vilwil-brr · 1 year
general tags, events
soft sunday - softsun.brr
nsfw, nsfw.brr
grian - g.brr
scar - s.brr
mayor scar - ms.brr
impulse - i.brr
etho - e.brr
mumbo - m.brr
xisuma - x.brr
doc - d.brr
tango - t.brr
bdubs - b.brr
beef - bf.brr
cub - c.brr
keralis - ke.brr
xb - xb.brr
zedaph - z.brr
ren - r.brr
iskall - is.brr
welsknight - wk.brr
helsknight - hk.brr
evil x - evx.brr
life series/empires/misc mcyt
jimmy solidarity - j.brr
mythical sausage - myth.brr
sam - sm.brr
foolish - fool.brr
non mcyt 
the last of us, joel - joel.brr
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vilwil-brr · 2 years
Hallo beloved :>
Just a short brainrot from like earlier i know this is just me and my case of maladaptive daydreaming BUT-
Polyamory is a thing in my opinion in the soulmate au that is double life
The thought of being the first one to figure out that you are tethered to grian and scar and not knowing how to tell them cuz theyre just them. The history they have..do you really wanna interfere with it?...
(i dunno why im trying to get better at writing i know it isnt better but i wanna try at least :'>)
Hope you have a nice day / evening beloved
(Ayyy ay ay! Zip! Pshsshshhs! don’t say that! Writing takes time and effort and practice, as does anything! What matters is if you like and want to do it, keep practicing and keep going!)
It wasn’t difficult to realize just who you were bound to when you grouped up so early. Grian tripped and took some damage, and you felt the stinging on your knee. Scar got punched by Joel and you felt it just the same, a bruise to match already starting to form.
And you saw just how Grian felt his side where Scar was punched, where you felt the blunt pain. Saw just how he yelled so loud you’re surprised Scar didn’t hear him, angry and aggravated.
Maybe you should have said something then. But it’s been several days since and Grian hasn’t even talked to Scar, who’s happy enough to do his own thing, and well - what do you even say at this point?
It’s not like their soul bond was surprising. They gravitate towards each other, for better or for worse. They’ve always had something special, ever since these games started, since they took off for the desert and didn’t look back. There’s a history, there’s a weight there, something cosmic in the way they’re brought back together again and again.
And, well…just how are you supposed to match up to that?
Grian asks if you want to build with him, maybe help him get Scar to join, and for all your self doubts you can’t find it in you to say no. You laugh and help him build up walls, and ignore the twisting in your stomach when you talk about how he’s going to tell Scar.
It’s easy to ignore that the same cosmic forces that brought them together also brought you in. With the way you gravitate towards them, no matter your second guessing and worry, it’s not that surprising.
That doesn’t make it easy. It doesn’t mean you tell them about your splitting headache when Grian comes back with Scar in tow, the two of them in a similar pain. It doesn’t mean you catch the way they look at you when the sun sets and you settle down to rest, worried and half in love already.
You’ll tell them tomorrow, you think, telling them goodnight before laying down in the grass.
You’ll tell them tomorrow.
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vilwil-brr · 2 years
Halloo just wanted to send in for the ask- but wadyu think mr elf hot guy himself would react to an so with wings as well :> just a soft moment if you want my liege :> i missed you :> i hope you have a nice day (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
Mr hot guy would be so jealous of the way you would be able to fly. Sure, he has his elytra and fireworks, but the way you just soar so naturally, able to maneuver far better - and the way you describe it? The pure freedom, feeling the wind in your feathers and the way your wings stretch towards the sky?
He tries to pull off some of the tricks that you do, asking you to teach him. It takes a lot of practice, but eventually he can do some of the trickier moves! When he’s not colliding into the ground, or his own tree, or one of the shops….
His hands are so nice when he helps you preen. Nice nimble fingers that are usually pretty steady - the hands of an archer. It’s nice to curl up in his base or yours and let him fix your wings, let your instincts kick in as he combs through your feathers and talks about everything and nothing. He’s so enthusiastic about cuddling afterwards.
I think. I think he’d like to collect your feathers, if you’d let him. Or at least make something out of one or two. They’re just so pretty! And this way he’ll have something to remind him of you on a rainy day.
