heraldofzaun · 4 years
Samira, of course.
Send me a character and I’ll tell you my opinion on them!
“I have only heard of her. She... is an assassin of some variety, and a thrillseeker. Allied with Noxus.”
“I would have expected such a person to come to Zaun rather than be beholden to an empire.”
“A coworker. Or do you prefer comrade? Either way - a troublemaker. Her loyalty follows money and excitement, not anything ideological.”
“She’ll betray the Group sooner or later. She won’t have any problem playing target practice, so I hold no reservations. But until that day... she is useful enough not to kill.”
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sanguiresse-a · 4 years
💬 + ' Rumors say you eat ass for a living. With or without garlic ? '
→ RUMOR HAS IT... (accepting)
     “Rumors say that you are quite fond of the blood in your veins,” Vladimir replies coldly, his eyes narrowing at her. “How would you like to be parted from it?” 
     The creativity of modern gossip... the audacity... 
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
'Nothing personal, Red. First come first serve, must be faster next time.' (Katarina)
REQUESTED ASKS // always accepting ic asks!!
The nickname is barely noticeable offense in face of the situation.
The rise and fall of her chest is sole indication of quick breath, but displeasure is written all over her features; from full lips pressed into a thin line to poisonous green of her gaze and stance that nearly begs for a fight, so ready to lash out at a target dead before she could reach them, Katarina’s demeanor is telling of rage she succumbs to faster than becomes one trained to be unfeeling weapon.
Then again, unfeeling was the one lesson she never learned proper.
In all her life, there had been but two missions she had not fulfilled. The first, a known tale secret to none, its price etched upon her face permanently. The second, a secret there was but one other alive who could tell; though that had been a matter of choice, rather than ineptitude. 
Others may not deem this worth of counting as a third, her target was dead, if not by her blade; yet that it had not been by her blade made a world of difference to one whose mission was to be the deadliest. Once, she had been taught there is no shame in retreating, if it allows you to strike from the shadows; no shame in sheathing your weapon once more instead of using it amateurishly. A coward’s words; there was little that would have shamed her more than returning from a mission with her blades clean.
Perhaps she won’t. There is yet someone alive and breathing and mocking her after stealing her kill. If  before she had stood ready for combat, then one dagger was deliberately pointed at the other woman. "Call me ‘Red’ again and I’ll make it personal.”
Yet the thought is entertained only briefly before Katarina lets go of it, twin daggers gracefully retreated from previously threatening stance. Amusing as the thought may be, if the assassin meant to strike she would have; hesitation was not a weakness Katarina suffered of. Perhaps, had Samira not been useful as she was to the empire, she would have struck; as it stood, there was but one personal rule Katarina held fast to, one rule that would have been broken were she to kill the other for the perceived slight. Her own pride would not get in the way of what was favorable to the empire. Never again. 
Besides, she was capable of respecting skill and strength --- no matter how begrudgingly.
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snugglyporos · 4 years
' What a fluffy little thing you are ! Should I pick you up ? '
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Is Snowball! Is baby poro! Is little adorable cotton ball! Is soft and snuggly! Has little paws! and little horns! and a little tongue! Is very cute! Chitters happily at them! Wiggles their tiny paws! Snowball would like then! Then can give snuggles! 
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yi-dashi · 4 years
@sahraim liked for a starter
“How many weapons does one person need?” Yi asked, his curiosity kept in check by the wary distance he placed between himself and the other. He smiled with thin lips at his own musings, though it was a tattered veil over the tension in his stance. Of course, he had three visible blades on his person; armed more than anyone need be. But what was that on her hip..?
“Does it make us feel safer? Being openly armed as we are? Is this world so dangerous that we must be like this? If we all carry swords... and other things, can anyone feel safe anywhere?” He shrugged softly, shifting the weight of the grand sword over his shoulder, “I have not come to a conclusion yet. Perhaps you might hold insight into the matter, Stranger?”
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' I'll keep your hat if you don't mind, otherwise people won't believe I stole it from the sheriff herself. '
“Unfortunately, I have many copies of the same hat, so I doubt anyone would believe you anyhow” She said with a small grin as she drank her tea. “It is a rather weird thing to steal, however. Let me guess, a bet?”
