pzfr · 2 months
“plots please” :D
⤏ send me “plots please”
… and I’ll respond with  3  (or more)  interesting  plots / relationships / connections  I can think of for our muses!   There is  no pressure  for us to write any of them,   but it’s a great starting point for you to get a sense of how I think our muses might interact and what sorts of plots I’m most interested in happening between them  -so don’t be shy!
for multimuse blogs make sure to specify who you’re looking to plot with
Before I get into the ideas I have an optional headcanon for Rex meeting renowned (canon or not) characters from other universes, where he knows some details about them, lemme explain it using a Rex and Clark interaction as an example:
Because of events like the various crisis on this-or-however-many earths, the exploits of folks like the Justice League have traveled the dimensional grapevine. To that end, Rex has heard of an affable alien called Superman (Clark still gets to be renowned and experienced-- but without Rex knowing things like his secret identity and whatnot as if Rex only knew him from fiction-- which, some inter-dimensional crossovers love to do a bit too much).
So after confirming Rex isn't another Bizarro, Kon-El's missing test tube roommate, an Earth-3 supervillain, etc...
A big recurring thing we could play on in any thread could be dissonance. They fulfill similar roles for their respective worlds, but have gotten to differently skewed results. Clark's mere presence has made DCU inhabitants look fondly on metahumans and vigilantes, that whole modern age of heroes ushered in. Rex's presence has been turned against him-- and anyone like him who tries to speak out against corruption. People would gossip that the more boisterous, uncouth Rex resents Clark's success when they work together. But that couldn't be farther from the truth: Rex is actually really happy for him, that he and his various facets unique to your interpretation are more accepted on his Earth. It's equal parts tragedy/cautionary tale as much as hope & catharsis.
Rex, having forcibly lost his secret identity, has to occasionally justify how he knows both Clark Kent and Superman without anyone raising eyebrows. Swapping stories about their super-pets and various allies. Cataloguing trophies from past adventures and handling various color kryptonite. Day-to-day stuff.
Occasional arguments of some sort perhaps. I know and enjoy that your Clark is more than just an endless well of patience or the ideal personified-- he's his own person, with his own frustrations as much as dreams. Likewise for Rex, whose misery stems from a world that refused to really see him or anyone he stands by. Even in friendship there's room for at least a little strife. Could get ugly, could lead to a stronger friendship, who knows.
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sifonie · 3 months
“ Well, I have to hand it to you. You're a bigger pain in the neck than I would have ever thought possible. ”
“Aww, thanks Supes!”
It’s a compliment of sorts, and they’re sure going to take it. Meister smiles despite their circumstances, finding it amusing. This guy was fast and tough, something they couldn’t really fight against. “You know what? I really must thank you for listening while the music lasted. I tuned up everything just for your ears!” They give a dramatic few bows, accompanied by the sound of applause.
“Though I do suppose you can handle an encore? It’ll be my treat.”
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thegirlwondcr · 3 months
“this place is dicey at the best of times. just take my hand until we’re clear of it, yeah?”
“i’ll keep you safe” prompts ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
In all fairness, the place did appear to be pretty unsafe...but she was stubborn and loved to live by the idea that she could handle anything. "I'm fine." There was no hiding the annoyance in her tone. Sure she was not bulletproof, but she was a lot of other things. She kept her hands firmly at her sides to further emphasize that she didn't want to rely on him. "I've got like twenty gadgets on me right now that could take down someone with." She couldn't use them all at once, or that close together unless she was strategic about it--which was not going to happen with her stubbornness kicking into overdrive. "And yes, I do know how to use all twenty."
"Batman trained me. You trust Batman, don't you?" She questioned in an attempt to back him into a corner to get the answer she wanted. Emma didn't want to hold someone's hand, that would be giving into the concept that she couldn't handle this. She could handle anything--is what she told herself every waking hour. "If I need help, I'll say something." Which translated to 'if I'm near death, I might say something.'
