#sadly not the last time i'll have to draw a car but. soon i'll be free =u=;
undertalethingems · 10 months
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Unexpected Guests Chapter 10: Page 19
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Gaster's withdrawn from his pursuit for now, and the race to the skeleton brothers' house continues once more--now with more friends to help. With Undyne behind the wheel, it won't take long...
The might be a lull in the action now.... but only for a little bit. The next update comes on August 24th!
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Zukka singer au
Career: Singer/actor
Age: 25
Birth year: November 16th 1997
Origin: Fire Nation
Instrument: Guitar, vocals.
-Zuko grew up in The Fire Nation, son of a successful business man Ozai.
-Sadly, at age 10, Zuko's mother had passed from Breast cancer leaving him with his abusive father and sister.
-At age 13, Zuko claimed he leaned his sexuality and kept it a secret. Unfortunately his sister found out about his secret boyfriend and had reportedly told their father to which the father took violent acts and have Zuko his scar.
-Cps was involved and Zuko was taken out of his home and to his uncle who raised him simce then.
-Zuko. Later graduated from Caldera High and began to go to school for art. He learned drawing, paint and has even tried animation and writing.
-Linkin Park (or another name but they're one of my favorite bands so I might keep it)
-Zuko is their lead singer and guitarist and has been in the music industry for a long time.
-Started at just 14 after he was kicked out of his father's home for being gay and since then, has used music to express his feelings. He later met his good friend Haru and the two began making music before Teo, Jet, Mako, and Bolin came along and soon their band was born.
-At just 15, Zuko's band signed with Oasis Records and their first album Burn It Down was released on May 6th 2012.
-After their album is released, the band became More Popular and Zuko got more brand deals.
-He later appeared on the show The Last Airbender, voicing himself which had high ratings and where singer Sokka got his start to fame.
-After doing shows, the singer went back to his band and released their second album Zero to which reached #1 on Billboard and was even nominated for a Grammy but unfortunately did not win.
-However, his band has been nominated for. Many awards and was won Best Male Video last year. Since then, the band has been growing and growing.
-In the year 2015, Zuko became a music producer, producing his bands music but also producing for other musicians and has even wrote quite a few songs for different artists.
-Since then, Zuko and his band have been growing and growing and are nominated for a grammy for their third album Light In The Darkness, which Zuko says is inspired and dedicated for his Uncle Iroh who took him in after being kicked out of his father's home and was the one who supported him during his career.
-During the Music Festival of Caldera, many rumors about Zuko and the R&B singer Sokka have circulated the internet.
-The two were said to have met at the festival after being told they were going to be performing together.
-They say their first interaction was when Sokka told Zuko he "smelled like weed" and the band singer responded with "I am weed"
-which is no surprised since back in 2017 the singer was arrested for the possession of weed in his ex boyfriends car and was taken into custody.
-After the show, fans reported that the two began getting close. They were seen getting some food together and even sharing a funnel cake together. Fans swept it under the rug, reporting they were just hanging out and getting to know each other
-Soon, Linkin Park announced they were doing a song with Sokka called "Heavy" and fans began creating rumors and claims that the song sounded slightly romantic especially after they looked like they were getting cuddly after the music festival.
-After the song was released, the ship name Zukka became the most trending tag on Twitter. People claimed there had to be something going on between the two but singer Sokka tweeted that there was nothing happening between him and Zuko that the two just clicked and became good friends.
-They haven't done a song together in a while but that doesn't stop fans from speculating there's more going on in closed doors
Do you think there's something happening? Or is it just rumors?
Your choice.
Lol that was fun to write. I'll create a little Wikipedia inspired post for Sokka soon but enjoy this one I made for Zuko ❤️ thank u for reading
Purplestrawberry 💜
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babygirlkiki1016 · 4 years
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Dead in the water
Me and Dean sat on the edge of the bed like two teenagers in trouble as Sam was pacing the room, trying to think on what he should say. Finally he stops and looks at the both of us with his arms crossed.
"So let me get this straight, you tell her you wanna wait till she's eighteen but then you decide screw it?"
"....Sammy-" Dean begins to say but Sam cuts him off.
"Dean if your gonna be with her then you can't have sex till she's eighteen."
"Your ove- wait...what? So hold on your ok with this?"
"Yeah, I mean it was gonna happen sooner or later. It's hard for you to stay away from a beautiful lady anyways." I blushed at Sam's comment.
"Well that's new." Dean mutters and he grabs a lock of my hair, making me look over at him.
"Your hair it's pink and purple."
"So two emotions at once? I'm guessing pink is love....and purple is fear. So your nervous and feeling loved at the same time!" Sam grabs his laptop and begins taking even more notes.
"Aren't you guys afraid if me?....I mean this isn't normal, don't you guys think I'm a monster or something?" I wondered, was I a monster? Is this what happened to me years ago? Is this what dad was talking about, about how he didn't trust John because...something happened to me?
"Well you certainly have powers, but you can't control it besides you don't know what's going on."
"And you haven't killed anyone." Dean adds.
"But why is this happening now? When I was at home none of this was happening....maybe I should call dad..."
"No, we can't risk him finding us, the next time you call him he'll probably be ready....and I don't want you to go..." Dean admits, while scooting closer, I could tell he wanted to kiss me.
"You two get a room! Wait no, don't do that." Sam laughs, "Alright love birds we need to get back to the subject at hand." He starts researching about the case we're working on, Dean was still staring at me. "Dean!" Sam yells, catching his attention. "Day dream later, work now, you need to take Y/n to get a few things."
"Like what?" He asked.
"Tattoo, gun that kind of stuff, if she's gonna be a hunter then she needs to have the supplies."
"W-Wait what tattoo?" I stutter and Dean points to the pentagram on his chest.
"It's so we don't get possessed, don't worry I'll be there with you."
"Ok, and a gun? I mean why not just use the ones we already have in the back of the impala?"
"Cause you need your own, one that you can carry with you at all times." Dean gets up, puts his shirt back on then grabs the keys to baby. "C'mon we'll get you prepared while Sam does his nerdy thing." I chuckle and follow after him, while grabbing his hand to hold it. He didn't even question it, he pulled me in and kissed my lips, making me yearn for more. Sadly the kiss didn't last long, if we stood there any longer Sam probably would've come out. When we got in the car, the whole drive to the tattoo parlor we were jamming out to eye of the tiger. Which I was still humming it while I was sitting in the chair getting the pentagram on my (wherever you decide to put it.)
"That's a pretty good spot." Dean commented, as he sat next to me.
"Thank you." I grinned, he smiled but it slowly faltered over time, making me grab his hand, squeezing it. "You ok?" I asked worriedly.
"...What happened at the motel can't happen again." He didn't even look at me it was like he was ashamed, did he regret what we did?
"Why not?" He didn't answer, I grabbed his chin and made him face me. Sighing he scoots closer as he lowers his voice.
"Your seventeen Y/n...."
"So? We only have (how many months until you birthday.) I'm technically eighteen already."
"One I don't wanna get arrested and two, we met about about three weeks ago. Don't you think we're moving a little to fast?"
"According to Sam you bone a girl on every case, or at least try to, and your saying it's a little to fast?"
"Good point, but....I just want you to be sure this-" He points to himself, as if himself was a problem. "-is what you want."
"....You are what I want, if you weren't I wouldn't have kissed you. Although if you wanna wait....I respect your decision." That made him smile, he leaned over and kissed my forehead.
"Thank you, now I believe your tattoo is done." I looked down at it, it was sexy as hell. After we payed for it, we went on the road again. When we crossed over the bridge I asked Dean if we could stop to see the lake and look at the sunset. Hesitantly he agreed and pulled over, I got out excitedly. The lake was a dark blue mixed in with pink and orange from the sun, it made me sad to think it was gonna be gone soon.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
"Not as beautiful as you." Dean flirted making me blush as he pulled me closer by the waist. He started to lean in, those rough lips covering my soft ones.
"I thought we couldn't do this again."
"I meant almost having sex, kisses are something we can definitely do." He smirked and leaned back in again, and as his lips brushed against mine his phone rang. Angrily he sighed and answer it, it was probably Sam.
"What? No we're not!" The look on his face made me giggle as he looked over at me. He started moving his hand, pretending it was Sam who talks to much. "We'll be there in twenty minutes Sam, we still gotta get a gun. Sam, Sammy we're fine....alright we'll be there as soon as we can. Mhm ok bye."
"He's certainly a talker huh?"
"It's a nightmare on how much he can talk...now where were we? Oh yeah I remember." He pulled me back to his side. "Might as well steal as many kisses I can get before we head back to the kiss police." He smirked and smashed his lips against mine once more as his arms wrapped around me. This time it wasn't just a normal kiss, I fought for dominance, my tongue asking for entry. Biting his lip he pulled back, "Y/n keep doing that and I just might say screw it again.." As he said that he slipped from my grasp. "No I promised myself I can wait...c'mon let's get back to Sam." Sighing in disappointment I got back in the car, I guess he's really serious about this.
"I found something." Sam says as we sit next to him. "So there's the three drowning victims this year."
"Any before that?" I wondered.
"Uh, yeah." Sam has a browser window open to The Lake Manitoc Tribune. "DROWNING TAINTS ICE FISHING FESTIVAL." It says, he clicks, and another browser window comes up, again The Tribune: 12-YEAR-OLD Girl DROWNS IN LAKE, Second drowning in 6 months at Lake Manitoc. "Damn, so six more spread out over the past thirty-five years. Those bodies were never recovered either. If there is something out there, it's picking up its pace."
"So, what, we got a lake monster on a binge?" Dean jokes as he grabs a beer, he hands the both of us one.
"Dean no." Sam tries to take it away from me.
"Aww c'mon Sammy one beer won't hurt." Dean winks at me, both of the boys stare at me as I take a sip without any reaction. "See what'd I say? She's fine."
"So this whole lake monster theory." I try getting them back on track. "It, it just bugs me."
"Why?" Sam looks at me in confusion.
"Loch Ness, Lake Champlain, there are literally hundreds of eyewitness accounts, but here, almost nothing." Sam looks at the Tribune homepage once more.
"Whatever it is out there, no one's living to talk about it." Sam states as he scrolls to the comments section of an article, I point to one.
"Wait, Barr, Christopher Barr. Where have I heard that name before?" I remember that name, I thought, it's so familiar. Sam reads from the page.
"Christopher Barr, the victim in May." Sam clicks a link, opening a new page. "LOCAL Man IN TRAGIC ACCIDENT." The picture loads and it shows a police officer with Lucas. "Christopher Barr was Andrea's husband, Lucas's father. Apparently he took Lucas out swimming. Lucas was on a floating wooden platform when Chris drowned. Two hours before the kid got rescued." Sam clicks the picture for a better look, then scratches his head. "Maybe we have an eyewitness after all."
