luxaltare · 11 months
emblem disengage; team ten steel round
Lene awakens on horseback ready to continue the fight once more. At least she doesn't have to rely on her own legs, aching and tired as they are. Their foes are faceless, ghostly illusions but there's also something... oddly familiar about them. Despite the lack of facial features, she could swear she's sat near a couple of them in class before.
She shakes her head, mentally berating herself to stay focussed. Her sympathies cannot be wasted on enemies who would tear her and her allies apart.
Instead she takes in their faces, Larcei's the most familiar of course, Sakura's ever so adorable, Diamant who looks every inch the stalwart protector and Arval, bright and cheeky. They are who she fights for, who she swears to do her best to keep safe. In a short period of time, they've managed to swiftly work their way into her heart and become precious to her. Their foes are mighty indeed, but they can't waver now.
If she were alone, she'd have given up by now. Instead she surveys their opponents, looking for one she can at least land a free potshot or two on. Lene might not be the strongest fighter but she was determined to help in whatever way she could.
"Hey, big guy! See how you like this!" Lene taunts the Hero-King, as she prepares to strike. A fox shaped spirit settles atop her shoulder to her surprise. Never before had she seen magic spirits but she takes this as a blessing. A mischievous fox on her side.
Lene (5/10 HP) attacks Hero-King (18/18 HP*) with Cyclone of the Fox from range. Roll d5: 5! Roll 5d20-4: 6, 3, 11, 20, 7 (all -4) = 2, -1, 7, 16, 3. Barely hit, Miss, Hit, Crit, Barely Hit. -1, 0, -2, -4, -1 = 8 damage. Hero King has 10/18 HP* remaining Hero King cannot counterattack.
"Haha, thanks Sakura! Couldn't have done it without you." Lene cheers, grateful for the inspiring support of their sweet-natured priestess. "You're a star, you know that?"
After launching a barrage of attacks at the Hero-King, she turns back to her allies. They deserve her attention far more. Trotting over to Arval, she claps him fondly on the back.
"Here, let me help you!"
Lene (5/10 HP) heals Arval (5/10 HP) with Recover. Roll d20: 19! +6 HP restored. Arval has 10/10 HP Renewal triggers! Lene gains +2 HP (7/10 HP)
"There we go, much better. Go get 'em kiddo."
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