#sahed x jealous reader
short-black-diamond · 10 months
Okaokay! What if we flip the situation kinda >:)
So like Sahed has secret crush on reader and reader is like confident and flirts with him however rather than a clap back like he does with Julia he just goes quiet (cuz he’s flustered tehee) so this makes reader jealous of Julia cause they think he doesn’t like them back .·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·.
Blah blah blah reader surprisingly kisses Sahed and he’s all flustered blushing mess happy ending
(ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)♥(˘ ε˘ʃƪ)
-ur strawbewy >;3 🍓
I love it. And I love your request. Let's do this!
Also thank you for requesting again, 🍓 <3
Warnings: jealous reader, reader makes explicit remarks, flustered Sahed, and Rainah is our beloved wingwoman again
Word count: 2.1 k
Cursed lips
"Tell me Sahed..", you spoke when you sat yourself next to the three eyes, and he immediately blushed. You guys were eating dinner, and Sahed ate at a lone corner, so what better way option would you have than to plop down next to him and flirt with him?
"how come you always look so perfect?", you asked, watching his reaction with a sly grin. It was routine by now that Sahed would blush furiously, he would say no syllable back though. He only ate his food in silence.
You huffed, taking a more daring approach. "You know, you are just like a maths book," and out of the corner of your eyes, you saw the Ah'kon momentarily stop shoving spaghetti in his mouth.
'Got him this time!', you thought as you finished your sentence. "Whenever I open that particular book, I just groan and say-"
Sahed quickly stood up and left. "Hmpf! Didn't even get to finish my sentence...", you muttered, as you watched him leave the cafeteria with a hand on your ching and an annoyed expression.
You didn't understand Sahed. You knew him, his past, why he was the way he was, but not how he couldn't even talk back to you.
However, it was a whole other story with Julia, one of the newcomers. Whenever she was around, Sahed cracked jokes left and right, pulled some pranks on her, and... flirted with her very often.
It made you feel like a fool, running after him all these years. Sometimes, Sahed made you think he actually liked you, but before you could be sure about that, he backed away, saying stuff like "I was just joking!", "Did you really believe that?" ...and the worst: "C'mon, we're friends!"
yeah, he made you feel like a lovesick fool, and you hated yourself for not being able to stop your heart to beat for him. You hated feeling invincible whenever he was near, like you could achieve anything in this world.
But, you were not one to back down, no. You'd spoil him rotten, court him, gift him flowers, write him poems, and praise and compliment and flirt with him until the day he'd tell you to stop or reject you.
You were ____ ______, for god's sake!
You'll make Sahed yours!
If only your confidencs would restore faster after each time you see Sahed flirting with Julia. You wished he'd tell you how he felt, but you were always met with silence on the other end, and it knawed at you.
it felt disgusting.
Sahed was having a nervous breakdown, his elbows on his table and his face buried in his face as he groaned loudly .Kamille drew a new design for Rainah and Rainah only stroked Sahed's back in comfort.
"And then she said, "Whenever I open that particular book, I just groan and say-" and that's then I left!", Sahed cried in an exasperated tone as he looked at his sister with a very flustered expression, his face being redder than a tomato and Rainah only laughed.
"Oh my, she must be pulling all the stops now. But I do feel pity for ____. Sahed, you can't just not answer when she talks to you. You'll only hurt her feelings, you know?", she spoke when Sahed looked at her with drooped eyes and a sad frown.
"I-I know, Rainah, and I'm trying! I actually sat up early this morning, just to rehearse what I want to say to her, but when I look at her, or when I hear her voice...", he whined as he rubbed his eyes in frustration.
Rainah only sighed tiredly. "What if you just write her something, instead of trying to speak?", Kamille's voice rang softly, and Sahed raised his head.
"That's...actually a pretty good idea...!", Rainah praised, and kamille smiled bashfully as she looked down at her designs with a blush.
