#sadistic yandere fans make some noise!!!!
yandere--stuck · 4 months
Yandere!Jax x Reader Headcanons
💜 As the most recent addition to the circus, after Pomni, you're a prime target for Jax's particular brand of hazing. He'll immediately latch onto any perceived weaknesses and fears to get under your skin and make your newfound existence in an eternal Hell all the more disorienting and miserable. And no matter how you react, Jax only seems to feed off it.
🐰 Fearful and upset? Jax gets so much amusement out of making you scared. Even if the others try to comfort you, Jax will immediately pop in with commentary to amplify your misery. Aw, gonna cry, little baby? Oh, you poor, poor thing. It's okay, Jax will be your friend. Might as well, right? Not like you can exactly escape him.
💜 Angry? Try to fight back? Jax finds it hilarious. He might even encourage you, urging you closer to him to yell in his face or to land a hit on him. Depending on how tall your new form is compared to his, he might be able to push your face away while you swipe at air. Ooo, how about a game of tag, one where he taunts and insults you until you chase after him. Even if you manage to get your hands on him and beat the tar out of him, the feeling of victory you've gotten out of tying his limbs into bows is quickly extinguished by the realization that he likes it. Jax laughs until he's breathless. You're a real riot, you know? You two should hang out more often.~
🐰 Even if you're near unresponsive, it won't put him off. He'll keep pushing and pushing you until he's sure you'll break. He'll insult you, spread rumors, even go so far as to shove you around if it means getting a reaction out of you. Jax will delight in your repressed rage or misery. Even if you become completely despondent, it fills Jax with a sadistic glee. His poor little sad sack. His cute punching bag. 
💜 Gangle is silently thankful for your presence having drawn Jax's attention off of her. Now when the group is off on adventures, if you choose to join, your unofficial role is essentially Jax's lackey. You're forced through threat or cohesion to do the hard things that nobody wants to do - or, rather, forced to the things only Jax wants done, but doesn't want to do himself. If you refuse, you'll be met with a barrage of insults until he either gives up or physically forces you to do what he wants.
🐰 Jax knows the others can't stand his behavior. Can't stand him. But, they like you. Of course they do. So he has to keep you away from them. You're his, after all. He chose you. That's why he's honed in on you so obsessively. He'll lead you away from them, and only then is he gentle. An arm around your shoulder. A kiss to the cheek. His voice, for once, is soft and gentle. Pleading with you with big bunny eyes that he needs you. That he really cares. He wouldn't push you so hard if he didn't care. If he didn't… Love you. You might not believe it, at first. That's okay, though. Jax has plenty of time to convince you. And when you do, when you finally accept him and his place by your side, you won't be able to the smug, shit-eating grin on his when you turn your back to him.
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
ooooooooooohhhhhhh bully!bakugo pleaseeeeee feed me! like I don't know if you do underage things like school, but you can keep it sfw
yandere bully ! BAKUGO KATSUKI
goodiebag WARNINGS: abuse, anxiety, bullying, paranoia, NONCON elements, stalking, manipulation, profanity, anger issues, arson mentions, trauma
In many ways, Bakugo was her morning alarm clock.
A shrill shriek of a sound she wanted nothing more but to ignore and rake at her ears until she grew deaf. An impact, taking a toll on her whole day. Something to regret. And something to dread the next morning.
Something that follows her, haunts her, hunts her in the hours she’s without it and blares like sirens or howls from some great monster when it’s caught her.
Alarm clocks can’t push her to the ground though, that’s where Bakugo deviates.
And he’s always pushing. Toppling her books with a flick of his wrist. Pushing and squeezing and pulling at her like a rag doll. Pushing her into the wall. Pushing screams to come bursting from her lungs. Pushing tears to well up in her eyes. Pushing her sanity.
And now, pushing his knee in between the space of her thighs. Grinding her up against the wall in the barren hall of an empty school. Pushing and digging callous fingers into her thin uniform. Messaging the tender ticklish flesh of her midriff and keeping her in place. Pushing and seizing her breaths with his wicked grin. Teeth sharp and deadly and way too close to her neck.
“Let go!” She screamed. And the echo that reverberated throughout the hallway should have sent every packed classroom to flood the tight space.
But it was a field-day, which meant no classes and everyone outside enjoying the sun.
Except for her and Bakugo.
Cocking his chin in impish humour. He grinned too widely for it to be excused for mere casual bullying.
“Or what?” He coaxed. His breath fanning over cheeks. Wafting into her nose, making her entire face contort. “You’ll tell on me?”
