#saint.kamo noritoshi
saintodo · 3 years
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SYNOPSIS. you dislike kamo noritoshi. greatly. but you can’t rest until you know what it takes to make him crumble.
NOTE. this is my first time writing a fic for noritoshi so im very sorry if i didn’t capture his character completely. also im tagging vic because they were talking about noritoshi the other day  @saintdabi <3
PAIRING. kamo noritoshi x gender neutral reader
WARNINGS. dom reader, sub kamo, explicit content, hate sex (but not really. it’s closer to dislike sex), semi-public sex, handjobs, hair-pulling, teasing (reader is a tease)
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You don’t like Kamo Noritoshi. He rubs you in all of the wrong ways like the insufferable itch of wearing a heavy wool sweater on a hot summer’s day. Just because he’s the heir to (and soon to be head of) the Kamo clan, he acts all high and mighty, like he’s oh so much better than everyone else. The way he looks down on you is annoying, but the way he turns his nose up at your friends is infuriating. You can tolerate people’s bullshit directed at you to a certain extent, but never at your friends. After all these years, you still haven’t forgiven him for his treatment of your best friend Maki. The guy seriously needs to loosen up: it’s like he has a perpetual stick stuck up his ass.
Although you may not like Kamo Noritoshi in the slightest, you must admit that he’s definitely easy on the eyes. Maki makes a disgusted face when you share your observation, but you shrug her off. What can you say? He’s a pretty boy, and you are all too weak for beautiful men.
He also piques your curiosity. Noritoshi is a stoic man. You don’t think you’ve ever seen even a ghost of a smile cross his face before. He’s always so calm and collected that you can’t help but wonder what it would take for him to lose his composure completely. The thought lingers in the back of your mind, festering like a sore, and draws to the surface whenever you happen to encounter the sorcerer. You know that your curiosity will continue to plague you until you find out the answer to your question.
Your plan to once and for all quell your curiosity takes time and necessitates patience. If you try to proposition Noritoshi out of nowhere, you’re pretty damn sure he’ll shoot you down right away and your ego could not handle getting rejected by Kamo Noritoshi of all people. Maki would certainly get a kick out of that. Toge, too.
So, you approach the situation delicately, or as delicately as you can. Whenever you’re paired for missions, you try to initiate casual conversations with him. You were vaguely aware of the fact that Noritoshi was a shitty conversationalist beforehand, but man does it become glaringly obvious to you when you make an active attempt to talk to him. He’s curt in his responses when speaking as if he’d rather not waste his breath on you. The topic of your shared conversations (when he indulges your attempts) is always surface-level ranging from the weather or the mission you’ve been assigned but not veering far past that.
Your eye twitches when he makes one or two off-handed remarks about you, but ultimately you’re able to brush it off. Noritoshi says the same old shit all of the time. You’ve grown used to his comments.
You lightly flirt with him, dropping a few hints here and there that you’re interested in him, but either Noritoshi has positively no interest in you or he’s dumb as bricks because he’s visibly receptive to nothing you say. For the sake of your pride, you lean towards the latter option.
You begin to think that your plan of bedding Noritoshi is going to take a lot more time than you originally anticipated. That is until you catch wind of a clan gathering occurring in the nearby future.
You alarm your friends when you suddenly sit up straight from your lazy lounging position on the couch.
“That’s it,” you exclaim, interjecting yourself into their conversation of the upcoming clan gathering. A lightbulb in your brain goes off. You turn your attention to Toge who’s lying on his stomach on the floor of the living room beside Panda. “Toge, please let me be your plus one to the gathering.”
He tilts his head in a confused manner, unsure of your sudden interest in the topic when you're typically very vocal in your disdain for anything relating to clan stuff. He nods though, happy for the company.
Maki groans from her place on the opposite end of the couch. She props her head up with an arm and casts a glance your way. “You really want to get into Kamo’s pants that bad?”