Sahed searched for papers, not the scattered and drawn-on ones. He finally found a lone paper and scrambled around for a pen with ink. Once he found one, he wrote whatever came to mind. He wrote for a solid two minutes, his eyes furrowed in concentration, and the room was filled with Kamille's gentle stroke of her pen against her skecthes, and Sahed's rough handwriting, his wrist flicking after every tenth word.
Then he abruptly stopped. "No. that's not right.", he criticised his work, and fisted the paper in his hand. rainah raised an eyebrow after he threw it to the ground -it missed the bin- and looked for a new paper.
She picked it up and read what was inside, and she gasped.
Dear ____, Not a day, an hour, a minute, or even a second goes by where I'm not thinking of you. Hell, I even see you in my dreams. You always have on that beautiful pink dress on...it really suits you, and I can't help but fall for you every time you bless me in that other world. In my dreams, I am not a cowerd who can't even answer you, no. In my dreams, I am responding to every of your words. I am also flirting with you, looking at you the way you look at me, and even holding, and kissing your delicate, petite hands. If only I could do it too when I am not in the dreamland. If only I could tell you how much you mean to me, how much I crave your attention, how I want you to keep flirting with me, even when I can't always take it, should I faint, is it beccause of the overdose of love you've showered me with. I wish I could speak to you, but I can't and I can't help but think I am cursed. I simply cannot speak when I'm around you. Whenever I look into those beautiful orbs of yours, or smell your perfume, my voice leaves and I am just--standing there like an idiot! Your words make me feel so much better about myself than I'd like to admit. Every word you say, every compliment, every praise, I wish to give right back at you, but I always find myself tongue-tied, & my throat suddenly has a toad in it. I wish I could tell you how I feel and
And that's where he stopped. Rainah looked at her brother, who was looking at the drawn on papers, scratching his head in thought, most likely trying to figure out where his newly purchased ones went.
Without telling him a word, Rainah left the room.
"What?! You're joking, right??", Julia's response came to your question and she was laughing her butt off.
you only stared at her laughing with a saw frown etched on your face. "I'm serious, you know...?", you muttered when you saw her gasping for air.
It couldn't be that asking her if she liked Sahed would be the funniest thing she'd ever heard, but oh well.
"Sor...sorry...phew!...ehehheheheee~...!", Julia laughed while trying to catch her breath. "It's just, I am not the one who likes Sahed, or the one who Sahed likes." "Huh?"
"Listen, ____. I may seem close to that guy, but there's nothing but cameraderie between us.", Julia started, a sympathetic smile on her face. You looked at her with hesitation. "...Really?"
"Really. And I'm surprised that you're actually asking me this when Sahed only has heart eyes for you-"
"____! ____! I need to give you something!", Rainah yelled when she finally spotted you. You look at her confused, having Julia's words not processed yet.
"Woah, Rainah, what happened to you?", Julia asked, and rainah only gave you Sahed's paper. "..here...!", she panted.
"Had to give you this before Sahed gets me! Byeee!", she exclaimed, before dashing away.
Julia put a hand on your shoulder. "I have some business to attend to, okay? Bye."
And gone was she. Now, as you were alone, you read what was written on it. You gasped in shock.
Each sentence made you heart flutter, your eyes widen, and your love for your crush grow.
Sahed sighed. He was getting nowhere with this. Kamille had left to go to the sewer with her sketches, and Rainah left to god-knows-where.
He looked at the dozens of love letters on the ground he wrote as soon as he got his hands on the new paper. He used every single one of them, then he rumpled every single one.
He'd never write a good confession, let alone love letter. However, a knock at his door made him halt in his thoughts, and he opened the door. You stood there, with his first paper in hand.
"May I step in?", you asked gently, and Sahed got red. Without a word, he stepped to the side. You saw the papers on the ground, which were as rumpled as the one in your hand.
"May I look at the other papers?", you looked at him. He looked to the side, and nodded. 'no, no, nononononono...! She's going to read all my papers..!', he thought as he watched you crouch down to the ground to open the crumpled papers on the ground.
You opened the first one, and it left you in shock.