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heartate-aa · 4 years
@sahraim​  sent  :  'The most beautiful creatures usually are the deadliest monsters. — I better be careful around you.'
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               𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞,  𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐱𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚.  everything within its earthen,  magic  -  filled pores bleeds of lethal beauty.  every blade of grass,  every arm and branch and trunk of the ancient,  swaying trees that stand tall as the guardian spirits of the forests,  every vibrantly colored flower and their intoxicatingly fragrant petals,  and every little creature that darts between the underbrush and lurks within the shadows and hides beneath the rocks in the rivers and ponds  —  they are all deadly.  they answer to no one but themselves,  and their hearts are fickle,  acting on their fleeting whims all to protect themselves and the magic that courses through ionia’s veins.
a subtly catty smile begins to curl the corners of ahri’s mouth as she blinks upwards as she regards the other woman.  it is stained with the color of her allure,  an irresistible crimson that is all the more inviting spread over the softness of her full lips,  yet,  a genuine warmth remains hidden with the depths of her glistening,  golden eyes.  after a few paced steps around samira,  she clasps her hands together and holds her bound hands against a cheek and winks as her knees bend in a light,  excited bounce.
“    you don’t even know the half of it,    ”    ahri teases at long last.  the tips of her ears wiggle and a bright bell of laughter passes from her lips before it fades into a whimsical sigh that the trailing winds carry off.    “    besides . . . i can definitely say the same about you,  you know  !    ”    tapping a finger against her chin,  she adds,    “    say,  tell me.  what kind of monster are you  ?    ”
everyone has a beast dwelling within their hearts  —  ahri knows this far too intimately.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@sahraim asked:  ❝ your presence here is disrespectful ❞ (PsyOps)
[ Prompt list here ]
‘Not fond of me being in your head? That’s too bad.’
Glaring eyes follow the mercenary whenever she leaps. As if trying to dazzle her with her flair, she could see that Samira, too, never pulled her gaze from Sona despite the frequent and rapid movements. Everywhere she lands, Sona would launch an orb, leaving craters where she once stands. The air about them is woven with the mercenary’s taunts, guffaws, and hurled debris. Had the battle been spectated from afar, one could call it a dance as Sona and Samira’s movements and offenses synchronize and cancel in tandem. 
Samira turns a heel into another leap, this time her hand reaches for the hilt of her cleaver. The blade hisses from its restraints as she pulls it out and shifts her position to drive it into the ground. As one foot pushes against the stable blade, she uses another hand to unhook her pistol and shoot. Upon seeing her reach for the gun again, Sona focuses an orb on her hand only for her to divert her thoughts to disperse the sphere that joins into a wider field to create a barrier before her. 
‘Is that all?’
The chase was thrilling for a time, to watch the mercenary do her best to maintain an unbothered disposition despite both knowing that one slip she could lose a limb. Honing attacks, though direct, appears to be just as easily avoided. She quietly considers having to vary her offenses instead. Gathering a boulder, Sona lifts it above the mercenary as a decoy act to crush her overhead. However, as it plummets, it throws more rubble between them as well as Samira kicks upward to avert yet another attempt. She briefly recalls the Ripper, Shadow, and Righteous, how they all met with their appropriate fates. This one would be no different. 
‘All style, no loyalty. You are nonsensical.’
She watches until the mercenary lands and takes a moment to flash her another grin before gathering her energies onto her leg. It is as if time slows for them to witness the unfolding of the battle’s turning point. A wicked smile pulls at her lips. 
‘But...I am stronger.’
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rahorak · 4 years
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@sahraim​​:  Modern au !
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I technically have two modern AUs, number one wherein Leona is a homicide detective and number two where she is a bodyguard. I’ll be talking about the latter here though, as I have already talked a bit about the former here.
01.  She used to smoke when she was younger, managed to let go of the habit sometimes in her adult years and only recently picked it back up. The stress from a near death encounter was what caused her to do so.
02.  She is considered valuable by her work givers due to not only her strength  (  She can easily split two people apart and otherwise break up a fight should she need to  —  and she has.  )  but also her resolve. She is also charismatic as hell so she can deal with tensions that way easily as well. All in all she is easy to work with and her superiors as well as her peers eat it up.