"That kid must be so freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over....." I felt bad, but so far Lucas is our only lead, hopefully he'll help us. We headed to the park planning to talk to Lucas who was our only witness. Kids are laughing and playing as Andrea sits on a bench and watches her kid. Who is at another bench coloring and playing with toy soldiers.
"Can we join you?" Sam asks and Andrea looks up.
"I'm here with my son." She says as I spot Lucas and so does Dean.
"Oh. Mind if we say hi?" Dean asks, and he lightly grabs my arm signaling for me to come with.
"Why are you bringing me with you?"
"Cause of he doesn't talk, then hopefully you can convince him." We approach Lucas, who's drawing a picture.
"How's it going?" Dean kneels down next to the bench where Lucas is coloring, when Lucas doesn't even look up, Dean picks up one of the toy soldiers.
"Oh, I used to love these things." Dean imitates guns and explosions, I chuckle as he tosses the toy soldier down.
"I think crayons is more his thing Dean. That's cool, besides I like to draw myself, including painting." I noticed that he has a pile of drawings on the bench. Dean takes a look, the top one is of a big black swirl, the second one is of a red bicycle.
"Hey, these are pretty good. You mind if we sit and draw with you for a while?" Dean asks, he picks up a crayon. "I'm not so bad myself."
"Oh really?" I ask.
"Yea I'm a pretty good artist."
"Mhm...we'll see." I grab a crayon and a piece of paper, and start drawing. "Can you draw a bird?"
"Oh so this is a competition? Your on."
Dean sits on the bench, picks up a pad of paper, and starts drawing. "You know, I'm thinking you can hear me, you just don't want to talk. I don't know exactly what happened to your dad, but I know it was something real bad. I think I know how you feel. When I was your age, I saw something." Dean says to Lucas. "You don't think anyone will listen to you, or believe you. I want you to know that I will. You don't even have to say anything. You could draw me a picture about what you saw that day, with your dad, on the lake...hm?" I say, Dean sighs. "Okay, no problem. This is for you." Dean holds out to Lucas the picture he drew, it's stick figures. "This is my family." Dean points at each person in turn. "That's my dad. That's my mom. That's my geek brother, and that's me, then a little birdy in the sky-" Dean stops talking as he sees my drawing, which was a lot more detailed than his.
"I thought you could draw Dean." I giggle.
"All right, so I'm a sucky artist...." Dean waits for any sign from Lucas, hoping he would chime in but nothing. "Well see you around, Lucas." Dean heads back to Sam and Andrea, I smile, he seems really good with kids, I thought.
"Here." I place my drawing next to Lucas. "You can keep it...just know of you need anything, I'm here." Him still not responding, I make my way to the others.
"Lucas hasn't said a word, not even to me. Not since his dad's accident." I hear Andrea say.
"Yeah, we heard. Sorry." Dean says softly.
"What are the Doctors saying?" I ask.
"That it's a kind of post-traumatic stress." She explains.
"That can't be easy. For either of you." Sam intervenes.
"We moved in with my dad. He helps out a lot. It's just...when I think about what Lucas went through, what he saw..."
"Kids are strong. You'd be surprised what they can deal with." Dean smiles and looks over at me, making me roll my eyes.
"You know, he used to have such life. He was hard to keep up with, to tell you the truth. Now he just sits there. Drawing those pictures, playing with those army men. I just wish-" Andrea goes silent as Lucas walks up, carrying a picture.
"Hey sweetie, you ok?" I kneel and smile, he hands me the picture. "Thank you..." It's a picture of the Carlton house....
Me and Dean are inside the motel room, I'm sitting at the table and Dean is sitting on a bed. Sam went to the library to get some books so we were alone.
"Y/n? Here." Dean suddenly speaks, he pats the seat next to him. I slowly walk over and sit next to him.
"You ok?"
"Yeah...About earlier, on the bridge...."
"It's not that I don't want to I do trust me I do...."
"Don't apologize, it's ok I understand..." He glances over at me, his eyes showed a little bit of lust. We both started to lean, this feels wrong, I thought, but yet so right. We've only known each other for a few weeks, yet I wanted him more as his lips brushed against mine. Our lips connect, making me scoot closer but Dean pulls back again.
"We can't..." Yet he kisses me again muttering over and over one more. I slipped onto his lap, straddling him while pulling closer. Before we could possibly go any farther Sam opens the door and comes in as we quickly seperate.
"So, I think it's safe to say we can rule out Nessie." He says, unaware of what was going on.
"What do you mean?" I questioned, Sam sits across from me and Dean.
"I just drove past the Carlton house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead."
"He drowned?" Dean asks.
"Yep. In the sink."
"What the hell? So you're right, this isn't a creature. We're dealing with something else."
"Yeah, but what?"
"I don't know. Water wraith, maybe? Some kind of demon? I mean, something that controls water...water that comes from the same source."
"The lake, that's the source." I chime in. "Which would explain why it's upping the body count. The lake is draining. It'll be dry in a few months so whatever this thing is, it's running out of time."
"And if it can get through the pipes, it can get to anyone, almost anywhere." Sam says as Dean stands up.
"This is gonna happen again soon. And we do know one other thing for sure. We know this has got something to do with Bill Carlton."
"Yeah, it took both his kids." Dean growls.
"I've been asking around. Lucas's dad, Chris, is Bill Carlton's godson."
"Let's go pay Mr. Carlton a visit."
We left to go to the Carlton house a s spotted Bill sitting on the bench on the dock. Sam speaks "Mr. Carlton?" He looks up, wondering who we are
"We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind."
"We're from the, the Department-" Bill cuts Dean off.
"I don't care who you're with. I've answered enough questions today."
"Your son said he saw something in that lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there? Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Will's death-we think there might be a connection to you or your family." I explain.
"My children are gone. It's...it's worse than dying. Go away. Please." Realizing we weren't gonna get any where we decide to head back to the car.
"What do you guys think?" Sam ask.
"I think the poor guy's been through hell. I also think he's not telling us something." Dean guesses, Sam leans on the Impala.
"So now what?" I ask, Dean goes still "What is it?"
"Huh...." Dean is looking at the Carlton house. "Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something. Y/n do you have the picture Lucas gave to you?" I nod and pull it out, the picture Lucas brought him, which is of the Carlton house.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea." Andrea says, we decided to give Lucas another visit hoping he'd talk to us.
"We just need to talk to him. Just for a few minutes." I plead.
"He won't say anything. What good's it gonna do?"
"Andrea, we think more people might get hurt. We think something's happening out there." Sam explained.
"My husband, the others, they just drowned. That's all."
"If that's what you really believe, then we'll go. But if you think there's even a possibility that something else could be going on here, please let me talk to your son." Dean looks at her, hoping she'll say yes. Silently she agrees leads us into Lucas room with Sam and Andrea behind us, he's coloring, toy soldiers standing around him. We enter and Dean crouches down by Lucas. "Hey, Lucas. You remember us?" I notice Lucas has drawn two more pictures of a red bicycle. "You know, I, uh, I wanted to thank you for that last drawing. But the thing is, we need your help again." Lucas is drawing a person in water. Dean opens the house picture and puts it down in front of Lucas.
"How did you know to draw this? Did you know something bad was gonna happen? Maybe you could nod yes or no for me." He ignores Dean and keeps coloring. I slowly walk over and sit down in front of him. "You're scared. It's okay. I understand." Dean told him. "See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom...I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom-I know she wants me to be brave. Cause she taught me to be brave. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too...its ok if you don't want to, but I really need your help." Lucas drops his crayon and looks up at Dean then at me. He hands me a picture of a white church, a yellow house, and a boy with a blue baseball cap and red bicycle in front of a wooden fence.
"Thanks, Lucas." I smile, which he returns making me fill with happiness. After we left Andrea's house the three of us are standing infront of the Impala, Sam examining the church picture.
"Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died." Dean speaks.
"There are cases-going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies." Sam groans.
"It's all part of the process." I chime in. "Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow?"
"You mean magically?" Dean asked, confused.
"Yeah, I mean he might be connected but he doesn't even know...but what does the church have to do with this?"
"I don't know, but the only problem is there's about a thousand yellow two-stories in this county alone." Sam looks at the picture. "See this church? I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here."
"Oh, college boy thinks he's so smart." Dean comments.
"Well what about the church we passed by when we drove into town?" I wondered  which the boys thought it wouldn't hurt. So we drove to the white church shaped like the one in Lucas's picture. There's a yellow house next to the church and a wooden fence near the house. When we got to the door, I knocked and a woman answered. We told her we were FBI, at first she was hesitant but eventually let's us in.
"Im sorry to mother you ma'am, but does a little boy live here, by chance? He might wear a blue ball cap, has a red bicycle." I ask.
"No Ms, Not for a very long time. Peter's been gone for thirty-five years now." She sighs, and I notice a picture of Peter on the side table. "The police never-I never had any idea what happened. He just disappeared." Sam points out to Dean a number of toy soldiers on a table. Just like the ones at Luca's house, I thought, so I was right. "Losing him-you know, it's...it's worse than dying." She explained, however I felt someone staring at me, it was Dean. When we make eye contact he looks away, cheeks burning.
"Did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?" Dean asks.
"He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school, and he never showed up." Sweeny answers, I start to walk around and pick a picture off the mirror. There are two boys in the picture, one Peter with a bicycle. I read the back of the picture, the words made my eyes go wide. "Peter Sweeney and Billy Carlton, nineteen seventy." I mutter, after the visit with Mrs. Sweeny, we decide to go talk to Bill again. "Mr. Carlton?" Sam calls out as we walk up to the house, we hear an engine roar. We run around the house to see Bill going out on the lake in his boat. "Hey, check it out." Dean says, pointimg towards the lake. We start to run to the end of the dock, yelling. "Mr. Carlton! You need to come back! Come out of the water! Turn the boat around!"
He ignores us and keeps going, the boat was to far out, all I could see was the water rising up, making Bill's boat flip over.
After the accident me, Sam, Dean, and Jake walk in the door of the police station. Andrea looks over, "Sam, Y/n, Dean." She stands up, putting the bag and a container on her chair. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"So now you're on a first-name basis." Jake says. "What are you doing here?"
"I brought you dinner."
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I don't really have the time."
"I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?"
"Right now we don't know what the truth is. But I think it might be better if you and Lucas went on home." Lucas looks up and whines, looking stricken. He jumps up and grabs my arm, pulling and tugging.