My wonderful lady ____, you have no idea how much I am infuriated with you. Every second next to you feels like heaven, but it ends in a second. I cannot fathom when I started harbouring these feelings, but I know that I cannot stop them, nor do I want to. I enjoy your company, and I wish I would answer you, if it weren't for those ... cursed lips of mine. Whenever I find myself near you, my heartbeat speeds up as if I'd be running a marathon, my hands grow sweaty when I think about holding the ones you have, and I can't utter a single word to you. Whenever you talk to me, whether it be joking, a normal conversation, or you flirting with me, I always find myself at a loss for words. It's like I have lost my tongue, or every language I am capable of speaking is wiped from my brain.
I think it is because I have fallen in love with you, _____, for I can't imagine the sun rising without your presence. I can't imagine going on stage in front of all these people to show my tricks when you're not near, because all these people are only fragments of my past, whereas you are a constant flowing stream in my blood, which rests in my veins and goes into my heart.
I... I love you so much that I can't even speak around you, and I always become a mute fool in your presence. I can't help but grow shy when you're right there, with your glowing aura, your wonderful hair, your charming eyes, and your beautiful smile.
And that was it. The paper anded here. Sahed watched you open and read every single letter from the floor as he grew tense. He was standing behind you at the door, and scratched his head, his blush still evident as he was close to fainting. He sat down on a stool. He watched your body language from behind.
You were just...sitting there, a straight posture, your feet underneat your butt as you sat on your knees and shins, and you occasionally rised a little to take another letter which was a bit further away from you.
No, Sahed couldn't read your body from behind.
He slowly stood up and collected the balls of paper you didn't read yet and gave you one each time you finished reading the last. It took you one hour to finish reading all the letters, and you were grinning from ear to ear. "So...that's how you've been thinking of me...?"
Sahed nodded, his legs being formed criss-cross-applesauce, and he sat next to you. He nodded shyly, his eyes being cast downwards.
"Well...you certainly have a way with words, Sahed. Also...it was really romantic, how you just wrote it all down. I'm flattered from your letters."
Sahed gulped. 'Okay, now or never!'
He took a deep breath as he looked at you with a flustered determined expression. "____, I love you-mmh!"
Yeah, you kissed him. Your one of your hands was on his cheek, the other one on his shoulder. You were facing him with your body as you kissed him, and Sahed's head was just turned down and to your direction.
After you parted, Sahed shyly gave you a little peck on your lips, and smiled sheepishly. "I love you too, Sahed.", you said when you spread your kisses all over his face.
Sahed smiled as he sighed into your affections.
Maybe being not able to talk to you was not so bad.
Hey hey hey! I hope I could write it the way you liked, and if not, please let me know!
Anyways, thanks for reading my post! If you have requests, please let me know!
Read you in the next post!
taglist: @littlegremlinflower
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
AH! You never fail to impress me with your writing
Honestly i feel like a nuisance with all the asks i had been sending, but please remember not to rush and just write when you want (´⌣`ʃƪ)
(。•̀ᴗ-)✧ 🍓
Please don't feel like a nuisance love, you're having a very special place in my heart. Also I am awaiting more requests from you so keep em coming. /( •̀ ω •́ )/
-your diamond <3
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
Tehehe I’ll give you a sorta idea and you can do what you like with it! (Im totally head over heels for sahed the now, sorryyy😭)
So basically reader and tonny are close friends, and sahed is not so secretly jealous of that and then hears a rumour that reader and tonny were fount kissing (simply a rumour lolol)
And uhhh idk where to go with it except eventually sahed corners the reader and they kiss n shiii
AHAHA SORRY i felt like a child writing this but hopefully it helps!!
Bwhahahaha no I can totally agree, Sahed has my heart as well my precious strawberry!
Also we stan jealous Sahed.