He manipulated his voice to sound childish and whiny. Pouting at her. Yet the sheer maroon look of sadistic thrill was hard to put any mask over.
“Ha? You think this school is gonna give two shits worth a damn about some fucking nerd like you over their top student?”
He was too wrapped up in his frenzy to pay the weak fists banging on his chest any mind. Barely even registering them before they relented. Turning soft and careful, defeated upon his words, as they dragged sloppily down his stomach. Stopping where he’d hiked her skirt up around her hips.
She looked down. The realisation of her situation settling.
Not settling like an explosion, but like dust after the fact. Just like it did every time Bakugo trapped her in a corner.
She didn’t know why she even bothered fighting anymore, knowing how she always gives up.
Her breath hitched and hiccupping as she forced herself to bargain with her bully.
“What do you want, Bakugou?” It was more of a sniffle than a sentence. Meek and feeble and delicious.
But it was wrong in its essence.
“Katsuki.” He growled. His nose touching hers briefly, making her screw her eyes shut in pure crippling fear.
Another thing an alarm clock couldn’t. Come to think of it, perhaps he was rather the sound of bones breaking, or clothes tearing. His laughter like gunshots, and every move he made an explosion that left the ears bleeding and ringing.
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you for you to get it through your thick skull. It’s Katsuki.”
His grip on her waist tightened. And she was sure his claws would rip yet another one of her thin white shirts.
The disgusting instruction left her baffled each time. How he would force her to call him by his given name as though they were good friends as opposed to predator and prey.
“Say it.”
His features were blank in expectancy. Cold despite his fingertips warming.
“Come on! Fucking say it!” Spit flew as he barked his command as he pushed her just a smidge further into the wall.
Her whole body shook. Kept in place by the hold he had on her, but still trembling violently like a leaf caught in a storm.
It was barely audible, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he was rather overcome with satisfaction instead.
“Good.” He seemed subdued.
Calming down as his fingers relented their building fire. Cooling yet nowhere near comfortable.
“Good girl.”
It was close to a purr of some sorts and it made her stomach fold and topple in on itself, as he stroked a stray curl from out of her face. The action only resulting in even more locks of hair falling before her eyes as she shook her head as a means to swat his hand away. Where her own hands were too busy in their position on his chest, in a means to keep him at bay. But it was of little use as his face closed in on hers.
Leaning, towering, suffocating.
Fear of what it looked as though he was about to do crippled the notion of it being ridiculous. But the protest was weak, even as her nails dug into the hardness of his chest.
Her voice overpowered by his, despite it being only a ragged whisper.
“Kiss me.”
Her suspicions where answered, but it only aided in her dread.
She shifted her head to the side to avoid him. Panic consuming her.
But his large encompassing hand was quick in finding her cheek. Cupping it in its callous palm and forcing her to face him yet again.
“Are you deaf? I said kiss me!” He roared. The sound once again blaring like thunder from the gods in her ears.
However, despite his lips coming to attack her and the threat of his sharp fangs that could easily bruise her, she continued to push at him. Trying to pry him off her and run like the prey he had made it clear that she was.
It surprised him to say the least.
Small, weak protests he could brush of with a shrug was nothing he wasn’t used to, but firm acts of retaliation was new.
Granted, he’d never tried kissing her. Always settling for feeling her ample supple flesh in his hands and seeing that sweet look on her face. Feeling his pants grow tight and jacking of in the school showers when no one was there to see him in the downright pathetic state.
His brow quirked. His mouth a firm line until it once again sprung into his signature smirk.
“How about this? Kiss me and I’ll stop.”
Her eyes softened at that. Growing large. And he swore he could see her ears draw back.
There was no doubt she was surprised, intrigued, tempted.
“That’s right.” He drawled.
His thumb rubbed across her bottom lip and she was too consumed by his offer to mind.
“I’ll stop following you around, pushing you, calling you names. I’ll stop it all.”
He drew closer, to her ear. Lips ghosting her temple. Relishing the moment when he felt her shiver because of it.
“And all I ask in return is a little kiss.”
Pulling away, he looked content at first, but soon his features turned malicious once again.
“But... if you refuse... I’ll tell everyone about what a little slut you are. About how you love sucking my cock like a good little cumdumpster.”
She looked horrified at that. Her tears finally spilling over.
“But I-” She stuttered but he paid her no mind.
Already knowing whatever she was about to say.
“Who’s gonna believe you? It’s my word against yours. What are people gonna think? Huh? You think you’ll have any friends left after I run that rumour? Nah... you’ll have no one... and by that time, you’re gonna be begging me to kiss you.” His voice was frenzied.