"Lucas, hey, what is it?" I kneel down, it was like he was trying to get a message to me but couldn't form the words. "Lucas?"
"Lucas." Andrea calls.
"Lucas, it's okay. It's okay. Hey, Lucas, it's okay. It's okay." I say and was about to comfort him when Andrea pulls him away from me and leads him outside. He doesn't look away from me however. Jake throws down his jacket and goes into his office. The three of us follow behind. "Okay, just so I'm clear, you see...something attack Bill's boat, sending Bill-who is a very good swimmer, by the way-into the drink, and you never see him again?" Jake summarizes, Dean glances at me.
"Yeah, that about sums it up." Dean mutters.
"And I'm supposed to believe this, even though I've already sonar-swept that entire lake? And what you're describing is impossible? And you're not really Wildlife Service." Dean looks surprised. "That's right, I checked. Department's never heard of you three."
"See, now, we can explain that."
"Enough. Please. The only reason you're breathing free air is one of Bill's neighbors saw him steering out that boat just before you did. So, we have a couple of options here. I can arrest you for impersonating government officials and hold you as material witnesses to Bill Carlton's disappearance. Or, we can chalk this all up to a bad day, you get into your car, you put this town in your rearview mirror, and you don't ever darken my doorstep again."
"Door number two sounds good." Sam says but I was about to protest.
"That's the one I'd pick." After that we left, packed our stuff an left. I was pissed, there is something happening here and we're just gonna leave? The three of us are in the Impala, waiting at a traffic light. A sign says I-43 North to Milwaukee is to the left. The light turns green, but the Impala doesn't move, after a few seconds Dean turns right.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Thats what I'm wondering to. Dean, this job, I think it's over." Sam tells him.
"I'm not so sure." Dean says.
"If Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter's spirit got its revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest."
"All right, so what if we take off and this thing isn't done? You know, what if we've missed something? What if more people get hurt?"
"Deans gotta point, I don't think this is over either." I agree.
"But why would you think that?" Sam questioned.
"Because Lucas was really scared."
"That's what this is about?" Sam groans.
"I just don't want to leave this town until I know the kid's okay." Dean agrees.
"Who are you? And what have you done with my brother?" Sam chuckles and Dean glances at Sam.
"Shut up."
We arrived back at the Barr's and stood out there for at least a good five minutes.
"Are you sure about this? It's pretty late." Sam asks us, Dean rings the doorbell. At that moment, Lucas opens the door, desperately afraid.
"Lucas? Lucas!" I yell but he takes off. We follow him to the hallway, water is pouring out from under the bathroom door and down the stairs. Lucas starts pounding on the bathroom door again. Dean pushes him over to Sam and I kick in the door. Lucas grabs Dean and me, so Sam runs into the bathroom and sticks his arms in the tub, trying to pull Andrea out. She is pulled back under, and Sam is struggling, so I run over and help him out. The force is strong but not strong enough, we keep pulling until Andrea is all the way out. As soon as she's out she starts coughing up water, later Andrea is sitting in the living room, dry and wearing comfortable clothing.
"Can you tell me?" Sam asks, who is sitting next to me.
"No." She answers. Dean and I were looking through notebooks on bookshelves, to see if anything that is happening would relate to the situation.
"It doesn't make any sense." She starts crying. "I'm going crazy." She puts her face in her hands.
"No, you're not. Tell me what happened. Everything." Sam pleads.
"I heard...I thought I heard...there was this voice."
"What did it say?"
"It said...it said 'come play with me'. What's happening?" Dean pulls out a scrapbook that says "Jake - 12 years old" and opens it, flipping pages. He closes it again, nudges me and we go over to Sam. He puts the book down in front of Andrea, open to a picture of Explorer Troop 37. "Do you recognize the kids in these pictures?"
"What? Um, no. I mean, except that's my dad right there. He must have been about twelve in these pictures." She moves her finger over to another picture of Jake as a child, he is standing next to Peter. Dean looks at Sam, then me.
"Chris Barr's drowning. The connection wasn't to Bill Carlton. It must have been to the Sheriff."
"Bill and the Sheriff-they were both involved with Peter." I muttered
"What about Chris? My dad-what are you talking about?" She asks, I look over to Lucas. "Lucas?" I call, he is staring out the window.
"Lucas, what is it?" Dean asks, Lucas opens the door and walks outside. We all follow him, he look determined.
"Lucas, honey?" Andrea calls as he stops and looks at the ground, then at Dean. "You and Lucas get back to the house and stay there, okay?" Dean says and Andrea pulls Lucas back to the house. Dean and Sam presumably fetch shovels from the Impala, before they start digging. After five minutes later I hold out my hand.
"Here Sam, I'll take over, why don't you go inside?" He nods and heads inside after handing me the shovel, so now it's just me and Dean. It was silent for a little while, until I spoke. "So, we gonna talk about it?" Dean glances at me.
"About what?"
"...The kiss, that Sam sort of ruined." He laughs.
"Well uh...what is there to talk about?" He stops, making me stop as I walk over to him, lightly placing my hand on his. "Dean I...Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why kiss me? I mean do you...love me? Or is this just a fling." He goes silent for a second, but speaks.
"I don't know what I feel...however when I'm with you I'm happy..." I smile, I make him happy, I thought. "Y/n...I know your seventeen, but I want to be with you. So will you be my girlfriend?" Quickly I nod which makes a flower bloom on his features. He slams his lips against mine. He drops the shovel and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Sam clears his throat while laughing silently and we pull away, both of our cheeks red. "Am I interrupting?" I chuckle and we go back to digging as awkwardness fills the air. My shovel clanks against something, and me and Dean dig with our hands, pulling out a red bicycle.
"Peter's bike." I whisper.
"Who are you?" Jake growls from behind us, pointing a gun.
"Put the gun down, Jake." I tell him.
"How did you know that was there?"
"What happened? You and Bill killed Peter, drowned him in the lake and then buried the bike? You can't bury the truth, Jake. Nothing stays buried."
"I don't know what the hell your talking about."
"You and Bill killed Peter Sweeney thirty-five years ago. That's what the hell I'm talking about." Just then Andrea runs up yelling. "Dad!"
"And now you got one seriously pissed-off spirit." Dean mentions.
"It's gonna take Andrea, Lucas, everyone you love. It's gonna drown them. And it's gonna drag their bodies God knows where, so you can feel the same pain Peter's mom felt. And then, after that, it's gonna take you, and it's not gonna stop until it does." I tell Jake, he scoffs.
"Yeah, and how do you know that?"
"Because that's exactly what it did to Bill Carlton." Sam explains.
"Listen to yourselves, all of you. You're insane."
"I don't really give a rat's ass what you think of us. But if we're gonna bring down this spirit, we need to find the remains, salt them, and burn them into dust. Now tell me you buried Peter somewhere. Tell me you didn't just let him go in the lake." Dean begs.
"Dad, is any of this true?" Andrea asks, voice shaking.
"No. Don't listen to them. They're liars and they're dangerous."
"Something tried to drown me. Chris died on that lake. Dad, look at me." Jake does. "Tell me you-you didn't kill anyone." He looks away in shame. "Oh my God." 
"Billy and I were at the lake. Peter was the smallest one. We always bullied him, but this time, it got rough. We were holding his head under the water. We didn't mean to. But we held him under too long and he drowned. We let the body go, and it sank." Jake tells us and Dean glances at Sam. "Oh, Andrea, we were kids. We were so scared. It was a mistake. But, Andrea, to say that I have anything to do with these drownings, with Chris, because of some ghost? It's not rational."
"All right, listen to me, all of you. We need to get you away from this lake, as far as we can, right now." Dean warns, but Andrea turns her head and spots Lucas going down to the lake, she gasps. We turn to what she's looking at, "Lucas!" I yell and I run up to the dock. Lucas is leaning over the side, reaching for a toy soldier in the water. "Lucas!" Dean yells.
"Lucas! Baby, stay where you are" Andrea yells. A hand comes up and pulls Lucas into the water. The adults have reached the edge of the lake. Jake stops as Peter's head is visible, Jake recognizes him. We keep running to the end of the dock.
"Oh my God!" Andrea yells. She takes off her jacket to jump in.
"Andrea, stay there!" I say and I jump in, I could hear Andrea trying to get to Lucas.
"We'll get him! Just stay on the dock!" Sam pleads. I could see Lucas at the bottom and I swim down there to get him. He was being dragged down, I swim faster, what I didn't understand is Lucas was let go and started floating upwards. Did the ghost just let him go? That doesn't matter, I grab Lucas and swim back to the surface. I emerge while holding Lucas, who isn't moving.
The three of us walk out of the motel, Dean opens his car door and Sam tosses a duffel in.
"Look, we're not gonna save everybody." Sam says, he was referring to Jake who died to save Lucas.
"I know." Dean sighs.
"Sam, Dean." Andrea walks up with Lucas. "Hey." Me and Dean say at the same time. "We're glad we caught you. We just, um, we made you lunch for the road." Lucas is carrying a tray of sandwiches.
"Lucas insisted on making the sandwiches himself."
"Can I give it to them now?" Lucas excitedly asks.
"Of course." Andrea smiles and kisses his head.
"Come on, Lucas, let's load this into the car." Dean says.
"How you holding up?" I ask Andrea.
"It's just gonna take a long time to sort through everything, you know?" I sigh. "Andrea, I'm sorry, if I knew-" She silences me and shakes her head.
"You saved my son. I can't ask for more than that. Dad loved me. He loved Lucas. No matter what he did, I just have to hold on to that." I smile as Dean walks up to me with Lucas.
"All right, if you're gonna be talking now, this is a very important phrase, so I want you to repeat it one more time."
"Zeppelin rules!" Lucas laughs.
"That's right. Up high." Dean holds his hand up for a high-five. Lucas obliges, grinning.
"You take care of your mom, okay?"
"All right." The both of them leave, Dean smiles and gives me a peck on the lips, then goes around the car.
"Sam, move your ass. We're gonna run out of daylight before we hit the road."
"Yeah yeah ok." Sam chuckled as we all got in, continuing with our adventure.
The New Hunter Masterlist
@samsgirl93 @nani-gram @eliwinchester99
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Chapter 23
2 days passed as the couple continued dating secretly as no one knew of their secret except the boys who just mind their own business.
Jungkook was known to be single and not involved in a relationship but that he knew himself, he was always happy and with energy whenever they would see eachother from far or even in the elevator they would secretly hold hands while no one was watching or even kiss while no one was watching.
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It was little since he was now mostly surrounded by cameras but it was fun and worth it for the two.
It was once when BTS were called in the office after coming from a concert. The manager was woo fierce and angry.Min ah had never seen his uncle get that mad hence she knew it was serious and got worried for the boys.