Word count: 2.8 k
warnings: jealous Sahed?? very jelly melly pouty pookie baby Sahed??? , the reader dies (trust me and just read), and yea
Jealous Sahed = hot Sahed
You were yawning at Tonny's nth try to make you laugh. At first, you found it sweet of him to try and cheer you up after you guys moved from your hometown -which you haven't visited in decades- and the homesickness knawed at your heart like a bee craved its nectar to make honey.
Tonny was a sweet guy, really, trying to make everyone feel at ease, and happy...if only he could come to terms that it was also okay to...not...feel positive emotions sometimes.
"Thanks, Anthonn...but I don't really feel like smiling.", you murmured as you combed his orange/red wig and looked at the shortening stash of make up. you guys would have to stock up again soon.
A random member of the circus happened to walk in on you two discussing, and that person was well, very drama-loving when they saw you and Gremminger conversing with one another. They smiled mischievously. Sahed will be boiling with anger and jealousy tonight. They hid behind a stack of boxes and listened to your conversation.
He sighed as he plopped down next to you. "yeah, sorry...it's just, you're my best friend, and I actually didn't want to bring you there, it was my fault-", he started, but you raised your hand like a mother before looking at him firmly as you interrupted him.
"No, no, Anthonn. Don't blame yourself. I wanted to visit my old home. It's just...so much had changed ever since I left, the people, my family... and now I'm leaving again...I just...I don't know if I actually wanna see it again, or...", you trailed off, thinking about the life-changing night you had as you joined the circus that faithful night.
'Just a quick walk, and then I'll be home again! Easy as pie!', you thought as you quickly braided your hair into a lose rope (sorry I can't describe hairstyles someone pls help) and walked towards the library.
The woman there promised you a book of your liking under the day, only about to give it to you now because she knew you were a poor kid, and her manager was looking over her shoulder.
'Just a few more steps- huh?', you thought, when you noticed a stranger. the person just...stood there as you were squinting your eyes to try and identify the person, but before you could realize that it was-
a sharp pain made your breath hitch. you looked down, your eyes seeing a knife in your stomach. when you looked up, you looked at the person you were supposed to marry.
you had rejected the man, and he swore for revenge.
You just didn't think he'd be such a psycho to actually kill you.
"why..?", you only asked as you started coughing up blood. You felt like you were being pressed out for air, your diaphragm not doing its job in raising itself to let your lungs breathe new air in.
"Why? I am the man of every women's dreams, ____! How dare you reject my offer?!", he yelled as he grabbed your hair, but another person broke his wrist.
you then felt a new pair of hands pulling out the knife, and you trying to surpress a scream. you didn't want to alarm the poor citizens. Every household had children, so if you'd had screamed, the kids would've ran out first, only to see your corpse laying on the pavement.
you couldn't do that.
So instead, you groaned as you tried to stop the blood from flowing. The pair which pulled out the knife held your hands away from the wound, and you looked up, only to come face to face with an Ah'kon.
You flinched. you tried bringing some distance between youself and the three-eyes, but he only pulled you closer to his chest. "shh...shh...hey, it's okay, we're saving you...", he muttered as he gently stroked your hair.
you sobbed into his shoulder, not being able to feel your legs anymore. "Why are you doing this...?! I want to live..!", you pleaded as you tried pushing the unhumanly man away from you, but to no avail. he only hugged you tighter to him, and thus making more blood rush out of your wound.
you cried.
"Sahed! Stop hurting her and kill her already!", the other guy, who saved you from your murderer whisper-yelled. You were shaking violently now.
"please...let me go...I have nothing to offer..!", you begged, and your breathing grew ragged as you tried to fight for your life by taking deep breaths, however it only spurred on the blood flow out of your body even more.
"I'm sorry, Tonny, but I can't bring it in myself to hurt a beautiful lady such as this one.", "Sahed" answered as he kept stroking your hair. A spider crawled up your arm as you were taking your last breaths.
Sahed faced you with a gentle smile. "What's your name, young miss?"
The spider bit you, but you didn't feel it. You told him your name, a tear rolled down your cheek, and you slowly slumped down into a slumber which you thought would last forever, but you were wrong.