Yuuta’s face goes red at Maki’s brazen choice of words while a look of understanding crosses Toge’s face. Panda just lies on the ground quietly, eyes closed in contentment from the tummy scratches he’s receiving from Toge.
You shrug and shoot her a suggestive smile. “Honestly, yeah.”
Yuuta sputters, burying his face into his palms to conceal the redness heating up his cheeks. The revulsion on Maki’s face is clear as day. You laugh, enjoying their respective reactions, before moving on to discuss the finer details of the gathering with Toge: the what, the when, the where. For the first time ever, you’re genuinely looking forward to a clan event.
Right off the bat, the party (if it could even be considered a party) is awful. It’s no wonder that Toge hates coming to these things and tries to weasel his way out of them as much as possible.
The vast majority of the people in attendance belong to esteemed jujutsu families. They’re wildly boring, only discussing topics that pertain to their clans and boasting about their achievements and whatnot. You make polite conversation with some acquaintances you’ve made through group missions and grit your teeth, biting back harsh words, when the older clan members make their distaste for you, a non-clan member, apparent.
Dressed in the formal clothes that you specifically purchased for this, you feel slightly uncomfortable, out of place. As someone who wasn’t born in the world of sorcery, you’ve struggled to overcome your insecurities of being an outsider. You’re nowhere near the same person you were when you were originally thrown into your role as a sorcerer. You’ve grown into a person who no longer doubts themselves at every move, but surrounded by the upper echelon of sorcerers who continue to look down upon you, old insecurities bubble up beneath the surface, whispering that you will never belong.
A soft squeeze to your arm startles you out of your spiraling thoughts. Turning your head to the side, you’re met with the sight of worry swimming in Toge’s warm brown eyes. His expression reads of the question “Are you alright?”
The corner of your lip quirks into a small genuine smile at the show of concern. You tighten your interlocked arms. “I’m good, Toge,” you assure, leaning a little more against him, “Just got lost in my thoughts.”
Toge looks like he doesn’t quite believe you but he doesn’t push you to talk about it. If you want to talk about what’s on your mind, he’s there to listen but he won’t force you. Although Toge’s not totally reassured by your vague answer, you really do feel alright now. 
You may never belong to a clan but that does not mean you do not belong in the world of sorcery. Your place is among your friends, the people you love the most. You nearly forgot that in your moment of insecurity. 
You shake your head slightly, expelling the rest of your negative thoughts. You take a deep breath to regain your lost composure and to calm your mind. A small smile rests on your lips as you recall the reason you came to this shitty party in the first place.
“You see Kamo anywhere, Toge?” you whisper close to his ear, making sure that others cannot overhear your conversation. Your eyes flit over the crowd of people milling around in the large, open indoor space in search of a familiar head of dark hair. Toge surveys the group as well.
He lightly bumps your shoulder, drawing your attention. Discreetly, Toge motions his head toward the left side of the room. Your eyes follow the direction until they land on Kamo Noritoshi, who’s calmly speaking to what looks like a member of the Inumaki clan. 
“What do you say we go and mingle?” you say, wiggling your brows at Toge. His eyes crinkle in amusement, and he nods. Toge lets you drag him by the arm, weaving through the crowd of people, off to where Noritoshi is standing.
“Kamo, what a surprise to see you here,” you say, feigning shock when you approach Noritoshi. You release your hold on Toge’s arm, allowing him to engage in light convo with his fellow clan member.
Noritoshi bows his head slightly in greeting. Out of politeness, you bow as well. Even if you don’t care for clan politics, you know better than to be blatantly disrespectful at an event like this.
When you lift your head, you take the opportunity to check him out, not bothering to be subtle about how your eyes rove over his form. The shozoku Noritoshi dons for the occasion today is an inky black, contrasting greatly with the paleness of his skin. You would think he would have grown sick of wearing the same thing since he attended Jujutsu High, but you guess not. It suits him though. You can’t really imagine Noritoshi wearing modern casual clothes.
“As the heir to the Kamo family, it is only natural that I would be in attendance for this gathering.”