" WHAT IS THIS!" The manager angrily cried at the boys throwing news papers on the desk for the boys to see. The heading was in capital and bolded ' Is BTS secretly seeing someone?' and there were pictures of couples in a car and walking together with hands locked.
The guys didn't know what to do since they all dated secretly and now they didn't except Jungkook who every member knew he was dating Min ah. So they knew it could have been anyone.
"Who is It? Tell me who is dating among all of you!!" Manager Park shouted as the boys had no answer "manager park it might be not us but a mistake... the faces are not even clearly seen." RM tried to defend them
" Are you saying it might be a mistake? You idiots this is taken from our company so the artist hear maybe you guys." He said ad he walked around his desk demanding for answers as his assistant watched.
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" it maybe Black pink wi-" " it can't be us we were doing a concert on this day while you guys were free from your schedule.. so that leaves us no choice but you." The girls budged in with their as Jennie also defended as she eyes Jungkook and his hyungs.
" since you won't tell me, I'll find out on my own and from now on ill keep watch on you. Tsk!..I'm very disappointed in you guys...if you are really dating with her.....then you should know what's best." He said sadly letting the guys go.
Just after the guys got out...Min ah was there standing from afar worried about the guys but mostly kookie who just smiled a bit but it still worried her. Just then the girls from Black pink came out and Jennie just glared and smiled in defeat to Min ah.
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Min ah didn t know what to do but just went inside his uncle's office finding him worked up with his assistance trying to reply back to the reporters saving BTS butts. They were too busy to even see Min ah standing in front of them.
" Ooh Min ah...did you come to see me?" Her uncle asked suprised he didn't see her there.
The two decided to go to a nearby restaurant where they could talk since the office was messed up. The two sat there like father and daughter. Min ah looked very sad and down, she atleast wanted to help the guys.
" So...are you okay, you look abit down and sad." Her uncle Park read her. He knew she was facing a problem that's why she followed him. " Min ah you know you can tell me anything if you h-" " -aniyo it's" she thought if she could really tell him, would he even help her.
" is it about a guy?" Min ah could just stare at her uncle thinking of Kookie as she smiles " it surely is...but did you two break up or-" "- aniyo it's nothing...but is there anything wrong with the guys?" Manager Park just sigh in disappointment " I heard the whole thing." " ne...it's true but I don't also really know why the guys are losing their focus...they really have passion in what they do i believe they could make it big someday...if they only focus." Manager Park spoke with emotion.
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" just like how i believe you can make it." By this he held her hand " I understand you now don't think I'm trying to rush you but I just want to see you reach your dreams. " I know appa can be such a hard person but I'll talk to him, arasso?" He wiped Min ah's tears which were flowing down her cheek.
"Kumaoh uncle." " arasso! Stop being a cry baby..but your new boyfriend how come I've never seen him..is he cute or have I ever seen him?" He kept asking curiously but Min ah just ignored him and laughed " what about you and director?" She teased making manager Park nervous and mad " yah! Stupid girl!" He cried as Min ah left.
Now she was happy, she knew what she was going to do. She went and went on with her work as Noo min woo and others helped.
The boys were in their make up room preparing for an interview soon after the make up artist left they started talking " yah! Jungkook, we know you are dating but do you call that secret?" Suga cried starting an argument as he just bowed to apologize but Tae and the other got his back " yah! Do you have to shout at him just because he's inlove what about you?...everyone always tolerates your rude behaviour didn't you notice that already?"
"Aha says the one who tried to defend the one who stole away your love." Suga smirked evil making Kookie mad when the three started fighting and arguing when the boys hurriedly stoped them.
" Are you three crazy....aren't we BTS why do you try to ruin our image....if something has happened it has already happen you you don't have to fight." Jin continued " I know everyone is blaming Jungkook but he's the one who tolerated us at first when we also did this what he's gotten into....in fact weren't we the one who falsed him to date?..so please lets stop." He finished as the guys calmed down.
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" Jin is right, we are all at fault so lets not blame Jungkook for being inlove with someone cause we all do." RM smiled as Kookie smiled back " we are BTS we always find our way out." J hope laughed cheering the guys.
Soon it was time for the boys to leave " mianhaeyo Jungkook, I didn't know what I was thinking you deserve to be together with Min ah." He smiled at him " it's okay, you were just looking out for our group I should be careful." He said.
Jungkook's p.o.v
I was still worried about Min ah, I hope she won't worry much. I tried to text her in the van as i was leaving but manager Park seemed to be on watch so I wasn't ready to risk my relationship so Min ah could get fired or any harm.
" Yah Jungkook, what the relationship between Min ah and manager Park they seem so close." Jin silently asked me knowing manager Park was in the van " an employee and her boss wae?" " yah Min ah seems to have secrets.....today after we left the office, she got in and they both left...thats really weird."
I decided to Chase hyung since he was talking weird things but to think of it why did he ren't her his apartment. We soon arrived at the place we were to shoot our interview.
Min ah decided to go for lunch with her fellow stuff who were just laughing and talking about celebrity. " Are you coming Min ah?" One of the hairdressers and Noo min woo asked as Min ah was opening her phone " Aha I'll be there shortly." She smiled as they left. She managed to read the text messages Jungkook succeeded to deliver
'Are you okay, I was so worried about you.' One said ' mianhaeyo if i made you worried.' ' things didn't work out with the guys but at the end it did cause our love is true.' And ' saraghae Min ah🙆‍♂️'
Min ah could cry just reading the text and the thought of leaving him made it worse. She decided to use the washroom where her rival was there Jennie. She was wearing makeup and dressed pretty. The thought of being there with her was unpleasant. " So when are you going to give up on Jungkook? It seems I should be reminding you." She turned to face her.
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Min ah could just end up smiling because it was hilarious to fight over a guy who is already taken. " yah!, are you smiling do i look like a joke to you? Aha it seems you've forgotten where you came from pizza girl!" She cried but Min ah was never hurt by her words " so what if i am, can't I also love? I know I don't deserve to be where you are now and and I don't care about it."
"Really? Then are you going to turn down the London offer...I heard it was your dream since little and....it's also the reason you came to Seoul right?" Jennie blurted when she was about to leave making her stop. " you played a good game too making up manager Park your uncle while your his mistress." Jennie reached a point to insult Min ah who returned it with a painful slap.......not knowing everything was being purposely recorded.
BTS had already finished the interview successfully and it was a good one, " we should all treat the guys some food!" " is that right?" The manager happily cried as the rest of the staff and crew cheered everyone seemed to have forgotten about earlier but Jungkook was still not okay, it seems Min ah has not replied since his last text.
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" Yah! are you okay? You don't look like yourself." Jimin approached the young one. " I'm not okay...I some how feel restless as if something has happened." He sadly continued checking his texts or calls. " hey, she'll be okay you don't have to worry about Min ah, she's a strong woman and if you think she didn't take your call anything can happen...like battery died or an emergency." Jimin tried to comfort the young one who seemed restless.
The staff all decided to leave as manager Park received a call. It was at night when the staff were sitted and served food and wine. Jungkook wished Min ah was there. The boys later realized that manager Park was not around. Hence they asked his assistant " yah where is manager Park?" RM asked " Ooh he suddenly got an emergency." She cried " yah what emergency would he deal with?" " it's family problem...I think he said somesomething about his niece." " niece!, manager Park has a niece?" The guys and the other staff got suprised. " Yah! I was also suprised he never mentioned it to anyone."
Just then everyone continued to talk more about others and making fun of eachother but Jungkook felt like something wasn't right. " hey!" Someone shouted, drawing everyone's attention. " I think Min ah is in trouble." He cried as Jungkook hurriedly reacted than anyone just by hearing her name. The boys managed to switch on the tv where there was news about her attacking Jennie.
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It was all on the news. Jungkook couldn't wait any longer and left without thinking Monica "yah Jungkook are you trying to expose yourself! Lets go!" the boys ran for him knowing he was going crazy and left with him upto to Seoul's police station where we can see Min ah is locked in a temporary prison.
" yah! I didn't do anything they framed me, they started everything they insulted me can't I also use them?" Min ah cried from the cell as Jennie and her girls sat and watched and secretly smirked at her and also pretending to be pitiful and innocent infront of the police in fact they were few reporters and fans gathered infront of the station till when manager Park arrived.
" Yah! Min ah....Min ah..wae are you here?" Mr Park cried as Min ah had not been able to explain " she insulted your star and you as the manager aren't you suppose to look at It?" One officer spoke which he seemed to be dealing with the case.
"I'm sorry but there's a misunderstanding.." "what misunderstanding should there be, instead of letting your idols disturb us can't you solve your problems." The middle aged officer cried as one younger handsome officer appeared and started bragging about Jennie.
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" yah!, what are you saying...and why did you lock her aren't all people the same to our eyes!!, they why did you lock this woman!!" The elder officer who seem to have experience cried at the other officer who seemed scared as they let Min ah out.
"And chase those reporters and those people away...miss don't you know this is a respected area don't think the police will solve every personal problems again." He turned to Jennie who was with Lisa wearing her face mask. " aniyo...sh.." Jennie began to stutter " do you want to get arrested?" Jennie hid behind Lisa after hearing that as Min ah stood front and thanked and apologized but the officer just looked at her and Manager Park " young girl don't get involved in such matters or else your life will be over." He then left.
" manager Pa-" Jennie was about to talk when he stoped her and interfierd " lets talk this when we arrive." " uncl-" min ah wanted to reach out to him but he looked disappointed " Manager Park." He corrected "Min ah...stop it and..we'll talk about this tomorrow now you need rest." He said to her as Min ah just looked at Jennie who just glared with a smirk " arasso." She decided to bid.
But as she was leaving manager Park got a call and this made his face swell and Min ah little worried " Min ah...It's." Min ah's eyes curiously stared "It's your.......appa (father) and he....wants to talk......to you." Manager Park stuttered.
Min ah did not know what to do guessing she must have been into trouble since her dad was always serious with her life and so overprotective from the day she lost her omma.
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She remembered gathering all her courage to ask her appa to come to city and fulfill her dreams away from her home Busan and now her appa is calling she guest he must have seen the Tv and news about her.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter Three- Part Two
After school, Phina found Nancy on the phone outside the school. Phina walked up to her sister, catching the last bit of the conversation.
"She's at the library," the lie was plain as day to Phina, "yeah, yeah, I will. Sorry to bother you."
Phina looked at her sister worriedly, "Barb's mom hasn't seen her?"
"No. Phina I'm worried, what if something happened," Nancy said sadly.