And it must have purely because he was so lost in that craze, that he didn’t notice her leg coming to kick him in the groin.
She was thoroughly disgusted. Mostly with him, but also with herself to even having considered demeaning herself like that.
“Fuck you.”
His hold relented at the assault. And despite it being a mere temporary act, one he soon recovered from, it was enough for her to start sprinting.
“Fuck me?” He had to laugh.
And she was right. The noise really did sound like gunshots being fired at her as she ran for her life.
“That’s what the whole school’s gonna think you did come tomorrow!”
Falling onto the floor. His arms and legs spread like a starfish he couldn’t stop cackling, as though mad. Excited and thrilled, even with the stinging pain still spurring in his ball-sack. Heck, maybe even because of it.
This was fun. This was very fun.
His voice mellowed down.
“I’m gonna get you… one way or the other…”
Good thing he knows where she lives.
Good thing she didn’t live too far away.
Good thing she hadn’t kissed him.
Good thing he wasn’t forced to become a liar when continuing to force her to do as he wished.
Good thing there was plenty of broom-closets in the school.
Good thing she couldn’t do shit to stop him.
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smallgayblanket · 5 years
OOh - tell me some of your headcannons for the egos?
Ohhh man oh man oh man- which one do i even start with..
I have a load of different HCS that fit certain different spins of how the egos are depending on one what kinda universe they are apart of..
For example, I have one about JJ- Where he was actually made mute by Shawn, except Shawn while his body was puppeted by the ink demon creature that resides within him. (Ive even RP’d a thing with a friend where Shawn’s ink counterpart forced ink into JJ and JJ ended up having his own alter ink persona called Cole.) 
JJ is a bartender- and hes suuuper good at knowing exactly what someone will enjoy as a drink, call it a superpower, he hardly ever goes wrong when asked what he suggests they’d like.   
(Also he has a pocket watch which contains the soul of an old man called Horace who likes to try and provide old man advice to the lad.) 
And although hes a timey fellow, I actually HC’d his ablity would to be to control liquids, his veins in his wrists glow when he does it, its very fancy (and extremely pretty when he can make creatures out of water dance on the surface of the lake)  However over use leads to him suffering an experience of drowning which can be rather dangerous and awfully scary. 
JJ also has a huge fear of knives.
Also I picture him having silver tipped hair, which is just a touch long and flops in his eyes occasionally.
JJ Also suffers malnutrition because of his sore vocal cords/throat. It can be  struggle to get him to eat!. (Did i mention I cannon him as selectively /half mute because he can still talk but its raspy and hurts to do so ? ^^’ ) 
Jackie!! my ladd. Hes a great guy, buff, charming, super big sweetheart too. 
He runs a couple of jobs, depending on where hes at which include: a comic book shop, a gym, or just sneakily hiding in plain sight as a gas station convenience store clerk. 
I HC that his eyes are actually a blue tinted lilac, and glow gold.
He has a red patch in his hair!
Hes v v fast, and buff.
I also had this whole thing about him being able to create glowing golden orbs and if he makes enough of them he can basically make a clone out of orbs, and they copy what he does!
However, I’ve also always adored Phionex! Jackie, who lost his wings and desperately wants to grow them back but despite being reborn from ash they seem to still refuse to resprout. 
Because of  his inhuman nature, he runs really fucking warm! so hes like a human heater.
He gives real good advice, and the bestest fuckin hugs. 
Also for some reason whenever I write him speaking he has a bit of southern in him?
Robbie. Is the softest of lads, he drowns in his sweaters, and as a few autistic traits. Not a fan of big loud noises and crowds and loves soft things to nuzzle up against. Also big oral fixation, boi needs some chew toys.  Hes a good lad, eager to help out and be around the other egos, but also quite the quiet type and happy to sit around at home in his piles of blankets.
I totally HC that Chase suffers from Chronic fatigue, which is part of why his depression got so bad and that he tries his best to make use of his energy. Poor guy can get real tuckered out when he pushes himself too hard.
He's always kept the lime green mess on the top of his head, though sometimes it gets more yellow then he means for it to get. 
He has a tattoo dedicated to his kids hidden under his sleeve on his upper arm/shoulder. It's of some cool triangles. One in red for his son, one in purple for his daughter.
He does really well trying to maintain his bro average channel.
I kinda have a couple views on Anti, since I love cold asshole murder, and also the possibility of ships with a slightly more misunderstood but softer guy.
Hes got static blue eyes, that you’ll only see if hes being vulnerable or super tired that he cant maintain the scary green glow. 
