) 
You should see me in a crown, I'm gonna run this nothing town. Watch me make 'em bow one by one by one. You should see me in a crown, your silence is my favorite sound. Watch me make 'em bow one by one by one
Everybody wants to rule the world - tears for fears (High Lord meeting) 
Welcome to your life, there's no turning back. Even while we sleep we will find you, acting on your best behavior. Turn your back on mother nature. Everybody wants to rule the world. It's my own design, it's my own remorse. Help me to decide, help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever,everybody wants to rule the world. There's a room where the light won't find you, holding hands while the walls come tumbling down. When they do I'll be right behind you. So glad we've almost made it, so sad they had to fade it, everybody wants to rule the world. I can't stand this indecision, married with a lack of vision. Everybody wants to rule the world. 
Take on the World - You Me At Six (Feysand getting ready for war) 
Just say the word, we'll take on the world. Just say you're hurt, we'll face the worst, oh. I can see, see the pain in your eyes, oh believe, believe me and I have tried. No I won't, I won't pretend to know what you've been through, you should know, I wish it was me not you. Nobody knows you the way that I know you, look in my eyes I will never desert you and just say the word, we'll take on the world. And it's the fight, the fight of our lives. You and I we were made to thrive and I am your future and I am your past, never forget we were built to last. Step out of the shadows and into my life, silence the voices thay haunt you inside. We'll fight, we'll crawl, into the night, I won't let go with you by my side. The calm, the storm we'll face it all. 
Somewhere only we know - Keane (acowar before battle)
I walked across an empty land, I knew the pathway like the back of my hand. I felt the earth beneath my feet, sat by the river and it made me complete. Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?. I'm gettin' old, and I need something to rely on. So, tell me when you're gonna let me in, I'm gettin' tired, and I need somewhere to begin. I came across a fallen tree, I felt the branches of it looking at me. Is this the place we used to love?. Is this the place that I've been dreaming of? And if you have a minute, why don't we go, talk about it somewhere only we know?. This could be the end of everything, so, why don't we go somewhere only we know? 
I guess I'm in love - Clinton Kane (Rhysand pre-battle speech for Feyre)
Oh, I'm obsessed with the way your head is layin' on my chest, how you love the things I hate about myself. That no one knows, but with you, I see hope again. Oh, I'm a mess, when I overthink the little things in my head. You seem to always help me catch my breath but then I lose it again, when I look at you, that's the end and why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes? Butterflies can't stop me fallin' for you and darlin', this is more than anything I felt before, sou're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak but I know now I found the one I love and I love the way you can never find the right things to say and you can't sit still an hour in the day. I'm so in love, let's run away because us is enough. Come close, let me be home for anything, good or bad, I know it's worth it 
Dancing with our hands tied - Taylor Swift (Feysand story until acowar death) 
I loved you in secret, first sight, yeah, we love without reason. Oh, twenty-five years old, how were you to know, and my love had been frozen. Deep blue, but you painted me golden and you held me close. Oh, how was I to know that I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets, picture of your face in an invisible locket. You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it, I had a bad feeling and darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis. People started talking, putting us through our paces, I knew there was no one in the world who could take it, I had a bad feeling but we were dancing with our hands tied. Yeah, we were dancing like it was the first time. I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us. I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted. Oh, 'cause it's gravity keeping you with me. I'd kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down. I'd hold you as the water rushes in, if I could dance with you again. 
All I want - Kodaline (Rhys's death) 
All I want is nothing more to hear you knocking at my door 'cause if I could see your face once more I could die as a happy man I'm sure. When you said your last goodbye, I died a little bit inside. I lay in tears in bed all night, alone without you by my side but if you loved me, why did you leave me? Take my body, all I want is, all I need is, to find somebody. I'll find somebody. 'Cause you brought out the best of me, apart of me I'd never seen. You took my soul wiped it clean, our love was made for movie screens but if you loved me, why did you leave me? 
As the world caves in - Matt maltese (Feyre screaming over Rhys's dead body | more vibes than accuracy) 
Till Forever Falls Apart - Ashe and Finneas (Feysand death pact) 
Out on our own, dreaming in a world that we both know. Is out of our control but if shit hits the fan we're not alone 'cause you've got me and you know that I've got you and I know if the tide takes California, I'm so glad I got to hold ya. So this is it, that's how it ends, I guess there's nothing more romantic than dying with your friends and I'm not sorry for myself, I wouldn't wanna spend a minute loving anybody else. I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart, I swear that I'll be yours forever 'til forever falls apart. 
