#sɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏʀʀᴏsɪᴏɴ | r. - j.h.
dracwife · 10 months
i love you monster f/os that take such care in handling their lovers, being aware of their own strength and using not even a fraction of it to adore their partners, ones who know not the true nature of their beloved's power until they need to use it to protect the ones they love in a blaze of firey passion
i love you immortal f/os who have waited centuries to find love once again, who spend hours pondering if they will ever find a kindness in the world that a lost lover once showed them, only to find it in the most unexpected of places; who begin to wonder if their gift is truly a lonely, accursed existence until they find happiness once again in the arms of someone new
i love you undead f/os who shine at the feeling of being seen for the first time since dying, who wonder if they are doomed to live another life only to have what they once did torn away once more, who wonder if they even have a soul anymore only to come to the conclusion they must, for if they didnt surely they would not have found their soulmate, someone who brings them the warmth of life again
i love you doomed f/os, who shy away from the touch of another, fearful not for their own safety but of the one they love's, who weep not out of self pity but because they want so desperately to melt into the arms of a lover, whose curse is broken by the sheer power of their lover's dedicated adoring so that they may love together once more
pr*ship/c*mship dni
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dracwife · 11 months
cherry waves.
ship: sing this corrosion -> heidi/jasper
word count: 1067
summary: during a frenzied moment of weakness, jasper breaks his only rule.
warnings: rated uhm. probably way too suggestive for a fic about a nos in frenzy so. be aware. also there's blood
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the waves suck you in then you drown, if like, you'd just stay down with me i'll swim down with you, is that what you want?
The word comes falling from his lips before his fangs even break into the soft flesh they graze. 
Weak creature. The Hunger speaks to him. Do it. 
The fingers that wrap his shoulders hold him close, soft bated gasps with hot breath that clings to his cold skin below. 
His tongue is warm, licking along that same spot, that pulse; He feels his own dead heart surge with some semblance of a beat as the vitae courses his veins once more.
Yet, for all the sweet scent that attracts his teeth closer to his lover's neck something causes him hesitation. He does not do this. He has never done this. It is wrong. He told himself, for that whole long transition after the Embrace that he would never feed from a mortal. He would rather run. Would rather starve.
The Blood, the Hunger, it speaks to him.
They culminate, viscous churning into that Beast that finally comes forth. 
Oh, but you are not in control anymore, dear Damned. 
He swore he would never once harm an innocent.
But is it harm if they beg so sweetly, indulged in such intoxicating ecstasy?
His fangs sink into their flesh.
And from that first savory sip, that hazy and wonderful taste that only a lover can provide Jasper wonders if the irony of something so sinful feeling so heavenly is lost on the universe.
Their head falls back, against the dark pillow and a dazed whine climbs their vocal chords. He can feel it escape through their throat out into the open of the loft, coming tangled in ripped satin sheets and frayed blankets.
His claws tear another hole into them, but he doesn't think Heidi will much mind.
Were he not so desperate, he would feel disgusted. But every last drop of willpower he held was spent already, something about the gentle caress of his dear -- dare he say deliciously -- saporous Kine drew forth both that still very human side of him and at the same time that disgusting thing he desperately buried within the recesses of his every being. And all he can think of now was the taste of their life against his throat where the burn dampens into satiation.
Their whimpers draw him from his hazy thoughts, wanton gasps with every drink he takes as he sighs his own pleasure against their cheek.
For a moment, Jasper wonders why exactly he has never fed from a human before. 
The blood is warm in his mouth, and as it dissipates within him his heart pounds against his ribcage -- a sensation he barely remembers anymore -- and it's as he pulls away for a moment and swallows the Beast once more down to the depths of his very being that it responds in an echoing cacophony of frenzied greed and desire:
Because no other human could taste this good. 
Their hands wander his chest and if it were any other time he would shrink away, were it any other being he would push back, hiss terrible things and slink back into the night to ponder his monstrous nature these nights. 