When you opened your eyes again, Sahed and Tonny were in front of you, standing side by side and giving you sympathetic smiles. You only blinked at them. Then you looked and touched at your stomach.
"I- you- how?", was your spluttered question as you looked at them, your hair a little in your face. And just now, you looked at what surrounded you. Everything was...so...egg-yellow? You saw some objects floating, some notes being played here and there, and when you looked at the two men in front of you, you flinched.
Each one was holding a paper, and a feather with the pink covered in pink. Sahed's feather was a black one, with glowing blue ink at its tip, while Tonny had a white feather, with red ink on it.
"Would you like to live for eternity, ____?", Tonny asked as he took a step forward. sahed chuckled. "At least tell her where she is, Tonny. Look, she's all scared now...", Sahed lightly scolded Tonny as he put away the paper and feather as he approached you and bowed down.
"My name is Sahed. The person to my left is Anthoon Gremminger, but he also enjoys being called Tonny. See, we two are from a magical circus, and just happened to have walked in on you getting brutally stabbed by an ugly man.", Sahed introduced himself and Tonny, and also gave you a little information about themselves.
When Sahed said ugly man, addressing the rejected psycho, you giggled. "yeah...I knew he was weird.."
Tonny smiled. "Well, we're glad we could..." "Help me? yes, you guys actually helped me.", you finished, as you looked at the two men gratefully.
"If it weren't for you, Tonny, then he would've just stabbed me more and more...and Sahed, thank you for staying with me during my last living moments. It felt nice...dying in someone's arms.."
and you bowed down to Sahed this time. "I'm sorry when I flinched when I saw your three eyes, Sahed. It was simply the first time seeing an Ah'kon in real life, and since I was manipulated by the government for thinking that Ah'kons were bad, this...was my reaction. I humbly apologize for my behaviour."
Sahed's eyes were widened. A slow blush creeped out from his heart which warmed him up until his forehead. He averted his eyes. 'That woman, ____...she's definitely something else...', he thought as he nodded towards you. "It's alright. I forgive you.", he managed to answer.
You smiled at him, and Sahed's heart squeezed real tight. While he was turning around and acting as if he was examining the feather (but in reality he tried figuring out why his heart reacted like that and why it was racing now), you and Tonny chatted a bit.
It all came to the conclusion that you signed Tonny's and Sahed's contracts.
"...are you regretting joining us..?", Tonny asked when he leaned against you, and you huffed. "Quit that. and about your question...I don't. I'm surprised I have the abilities of a spider though. You know, walking up the walls and onto the ceiling, or shooting webs, and being crazy strong."
Tonny chuckled. "Yeah, you surprised me and Sahed and the others with that pretty much...I was not surprised when you won against Sahed when he was in his buff form."
You snorted. "Gosh, I can still remember his bamboozled face!"
And you two chuckled at that. You sighed after some time, leaning against Tonny. "I'm glad I joined the circus.", you stated after a while, and Tonny nodded in agreement. "You became a core member of this place, ____, you know that?", he asked quietly. you smiled.
"I'm happy to hear that. And thank you for trying to cheer me up.", you muttered. Tonny hugged you from the side and then he turned his head towards you.
Unfortunately, the peeping tom from their prespective saw you two 'kissing'. They quickly left to tell the others. Sahed could hear it from someone else.
"Hey, what if we go up the ceiling, hm?", Tonny asked, and you smiled as you nodded. And together, you ran towards Sahed to have him join you guys.
Now, Sahed was a patient man. He liked to plan some things ahead. Take some things slow.
And he had a plan with you as well. He had the plan to court you over time as he would gift you stuff, compliment you on your powers and abilities, as well as your beauty, and overall be very kind to you.
but, Tonny became a rival in Sahed's eyes. Sahed envied Tonny's close connection to you. He was always scowling when you and Tonny whispered under one another and cackled up right after.
Sahed tried to control his temper when Tonny teased him for blushing at your praises towards the Ah'kon, because why did Tonny have such a stupid grin on? why did he always get the longer end of the straw when it came to you?