Moondust - Jaymes Young (Acofas) 
I'm building this house, on the moon, like a lost, astronaut. Looking at you, like a star from the place, the world forgot and there's nothing, that I can do except bury my love for you. The brightness of the sun, will give me just enough to bury my love in the Moondust I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice to bury my love in the Moondust. Nothing can breathe, in the space. Colder than, the darkest sea, I have dreams about the days. Driving through your sunset breeze but the first thing that I will do is bury my love for you. 
Queendom - Aurora (Feyre after acowar, working as High Lady) 
The underdogs are my lions, the silent ones are my choir, the women will be my soldiers with the weight of life on their shoulders. Drink until you've had enough, I'll drink from your hands, I will be your warrior, I will be your lamb 'til queendom come, my queendom come. The sea waves are my evening gown and the sun on my head is my crown. I made this queendom on my own and all the mountains are my throne. I hunt the grounds for empathy and hate the way it hides from me, with care and thirst I have become, you have a home in my Queendom
Out of the woods - Taylor Swift (Acofas remembering acowar) 
Looking at it now, it all seems so simple. We were lying on your couch, I remember you took a Polaroid of us, then discovered the rest of the world was black and white but we were in screaming color and I remember thinking, are we out of the woods yet? Are we in the clear yet? Looking at it now, last December we were built to fall apart, then fall back together, Oh, your necklace hanging from my neck, the night we couldn't quite forget when we decided, to move the furniture so we could dance, baby, like we stood a chance, two paper airplanes flying and I remember thinking are we out of the woods yet? Are we in the clear yet?
Lover - Taylor Swift (Domestic Feysand, finally happy)
We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January and this is our place, we make the rules and there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear, have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years? Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And take me out, and take me home You're my lover. We could let our friends crash in the living room, this is our place, we make the call and I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you, I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all. Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover. My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue, all's well that ends well to end up with you Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover and you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me and at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover. Darling, you're my lover. 
Coldplay - Sparks (Feysand holding Nyx) 
But I promise you this, I'll always look out for you. Yeah, that's what I'll do. My heart is yours, It's you that I hold on. Yeah, that's what I do. 
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afrianajeng · 2 years
3 Album Terbaik Tahun 2022
Album berikut berhasil membuat saya jatuh hati kala mendengar untuk pertama kali:
1. Tulus - Manusia
Setelah 6 tahun lamanya sejak rilis ‘monokrom’ tahun 2016, akhirnya Tulus kembali merilis album bertajuk ‘manusia’. Album berisi 10 nomor lagu ini menceritakan ragam dinamika rasa kita sebagai manusia. Misalnya, “Tujuh Belas” sebagai nostalgia masa remaja, “kelana” yang mempertanyakan tujuan hidup, dan terakhir “Satu Kali” agar tidak pernah menyerah dan menyesal. Kemudian, “Hati Hati di Jalan” yang sangat sukses menjadi bukti bahwa ia masih menjadi seorang hitmaker seperti yang sudah-sudah.
2. The Jansen - Banal Semakin Binal
Keluh kesah di usia remaja menuju dua lima dan setelahnya yang sangat relevan dengan kehidupan para pendengarnya, mungkin menjadi poin kenapa The Jansen masih mendapat tempat di hati para pendengar baru (dan lama) mereka. Pertanyaan tentang langit yang menurut mereka tak seharusnya biru hingga pernyataan bahwa kita adalah pemeran utama disebuah opera, semuanya ditulis seperti musik punk lokal dari era 70an seperti yang  mereka tasbihkan "Mid-Tempo 70's Punk" pada bio instagram.
3. Perunggu - Memorandum
Band rock pulang ngantor yang terdiri dari trio pekerja korporat asal Jakarta ini merefleksikan keseharian pekerja yang tak luput dari berkompromi dengan frustasi kerah putih. Misalnya, “Ini Abadi” yang dengan baik menggambarkan keresahan khas pekerja ‘tentang mimpi berkecukupan tanpa harus lembur lagi’. Kemudian ditutup dengan “33x” yang terasa seperti pengingat ‘kelak kau mengingat, kau akan teringat’.