"Don't think like that! We'll go look for her, right now," Phina consoled her sister.
Phina patted Nancy's shoulder and turned to walk, knowing her sister would follow. They walk to the parking lot together and Phina instantly spots the group of people next to Jonathan's car.
"What the hell," Phina whispered, grabbing her sister's hand and pulling her towards them.
"What's going on," Nancy asks as soon as they get to the group.
"Here's the staring lady," Tommy smiles cheekily at Nancy.
"What," she asks, confused.
Phina walks over to stand by Jonathan, ready to protect him at any cost. Whatever they were here for, it wasn't good, and she was ready to fight if necessary.
"This creep was spying on us last night," Carol says, "was probably gonna save this one for latter."
Carol hands Nancy a photo, which Phina catches a small glimpse of. It was of Nancy through a window at Steve's house taking off her shirt. Phina glances at Jonathan, knowing him well enough that he didn't mean it in a perverted way. He meets her questioning gaze, but can't hold it.
He looks down, and away from her, slightly embarrassed because he can't explain himself while they are around Steve and his cronies.
"See, you can tell all that he knows it was wrong, but," Steve started, making Phina's glare settle on him, "man that's the thing about perverts, it's hardwired into them."
Steve grabs Jonathan's shirt, pulling him around with it, before wiping away imaginary dust, "you know, they just can't, help themselves."
Steve then rips apart the photos in his hands, and Phina curls her hands into fists, ready to punch the doucheness out of him, but Jonathan grabs her wrist, stopping her.
"So, you just have to take away his toy," Steve smirks.
"I swear to god, Steve, stop right now," Phina snaps.
"I wouldn't stand so close to him Phina, there is no telling what a perv like him will do to you," Steve fires back.
"Harrington," she growls, "don't you dare talk about him like that."
Steve ignores her and grabs Jonathan's camera, Jon finally speaks up when he does, "no, please, not the camera!"
"Don't you dare Harrington," Phina snaps, "don't you fucking dare!"
Jonathan goes to stop him but Tommy pushes him back, Steve calls him off, like a dog, "wait, no Tommy, Tommy. It's ok."
Steve grins mischievously, holding Jonathan's camera out to him, "here you go man."
Jonathan reaches out to grab the camera but Steve lets it fall from his hand. Phina lunges for it but it hits the ground, breaking, before she can catch it. Phina continues forward and falls to her knees in front of the camera, scrapping her knees through the rips in her jeans. Tommy lets out a laugh and Phina glares up at him.
"You're such an asshole Steve!" Phina stands up, angrily storming towards him, poking his chest roughly, making him stumble back a few steps. "Do you even realize how much of a complete douche you are?"
"It's not my fault your little pervert stalked us," Steve snapped back at her, glaring at her as well.
Steve and Phina have a glaring match, everyone around them shuffling awkwardly. Her emerald eyes lit up with rage, the small golden ring around her pupil glowing. After a few moments under her intense glare, Steve found himself not able to look in them any longer, guilt building up in his stomach.
He breaks, "come on, let's go, the games about to start."
Steve looks at the ground, leading the group away. Phina shrieks in frustration.
"What! To afraid to face me Harrington? Huh! To afraid to admit you're wrong? Fuck You Harrington! Fuck you," she yells after him, "I hate you!"
Steve turns around sharply at that, the words striking him deeper then he'd like to admit, but as soon as he meets her angry, tearful gaze, any fight left in him disappears, "hey Nance! Come on."
Phina turns around, seeing her sister stand up, with a few torn pieces of the pictures.
Nancy looks at her sister, but Phina nods towards the school, "go, meet me here when you ditch the disappointment."
Nancy leaves, shoving the photo into her bag. Phina turns back towards Jonathan, now sat on the ground, defeated. She smiles sadly at him, kneeling down next to him. She wipes away her angry tears, trying to control herself.
"I'll get you a new one," she whispers.
Jonathan shakes his head, "no, I never even repaid you for this one."
"Jon, that was a gift, you didn't have to repay me at all." She nodded towards the broken camera on the ground. "And I'll buy you a new one whether you like it or not. Well I would hope that you liked the camera at least."
Jonathan smiles at his best friend, pulling her in for a hug, "what would I do without out you Seraphina Wheeler."
"I hope we'll never find out Jonathan Byers," she smiles back, wrapping her arms around him.
They part from the hug, and Phina starts to grab the broken pieces of the camera.
"Here, let me do that. I gotta go home anyway," he sighs.
"How's your mom," Phina asks, continuing to pick up the camera.
His face falls, "she's going mad Phina, she won't leave the house. The stress of it all is just getting to her."
Phina's heart aches, "I understand, Jon, please tell her that I love her, that I'm here if she needs me. I can't let her, or you, be alone through this. My mom currently won't let me leave the house, but I can make up some story....."
"Phina stop, you don't have to do anything for us," Jonathan tells her sternly.
"Yes I do Jon! You're my best friend, and she is more a mother to me than Karen will ever be," Phina said, pulling him up as she stood.
"Now you need to go check on your mother, and deliver my message, got it Byers," she sternly told him, pointing at his face.
He laughed, "got it Wheeler."
They shared one last hug before he got in his car and left. She watched him for as long as his car was in sight, and when it finally left her sight, she sighed and walked to her bike. She would wait for Nancy, so they could go searching for Barb.
   Phina sat on her bike, the anger in her bubbling up again. Steve Harrington, she hated every little thing about him. How could he be such a monumental ass and break that camera. Phina had spent several months mopping the arcade floor for money to buy that for Jon, and now it was gone.
Quicker than Phina had anticipated, Nancy came out of the school and made her way to Phina. Nancy didn't talk, just got on the bike behind her sister.
"Where to Nance?"
"Where Barb parked last night," she answered quietly.
Phina nodded and started up her bike, taking off quickly. Nancy wrapped her arms tightly around her sisters waist, and shielded her eyes from the frigid wind in her back.
Phina quickly made her way to the street of which they had parked last night, and as soon as they arrived, Phina's heart dropped.
Barb's car was still there, it hadn't moved at all. Phina pulled up behind Barb's car and parked.
"She hasn't been here Nance," Phina told Nancy sadly.
Nancy looked at the car and sighed, hoping off the bike. She walked over to the car, looking in the windows. Phina didn't know what for, as if Barb would just be laying in her car, waiting to be found. Phina looked at her sister sadly, knowing how hard this is on her.
Phina glances around the woods, looking for Barb, even just a sign of her being there. But she was met with nothing but trees, and the bad feeling getting worse. She stopped ignoring that feeling, it was right the last time she felt it, she bet that it would be right again.
Nancy starts yelling Barb's name, a sad attempt to find her best friend.
"Do you want to go check around Steve's house, his parents still aren't home," Phina said softly to Nancy, not letting her worry for Barb show in her voice.
Nancy nodded and got back on the bike, giving Barb's car one last look befor they drove away.
Phina pulled into Steve's driveway, looking around suspiciously. Nancy got off and Phina swings her leg over the bike, standing straight up.
They sneak around the side of Steve's house, and through their gate into the backyard. Nancy goes through first and instantly starts calling out Barb's name again.
Phina closes the gate behind her and looks around, "Barb!"
A small noise comes from the forest, both girls flinched. They glanced at each other, then back at the forest. Phina takes Nancy hand in hers.
"Stay behind me, if something happens, run," Phina whispers.
Nancy looks at her, confused. She looks like she's about to object, but a glare silences her. If the bad feeling Phina had was right, she didn't want her sister in danger.
They creep into the forest still keeping Steve's house in sight. Nancy calls out for Barb a few times. Phina looks around, her heart beating rapidly.
Then, a large creature ran between the trees, the girls only glancing at it before it disappeared. Nancy trips, falling down. Phina grabs her sister, lifting her to her feet with little effort.
"Run run run," Phina shouts, scared out of her mind.
That thing, was no normal animal, and least not one Phina had ever seen. Phina looked back, to try and find it, though it was gone. Phina almost fell with the horrifying realization that this thing they saw, looked strikingly similar to her drawing.
They run out to Phina's bike, scrambling to get on as fast as possible. Phina turns on her bike and whips around to get out of the driveway. They speed away from Steve's house, faster than probably necessary, but neither of the girls cared.
As soon as they were a reasonble distance away, and the bad feeling in her stomach settled, Phina slowed down.
"What was that thing," Phina whispers.
"I don't know. But I have a feeling it's what took Barb," Nancy said, her eyes filling with tears.
   The girls pulled up to their house, both of them shaken to the core. Nancy was still crying, nothing Phina said could soothe her worries. Phina tried to convince her that they would find Barb, and that she was ok, but they both knew she was lying. Phina knew, that if that thing in the woods was anything like the monster she drew, there was little hope for Barb.
   The girls entered their home, holding each other's hands tightly. Karen, who was in the kitchen heard them.
   "Hey, you're home early. How was the game?"
   Karen looked up at the girls, instantly seeing that Nancy was crying.
   "Nancy? What's the matter," she asked.
   Nancy looked at her sister then back at her mom, her voice thick with tears as she said, "it's Barb. I think.... Something happened. Something, terrible."
   Karen instantly went over to Nancy, to console her distressed daughter. She pulled her into a tight hug, which unleashed even more sorrow from Nancy.
   Phina's eyes started to water as well, Karen notices and pulls the older girl into her arms as well. The three Wheeler girls hugged each other tightly for what seemed like hours, until the teens had calmed down enough to explain to their mom what had happened.
   They sat around the table and started from how they lied to Karen about the assembly.
   "We didn't go to the assembly, we actually went to Steve's house for a party," Nancy begun.
   They explained everything, from how Barb didn't want to go, all the way to what happened that day, with the animal in the forest.
   It had gotten dark out when they were finally finished, all of them going silent. The entire house was silent, until a distraught Mike loudly opened the door.
   Phina quickly stood up from her chair, "Mike? What's wrong? Are you hurt," she asked, rushing over to the crying boy.
   "Will," was all he said through his sobs.
   Phina felt her heart stop, she numbly grabbed her brother into her arms and held him. Tears formed in her eyes, Will Byers was dead. The little happy boy that she had grown up babysitting almost all his life. Her brother's best friend. Her best friends little brother.
   Her eyes shot wide open, "Jonathan."
   Mike understood immediately, leaving her arms and going into his mother's.
   "Jonathan," she sobbed out, grabbing her keys and rushing out the door.
   Phina heard her mother call out after her but she was already on her bike and gone in a matter of seconds. She drove as fast as she could to the Byers' house, not giving a damn about any speed limit there was.
