#s3 currenthousehold
beresimsdreamworld · 10 months
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Random images of today's gameplay🧚‍♀️🦄💕✨
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simsmodelsimmer · 7 years
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Current Household
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beresimsdreamworld · 9 months
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Emmit pone en forma a toda la familia.
Emmit gets the whole family in shape.
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beresimsdreamworld · 10 months
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beresimsdreamworld · 9 months
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Olvidé mencionar que para poder avanzar en la carrera de jinete tienes que hacer algunos sacrificios enormes tal cual como vender caballos, tiene rato de que Emmit vendió a Sunshine y a Midnight para subir unos cuantos peldaños en su carrera y ahora solo tengo 2 unicornios en el establo, por lo tanto he pensado que es tiempo de que Cherry y Rain se reproduzcan para así garantizar el futuro de su linaje y aparte poder negociar a los potrillos resultantes... Aunque el juego realmente pague muy mal por mis especímenes.
I forgot to mention that in order to advance in your career as a jockey you have to make some huge sacrifices such as selling horses, it's been a while since Emmit sold Sunshine and Midnight to climb a few steps in his career and now I only have 2 unicorns in the stable , therefore I thought it was time for Cherry and Rain to reproduce in order to guarantee the future of their lineage and also be able to trade the resulting foals... Although the game really pays very poorly for my specimens.
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beresimsdreamworld · 9 months
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Snow and Nicholas.
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beresimsdreamworld · 9 months
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Un buen potaje calientito para disfrutar después de las festividades, nada mas y nada menos que sopa de pescado hecha con mucho amor de mamá.
A good warm stew to enjoy after the festivities, nothing more and nothing less than fish soup made with a lot of love from mom.
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beresimsdreamworld · 9 months
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Toda la familia comienza a hacer ejercicio juntos por la mañana 💪🏼✨
The whole family starts exercising together in the morning 💪🏼✨
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beresimsdreamworld · 9 months
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Erase una vez en un sueño hermoso...
Once upon a time in a beautiful dream...
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beresimsdreamworld · 9 months
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Como historia personal, decidí recrear a mi perro que falleció hace ya unos años... Aun lo sigo extrañando mucho así que decidí resucitarlo al menos en mi juego, su recuerdo permanece conmigo y ahora también en mi juego favorito.
Por cierto se llama Hachinto tanto en la vida real como en el juego.
As a personal story, I decided to recreate my dog who died a few years ago... I still miss him a lot so I decided to resurrect him at least in my game, his memory remains with me and now also in my favorite game.
By the way, his name is Hachinto both in real life and in the game.
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beresimsdreamworld · 9 months
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La pequeña Rachel prueba nuevos snacks y comidas, eso le abre la puerta a nuevas experiencias y sabores bastantes distintos que los de la glutinosa e insípida papilla de siempre.
Little Rachel tries new snacks and foods, which opens the door to new experiences and flavors that are quite different from the usual glutinous and tasteless porridge.
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beresimsdreamworld · 9 months
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Andrea is just chilling enjoying the sun ☀️😎💦
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beresimsdreamworld · 9 months
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Saturday's club morning workout and then rest.
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beresimsdreamworld · 10 months
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Second place at an international competition, yeah that's quite good for being noobies, and yeah... She rode her unicorn in pajamas.
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beresimsdreamworld · 10 months
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beresimsdreamworld · 10 months
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Después de días de serias y molestas dificultades técnicas con el juego y mi pc... Por fin los gemelos crecieron y se convirtieron en adolescentes Anderson y Andrea tendrán que enfrentar los nuevos retos de la pubertad... ¿Serán chicos buenos o serán rebeldes como su hermana mayor Cassidy que acostumbraba fumar y vapear a temprana edad y no mencionar su vida sexual activa? Eso lo veremos después.
After days of serious and annoying technical difficulties with the game and my PC... Finally the twins grew up and became teenagers. Anderson and Andrea will have to face the new challenges of puberty... Will they be good kids or will they be rebellious? like her older sister Cassidy who used to smoke and vape at an early age and not to mention her active sex life? We'll see that later.
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