Internally, you roll your eyes. Of course, he had to bring up that he’s the heir to his clan for the nth time. “I suppose you’re right,” you slowly say. You take in Noritoshi’s appearance once more. He looks every part of the heir to his family: stiff, regal, and oh so pretty.
You bring up your pointer finger as if you’ve had an aha moment. “Ah, Kamo I just remembered. There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about. Do you mind if we move to a more private area to discuss the matter?” you innocently ask, tilting your head to the side in question.
The mindless chatter of groups of people surrounding you fills the lull in conversation that falls upon you. Noritoshi’s eyes narrow slightly before he stiffly nods. “Lead the way.”
You beam, pleased that Noritoshi agreed. Not that you thought he would turn you down, but there’s always a possibility. You catch Toge’s eyes as you walk away and a look of understanding is communicated between you. You give him a sly wink that goes unnoticed by the man following you, and Toge stifles a laugh. You quickly look away before either of you draws more attention than necessary to yourselves.
Noritoshi trails you at a respectable distance as you lead the two of you into a secluded hallway in the overly grand building. The area is far enough that you’re away from the main bustle of the gathering but close enough that you can still hear distant talking. 
“What is it that you wanted to discuss?” Noritoshi asks when you turn around to face him. The sorcerer stands still in the middle of the hallway, staring at you. The lighting that hangs overhead casts shadows onto his frame, accentuating the sharp angles of his stoic face. You admire how handsome Noritoshi looks before responding.
“Ah, that,” you say as if you had forgotten why you had dragged Noritoshi away from the party. You take a step closer to him. “Hm, well I think you’re smart enough to figure that out Kamo,” you trail off, taking another step closer to him, close enough that you’re now invading his personal space. Noritoshi makes no move to back away, however. He goes deathly still and you hear his breath hitch when you place a hand on his chest and lean in to whisper into his ear: “So you tell me what you think I wanted to discuss.”
“I was under the impression you hated me." 
You snort, unable to help yourself. Noritoshi's calm demeanor he’s donning is nothing but a facade. You can feel his heart speed up beneath your touch, thumping loudly in his chest. A small smile plays on your lips. It’s nice to know that you have that effect, or any effect, on him.
“There’s a fine line between love and hate, but in this case, it’s more so lust and hate,” you casually say. You move your hands to twine behind his neck, wrinkling his shozoku in the process. 
"This is highly unprofessional." Noritoshi stands with his back painfully straight, still as rigid as a rock. You roll your eyes. Man, does he need to loosen up. You contemplate whether or not you should continue your pursuit of him. Are you pushing the boundaries too far? Mm, well he hasn’t pulled away from you yet so you take that as a good sign. Besides, if Noritoshi didn’t want this or wasn’t at least interested, he’d throw you off of him.
"C'mon, Kamo. You're so tense all the time, let me help you relax just this once," you coax. You drag the blunt edge of your nails over the back of his neck, causing tiny goosebumps to rise in your wake.
You watch as Noritoshi’s inner conflict breaches the surface and displays itself on his face. You can tell he’s overthinking way too much. It’s not like you’re asking him to marry you or anything. His eyes flicker to your lips and dilate the slightest bit before quickly meeting your gaze.
“Fine,” he nods. 
A Cheshire-like grin stretches across your cheeks. Wow. That took a lot less convincing than you anticipated.
With his assent, you quickly close the small space separating you and press your lips to Noritoshi’s. You swallow the startled noise that forms in the back of his throat as you back him up against the nearest wall. 
His lips are surprisingly soft. You don’t know why that surprises you so much considering Noritoshi takes good care of himself. Of course, he’d have lips soft enough to inspire jealousy.
What you’re not shocked by is the fact that Noritoshi is clearly inexperienced. The dark-haired male is taken aback by the sudden kiss you spring upon him. His posture is rigid, unfaltering even when his back hits the wall, and his lips stay tightly shut. His hands remain by his sides, but you can feel them hovering over your hips, unsure of what to do with them. It’s obvious that he has no clue what he’s doing.