03.  Yes, she still enjoys her waffles. She visits her favorite diner for them quite frequently.
04.  She cares deeply about her clients  (  Perhaps a bit too much on occasion. See: Ashe, Akali and Ahri for example.  )  And wouldn’t even blink before giving her life to save theirs, should she need to.
05.  While she doesn’t look like it, she suffers from PTSD and has depressive tendencies due to the aforementioned incident. She’s not good at being alone and thus is always seen surrounded by people to some degree, even in her spare time.
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AU Headcanons      /  /      Accepting.
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heraldofzaun · 4 years
'Got time for a drink? We should celebrate !' (PsyOps)
There are many things that Viktor wouldn’t mind doing after a successful operation. Drinking, however... He turned towards Samira, the faintest hint of annoyance in his posture.
“I don’t make it a habit to drink with coworkers, although the offer is...” he paused, as if searching for a word, “...duly noted. I’m certain that our other colleagues would be more inclined.”
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sanguiresse-a · 4 years
Your favorite au
→ IN ANOTHER LIFE. (accepting)
that would be modern au! it hasn’t been properly given a tag in two years, but don’t let that fool you; it is one of my most extensively plotted and developed aus. Frankly, I sometimes have more muse for modern au Vladimir than I do for classic verse.
-Despite his regular and gleeful violations of the Hippocratic Oath, Vladimir is actually a wonderful doctor. He is kind and respectful to his patients, retains knowledge extremely well, and is always willing to put in the extra work. 
-Oh, but his first murder? That was actually at the age of 16, when he killed his two friends and then got himself lost in the woods. He was able to act his little heart out and pretend they got attacked, but he miraculously survived the killer. 
-He has a black rose tattoo on his left arm, but as he exclusively wears long-sleeved shirts and is uncomfortable with being shirtless in the company of others, this is a secret to everyone except for LeBlanc and Elise (who got their matching rose tattoos at the same time he did).
-He has two cars. One is an expensive cherry red sports car (which is actually LeBlanc’s, but he borrowed it one weekend and never gave it back, so it’s his). He drives this one on an everyday basis. His other car is a beat-up jalopy of a vehicle, which is kept in a separate parking garage. He’s quite fond of it; he used to live in it during his wandering years, and therefore, it has all his old cassette tapes, maps, and other memorabilia that’s been collected from what he calls “his previous life”.
-It’s very likely that he dies somewhere in his early forties; he is a crime lord, after all. But in the event that he survives, and has enough reason to believe that his life will be relatively safe (aka if he hands off his Black Rose duties to someone else), he takes in a baby daughter named Reyja.
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shikaal · 4 years
@sahraim​ : 'If you want to kick me out you'll have to use something else ; Something fun, perhaps. Come on, get creative.'
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the blade spins around her finger once more before being flung towards a dartboard at the opposite side of the inn . bullseye . she looks up at the other woman once more , features pulling back into a satisfied expression . at least her time wouldn’t be wasted with this one . akali hops up onto the table , raising her arms to gather the attention of the other patrons .
“  you hear that everyone  ?  our friend samira here wants to have some fun  !  how’s about a brawl to liven things up  ?  losers buy a round for their table and leave , how’s that  ?  ”
from the roar of the crowds around her she figures her challenge has been accepted , the sudden shift in volume making the inn seem far more lively than it previously had been . this’d be good for business , surely  ?  once again she finds herself shooting a grin towards the dark haired woman , feigning a motion to roll up her sleeves .   “  this your definition of fun  ?  ”
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kinkou-led · 4 years
Talk about your muse! | Not Accepting
send 😡 for an anger headcanon
Because Shen tries so hard to not let anger affect him, he feels very bad when it does. Disappointed in himself for letting it control him when he is supposed to be better than that.
send 💼 for a work headcanon
Shen is pretty much always working at all times. If it isn’t managing Kinkou affairs its vigilantly watching the balance between realms. The only true break he gets from this work is sleep
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curtaincalling · 4 years
❛ every night, baby, that’s where i go. ❜
→ BE THE COWBOY! | accepting
    Oh— and what a pretty place to be. Death is so much more than a body hitting the ground, and Jhin suspects that Samira knows this. Killing for the thrill. Death for the sake of life. It’s a familiar mantra, and perhaps why Jhin cannot be too angry at the scene of the killing.