-2255 words-
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iamknicole · 5 years
Another Emergency
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Caleb and Hanna rushed to the hospital, Hanna called Charles hoping to talk to him before they got there. His phone went to voicemail, residing her to her worries. When they got into the hospital one of Charles' assistants were waiting on them and led them up to the correct floor. The assistant took them to Charles. He was being bandaged when they got into his room.
"Where is my baby?" Hanna asked.
She didn't mean to be rude but she wanted to know about her daughter.
"Surgery," Charles groaned out. The nurse was wrapping a bandage around his arm. "They're removing the bullets."
Hanna's heart was in her throat, Caleb held her as best he could. He was trying to wrap his mind around it all. First, Benny got shot and now Lainey, it wasn't a coincidence.
Caleb spoke up, "What happened? How were you both hit? Your detail."
"Alaina didn't want to draw so much attention tonight. We wanted it to be about you two so we only had two agents at the dinner, the others," he paused to ease his new shirt on, "The others were hanging back. She wanted to go to Luca's house to see the kids before we went to her place."
"Please, just tell us what happened," Hanna said becoming impatient.
"Luca, Alaina, the kids and I were on his porch talking. Treasure ran into the yard, Alaina followed her and then there were shots. Six shots. Two grazed me. From what I could see two got Alaina."
"They shot her in front of her babies? Who would do something like that?" Hanna asked. She cried quietly to herself.
A doctor entered the room, greeting Charles then Caleb and Hanna. In his hand, he held a clipboard and folder, from the folder he slipped a xray out to put up.
"Ms. Parker is getting her stitches and will be in her room soon but before I take you all there I would like to show you this and discuss what is happening," the doctor explained, "Both bullets went in through her abdomen and ricocheted. One stopped near her lungs and the other near her spleen."
Charles listened intently, ignoring the tears that stung his eyes.
"This means what?" Caleb asked.
"We were able to remove the bullets and repair the damage. However, she loss a lot of blood by the time she got here, stopped breathing several times during surgery and she suffered a seizure as well. Because of that we put her into a medically induced coma."
"But she's gonna be okay," Charles insisted.
"We are going to monitor her through the night and go from there. Would you all like to see her?"
"Yes," Hanna answered immediately.
When they got to her room, the nurse was leaving. The doctor let them know that she could hear them and would more than likely remember what was said, she just wouldn't respond. But assured them that if all goes well, she should be awake in no more than three days.
Caleb and Charles stood back as Hanna stood at Alaina's bedside. She put her purse in the chair beside the bed and went to fixing the covers and Alaina's pillows.
"Look at your hair, girl," Hanna chuckled softly. "You would have a fit if you saw this. But you don't have to worry about that, I'll fix it." Hanna started to carefully pull the bobby pins out of Alaina's bun one by one, setting each one to the side. Once they were out she combed her fingers through her daughter's hair, humming a hymn to her. "Call her brothers and sister, Caleb. Please."
"Of course. Charles and I are gonna step out." Caleb didn't expect an answer, he told Charles to follow him. He closed Alaina's door tight behind them, noticing all of the agents outside her door. Caleb called all of his children before turning his attention to Charles. "I know you know."
Charles sighed, roughly rubbing his eyes. "I don't yet but I will before the sun comes up."
While they waited for the others to arrive, Hanna sat beside Alaina on her bed talking to her. It didn't matter what the doctor said, she was gonna talk to get baby regardless. She knew Alaina could her the anointing in her voice.
"My lil chicken leg child. Girl, what am I gonna do with you? I remember when Zion first brought you to my house. You followed me foot to foot through that little house," she laughed rubbing Alaina's hand. "And the first time I took you to church. You lit up. You loved it. You're my only child who still likes to go. When Zion and Cameron would go off without you, you cried and then you got angry. You loved Benny but he was always with his sister and Lord knows you couldn't stand her. And I couldn't stand your mother."
"Can I help you cook, Ms. Young?" 13 year old, Alaina asked.
Hanna smiled at her, looking up from the greens she was cutting. "Didn't I tell you that you could call me Mama, sweet girl?"
"Yeah but my mom told me that she's my only mom. She got mad at me when I called you that."
Hanna sighed. She never cared for Alaina and Zion's mother, Whitney. That was an evil, evil woman. Just like her husband, their father.
"What do you want to call me, Alaina?"
"You're more of a mom than mine. I wanna call you Mama but I don't wanna get in trouble." Alaina shrugged sadly.
"Then that's what you'll call me, it can be our secret," Hanna smiled tugging at one of Alaina's braids.
"Isn't that a lie? The bible says it's a sin to lie."
"It's not a lie if she doesn't ask, Lainey. Now come on and help me cut."
Cameron rushed to the hospital, Marcie wanted to come but he decided against it. He didn't want her and the baby at the hospital all night. When he got inside the hospital his siblings were waiting for him with a few men in suits and dark shades. The three of them followed the been into the elevator up to Lainey's room.
They rushed to Caleb and Charles, Melissa wrapped her arms around Caleb for comfort. Benny and Cameron stood off to the side with Charles, hands in the pockets of their sweats and hard faces.
"Is she alright, Pop?" Melissa asked softly.
"She will. You can go on in there with your mama. We're comin in a few minutes." Caleb hugged her then opened Alaina's door for her. "When is the last time you talked to Mitch, Benjamin?"
"Three or four days ago when I took Treasure's bag to him. Why?"
"You think he did this," Cameron asked Caleb. He didn't like Mitch but Cameron knew he wasn't that crazy to put his kids in harms way.
Caleb nodded. "Who else would something like this? As jealous as that boys is, I'm not surprised."
"Nah, I don't think so," Benny said shaking his head, "I mean let's think about this. What would him killing Lainey solve for him? If anything he would've killed Charles."
"Yeah, his problem is with me not her. We're cordial but it's fake, it's so we don't upset her or the kids," Charles added.
"So if it wasn't Mitch then who was it?"
"It was either Rose or that damn Candace." Cameron answered sucking his teeth. "We should've killed her ass when we had the chance."
"Not so loud," Charles warned. "Let's all take a deep breath and relax until we find out who it was. I should know within the next few hours."
The men went into the room to find Hanna and Melissa sitting beside each other at Alaina's bedside, watching some movie. Charles stood near the door, his eyes on his fiancè. Watching her like she would disappear. Caleb and Benny sat near the window of her room, Cameron leaned against the wall beside them.
Cameron was pissed to say the least. He knew it was Candace ass soon as he heard the news. She's the only one crazy enough to do this but he didn't understand why. As he thought more about his sister, the day her brother, Zion, got sentenced and he delivered the news to her.
Even though he had a key to Zion's apartment, Cameron always knocked if Alaina was there. He wanted the 17 year old to feel like she had privacy and respect that she never got with her parents or her other brothers. She greeted him with a big hug and smile as always.
"Zi isn't back yet. He left early this morning so he should be back soon. You wanna wait?" She asked leading him into the living room.
"That's why I'm here, Lainey. He had court this morning, he's not coming back for a while."
"What?" Tears rolled down her bare face.
"You remember when he got arrested a few months ago?" Alaina nodded wiping her tears. "He took the deal they gave him and got some time."
"How much time, Cam?"
"That's not important, sweetheart. He won't even have to do the whole thing, just half. He said he'll call you when he can though."
"Cam, how long? It matters." She stressed folding her arms.
Cameron sighed. Zion was going to cuss him out but he should know his sister by now. "15," he mumbled.
"15? What ... What did Zi do?"
"That I'm not telling you. Just know I'm here and I'll take care of you. If you need anything, call me and I'll come."
She shook her head. "So, what? He left me so I have to go back to my parents house? I'm not goin back there."
"No, you know he would kill me if I let you go back there. You can still stay here, drive his car to school and everything. He had your account set up just in case last month."
"Promise you won't leave too. I don't have anyone else."
"If anything happens, you know you still got Mama and B."
Cameron let out a sigh. He'd forgotten to call Zion and tell him what was going on. If Caleb thought her had trouble with him and Benny, he was gonna have more when Zion came.
Candace was going to have on her hands whether Hanna liked it or not.
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
04 - Learning To Receive
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These chapters songs:
Moonlight On The River; Mac Demarco
Nostalgic Feel; Bedroom
New Flesh; Current Joys
TW: Self-harm, death.
(Not done by you, don't worry)
- K.S. Perspective
      Only two or three days had passed since high school had started, which meant only a couple more walks home with Y/n. They were shorter and quiet, and of course, there weren't any swerving cars.
But so far, what I had suspected was correct. She and I made amends and became buddies, thankfully.
      The only times she was left alone were when I had morning practice, and she had to have one of her friends drive her home. Either that or she would have to walk home alone. I would've loved to accompany her, but volleyball was something I didn't take lightly, and my priorities were important to me.
      Both I and my younger brother participated in volleyball and gave it our all ever since we were able to balance on our feet. Sadly, our parents were far too busy to go to any games, or even help us practice at home. But their goal was for their kids to grow up strong and steady with good grades and good stats, so that's why they made sure my younger brother and I were on top of our shit.
      Once my first year ended, I didn't expect that I would have to carry so many burdens all in one year. That's around the time mother had died from sickness, which left me with doubts, wishes, and an unaccomplished relationship with her.
      After the sudden death, our family didn't move on very well. My brother developed anxiety and depression, and he eventually had to take a break from school and volleyball. Then, my father became dull and increased his hours at work to avoid coming home to such a depressing home, leaving my brother and me to continue caring for ourselves, by ourselves.
      I, on the other hand, had barely anything to say about it. All I could do was pose as if I were handling it better than I had. Truth is, my mother's death changed my entire persona. I grew grim and gummy, deprived myself of rest, and repressed the trauma I've received. Not only did I overwork myself because of volleyball and stress, but I also grieved in harmful ways. It'd either be a blade to the wrist, or a night with a girl; anything that could help distract me from my state of deep dejection.
      It's been that way ever since. Only recently have I realized that I'm ruining whatever recovery I built up. That was all because of my best friend— Daichi— who had helped me come out about my feelings towards my mom's passing. Ever since, I've been able to learn from my mistakes, and slowly pick my life back up. I was beginning to become a better player for my team, better support for my family, and a better person for myself.
      That only happened recently. So now, I'm left with lots of things to mend, and relationships to make. I'm determined that I'll mourn more healthily than before.
      "Y/n!" A hopeful call leaves my lips, turning her head. As assumed, it was Y/n. Today she looked even brighter than before; she just has gotten more sleep. Not to mention she wore long socks instead of leggings, which must have been pretty hard in this weather.
      I didn't get to see her this morning due to morning practice, but I did catch her before lunch. Just enough time to tell her I won't be riding the bus tonight either.