You wonder if you’re his first kiss. 
“Relax,” you murmur, detaching your lips from his. Your exhales intermingle in the space between you. You comfortingly scratch at the back of his head, dragging your fingers through the dark strands of his neatly styled hair. “This is supposed to be fun.”
The tension slowly but surely melts from Noritoshi’s shoulders as you continue to soothingly run your fingers through his hair. You smile when he subconsciously leans into your touch like a cat searching for head-pats. Cute.
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to, Kamo,” you reassure him. 
The sound of your voice jolts Noritoshi out of his reverie. His eyes widen as if the situation he found himself in had slipped his mind. He straightens up a little and clears his throat. 
“I want to,” he quietly admits, uncharacteristically bashful. He turns his face to the side, showcasing the flush that’s blooming across his cheeks. He averts his gaze to the ground. “And please, call me Noritoshi.”
You can’t help the smile that graces your lips and the giddy feeling that fills your stomach. 
“Okay, Noritoshi.” You revel in the shiver that Noritoshi does his best to suppress. “Just follow my lead, okay?” You place your hand beneath his chin, gently making him look at you. His pupils dilate, nearly engulfing the dark hue of his irises. Warmth rushes south in your body when he obediently nods. Fuck, who would have thought Noritoshi was a good boy?
You smile before you press your lips to his again. You lick along the seam of his mouth. Hesitantly, he parts his lips at your insistence, granting you access to the inside of his mouth. Noritoshi tastes pleasant: sweet and earthy like the strong, lingering aftertaste of black tea. The kiss is clumsy but not bad. Noritoshi lets you explore the inside of his mouth with your tongue before he tentatively begins to move his as well.
Humming into the kiss, you grab his floundering hands with your own and guide them to rest on the curve of your waist. Instantly, Noritoshi bunches up the material in his fists. 
When the need to breathe eventually proves to be too much, you pull away from Noritoshi. At least you attempt to. He tries to chase after your lips until you harshly tug at the roots of his hair, keeping him at bay. A breathy whimper escapes Noritoshi. You each exchange startled glances. No fucking way.
You tug at his hair again, not as rough, but it elicits the same response.
“What a dirty boy you are, Noritoshi. I would have never thought you like getting your hair pulled,” you tease. Noritoshi’s face goes crimson.
“I do not,” he vehemently denies. Noritoshi shakes his head for extra emphasis, swinging the two strands of bandage-wrapped hair that frame his face. You reach and twirl your finger around one of the strands.
“Is that so?” you question, twiddling the strand of hair between your fingers. Your lower lip juts into a seemingly innocent pout, but the glimmer in your eyes puts Noritoshi’s nerves on edge. 
Abruptly, you give his hair a firm yank. Painful pinpricks immediately spread across Noritoshi’s scalp, and an unwelcome moan slips past his sealed lips.
“Looks like you’re a liar,” you say in a sing-songy manner.
“Just get on with it,” Noritoshi sputters. His hands on your hips tighten and pull you closer to him. You raise a brow and the corner of your lips quirks into a knowing smile when the front of your body presses against Noritoshi’s clothed hard-on.
“Oh, do you need some help with this?” You punctuate the end of your rhetorical question by cupping Noritoshi’s bulge through the layers of clothing he’s dressed in. He takes a sharp inhale when you lightly squeeze his erection. You tilt your head slightly, faking innocence. You gasp a little before pouting at Noritoshi. “Are you really that turned on from a little kissing?”
Amusement slips into your question towards the end despite your best attempts to restrain it. Truly, you can’t help yourself. It’s too easy to tease Noritoshi, and who knows when you’ll ever get the chance to do so again.
“No, I am no—ahh.” A moan cuts off Noritoshi’s attempt to deny you once more. You’ve managed to slip your arm beneath his clothing and wrap a hand around his hard length. His cock twitches in your hold, and Noritoshi hisses when you trace over his slit with your thumb, collecting the precum gathered there with the pad of your finger.