But this was Heidi, who sang sweetly his name in a murmur as they lay in the euphoric aftermath of the Kiss below him, so vulnerable and so willing to offer themselves to him when he had no other choice.
Their head lulls to the right, exposing their neck more and they pull him closer again, dazed.
His teeth find their wound again, and again he drinks deep; Now though he has much more control over himself. The blood churns in his stomach, and the shame presses his weight heavy against the body below him. His nails drag upwards against their side, up their cheek, almost covering their eyes as he pulls their face away from him and buries his own into them further, feeling sick and powerful and wicked and so, so good at once. 
It's not long, but a few seconds, before he pulls his fangs away again and replaces them with tongue, predator to prey in a blissful animalistic aftermath, a single swipe closing the wound as quickly and easily as it was opened. But he does not move from the crook of their neck. 
Part of him feels embarrassed. He wants to flee like he did when he first felt the Hunger, but as the mortal below comes to again, their wrists grip where his hold them down. 
"Feeling better?" their voice is still low, speech slurred as their brain struggles to coordinate their thoughts coherently. 
"Much." His voice is but a growl, but still he treats them so delicate as he untangles himself from their grasp, pulling away and leaning back onto the bed next to them. He pulls them close, cradling their head and back gently as they come down from the foggy high. 
He worries for a moment he drank too much and he already feels compelled to flee having broken his only rule, but the tug against his tattered dark shirt shakes the suggestion. There they lay, tranquil lovers in a moonlit serenity that filters through the near window. 
They relax deeper into his touch, not so used to how warm he feels after he feeds and he almost resents it.
They mumble praises, affections, absolute devotion and had he not heard them so often before he would attribute it to the Kiss' inherent intemperance on victims. 
"Tell me that again tomorrow night," he wants to say. Because he doubts himself, or because he realizes then how much he misses this -- this warmth, this intimacy -- he does not know. He forces himself to focus on the more pleasant feeling that tingles on his lips still, lips that he licks clean the last of the blood from, and presses against theirs as they look upwards with love-drunk wonder, and he allows himself for the first time since his Embrace to truly be seen, and he sees them fully back. He regrets having to ask so much of them. He kisses them again. Rests his head against theirs. He could wait until tomorrow to debate his convictions. 
For now, he whispers apologies, and holds them close for they have given him something no other mortal has, something he has never given anyone the chance to, and he remembers what it is to be human: 
It is to love, and to be loved.
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dracwife · 1 year
what about undead lovers though. who are afraid of being too cold to the touch but long to hold you anyways, and who aren't held by the same constraints as the mortal coil but try to adapt to human norms and rituals because they want so bad to live their unlives with you, who can't go out during the day but spend every night by your side, or who don't eat like normal humans but would rather face the wake and discomfort of hunger then expose that monstrous side to you, who could so easily kill you but treat you so gentle and are so acutely aware of your fragility, who are afraid to break something so precious and push you away out of fear only to crumble at your slightest touch and affection, who love you too much for their cold dead heart to bear, who care so much that when they're with you they almost feel the beat of it again and who desperately cling to whatever last sheds of humanity they can claim through you
pr*ship/c*mship dni
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dracwife · 9 months
ship: sing this corrosion -> jasper/calypso
word count: 401
summary: jasper risks breaching the masquerade, just to see calypso. for safeshiptember day 2: masquerade
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"What the hell are you doing?"
"You weren't answering your phone."
Calypso pushes the man into a nearby booth, very quickly taking their spot next to him, propping up a menu to cover their faces in a very unsubtle rush.
"Jas, you can't just walk into my work -- Someone's gonna see you!" they hiss.
"Me? You sent me a text just saying 'Emergency,' and you expect me to not show up?"
"Well, if you would've texted me back you would've known it's cause I left my hair tie at home."
Jasper stops, dumbfounded.
"Emergency? Over a hair tie?"
"I needed it for my outfit."
"I thought you were in danger, Heids."
"You need to stop taking things so seriously, Jas."
The Nosferatu sighs, pulling his hood closer around himself, then leans back. He crosses his arms, head falling to the side to look at his partner.