      I look both ways of the cross hallway, before grabbing my book bag strap with both hands and jogging towards Y/n. I wasn't sure why I was so eager to see her, but all I knew was I needed a refreshing moment, and she could give me exactly that.
      "Why hello, Mrs. Refreshing!" I joke, bowing my head towards her while she giggled. Looking up, she stands there, shining by the sunlight that reflected on the windows.
      'If I could, I'd take a photo of you right here, just to show you how gorgeous you are.' I quickly put a halter on my thoughts, snapping back to a respectful filter. 'No, I can't do that. Not to myself, most definitely not to Y/n.'
      "You look nice today!" I exclaim, awkwardly patting the side of my hips while smiling at her. Hopefully, I hadn't made her uncomfortable in the first ten seconds of talking to her. The last thing I wanted was to ruin yet another relationship with a girl.
      Thankfully, Y/n responded with kind appreciation to my comment. "Why thank you, sir. And what brings you in my presence?" Her words curl in a formal British accent, adding onto our joke.
      Standing normally, I explain, "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to say hi, and to tell you I might not be walking home with you today. I'm really sorry,  practice has been very necessary for our team. I-I hope you understand." I stutter on the last part, with a gentle tone to add on. Ditching Y/n for most of the week wasn't what I had planned at first, but what I had told her was 100% true. The first years, as well as the rest of us, we're in bad shape. With our spring tournament coming up, we had no time to waste.
      "Oh, that's alright. I understand. I was in volleyball too, after all. Although, I do wish you could still accompany me. It gets a little lonely.." She looks down for a minute while I contemplate my existence entirely. 'So it does bother her.' But she quickly caught onto my thoughts by my expression and came up with a solution. "If— if you'd like, I can simply stay near the gym until practice is over! That way I can see you and your boys in action, yeah?"
      Her fists pop up into the air, as a bright smile appeared on her face. If you didn't know Y/n personally, you would expect them to be cold stone and dull. But in reality, I find they're like everybody else, and have a bright side to them, just like the one that was being portrayed right now.
      Nodding with her statement, I reply hesitantly. "Hm, I'd have to ask the captain, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind—"
      "Oh, Daichi? We're buddies, he'll be alright." I'm dazed by what she'd said, pausing the motion of rubbing my neck. She and Daichi hang in completely different groups, though! 'How is it they know each other? They hang around two very different friend groups.. that is unless they have some type of history I'm unaware about.' I think to myself, trying my best to find a reason they would be friends, but I couldn't. And so, I begin my questioning. "You two know each other?"
      Suddenly, Y/ns gaze twists. "Suga, you introduced me to them during our first year, silly. Remember? I went with you from practice once. And besides that, my good friend Miya is close to him."
      "Oh, yeah! I remember that. That means you only know Asahi, Daichi, and Kiyoko, right? I've gotta introduce you to the rest of the team! I'm sure they've missed you!" I chuckle, throwing an arm around her shoulders cautiously, expecting her to reject it. But she goes on casually with our discussion.
      "That's right.. well... I'm also— sort of— friends with them. Well, except Asahi. But Kiyoko and I are pretty close."
      '?' I tilt my head at the uncertain tone she spoke with. "Pretty close?" I ask, turning into the cafeteria with my arm still around her. The room is, of course, crowded as hell.
      Still, I manage to draw out what Y/n was saying to me, leaning my ear close to her mouth for better audio. "Yes! She's one of my best friends.. we used to date and it didn't work out, but we're pretty tight!"
      'DID I HEAR THAT RIGHT?!' My eyes widen, and I immediately let go of her, tightening my hands around the strap of my school bag. A gulp falls down my throat before I ask, "Did you say.. date?! You mean you two went out?!"
      To my surprise, Y/n nods proudly. "Yes! Why, did you not think she'd go out with a girl? Or is it so astonishing that I could ever get a girl like her?" She teases, while I'm still puzzled. So many questions ran through my head at the sudden fact: was Kiyoko gay? Was Y/n gay?! Does that mean she's gotten closer to Kiyoko than anyone before??
      "Suga, calm down. It's not like we're still together. As I said, it didn't work out!" She smirks towards me, putting a finger up towards her cheek. "Why? You got a little crush on her..? I wouldn't blame you."
      "N-no! It's not like that! It's just— she never told any of us. I guess she just keeps to herself more than predicted." My sentence comes out to sound like a question, rather than a response. It wasn't that I didn't support it, or that I was surprised Kiyoko would be her girlfriend. Honestly, I was just a little jealous of both of them.
      Either way, it seemed it didn't work out. So it didn't matter now. "Anyway, we're about best friends now, so I'm pretty familiar with your team. I don't think they would mind if I came, but just in case, I'll ask Daichi and Kiyoko." She explains, before looking back towards the slowly dying crowd of students in front of the cafeteria. "I better go soon, Suga. I'll let your captain know I'll be heading over there later—"
      "Wait!" I shut my eyes out of nervousness, as my brain wires work to come up with an excuse for why I yelled that. "You used to play volleyball, right?"
      An awkward nod from Y/n is given to me, followed by, "Yes, but I was sort of just a bench warmer. Nothing big." The hands that held her lunch box gripped tighter, as she suspected I would ask her a favor much larger than a lunch.
      "Mind helping me teach one of our new members how to receive?" I say. "His name is Hinata, and he's a first year. He has great talent and has great potential, but he kind of... sucks at volleyball. I mean, from what I've heard, he practices a lot. But I just think he needs some guidance. So, want to?"
      "Uhm... I'm pretty rusty.. but sure! It wouldn't hurt, right? Besides, I think I need a break from my friends wouldn't do any harm."
      'Yes, I did it.' I thought to myself, before leading her towards the doors that led to the gym. "Alright then, right this way!"
      "Suga! Don't you need your bag?" She immediately asks, tugging on my collared shirt. But I shake my head, responding with a light smile.
      "It's already outside, I just came to check on you, is all."
      Up, down, and up again went the ball. Each receive that Hinata had tried had failed every time. At this point, I wouldn't blame Y/n if she wanted to leave. But there she sits against the concrete wall of the outside of the gym, licking white rice off a spoon.
      "Hinata, drop your hips down more," I say to him, demonstrating the position I had stated. "Hit the ball like you're trying to return it where it came from. Got it?"
      Hinata's light expression appears on his face once again. "Yeah, got it!" He exclaims, before getting right into position. I signal the ball is going in the air before my palm hits it in the right spot, sending it towards him.
      And it shoots right back, along with a slap against Hinata's wrists. "Nice!" He praises himself, leaving a feeling of proudness deep within me.
      I'd never been able to teach somebody one of my special skills and having them accomplish it, not the way I did with Hinata. But that was mostly because he was driven by his entire body and soul to memorize every movement in his muscles to create a perfect receive. And who had taught him that? Your one and only.
      "Would you like me to start setting for you tomorrow morning?" I ask the ginger with confidence he'd reply with a yes. Thankfully, that's exactly what happened. His eyes light up in the sun, and his hands take full hold of the ball. "Y-you mean it, sir?!"
      The cold wind hits me, as well as another dosage of serotonin from the first year."Well, I am Karasuno's official setter after all! And you wanna practice spikes, right?" I ask, placing my red hands onto my hips.
      "Exactly! I love to spike! It feels so good when you get it right, and it's cooler than anything!" He shouts. I couldn't help but laugh at his excitement, even if it wasn't the first time he'd portrayed it. Hinata sure reminded me of my past self, and I'd do anything to help first-year Sugawara.
      Y/n suddenly joins our conversation, digging into a reason why Hinata is the way he is when it comes to spikes. "You must have a thing for spiking, don't you?"
      Hinata nods, putting a fist towards his face. "Yes. I didn't have a setter throughout middle school, and I was actually the only club member until my third year of junior high. I used to get my friend in the Basketball Club to toss for me, but after I had dropped out of the club, I went to anybody that could help me practice. Take the first years, and the ladies and setters from the girls' team, too. I've made a lot of friends along the way, but none of those people could ever become my real teammates. That's why I was dying to find out what kind of setters were in high school— but now.. you know."
      Hinatas pure passion dies down once he reaches the word 'setter', and I wouldn't blame him. The person he's supposed to be paired with is his complete opposite, and frankly, a dick-head. "Well, as I said, I'm a setter too. I'll toss you a few, Hinata! Don't get all down."
      I was expecting further satisfaction, but instead, his expression twists into envy. "But it's just that if I have you throw to me now, it kind of feels like... I'm losing." He frowns, looking away from my figure in anger.
      "You're just like someone I know, Hinata!   Always competitive." Y/n says, placing her small bento to the side, and lifting herself from the shaded spot she sat in. Her hands dust off her navy blue skirt, and her blazer comes off. "Why're you so competitive when it comes to Kageyama?"
      "If you ask me, it's better to avoid making enemies with those kinds of people." I join in.
      She wraps her hands around Hinatas shoulders, leaning over his shoulder. "You know, Hinata, you're not as bad as you make yourself out to be. Wanna know a secret about Kageyama?"Without hesitation, Hinata is fully interested in what Y/n had to say. Frankly, so was I.
      "Whatever you see from Kageyama is something he's learned from other players. He wasn't always so snobby; he used to be calmer and kinder. But once he was shown what he could do with his talent, it went to his head. Don't let that become you, Hinata! You have so much potential it's insane! I've never met anybody with as much love for volleyball as you." She pulls up her sleeves, getting into position for a receive, signifying I could rest now. "
      "How do you know what he used to be like, Y/n?" Hinata asks her, sending the ball into the air. My eyes follow it, but my ears listen intently to their conversation.
     "Well, I went to the same middle school as him. When he was a first-year, I was a third. Me and my friend we're on the girls' team, while my other three friends were on the boys' team. The four of us practiced every second of the day, which meant the two teams spent a lot of time together. Everything Kageyama knows is from another player; don't think he's just magically good at volleyball. Anyway, I don't know much about Kageyama, but I do know that he's changed dramatically." She explained. Just then, the bell for our sixth period had rung, and doors were heard opening and closing, as well as students fluttering around hallways.
       The three of us pause our mini practice and gather out things where they were settled. Thoughts ran through my head as I put my school blazer back onto my torso. If Y/n went to the same middle school as Kageyama, that must mean she knows a lot about Aoba Johsai: one of our greatest enemies in volleyball. And if she knows him, could she be familiar with his playstyle? In that case, having her around would not harm the team.
      "Sugawara, I'm off." She's heard saying from behind me, while she put her school bag over her shoulders. "Thank you for having me here with you and Hinata, I'm glad I could be of help."