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The guy you're traveling with must be a good friend for you both to want to travel for a month together. You must trust him a lot that you trust him to take care of you for a month in foreign country. It makes me happy to know this kind of deep friendship and trust exist. I feel friends are often often forced into the category of "casual social relationships".
As an aroace who isn't looking for romantic love or sexual relationship, and is right now lonely, sometimes I buy into the societal idea.. that if it's not romance, it can only be casual, and you can't expect deep trust or commitment.
And in the past my friend will get romantic partner and now we can't be close nomore.
Gives me hope that you have romantic partner(s) and also deep trust commitment friends.
Thank you.
Yeah me and Quinn don't have anything romantic going on but I would trust that dude with my life and I love him so much. Friendship isn't necessarily a casual thing to me. Nor are my friendships inherently inferior to my romantic relationships. If I love you then I love you and the details of exactly how I love you are largely irrelevant
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abhiprayarssm · 1 year
Halo semuanyaa perkenalkan nama aku Abhipraya Rasendriya S. Aku akan menceritakan pengalaman ku selama aku mengikuti ekskul paduan suara dan sampai akhirnya mengikuti salah satu lomba paduan suara.
Aku mulai mengikuti paduan suara sudah agak lama, mungkin sekitar 1 atau 2 bulan yang lalu. Perjalanan ku dimulai pada saat aku mengikuti latihan paduan suara setiap hari Jumat dan latihan nya itu 2 minggu sekali. Pertama kali ikut paduan suara, masing masing siswa dites suara nya untuk di ketahui jenis suara.
Kebetulan aku masuk suara Alto. Setelah latihan selama beberapa lama, kami memutuskan untuk mengikuti lomba paduan suara. Jadwal latihan kami menjadi sangat padat sehingga kami bisa latihan 2 bahkan sampai 3 kali seminggunya.
Kami akan berlomba pada tanggal 10 September di gedung kesenian dan kebudayaan di pondok kelapa. Lomba kali ini kami akan membawakan lagu Surilang dan Nyiur Hijau.
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Ini adalah salah satu foto saat kami berlatih paduan suara bersama. Kami berlatih hanya selama 2 minggu karena memang sangat mepet dengan jadwal lomba.
Kami pada saat itu sangat takut dan gugup, karena kami akan melawan 31 sekolah dalam lomba paduan suara tersebut. Sebagian dari sekolah itu sudah sangat terlatih, sementara kami hanya beberapa orang yang baru masuk ke dalam dunia paduan suara dan sangat baru.
Namun kami disuruh tetap percaya diri sama guru paduan suara kami, seengganya kami tidak malu maluin dan tetap memberikan yang terbaik untuk lomba kali ini
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Anggota paduan suara kami berjumlah sekitar 30 an siswa namun yang ikut lomba hanya sekitar 25 siswa. Foto ini adalah foto sebelum kami mulai tampil ke atas panggung dan mulai bernyanyi. Sebelum kami tampil, kami melakukan simulasi untuk naik ke atas panggung karena kami sama sekali belum berpengalaman dalam lomba paduan suara.
Ketika sudah selesai kami kembali duduk dan melihat dan mendengarkan sekolah lain, kami sangat terkejut melihat kemampuan dari sekolah lain yang membuat kami menjadi cemas, tapi kami tetap percaya diri.
Beberapa saat kemudian, kami mulai diajak ke belakang panggung untuk latihan sebentar dan mencoba untuk pemanasan suara. Kami bernyanyi Surilang dan Nyiur Hijau di belakang panggung. Sebelum kami masuk ke panggung, kami merapihkan accessories kami yaitu pita.
Nomor urut kami telah dipanggil untuk menuju ke panggung. Perasaan kami pada saat itu sangat gugup melihat sangat banyak nya orang yang akan melihat kami bernyanyi
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Kami mulai bernyanyi di atas panggung dengan perasaan yang gugup, namun semua berjalan lancar sampai selesai bernyanyi. Kami tidak berharap untuk menang karena kami tau kalau penampilan sekolah lain ada yang lebih bagus, tetapi ada juga yang lebih buruk dari kami:)
Setelah kami selesai tampil, kami keluar gedung untuk mencari jajanan dan membeli beberapa jajanan di luar. Sambil memakan jajanan yang telah kami beli, kami melihat penampilan tari karena lomba tari dan paduan suara dilaksanakan secara bersamaan namun dengan letak tempat yang berbeda.