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vilwil-brr · 2 years
Just wanna send it an oddly specific trope that i like-
You know the moment where two characters are in the edge of death (both are stupidly in love with each other but didnt know how to confess) so they might as well confess their undying love for each other since they thought theyre going to die, plot twist they got both survive and have to deal with the consequence of confessing to each other when the grim reaper was waving-
Just with scar- i think its established how much i love the man-
Also how have you been beloved?? Mcc was so fun to watch (i watched scar but thinking of watching jimmy's pov coz flower husbands)
Have you been eating well?? Hydrating well?? Getting some sunshine?? Adulting?? :3
Have a nice day/evening love
Ive been ok! I watched Scar as well for this mcc mentioned and it was an event and a half - but I’m answering this a month late so I’ll also say I watched Ranboo and Grian for the pride mcc! The girls the gays and Grian represent lol!
In typical fashion, I wrote an essay instead of something small and reasonable, so enjoy because this concept is damn good.
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
You were supposed to plan something amazing, pull out all the stops with a thought out plan, make it meaningful when you confessed. If you ever got the courage to do so at all.
It was supposed to be something great, or you would take any confessions of feelings to the grave.
It’s funny really, how close that was to becoming a reality.
Your hand clasped in his, knowing that even if help would come, it would be far too late. The frantic panic that rose when the truth settled in; that there would be no daring escape, no last minute miracles.
You wouldn’t get the chance to have a future with the scarred man stuck with you. There would be no more sunrises and no more shared meals and no perfect confession.
Scar looked at you with a far too calm smile, squeezing your hand in reassurance - it’s something sad and somber, an acceptance that made your stomach swoop and tears well up in your eyes.
He opened his mouth to say something; final words, some reassurance maybe - but you spoke before he could get the chance.
“I love you,” you blurted out, squeezing his hand tighter. “I love you so much and I didn’t - I don’t want us to die without you knowing, I don’t-“
“I love you too,” he interrupted. If he could have scooted closer to you, he would have - he settled for squeezing your hand again. “I love you, I love you so much. It’ll be okay.”
He held your hand as you sobbed and waited for the inevitable. 
But it never came. Somehow, by some miracle, help had found the two of you, hands stuck together even in unconsciousness.
The next time you woke up, you were in a clean bed, and your hand was achingly empty.
You’re on the road to recovery, an IV in your arm and potions being served alongside your meals, but it’s slow going. Scar is somewhere outside that door, recovering all the same, but something keeps you tied to your bed even when you’re able to leave the room.
The two of you shouldn’t have survived what you did. You should be rotting there where you had been found, the confession of your love dying alongside you both.
But you survived. You’re breathing and alive, and that means there has to be an after your confession. That means your brain is working to overthink and worry and wonder why. Why did he say I love you back?
What if he was just saying that because it was the end, and he didn’t want you to die sad? What if he changed his mind after, and he’s had time to realize his mistake?
There weren’t supposed to be any consequences to your final actions, because they were meant to be just that - final.
It’s Scar that comes to you, in the end. He knocks a little knock and wheels into your room, and wastes no time in rolling to where you sit. He doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t need to - he wraps his arms around you, and all too quickly your worries and doubts that built up over the weeks come crashing down.
“I thought I’d never see you again,” he whispers, his voice hoarse and cracking with emotion, and it’s all you can do to hug him back and cry.
“I’m okay. We’re okay,” you say, and he bunches up your shirt in his fists as he holds you tight. You don’t say I Love You, or I’m Sorry, but it’s in your quiet sobs and tight embrace.
So it wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t even good. A love confession that was meant to die with those who told it, messy and rushed and sorrowful.
But there would be a day after your confession. Time to spend together, to talk, and laugh, and cry together. Here in each other’s arms, you’re alive - and that’s what matters most of all.
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vilwil-brr · 2 years
Hi fren :>
How are you today?