      I nod in response, nervously breathing through the teeth."Yes, of course. Uhm— would you like me to pick you up from your classroom later on? Either that, or you could walk to the gym after band practice." I ask the young girl, longing for more time to hang about her.
      Then, she began walking backward, meanwhile talking. "I think I'll be just fine, Sugawara. No need to worry about me all the time. I've managed without you the past couple of days haven't I?" Her h/c danced with the wind as she did so, and the corners of her lips rose as she said so.
      "That's right.. I'll catch you later then!" I manage to shout out, raising a hand for a gentle wave, but it was too late. Y/n was already turning into the doors of the school, returning the gesture.
      Somehow, she always found a way to make the chains around my heart tighten a bit more. What was it that drew me towards Y/n? Hell, if I knew. "Wow, Sugawara. You've got yourself a pretty friend! She seems nice, too." Hinata expresses, looking agar with me. "Is she your girlfriend, or something?"
      "No, Hinata. Just an old friend. Someone who may know me better than anybody, you know." Y/n; The girl who knew her way around my heart.
Hey everybody, sorry I've been M.I.A for a while. Don't worry, I'm not giving up on my ff!!! I would never do that. This fan fiction is super duper important.
Please note my chapters!! It lets me know you guys enjoy them.
Make sure to be taking care of yourself: drink water, go outside, eat something, and heal yourself after hard work:) It's currently mental awareness month, and it's very important to be taking time for yourself.
love you guys
- Sugawara's beauty mark
0 notes
Weekend Fun
Clare: smiled at Dakota and then glanced at Stacy when she spoke. She nodded. "Okay. That makes sense, I just think I'm the one who is getting to better end of the bargain." She didn't elaborate because Dakota already knew how miserable things were at home right now and she was trying to keep Stacey out of it. "It will be. There's no point in rocking the boat until it becomes necessary." She didn't know when that was going to be. Once she turned 18, her parents wouldn't be able to use the whole Dakota having custody of a child thing to keep them apart because Dakota would no longer be a minor either and they'd no longer have a stay so in who she dated anyway. Clare knew she couldn't wait that long to tell them though. She would only be turning 16 this year. "Dad won't be home." She promised. If she had to she could tell her parents an abridged version of why Josephine couldn't come over when he was there but it probably wouldn't be necessary to complicate things further. Clare smiled at Stacy and Dakota, and nodded in agreement. Then she looked at Dakota's mom curiously when she said she was going to adopt Josephine. From what his mom was saying it might be what was best for Josephine but who knew how Josephine really felt. Family matters were complicated. If Dakota considered Josephine his sister and his mom agreed, it changed things in her mind though. Her parents couldn't dispute whatever 'story' Clare told them. Adoption was actually something her parents advocated for and respected so Clare didn't forsee them asking nosey questions about that if it were true. Not that she should be thinking about herself right now. Josephine needed out of a bad situation. Clare shrugged to say that was fine when Dakota said she'd be sleeping in his room whenever she slept over. She doubted Dakota was ready for a physical relationship after everything she'd learned about him today and he knew she wasn't. It might be uncomfortable sharing a bed but they'd get used to it. Plus she wouldn't be staying the night often. At first she was confused when they started talking about a grandmother. She didn't know their grandmother lived with them. She got why having her there full time might not be great, Clare couldn't handle more than a few weeks at a time with her grandma. Then Clare got it, their grandmother died and they thought the room was haunted. Clare couldn't help laughing. "No, I don't need to be brave and go in there. I've seen Poltergeist a dozen times so the TV cutting on by itself is kind of creepy..." She playfully poked Dakota's shoulder. "How am I supposed to impress your grandmother if I sleep in your room though, she might come in there and throw a shoe at me." Her eyes widened when Emi talked about the deceased old lady giving her candy. If she wasn't actually haunting her own room she'd obviously left a lasting impression since her family was taking good care of the room and everything in it. Clare smiled sheepishly. "Right of course not, I should've thought of that. How do tourists find their way around? We might have a really hard time even with Emi's help and a Japanese dictionary app. Of course we should be able to use our phones to get directions in English. Hopefully." She looked at the paper. Clare knew the Japanese used symbols instead of words in their language. But she certainly hadn't known what it was called or how the symbols looked. "This is really cool Emi. I've never seen anything like it." Clare told her. "How does learning sounds work? Still, it was very clever of you to figure out how many strokes you needed. You're good at drawing." Clare didn't think she would be able to learn much Kanji. French was hard enough to learn and they had the same alphabet. "I believe it, I knew the languages they use in places like Japan and China was more complex than ours and the hardest to learn but jeeze." She exclaimed to Dakota. "I don't know how I feel about octopus. Have you tried it Emi? I might like it better than I would Sushi. I hate fish so raw fish doesn't really sound appetizing to me." She admitted. "Besides if it's grilled I know they at least took the eyes out. I'm not sure about the tentacles though. Food aside, it sounds like so much fun!" She grinned. "Good idea, I bet there's a lot more to do and I wanna dance with you." Clare said shyly. If she was going to have on pretty robes they shouldn't go to waste. "I can't wait. I hope I don't embarrass you too much, Emi, because I'm going to be taking lots of photos." She chuckled. "Okay fair point. What was Time Square like, were they filming anything? But the toy stores always looked really cool on Home Alone 2, were they like that?" No wonder he got lost. "I don't need pom-poms just clapping. Aww a banner would be nice, no one's ever done that for me before." Clare beamed at him. She was lucky to have a thoughtful boyfriend. "Do you like robots?" She asked Emi hopefully. Clare returned the chaste kiss before raising an eyebrow at Dakota. "But we weren't even dating until today, someone must've been pretty confident I would say yes." She teased him. Clare kissed him again. She hadn't even known he liked her and would never have dreamed of going on a date with him. Clare followed Dakota when he carried Emi out to the car. "Of course." She said quietly. "I know where the kitchen is now so I'll put them in the icebox." Clare buckled her seat belt and reached for Dakota's hand.
Kota: nodded at Clare's words as she spoke about Jos and her parents. "She won't throw a shoe at you. She's only ever hit Bren alive and dead." Dom stated. "Let's not talk about Bren until he passes." his mom said and they nodded. "You don't really need to make an impression on her. She doesn't leave her room. Never has, so if you don't go in there, you're fine." Kota stated honestly. "I never met her and I don't plan to. I also stay in Dallas' room a lot." Stacy assured. "Plus part of Grandma's always with us." Dom said honestly. "Not really, that part of her is always in my closet. Like I want Grandma with me when I use the bathroom." Kota stated. "Part of her is in my purse." Kelly shrugged. "Am I the only one that keeps part of her with me?" Ash asked and Kota looked around. "Apparently." Dom answered. Kota listened as Clare asked Emi questions and wondered if she could answer them, though he knew if she couldn't he would. "Um..." Emi trailed off looking for words. "You know how you learn the ABC's then the sounds the letter's make?" Emi asked. "We do something like that. We learn our alphabet and the sounds they make. The symbols change when you form words just like the sounds of the letters in the ABC's change." she tried explaining and wrote " す し" on a paper and showed it to Clare. "That's the sound for Sushi. The first symbol makes the shu sound." she said and took the paper back only to write "寿司" on a paper, then showed Clare again. "And that's sushi when it's written out. I memorized the symbols off a restaurant that way I'd know momma was getting sushi for dinner." she explained. "The sounds are easier and we learn them first. We don't fully learn how to write until we finish middle school since there are over a thousand symbols that take so long to learn." she huffed the last part and thanked Clare about her drawing. Hearing her ask if she had octopus she nodded. "I only had it fried. I watched someone try to eat it still living and it looked dangerous, they couldn't get the octopus out of their mouth." she explained. "I won't eat it at restaurants because they serve them whole and they dance when you put soy sauce on it. Momma got mad because I liked to make them dance so much and wouldn't eat them." she shrugged. "As for sushi, you need to try a California roll, no fish." Kota said looking at Clare. "It's rice, seaweed, fake crab, and avocado." he added and looked at Emi. "Everyone already takes a lot of photos so it's not embarrassing." she smiled at Clare. "Yea, they were just like they were on Home Alone 2, they weren't filming when I was there though." he explained. "Everything is huge in Time Square including the pizza." he added. "I haven't seen a robot. They were only in Tokyo." She stated honestly as she ate her food. "I was hoping you'd say yes." Kota smiled into the kiss. Once Emi was buckled in, Kota held Clare's hand the entire ride home. As soon as they got home, Kota smiled and unbuckled Emi and watched everyone get out of the van. "Um, can I carry Emi?" Stacy asked catching Kota off guard and to look at her. "The light in the house is on. I really don't want to deal with Bren." Stacy whined a bit causing Kota to get out of the car and look at Dallas when he stepped by them. "Is Bren home?" he asked curiously. "No, mom's inside and there's no yelling." Dallas assured causing him to sigh in relief. "Thank goodness he's not coming home." he said honestly. "I agree." Stacy sighed in relief as well as Kota lead Clare inside. He could immediately hear his mom fiddling with stuff in the kitchen and walked there holding Emi and Clare's hand still. "Bren got expelled." his mom said honestly. "I'm putting him in public school with Ash." She added and Kota looked behind him to see Ash. "I want videos. Lots of videos." he stated. "Anyway they didn't say when they're sending Bren home. Clare, if you're here feel free to hit Bren as much as you want want." His mom stated as she started to bake. "He was switched at birth." Kota stated. "Sadly he wasn't, I did a DNA test the moment you boys came up with that theory. Mom and I started to believe he really was switched at birth." Kelly said and Kota shifted Emi a bit. "I'll take her, thinking about Bren coming home is blowing my mood. Cuddling with Emi tonight will take my mind off it, just get me her pajamas." Kelly said to Kota and he let go of Clare's hand to get Emi's pajamas for his sister. Once he got back he handed Kelly the pajamas and took Clare's hand. "I'm done with worrying about Bren coming home. We have one day of peace left and I plan on spending it with Clare and Emi. I'll worry about what to do with him after he comes home." Kota stated and started to walk to his room with Clare, picking up the bag for her as they walked. Once they got to his room, he shut the door behind them and took off his slippers, then his shirt. "The bathroom's right here." he said opening a door that has a sign that has Japanese writing on it. "The sign says bathroom since Emi mistook the closet next to it for the bathroom since the doors are the same." he said honestly as he stepped inside and took out a small box. "There are tooth brushes in here, take your pick, we don't have pink though." he said knowing there were all the other colors but pink and a lot of styles and brands. "I'll be out here when you're done." he said and shut the door behind him as he left. While he was waiting for Clare to finish, he changed into his pajama bottoms and got a blanket for Clare, then laid on his bed and covered up in his black blanket.
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