nagargent · 10 months
While she's making her rounds greeting guests and handing out party favors, Ethlyn stops and stares at one particular attendee. A young woman, probably close to Leif’s age, but she has that same mysterious, ethereal presence as Deirdre. She looks like Deirdre too and Ethlyn is almost certain she knows who this must be.
“Hi, welcome! Ethlyn Chalphy Claus,” she introduces herself, offering a hand to shake before gifting what must be Deirdre’s daughter with a bag of a plush sapphire velvet with braided gold drawstrings. If she is tempted to peek inside, she will find the festive goodies of the typical Chalphy holiday season: roasted nuts coated in a caramelized warming spice mixture, a hand-pulled twisted peppermint stick, decadent candied orange peel, and a holiday cracker to be pulled later with little knick-knacks within. “It’s…nice to meet you.”
"Ah! Thank you Lady Eth-- Lady Claus," Julia corrects herself with a bow of her head. She may know and care for Leif and Altena but it's presumptuous to assume their mother will be as comfortable and open with her as her children are. Especially with the shadow of her father, lingering close at hand. Best to tread carefully, her hosts have welcomed her more graciously than she deserves. "I'm excited to be here, thank you kindly for the invite."
Her fingers fiddle with the golden drawstring in her hands. She restrains from opening the velvet bag right this second, despite eagerly anticipating whatever sweet treats may be waiting inside.
"It's really nice to meet you as well. Thank you for hosting such a lovely event for us all. I-- I have to go powder my-- speak to the uh... birds outside. Have a lovely evening!"
With frosted cheeks and another bow of the head, Julia quickly makes her exit. The tension in the air was palpable enough to make her head swim and heart race. Oh, she really hoped her presence wasn't going to bother anyone tonight.
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lalamines · 2 years
to win back springtime that we lost; edge of eden final battle
It had been years already. Mercedes had given up all hope of ever returning to life in Fodlan. A distant world, a lifetime forever out of reach. She had settled down into her life by General Malo’s side, aiding the woman in every mission that was thrown their way. It’s on one of those missions that Mercedes wakes up somewhere that is very clearly not a military base.
At first there’s a stage. Taunting. Then there isn’t a stage at all. It’s difficult to wrap her head around but she finds herself amongst familiar faces. Allies from Rhedrise. Other faces too, on the opposing side.
Now united against a common enemy. Even the glint in Melanthios’ eyes feels like a challenge. Makes her blood scream out. 
She takes the Ichor scroll in her hands, and the screaming is replaced by a chorus of muses. Mercedes knows what must be done.
Roll d20:12! Hit! 3 damage to Melanthios. Reduced to 1.5 by Agarthan Technology. Roll d20-4: 15! Hit. 2.5 damage to Mercedes. Melanthios recovers 1 HP. Deals 1HP out of Combat to Mercedes Melanthios has 13.5/14 HP remaining Mercedes has 6.5/10 HP remaining
Roll d2: 1! Crest of Lamine activates. Roll d20: 10! Mercedes uses Recover to heal Lyn. Lyn and Mercedes both recover 4 HP Lyn has 9/10 HP remaining. Mercedes has 10/10 HP remaining
It’s frustrating enough that her spells are weakened by something dark and ancient. Even worse when the Dark Bishop saps her own strength too. Thankfully, Mercedes feels the power of her Crest and takes the opportunity to do something useful. Lyn already looks exhausted and the battle has barely started. Slipping over to her side, Mercedes casts Recover, restoring her own health and vitality as well.
“Feeling better? Let me know if you’re injured again, okay?” Mercedes says to Lyn, giving the woman’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. This wasn’t going to be an easy battle but if they could rely on one another’s strengths, she was sure they’d prevail.
They had to, after all.
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lalamines · 3 years
turn out the lights
Mercedes, decked out in her tattered wedding dress and green make up, emerged through the veil with a kitten held in her arms. The little dear wore a purple cape and matching hat, decorated with stars. They both looked the part - dressed perfectly for the festivities and she smiled brightly as she welcomed her guests.
“Thank you for coming, ladies. Tonight you are the Magic Club’s most honoured guests,” Mercedes takes a moment to look over at the three young women in front of her. She recognises Lady Ethlyn of the knights and Micaiah of the Black Eagles from around the monastery. It’s lovely to see them getting involved in this season’s celebrations! Sharena stands with them, looking paler than usual and Mercedes can’t help but worry about her housemate. Was she feeling unwell? “Tonight I am tasked with taking you on a tour of Garreg Mach’s most hallowed and haunted halls! You’ll come face to face with ghouls, demons and monsters from beyond the grave. Follow me, if you dare.”
With a flick of her wrist, the lantern that dangled from Mr. Snufflekins neck began to glow and eerie pale yellow. Mercedes set him down gently on the floor and gave his chin an appreciative scratch. He was so well behaved and helpful.
“You’re doing a fantastic job.” she whispered in his ear before straightening up and passing back behind the silken lilac veil hung from the ceiling. Mr. Snufflekins obediently followed, lighting the almost pitch black hallway as he trotted along in step with her. Their guests took the cue to carry on after them and Mercedes grinned wolfishly with her back turned to them. The corridor was so dark and quiet you could hear a pin drop, decorated in cobwebs that could stick to one’s skin.
“The halls of Garreg Mach have stood for almost a millenia. In that time these walls have seen all manner of horrors and tragedy,” Mercedes turned her head to face the women behind her as she spoke but kept her hands hidden in front. She couldn’t let them see her gestures falling in time with the scares now could she? “Death, torture, demonic beasts, war and even the pain of lost love. The goddess weeps at the pain endured here from her seat in the heavens. The anguish of those who can no longer cry for themselves.” 
Mercedes brought her hands together gently, setting off a sudden crash of lightning followed by ghostly wailing that reverberated through the hallway. Hmm, perhaps she should up the ante a little, she thought as she drew a circle in the air with her finger. A second later, a shriek came from behind her as one of the ladies felt ectoplasm drip down their back.
@ladyleonster @frauleindermorgen @sheerempathy
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lalamines · 3 years
12 for the picture one!
The house was wonderfully cozy, Mercedes thought to herself before tripping over an errant teddy bear. Whoops! She'd have to mind her footing. Two bright-eyed children, a young girl and a boy, barely toddling on his own, clung to their mother's skirt. Mercedes beamed at them before addressing their mother.
"It's a pleasure, honestly," she insisted, "there's no need to worry Mrs Claus. I'll make sure they're bathed and in bed on time. Enjoy your night out, you both deserve it."
After shooing Ethlyn out of the door, on her date with her husband, Mercedes turned to the two children stood before her. The youngest glared at her, suspicion still evident in his eyes. She smiled at him, trying to seem as gentle and friendly as she could. There's a tug on her hands as the daughter asks for her attention, wanting to show her a macaroni portrait of Ethlyn. It’s darling, really and she’s sure the little boy will warm up to her in time.
What could possibly go wrong?
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