Oh...my sweet, jealous Sahed...if only you knew...
You were actually having the fattest crush on the three-eyed eye candy. whenever Sahed was close to you, or even his name falling in a conversation, you were a blushing mess as your cheeks warmed up.
You were just too anxious and shy to confess to the handsome male, and you still thought that he might hold a grudge on you for looking at him all scared on the first time you met him.
but all these lovely dovey feelings itensified when Sahed caught wind of the rumor that you and Tonny had been kissing. Sahed had to check for himself, as he strutted away quickly, looking for you.
All the members who saw him could say he was pissed- no, beyong pissed. Furious, angry, mad. and from what?
Jealousy. They all knew Sahed's crush on you and your crush on him. It would be highest time for you two to start confessing.
just when you saw him, you called him cheerily. "Sahed! Come accompany us-" "I need to talk to you in private, ____.", the Ah'kon interrupted you. Then he glanced at Tonny and his concerned face became an annoyed snarl. Tonny looked at him a little irritated.
You shrugged your shoulders, bidding a confused Tonny farewell before following Sahed into his room. "Sahed? What is it that you wanted to talk about?", you asked after you stood in front of him with his back facing your face.
"I heard a rumor that you and Tonny...had been kissing...is that true?"
You looked at him for a short moment before breaking out in laughter. "Bwahahahaahahha! Now who told you that joke!?", you asked between your fits of laughter.
Sahed only breathed out in relief, raking a hand over his head to his hair as he turned to you. when you were done laughing, having subsided to small giggles.
"Is that all you were going to ask me?", you questioned when you looked at him with a smile and a raised brow. Sahed only shook his head as he laid it on your shoulder, one of his hands resting in his pockets, the other one gently taking your hand and leading it to his lips.
you froze in place, and you focused on the feel of his lips against your knuckles. 'Chapped lips, glazed with lip balm...newly applied a few moments ago? ah, he must've done it when he turned around..'
Then, Sahed raised his head and turned it to an angle where his lips would meet yours perfectly. You stumbled back. "Ah, s-sorry, I didn't mean to-", you apologized again, your back hitting the corner.
Sahed only walked towards you, his expression solemn as he walked towards you. "why...why do you always run away from me...?", he asked quietly as he gently took your hand again. He looked at it with a sad frown, and his mouth was turned down a bit.
You were speechless. 'me? running away from you..?'
"no..it's just...I was just-" "Scared?"
"No! No. I was just surprised wh-when you leaned down for a kiss...", you tried to explain as your cheeks and forehead burned. You looked up at him when you put your other hand on his which was holding your first hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"I'm just...surprised, that you'd even do such a thing..", you trailed off as your thumb stroked the polished and black nail on Sahed's thumb.
Sahed frowned as he looked into your face. he was an expert at reading peoples' minds when just looking at their faces, but when he looked at you...you never had any other emotions evident on your face than what you showed. Now you looked...bashful? sheepish?
"And why not? Do you actually have any idea how long I've loved you, ____?", he asked before he put a strand of hair behind your hear and lifted up your chin to look at him.
Your eyes were wide open in surprise, and your mouth parted slightly.
"I've fell for you the moment I laid eyes on you, ____...even when it was your dying moment...you looked pretty. And you look even prettier now.", he murmured before kissing the hand on top of his softly.
You felt your heartbeat race, and you also felt like fainting. 'Sahed loves me?!', cue to your blush intensifying. You thought that Sahed was done talking, but he still continued.
"And so...I thought that I could win you over with my charms, gifting you stuff, complimenting you, flirting with you...and then, Tonny...", he whispered as he scowled again. you frowned. "What's with him...?", you asked when your hand came in contact with his cheek, and he pushed the side of his head into your hand affectionately. But his three eyes were still downcast.
"I thought that you and Tonny were, well...close...and I didn't want you to like that clown...but when I heard that you and Tonny kissed...I-...I couldn't stand it...it broke my heart, you know?", he finished before he looked up at you. you could just melt then and there.