I just found out birbs needs incredible pectoral strength for wings
Just either big tiddy grian-
Or reader just with big wings and big tiddy
Interacting with scar-
Im half asleep
But i need to share this with someone-
Hsve a nice day/evening love ( •͈ᴗ•͈)
Hi! I’m answering this a day late lol I was very busy yesterday, but I am ok! Just woke up, I slept 15 hours which sure is something so this response will barely be coherent lmaoo
But yes oooo Grian who is just so fucking built there, jacked with massive tits. He’s usually well hidden with his sweaters but once you saw him shirtless and stopped working for a second, because holy shit?
If you have wings too? God that’d be so fun. This is more silly, but like, you and Grian could do that thing where you make your pecs dance. Iconic. Do that in front of Scar to both amuse him and fluster him.
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vilwil-brr · 2 years
feeling soft so you have to deal with it. also dont ask questions you can listen to music through communicators now i Make The Rules
listening to pda by interpol and just jamming out with scar, you’re sharing a headset that connects to your communicator and you have the volume a bit low for your taste bit scar gas super elf heating or whatever the fuck and you don’t accidentally wanna rupture an eardrum so you’re just bopping your head and your body is swaying a bit with the music and scars listening and hes smiling and bopping his head too and you turn to face each other and you just start mouthing the lyrics at each other and then you both burst into laughter and and then and then you kiss and hold hands and listen to more music and SLEEP TIGHT GRIM RITE WE HAVE TWO HUNDRED COUCHES SO YOU CAN SLEEP TONIGHTTTTT
Sitting side by side, his thigh pressed against yours, your head leaning on his shoulder as the two of you sway to the music. You elbow him and start to mouth along to the lyrics, giggling as he does the same, dramatically performing the chorus to each other and busting out your best air guitar and air drums.
When the instrumental break hits, he stands up and tugs you with him, pulling you into a swing dance to a song that really doesn’t work to swing dance to. It doesn’t stop the two of you, swinging each other while carefully keeping the communicator between you so the earbuds can reach.
And then the music is slowing down on the last few lines, you’re panting out of breath, and hes smiling so wide and laughing. You’re overcome with such an intense joy and love of him in that moment, you feel you may burst. Of course you surge up to kiss him, pressing your lips to his in what barely counts as a kiss with how wide the two of you are smiling, and how you can’t stop giggling. He hums into the kiss, and comes back for another, and another, until he’s pressing kisses all across your face as the song fades out.
When the next song plays, the two of you sit down again, thigh pressed against thigh, your head on his shoulder. He reaches for your hand and laces your fingers together, humming along to the new tune that plays through your earbuds, something a little more soft.
You think that if tomorrow will be anything like today with him, then your life would be complete.
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vilwil-brr · 2 years
just thinking ab pulling silly shenanigans with scar and grian bc i love them and how chaotic they are together. would literally be a dream to pull a prank with them. just silly lil guys.
also hi welcome back ive missed u and ur incredible writing!!!!
I’ve missed you too!! It’s good to be back and writing again kfkskfkdn thank youuu <3
And you are so so so correct, they’re the perfect duo to team up with for some whacky shenanigans, some mischief and hijinks if you will.
Scar would be the perfect distraction, talking off whoever’s ear it is your pranking while you and Grian sneak into their base to set it all up. It’s almost entirely for nothing, though, because you and Grian can barely stop dramatically whispering and giggling to yourselves, falling over each other with humor over something you haven’t even completed yet.
Or perching together in one of Scars many trees, careful not to shake the leaves as you wait above for Ren to walk down the path, inventory full of pie filling to drop down onto his head. But you made the fatal mistake of having Scar sit at the end of the branch - it takes all of five minutes for him to over exaggerate a movement while talking with Grian and lose his balance, sending him tumbling down to the ground below. You almost join him in his fall, clutching your stomach and Grian’s shoulder as you laugh yourself breathless.
Or teaming up with Scar to get Grian, shifting all of the furniture in his base just a little bit to the left. It takes you three attempts to pull it off. The first time you’re caught red handed, and have to eat one of Scar’s elven kisses to teleport away. You end up on the roof, while Scar ends up just a few feet away of where he started, smiling sheepishly at Grian’s raised eyebrow. The second time, a creeper manages to sneak up on you - you end up having to rebuild the damages instead of pulling your prank. The third time goes off without a hitch, and Grian has yet to realize what the two of you have done.
They’re silly and they’re goofy, your honor.
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