"I was worried about you."
Heidi's stubborn frustration melts away, their heart sinking.
"I know, Jas. I'm sorry, I just -- I want to be normal again. As normal as they can be, at least. I want things to be like how they were. When --"
"You were human?"
Calypso nods. 
"Yeah, I used to wish that too."
Calypso looks over towards him, towards the cracked skin and dark eyes that set in sunken sockets, deep darkened circles surrounding them. He pulls at a frayed string on his sweater, with bony claws and frowns, sharpened fangs poking just over his bottom lip. Calypso leans against him, heart aching knowing that even now, they had more than he could ever have -- the freedom to walk amongst the living. Their thoughts wander to him, as they most always do and they feel bad for even being angry; To a man that had so little, of course they would have been important, of course even something so small as a text would have caused alarm. And he couldn't take that chance.
"I really am sorry, Jas. And I appreciate you coming up to check on me."
He grunts an acknowledgement, but Calypso notices how he leans into their touch.
"Say, why don't you stay a while? It’s our Halloween party tonight -- I don’t think people will pay much attention if you hung around for a while.”
“You’re just saying that cause you feel bad.”
Calypso smiles, leans over and presses a kiss to his cheek.
“Also because I love you.”
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dracwife · 1 year
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he just comes off as so human in these idk. idk !!!!! something so precious and dear to my heart especially the first one he just looks so gentle and i can just. imagine him giving that same look to calypso when theyre just relaxing and and hes just. so soft and human when hes w them fuck off
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dracwife · 1 year
Oooh ... how about 15? That's one I always love!
~ librarian-lover 📖
i saved this one for a while, and im glad i did. ty sarah !! ♡
15. Steadying you before you fall.
L.A. was particularly warm that night. Their fingers fumbled with their keys, struggling under the humidity and the weight of paper and cardboard that filled their grip otherwise.
They huffed, and readjusted the groceries in their arms.
Their keys dangled freely, and again they struggled to find the lock. At last they did, and frustrated, they leaned into the door.
They were falling before they even knew what happened. Their foot, still caught on the concrete step, twisted, and with a grunt of pain they braced for the impact of the stone against their skin.
But alas, it didn't come.
The cold fingers that wrapped around their arms pulled them gently back, flush against an equally cold chest, even through the thick fabric that wrapped itself around him. His breath though was warmer against their ear, with a low voice, almost animalistic in its raspy, strained growl.
"You should really be more careful."
Heidi sighs.
"Did you watch me that whole time?"
"Maybe," they could hear his smile, "But I'm here now."
"Gee. Thanks. How kind," their deadpan causes Jasper's smile to falter, if only for a moment.
Heidi attempts to take the step again, but upon putting weight on the twisted ankle they stumble again, hissing in searing pain and leaning back against Jasper.
"Are you alright?" his voice is concerned now. He takes the brunt of their weight against himself, and easily slips the paper bags from their arms.
"I don't know."
"Sit," he commands simply, easing them down onto the stair, then stands again, towering over them. He disappears into the thin hallway of the apartment for what seems like only a moment before returning to that spot outside where Heidi rests.
"You shouldn't be out in the open like this," Heidi mumbles, rubbing at their leg.
"I know," he pauses for a moment, leaning down and slipping an arm just below their knees, the other cradling their back, "The things I do for you," he stands again, lifting them easily.
"You must love me a whole lot then, huh?" Heidi teases, barely smiling through the shooting agony of their foot yet again.
Jasper glances down at them, shaking his head slightly, that smirk back on his face, a low chuckle somewhere deep in his chest.
"I guess I must."
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dracwife · 11 months
❣️, ♦️, and ♠️ for whoever comes to mind~
❣️: Reminds you of your F/O
Bela Lugosi's Dead - Bauhaus
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I actually have nothing here except that I extrapolated from a throwaway line that Jasper likes Bauhaus so.