"so...you were jealous...?" "P-pretty much..."
An angry, jealous Sahed...he was hot before, but it seemed like his jealousy gave him a special note. I mean, he wouldn't corner you, would he? with holding your hands and kissing them as he tells you how jealous he was of you for hanging out with your best friend.
You huffed playfully. "There's nothing to worry about, Sahed. I love you too, you know?"
There was a moment of silence, before Sahed's face turned beet red. you couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.
"You know...I think I should make you more jealous in the future.."
"what?! Why??", he asked, a worried expression on his face.
"well...it makes you look hot.", you answered, smirking at him a little seductively. He chuckled at that.
"And I'm not hot now? Or most of the time?"
"Depends on what?"
"Are you still thinking about kissing me?"
"I am restraining myself from doing so, yes."
"Then loosen up and kiss me."
And with that, Sahed kissed you. His lips were chapped as you guessed correctly, but you didn't mind it. You brought your hands to his hair, and payed with it as he pecked your lips again and again.
Sahed grew bold. He started kissing down your jaw to place open-mouthed kisses on your throat before placing a hickey on your neck.
"Heh.", he said proudly when he examined his work. you were panting when you looked at him with a confused face. "Huh? w-what did you do?"
"nothin'...!", he quickly answered before kissing you again, and you closed your eyes in bliss as you kissed him back just as eagerly.
when you looked into the mirror after your little...interaction with your new boyfriend Sahed, you saw his work. A big, dark purple hickey, right on the side of your neck, and in a very visible area as well.
'So this is why everyone's been looking at me strangely..!', you thought as you blushed furiously and thought about ways to take your revenge on your lover.
Heyyyy! I thought that this would be a nice ending, and yeahhh! I hope I could fulfill your request how you liked, and if you didn't, tell me, so that I can improve my writing and give you the satisfaction you deserve, 🍓!
Requests are open!
Read you guys in the next post!
taglist: @littlegremlinflower
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
I love silly jealousy fics tehehe
If i get anymore silly thoughts I’ll send them your way!
You're welcome love ❤️
Yessss keep 'em coming!!!
- diamond
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
I suggested your blog to some friends so you can get more asks! I hope you don’t feel too pressured ;^;
awww thanks love! nah if they also have requests, then I am happy to write more stuff!
And don't worry about your other request, I hope I'll be done in 20 mins!
-your short diamond <3
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MARIONETTA - Masterlist - 02.09.2023
Gossip part 2
Gossip, part 3
What did you just say? (Julia x Sahed)
A beautiful smile. (Sahed x reader)
"Tone it down, Tonny...!" (Anthonn x reader-suggestive)
Tonny and you acting like an old married couple :]
Under my spell?! (loser! Tonny x bully! reader)
"You're one year too late." (Sahed x fem! reader angst)
Jealous Sahed = Hot Sahed (jealous sahed x reader)
"My favourite type of flower..." (Sahed x reader)
Sahed the perv. (Sahed being a pervert around you)
"Intense." (Sahed x Julia smut)
Cursed lips (Tongue-tied Sahed x flirty reader)
A new spectacle? (Anthonn x reader)
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
"You're one year too late."
This is a fic I've been thinking of after watching the latest episode of Marionetta, episode 32 this morning. For those who didn't read the Webtoon yet, here's spoilers.
Sahed x female reader, angst. Julia gets jealous, but regrets it.
Also I didn't proofread.
Sahed and Julia sat together in his room, which was lighted up very brightly by the lanterns. "Now, we'll just have to get to Rainah and then I'll go get ____!", Sahed said with a triumphant smile, but Julia couldn't help but notice Sahed's blush.
And it was also the first time she heard that name. ____. She grew curious.
After Sahed led Julia away from his room and sneeking away from the police/guards, they shortly after met Rainah and a bald dude with freckles who had to wear a headband. "Okay, now, we will summon ____ here and-" "Sahed, let's see if we can even get away from here.", Rainah interrupted, but Julia could hear some sort of undertone which said more.