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”
Painfully slow, you start to work your hand up and down Noritoshi’s shaft. You bring your other hand to the back of Noritoshi’s head, burying your fingers into the strands of his black hair, and firmly tug until your lips brush against the outer shell of his ear. The choked noise of pleasure he releases sends heat rushing to pool in your lower stomach. “I’d suggest you quiet down unless you want to be caught.”
Instinctively, Noritoshi jerks his hips at the thought of being caught like this. It would be horrific to be seen in such a compromising situation. Noritoshi has never indulged in something so primal before. He’s never gone against the expectations laid out for him by his clan’s elders. He cannot imagine the wrath he’d incur if he were to be caught and the rumors that would abound in the sorcery community. He’d surely be made a mockery of.
Noritoshi places a hand over his mouth to muffle his moans and whimpers. Now that Noritoshi’s pleasured noises aren’t quite so loud, the sound of your hand dragging over his cock feels like it’s amplified. The deserted hallway you’re occupying echoes with the distinct sound of wet skin against skin. Anyone who happened to stumble by would without a doubt know what the two of you were up to.
“You’re awfully cute when your mouth is shut,” you muse, taking in Noritoshi’s rumpled appearance. His carefully styled hair is in complete disarray and his neat clothing is now untucked and wrinkled. It looks like he’s been subjected to a whirlwind.
You lean in close to peck the back of Noritoshi’s hand that’s enclosed over his mouth. His face goes red, and you can tell from his expression that there’s a retort on the tip of his tongue.
Too bad for him because you choose this exact moment to quicken your pace. Noritoshi nearly buckles under the pressure but you ensure that he stays up right.
“Imagine if someone saw you like this,” you murmur. Your eyes stay transfixed on Noritoshi’s expression. His hand over his mouth nearly goes white from how hard he’s attempting to suppress his noises. Despite his efforts, little moans make their way past. “The heir to the Kamo clan crumbling at the hands of a nobody.”
You loop a hand around Noritoshi’s wrist, removing his hand from his mouth and replacing it with your lips. Noritoshi eagerly reciprocates the kiss, and you greedily swallow down each and every noise he makes. You allow him to break the kiss and bury his face into your neck when you work him up to the precipice of his orgasm.
He spills into your palm with a muffled cry. His hips continuously jerk as he rides his orgasm out. You drag out his pleasure for as long as you can until he begs you for a reprieve.
As Noritoshi regains his breath, you carefully slip your dirtied hand out of his bottoms. Making direct eye contact with the sorcerer, you lick his cum straight off of your palm. The mix of saltiness and bitterness that lies on your tongue afterward is worth the priceless expression Noritoshi makes in response.
“Do you have no shame?” he says, face pulling into a light grimace.
You smile and shrug a little. “Nope.”
You pat your hand clean on your pants, internally hoping that they won’t stain. When you look up at Noritoshi again, he’s fiddling with his clothes, attempting to straighten them out. Feeling your eyes on him, he meets your gaze.
“Well, I’ll see you around, Noritoshi.” You give him a light peck on the cheek before turning to make your way down the hallway. You glance over your shoulder at him to witness the rosiness that’s risen to his cheeks. Cute.
“If you ever want to do that again, get my number from Miwa.”
With that last comment, you begin to make your way down the secluded hallway to rejoin the gathering. As you walk, you think about the event that’s just transpired. Kamo Noritoshi is a lot more interesting than you would have ever expected. Now that you’ve gotten a taste of him, you wonder what else there is to the man.
The call of your last name has you turning around. 
Noritoshi flattens his hands over the front of his shozoku, smoothing out the deep wrinkles that’s formed in his clothing.
“I’ll reach out to you,” he says with a shallow nod of his head. You don’t say anything in response, but you give him a wave in acknowledgment over your shoulder as you head out of the hall. Unseen by Noritoshi, a smile that burns your cheeks stretches across your face.
Looks like you’ll find out soon enough.
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