Tiba lah saat kami untuk diumumkan juara. Tapi pada lomba kali ini kami tidak menang tentunya, namun tidak masalah karena kami sudah memberikan yang terbaik untuk lomba yang pertama kali nya.
Kami harap untuk selanjutnya semoga menjadi lebih baik dan bisa mengikuti lomba lomba lagi dan memenangkan lomba tersebut.
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yunitagamisjumbo · 2 years
0858-2666-1921 TERMURAH, Jual Lampu Hias Kubah Masjid Cikopoma1.JPG,[email protected],Laba100Jt/Bln0858-2666-1921 TERMURAH
Jual Lampu Hias Kubah Masjid Wirajaya"
0 notes
ciametal · 2 years
Baby Metal History
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BABY METAL awalnya merupakan grup vokal dan tari beraliran exprimental metal asal Jepang yang terbentuk pada tahun 2010 sebagai sub-unit dari grup idola SAKURA GAKUIN di Jepang.
Grup ini terdiri dari 3 gadis sekolah di antaranya
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Suzuka Nakamoto (中元 すず香) atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan SU-METAL di posisi Vocal & Dance, lahir di Hiroshima pada tanggal 20 Desember 1997.
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Moa Kikuchi (菊地 最愛) atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan MOAMETAL di posisi Scream & Dance, lahir di Kanagawa pada tanggal 20 Juni 1999.
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Yui Mizuno (水野 由結) atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan YUIMETAL di posisi Scream & Dance, lahir di Aichi pada tanggal 4 Juli 1999.
Album mereka berhasil menempati peringkat ke-4 di tangga lagu album mingguan Oricon, dengan total sejumlah 37.463 kopi terjual di Jepang di minggu pertama, peringkat ke-2 di tangga lagu album Billboard Japan dan peringkat ke-187 di Billboard 200 Amerika Serikat yang merupakan salah satu posisi tertinggi yang pernah dicapai oleh album Jepang di chart tersebut sampai saat ini.
2010 - 2012
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Grup ini pertama kali dibentuk pada 2010 sebagai sub unit grup idol perempuan di jepang yang bernama Sakura Gakuin, yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan sebuah gabungan idol dan musik metal. Bahkan saat grup Baby Metal terbentuk, ketiga anggota tersebut (Su, Moa & Yui) sebelumnya tidak ada yang tahu apa itu musik metal.
Baby Metal pertama kali tampil secara live pada 28 November 2010, di konser solo pertama Sakura Gakuin. Lagu pertama mereka adalah "Doki Doki Morning" yang sebenarnya diterbitkan pada April 2011 dalam album Sakura Gakuin 2010 Nendo : Message.
Pada bulan Juli 2011, Babymetal memulai debut mereka dengan lagu, "Ijime, Dame, Zettai" (" tidak ada lagi pelecehan"), yang dibawakan dalam konser Sakura Gakuin, tetapi lagu itu hanya dinyanyikan selama konser live pada waktu itu. Video musik pertama mereka adalah "Doki Doki Morning" yang diterbitkan oleh channel Toy`s Factory di Youtube pada 12 Oktober 2011. video officialnya bisa dilihat "DI SINI"
Pada bulan Oktober 2011, Baby Metal membuat sebuah video musik untuk lagunya dalam bentuk DVD single yang ditujukan untuk distribusi terbatas [penampilan live saja]. Setelah diunggah ke Youtube pada bulan yang sama, bertepatan pada akhir 2012 penonton video mencapai 1 juta views.
Single CD Babymetal yang pertama kali adalah hits kolaborasi dengan sebuah band bernama Akiba, yang berjudul "Babymetal × Kiba of Akiba". Diterbitkan dalam sebuah sublabel Toy`s Factory (Jūonbu Records).
Pada Maret 2012, lagu tersebut menduduki peringkat ketiga pada tangga lagu Oricon weekly indie chart dan nomor satu di Tower Records Shibuya weekly indie ranking.
Pada Juli 2012, Babymetal merilis sebuah lagu yang berjudul "Headbanger". Video musik untuk trek judul disutradarai oleh Hidenobu tanabe .