♦️: Describes your S/I
Bloody Knuckles - Sleeping with Sirens
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Something about this one just hits different but it kinda applies to most of my s/is just bc of the escapism aspect I usually incorporate into their stories/etc. Anyways it's very much Heidi's outlook on life and living on the edge y'know. Also it's just a banger
♠️: Describes your relationship
This Corrosion - The Sisters of Mercy
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I could go into deep lore about how this song is shitting on the singer's ex bandmates and that it's really meaningless but really what's important is that it's a goth club banger and honestly at face value in my own headcanon "corrosion" = being a vampire/being exposed to Kindred society and Heidi wants to be a part of Jasper's life so bad they'd do anything.
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dracwife · 11 months
hi mischa!! for the music asks, how about about ❣️,♠️, and‼️ for any of your f/o's :D
HIIII CAITIE!!! thank uuuuu for the ask these r so fun !!
❣️: Reminds you of your F/O
Bloodletting (The Vampire Song) - Concrete Blonde
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Teehee I love on the nose goth songs. They reference Concrete Blonde in the campaign and so my brain made the connection<3
♠️: Describes your relationship
Love You To Death - Type-O Negative
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<3 Literally
‼️: Reminds you of when you first found your F/O
Love Like Blood - Killing Joke
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I'M SO SAD I ALREADY USED THIS CORROSION....but that's okay this one has been stuck in my head the last few days also, even though I have known about this song for a few years, I just associate it with Jas now for some reason
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dracwife · 11 months
➿ ♠️ 🎟 for whoever you're feeling :3
➿: You imagine mutual pining to
Change (In the House of Flies) - Deftones
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Sorry for picking another Deftones song I don't mean to I'm just taking from my Jasper playlist (it's all goth bangers and also Deftones) Anyways something something vulnerability something something hesitance to fall in love and changing as you do for better or worse...
♠️: Describes your relationship
The Blood is Love - Queens of the Stone Age
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Being in love and waiting to die is just so. [ chef's kiss ]
🎟: You can imagine your first date to
Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge
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I don't know why every She Wants Revenge song is so horny but what EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! So is being Kindred. Anyways they don't have much of a first "date" but they do have a first meeting and like, immediately become entranced with each other and that's kind of the equivalent, I think.....
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dracwife · 11 months
❣️ ❇️ 💞 for your newest guy :3
ehe he hoo
❣️: Reminds you of your F/O
Blood - In This Moment
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I blame Malice for this one but hey the song is in my brain now and there's not much I can do!
❇️: Reminds you of your S/I
The Summoning - Sleep Token
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Just kind of reminds me of Heidi's inner monologue early in the relationship hrm ...
💞: Reminds you of your relationship
Sister - She Wants Revenge
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Maybe this is too suggestive but isn't being a vampire inherently a little homoerotic
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dracwife · 11 months
💞+💭 for whoever! -@mashyaoi
TY RED !!!
💞: Reminds you of your relationship
Beauty School - Deftones
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I cannot help that every Deftones song is so fitting for them, okay. But also. Do you blame me. It's about the symbolism it's about ugliness on the inside versus the outside it's about the harshness of the world and finding solace in one person it's about the metaphor of the Kiss and the euphoria that you can also find within someone else.
💭: You like to daydream about the two of you to
Dead on a Sunday's cover of Bloody Mary
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Cliche and stupid but I have such a specific scene of the bar Heidi is working at and this song is playing as ambiance and Jas just having to watch from a distance because he can't just waltz in there and talk to them...And he's conflicted about his feelings and maybe even a little jealous, and Heidi's feeling down because they think Jasper's left them and wondering what they did wrong even though all they said was they didn't think he was a monster and!!!!!!!
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dracwife · 11 months
♥️ and ♦️ for ur ship with ur new(?) guy
♥️: Describes your F/O
976-EVIL - Deftones
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To be honest, this one could go both ways -- Jasper definitely is frightened of getting close to anyone again, let alone a human; Heidi's side is a bit more literal with Jas being a vampire ofc.
♦️: Describes your S/I
Cherry Waves - Deftones
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Heidi had a tendency in life to trust people far too easily -- especially those they know would likely hurt them.
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