    Even so, the mercenary group was meant to be his canvas, his performance. They were notorious among the area, and Jhin’s always been attracted to the famous elites. He stands among the carnage, looking around from corner to corner with a scrutinizing gaze. It’s certainly not an artist’s work. Impressive, but if it were up to him, it would be more colorful.
    “Well, aren’t you a bold one?” Jhin asks, with the trace of laughter in his voice. He nudges a bullet-riddled corpse with the tip of his boot, rolls it over to look at the fear-stricken face. It’d be smiling, if Jhin had done it. “Did you plan any of this? Or did you fly in, guns blazing, steel gleaming?”
    He chuckles, and kicks the corpse back, face-down. “I suppose the planning would take away from the thrill.”
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herbindings-a · 4 years
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@sahraim​:  ❔
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01.  Aomora! Is the obvious one here. She’d have a lot in common with Samira I feel like. They could have a lot of fun together, however chaotic it’d be.
02.  Zevhara, because I’m curious what a former addict and a daredevil would do together. If anything, Samira could pull Zevhara down some dark path even though she’s desperately tried to leave that life behind.
03.  Xenasha, is much like Aomora, someone I can see Samira have a lot of fun with. Whether in her true form or disguised as a human.
Characters I wanna throw at you      /  /      Accepting.
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multimoose · 4 years
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@sahraim​ said   :    Emerald-embedded blade becomes an offering, from the depths of the desert the relic was stolen in hopes to reach Noxian fields. A promise is a promise, if she wants a sacred weapon that's what Samira retrieves. ' the Chalicar, wasn't it? All yours. '
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                        𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄     𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒     𝐋𝐀𝐘     𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑     𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓     on     that     cursed     blade,     the     glittering     gems     set     into     the     handle     shining     the     very     same     colour     as     jaded,     slithering     scales.     A     hiss     of     appreciation     comes     through     Cassiopeia’s     rumbling     laughter,     a     sound     of     amusement     echoing     off     of     the     chamber’s     walls.     The     sight     of     it     brings     back     rather     unpleasant     memories     :     but     also     stills     the     RAGE     that     had     taken     its     home     so     fervently     inside     of     her     monstrous     gut.     The     blade     shines     now     between     the     hands     of     a     second     mercenary     :     no     longer     does     Sivir     steal     it     away     in     her     grip     (     SHE     SHOULD     HAVE     DIED     ).     It     is,     perhaps,     ironic     that     the     betrayer     feels     BETRAYED     :     would     it     be     karma     that     Cassiopeia     had     met     this     fate     &     Sivir     had     walked     free     ?     No     matter.     Her     punishment     will     come     just     as     the     matron’s     had.     &     when     the     lamia     slithers     forward     into     the     light,     yellow     eyes     focused     hungrily     onto     the     Chalicar,     she     finally     takes     it     for     her     own,     manicured     fingertips     closing     around     the     hilt     as     if     they     had     never     left.
                         ❛    𝑶𝒉,     𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒓𝒂     .     .     .     ❜                         A     tantalizing     voice     comes     from     between     rouged     lips,     eyes     finally     ripping     away     from     the     light     of     the     weapon     to     settle     instead     on     its     giver.     Slitted     pupils     meet     her     eyes,     a     dangerous     grin     curling     over     her     expression     as     the     touch     of     glossy     scales     roll     against     the     tile     &     curve     of     Samira’s     calf.                         ❛     𝒀𝒐𝒖     𝒂𝒓𝒆     𝒔𝒐     𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅     𝒕𝒐     𝒎𝒆.     ❜                         Her     words     are     an     almost     -     loving     purr     of     contentment     as     Cassiopeia     leans     upward,     hovering     uncomfortably     close     as     she     glances     over     the     mercenary’s     features.                         ❛    𝑯𝒐𝒘     𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍     𝑰     𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓     𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒚     𝒚𝒐𝒖     ?     ❜
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