Pada Agustus 2012, Babymetal memulai debutnya di Japan's Summer Sonic Festival. Dengan usia rata - rata 12 tahun, band ini menjadi penampilan termuda yang pernah muncul disana.
2012 juga menandai tour Asia pertamanya ke luar Jepang untuk pertama kalinya di AFA 2012 Singapura.
2013 - 2015
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Pada Januari 2013, band ini memulai debutnya pada label rekaman utamanya dengan "Ijime, Dame, Zettai" video officialnya bisa dilihat "DI SINI". Single ini terjual mencapai angka 19,000 kopi lagu dalam minggu pertamanya dan menduduki peringkat ke 6 di tangga lagu Oricon weekly indie chart.
Pada musim semi 2013, Nakamoto lulus dari pendidikan menengah atasnya dan kemudian harus "lulus" dari Sakura Gakuin (sebuah grup perempuan tingkat dasar dan menengah atas). Walaupun begitu, manajemen mereka memutuskan bahwa babymetal tidak akan bubar dan akan melanjutkan aktivitasnya sebagai sebuah band.
Grup ini merilis single lanjut mereka, "Megitsune" video officialnya bisa dilihat "DI SINI", pada 19 Juni, diikuti bulan November dengan perilisan video secara Live Live: Legend I, D, Z Apocalyps, yang mana menduduki tempat ke tujuh dalam the weekly Oricon Blu-ray Disc charts, dan tempat kedua di antara single Blu-ray lainnya.
Pada 10 dan 11 Agustus 2013, babymetal mengambil bagian lagi dalam Summer Sonic Festival, yang tampil di dua tempat yaitu Tokyo dan Osaka.
Kemudian, pada Oktober 2013, Babymetal juga menjadi penampilan termuda yang pernah muncul di heavy metal music festival Loud Park.
Pada Bulan November 2013, Babymetal merilis sebuah video promo untuk debut film Metallica di Jepang Through the Never. Dan mendekati akhir 2013 babymetal melakukan tour Asia lainnya di Indonesia pada AFAID 2013 dan kedua kalinya di Singapura setelah tour asia di luar negeri pertama mereka pada 2012.
Pada 26 Februari 2014, babymetal merilis album self-titled perdananya. album tersebut berisi 13 trek lagu dan juga tersedia dlam edisi terbatas termasuk DVD dengan Video musik dan penampilan live.
Album ini sangat diterima dengan sangat baik oleh kritikus musik dan publik, terjual sebesar 37,000 kopi di Jepang pada minggu pertamanya, menduduki peringkat 4 di tangga lagu Oricon dan Billboard Japan.
Album ini juga menduduki posisi terbaik di iTunes Metal charts di Jerman, Inggris, dan Amerika, dan mencapai urutan 187 pada US Billboard 200 chart pada 22 Maret; hanya sedikit artis Jepang yang pernah masuk di tangga lagu ini.
Album mereka juga berhasil masuk ke dalam Heatseekers chart di urutan ke 4. pada 1 dan 2 Maret 2014, band ini menampilakn 2 konser di Budokan. Dengan rata - rata usia 14 tahun. mereka menjadi penampilan termuda yang pernah melakukan konser disana. Dua konser tersebut dihadiri 20,000 orang.
Pada 3 April 2014, video reaksi Youtube dengan terkejut diunggah oleh Fine Brothers channeldi Youtube tentang video musik "Doki Doki Morning", "line!", and "Gimme Chocolate!!". Pada 30 April 2016, video reaksi Babymetal untuk reaksi mereka di rilis di Youtube.
Band Pendukung "Baby Metal" disaat Live performance didukung oleh sebuah grup pendukung bernama "Kami-Band" yang tampil dengan dandanan ala mayat, dengan formasi dua gitaris, satu bassis dan seorang drummer yang biasanya tampil dalam satu panggung selama acara.
Takayoshi Ohmura (C4) - gitar
Leda (Deluhi/Galneryus) - gitar
Mikio Fujioka - gitar
BOH (Binecks) - gitar bass
Hideki Aoyama (Ever+Last) - drum
Yuya Maeta (Blue Man Group) - drum
Itulah sekilas riwayat dari kemunculan anak2 cahaya dari jepang yang bernama "BABY METAL"
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