I have a HC that hes actually a missing part of Jacks soul, hence why he feels so unstable, incomplete and sad. Hes missing all the good bits that Sean has, and is left with a cold fragment of what he could really be.
However he has, and does murder. Though he attempts to murder those who have actually done wrong. 
Very sassy and snappy. Takes alot to get to get to who he actually is.
On the other hand he can just be a fucking ruthless torturer and crazy sadistic asshole who has it out for nearly everyone! 
Survival hunter. Weird accent mix of Australian and Irish. Uses 'mate' 'oi' 'bag a few of them' 
Has a trusty machette. And an epic bow which he's p good at using. Large knowledge of trees and animals and survival.
Wears alot of camo/brown stuff. Loads of pockets. Pocket knife/multitool Hair usually slicked back or messy.
Finger less gloves! Oceany more greeny pale eyes. Totally has some cool studs in his ears- maybe a little wolf fang in the side or something.  Beard more like is soft and fuller and well maintained.
 Freckles??? sunspots?? yes. Also toned n tanned Def has scars. On his neck, over his cheek and right eye. Plenty on his hands from burns and stings. Has some nasty ones on his ankle on his right foot from accidentally encountering a rouge set up bear trap- nearly lost his foot. Because of that theres sometimes a faint limp that's only kinda there when hes sick/tired.
Obviously wears boots.
Eats alot of trail mix.Loves his meat tho.
Also partakes in Woodcarving !!
Sometimes rather foolishly ignores when hes hurt.
Lost his right leg from the knee down to an awful incident with a hippo Has a prosthetic leg. 
Also lost from his elbow down his forearm n hand to a Wedingo.
if he were to have a Home it would basically be a sanctuary. Like a huge property out of the way and secluded.. Nice and private. 
HE HAS A St. Bernard. Big puppo-  Called Baloo.
He grows some cool ass rare flowers, some homegrown vegtables n berries. Maybe even a cashew tree/apple tree. Plenty of shade but also fresh air. 
He has solar panels too so hes basically not needing anyone asides the trip to the shop for like basics he cant acquire like soaps n milk n stuff.
My fucking. Boi. 
Fricking soft boy, his aura is hard to control and sometimes controls him.
He has a rare heart issue which makes him prone to fainting and collapsing without much warning.  Still, he tries.
He mumbles an awful lot, and has boughts where his aura ges really bad and he numbs out..(Usually in the corner of his room, everything dark, and loads of errie whispers..) 
His aura can manifest into dead vines. He can also absorb other auras so they cant affect him/others!
Sometimes stray petals end up in his hair.
He’s truly trying to be a good lad, hes just a bit odd and misguided. He worries he’ll turn into a monster.
He fucking loves the moves Finding Nemo, and Finding Dory, because he can be very forgetful too.
Honestly, fav boi, should write more for him i just l ove him alot okay. 
Personally, I HC that the KOTS is actually called Simon. Occasionally i like to picture him with both ears and tail, but generally hes just a guy in glasses in a red sweater who is generally a little skittish and usually quite frazzled.  However he actually isnt all that dumb, and has quite an extensive knowledge on the forests flora and fauna. 
I did have a really mean HC that hes actually allergic to PB, but only in the sense that it upsets his tum, so like a lactose intolerant person, he eats it and regrets that later.
Also, he has a really nice hanging egg nest thing thats really cushioned and he loves to curl up and sleep there with a nice book.
He’s got really pretty amber eyes too!!
He fucking loves space!! and Secretly also is not that bad at painting. It's a soothing thing to do in his downtime. 
His favourite treat is anything with white chocolate and raspberry. 
Also, I quite adore my HC that he loses an arm- Either because of upsetting the heads of the household (Dark/Wilford) or because of a house fire. 
(Also this isnt the place to mention it but I did once get excited about the idea of a Google/Edward fusion called Edware.) 
Nonbinary somewhat MTF.  
They’re a real cutie. but they will punch dickheads without sweat and really just want someone to be their senpai and let them fall for them head over heels without running away..
They have an epic pink katana. Obviously a huge love for japan and its culture and stuff. 
Quite obsessive, but it usually only endangers them for falling so hard that they hurt themselves trying to please their Senpai and beat themselves up over not being worthy or good enough for them when they dont get affection back or end up rejected. 
Also yeah theyre into blood a little bit >.> 
I kinda love the idea of shipping them with Bim and helping him get a supply of ‘meat’ in return Bim gives plenty of affections to satisfy Yans starved nature.
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