Sahed ordered Julia to go get Tonny, and then he took something out liks a small paper, but with a spider's den and a drawn spider on it. "please...take the summon, ____...!"
Suddenly, a light blue smoke-cloud appeared, and then, a beautiful woman came to view. You. you wore a dress which accentuated your body perfectly, your makeup made your most prominent facial features glow, your hair framed your face, mayking you look like a drawn woman out of an expensive painting, and your eyes also held some sort of mystery to them.
Julia couldn't help but blush upon seeing you. You looked beautiful. But you also looked...older than her or Rainah...
And before she could say something, Sahed and Rainah crashed against you, embracing you tightly. "Gosh, how long has it been?!", Rainah whisper-yelled as she looked at your face, but she halted. "..._-____? What's wrong? We can finally stay in the circus together!", the green haired girl exclaimed excitedly, but you only offered a small smile in return. It was sad, tired, and...depressed.
Sahed held your hands in his. "____, is everything okay-", then he felt it. his eyes widened. He looked down on you, and his breath hitched.
Julia didn't know what happened, but from the way Sahed was hugging you and looking at you, she could've sworn that you two were-
You however, had tears streaming down your face as you slowly took a few steps back and retracted your hands from Sahed's, trying not to let your heart break even more when he chases after them with his own.
"I'm sorry...but you came one year too late, guys.", you said, holding your stomach, which had a small, but noticable bulge, with a smile that couldn't reach your eyes. "I...got into an arranged marriage. And I already have a daughter, and now, I'm pregnant again...I...I can't leave this behind, Sahed, Rainah."
Rainah covered her mouth, but she still congratulated you on giving birth and being pregnant again, albeit it came out in a hushed whisper. That's why you were like that. Julia regretted looking at you weirdly. You were Sahed's lover, and a close friend to Rainah, and you guys must've promised something to each other, which Sahed also voiced out in the next moment.
"...but- b-but how is that possible...?! I calculated every month, every day, every second, for us to meet! We've been speaking it over and over again! How could that happen?!", he said a little louder, staring at your tummy in shock. He couldn't believe that you got married, let alone were about to be a mother of not one, but two kids.
He could forget his dream of marrying you now, as somebody else did it.
Julia stared at you as well. Kamille fled from a marriage, gramps had to become a soldier in order to marry the person he loved, but you...you couldn't be together with Sahed. Not when your whole life was here. Not when you had your family sleeping soundly. Not when your life got planned ahead, and you not being able to have a say in it, ever.
"Sahed, it's okay. I'm just glad that we got to meet again. Now, I'll help you with the other Ah'kons-", you said with a determined face, but Sahed fell into your word. "You're not going anywhere, ____! Go home, I don't want you to get caught together with us!"
You frowned at him. "And why should that bother me?" Sahed only glared at you. "Well, since you decided to get married-"
"I didn't get to decide anything, Sahed.", you seethed, the happy-meet-again atmosphere gone in an instant. "Now, get back to the circus, I'll put one of my spells on you to make you leave along with the other Ah'kons."
Sahed only stood there, looking at you with pain in his three eyes.
"Are you...happy in that marriage?", he asked softly, not daring to touch you, even though he'd just want to heave you on his shoulder and take you with him. He thought that he could just raise your kids as his own, but when he looked from your stomach up to your face again, also that plan shattered.
"No. Now go, please.", you pleaded, and Sahed's eyes started to leave trails of heartbroken tears out.
Sahed looked at you hesitantly for a last time, but took Julia's and Rainah's and, Jathar following- no, being pulled by Rainah and they ran away. you looked after them with longing, sadness, and loneliness.
If only you could come with them..
you turned around, about to make your biggest magic spell ever:
Make the circus and the people in it dissappear into thin air.
It cost you your saddest tears, but luckily, you could cry freely, now that you let your dearest friend and lover go.
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