#s: brettiago
limaloversparadise · 6 years
A Ring and A Baby - Brettiago
Brett was in an outright panic. He’d been doing the dishes and took his ring off and now he couldn’t find it. It meant everything to him. It was the sign that he was married to Santiago. It was what marked him as belonging to his husband. It showed how much he loved his soulmate. He could feel tears brimming and felt some start sliding down his cheeks. He gave up in that moment. He had to tell Santiago. He went up to their room, tears still streaming and sniffled as he looked at Santiago. “S-San....I-I lost my ring.” He moved closer to him and sniffled again. “I was doing the dishes and I took it off and now it’s gone. See!” He held up his hand to show Santiago the ring missing from his finger and then ran his other hand down his face, the ring on the wrong hand, clear for Santiago to see. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lose it. I just...I messed up. Please don’t be mad.” 
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oliverindies-blog · 6 years
closed starter for @ryanindies
long, well-manicured fingers threaded easily through silky blonde strands of hair, not quite pushing down, but certainly keeping the person attached to said strands in place. “yes, b. you’re so gorgeous like this. love having you all to myself,” santiago babbled happily, chest flushed beneath his opaque undershirt. brett’s lips continued to work him, slurping sounds filling the room, almost embarrassingly loud. luckily for them both, santiago’s family was not around for the evening, and really, san actually thought it was pretty hot. “don’t stop baby, don’t stop--” he huffed, the sheets beneath him feeling uncomfortably warm, his hair damp and stuck to his forehead. he loved giving compliments to his...friend. brett really was in his element like this; on his hands and knees, happily taking care of san and making sure that his pleasure came first. not that san wouldn’t reciprocate by any means, but it was always nice to sometimes allow himself to feel cherished by the only person he trusted to ‘cherish’ him. he would gag at his emotional thoughts if he wasn’t so distracted. almost like magic, brett began to pull away -- “i said don’t stop, b. what’re you doing?” the lilting whine to his voice grating against his own ears.
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