#s: like you just lost any revenue you couldve made from me sharing your article as a source
spectrumspace · 4 years
I wanna say that the stupid ad was probably made this invasive on the pretense that if it annoys everyone, they'll talk about it being annoying, which garners them more attention and word of mouth, but, like, looking at the response, I feel like there was a line and they pushed it too far. People are instinctively drawn into following the crowd, yes, so throwing the same thing at them several times will change their mind eventually, but they aren’t stupid. If anything, now the crowd has unanimously decided strongly against the show.
In tags and replies regarding this ad, I've seen people who were interested in beginning the show, or already watched its previous season(s?), conclude that this campaign singlehandedly made them decide against watching it out of spite. At best, I've seen fans try to defend it (lol dont bother you cant “just ignore it” it takes up the whole screen every time you log on), but a good majority of them feel ashamed of it, too (which sucks! im sorry your tags are full of hate!). And I haven't seen a single person even joke about hate-watching it or enjoying it to epicly troll the haters or anything. So that tactic was a massive failure.
And, like, their previous campaign was sleazy and successful in a Tumblr-exclusive way. They made bizarre gif ads of, like, laser babies that you could reblog and everyone went, "OMG TUMBLR THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME REBLOG ADS LOOK AT HOW WEIRD THIS IS" which got more people looking at their show. They made you think “haha funny baby im going to watch it because thats funny”. Like, that works. It's that subtle (and overt) psychological stuff, like trying to personify their brand on Twitter. In that former case, it got you thinking about the product by putting it everywhere in subtle reminders, or trying to predict how you’d react, which is exactly what they want.
This ad, though? Couldn't have made it worse if they tried.
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