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invidentius · 2 months
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BOLD what applies to your muse ITALICIZE if there's potential / it's dependent on external factors CROSS OUT if there's NO potential under any circumstances
Repost, don't reblog.
holding hands | buying flowers | cooking | cuddles | writing a poem / song | holding door open | tying shoe laces | sharing a milkshake with two straws | offering their jacket when it's cold | kissing in the rain | publicly confessing love | long walks at the beach | doing the titanic pose on a boat | taking cute pictures in a photobooth | sharing a taxi / uber | kissing the back of their hand | slow dancing | getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team / other | introducing them to their parents | lighting candles | flower petals on bed | love letters | star gazing | brushing / doing their hair | picnics | teaching them to play an instrument / a sport while gently guiding their hands | compliments | late night drives | taking selfies together | drawing them | self - made gifts | massages | proposing with a family heirloom ring | lending them their favourite book to read | paying for dinner / coffee | mixtapes / playlists | surprise birthday parties | feeding them | handing them keys to their apartment mansion | making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over | sharing a blanket | couple costumes | tucking a hair strand behind their ear | running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving | moving cities to be together | blowing a kiss | breakfast in bed | defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) | joint bubble baths | dropping the l - bomb ("i love you") | dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them | wearing their clothes | yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie | grant them the last bite from a meal
tagged by stolen from: @heroing tagging: @doyouhatetheglasses / @tireironmybeloved, @saintfromkrypton, @cagedpotential (lana), @pu1itzer, @oftomorrow, @clawsextended, @crimsenza (felix), and anyone else that wants to steal it
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sifonie · 1 month
"Due to personal reasons, I'm evil now." (fucking Red Kryptonite Clark after band practice)
“Was it that bad?”
Cue Sibyl running after him with a frown on their face, displeased themself, but they wanted to hide it. Two upset band members was a bad sign and could lead to a band breaking up, which they so desperately wanted to prevent. “I mean—I’m sorry it got to that point, Clark,” they backpedaled, realizing that their first question came off as insensitive. Sighing, they stop in their tracks to catch a breath.
“Do you wanna talk to him about it when you cool off? I know it was a bad argument, but…,” their words trail off as they try to come up with a solution, “I don’t wanna see us not play anymore because he made some stupid comment, yunno? Like yeah, I’m on your side, but… I feel bad that I didn’t speak up as much as I could’ve. I’m just as upset as you are, ‘cause what he said affected all of us.”
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sifonie · 2 months
💚 - friendship
💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond )
Hi am gonna spam u bye
shipping call !
Hi I’d love that bye
But fr…they are SO siblings who are besties coded… 😭 I do think… like if it came to it… Sibyl would die for him. Like even if they’re a baddie now, they still have a heart deep down that remembers their bond and all the good times. They’re really not the most evil, anyways, they’re… just deeply insecure and sad. They need people like Clark in their life!!!
I truly do think he’s one of the few people who could get their ass to actually think and get rehabilitated. Maybe even go to one of their REAL concerts one day… be a huge fan…
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sifonie · 2 months
"I recieve you sitting in the bleachers at my football game, you recieve tickets to a concert of your choice."
Send "I receive ____, you receive ____" to offer a trade with my muse and see if they'll accept it or not
“Wait, you’re serious? ANY concert? Dude, I’ll be right at the front! I’ll even cheer. Loudly.”
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sifonie · 2 months
❛ did you just throw a fork at me? ❜
“Uh, yeah? I wanted to get your attention. I had something to ask you but didn’t want to call your name across the entire cafeteria—though I could’ve.” Sybil gives a cock-eyed grin at their antics, giggling as they set their tray down. They slide into the seat beside Clark and look him over. “Aw, you look fine to me! But, seriously, it didn’t hurt you, did it? Where’d it go, anyways? I was hoping to try this mac n’ cheese.”
Their brows furrow as they inspect it closer. Maybe on second thought, they’d stick to their roll. Grabbing the bread, they tear a small chunk off of it before glancing back at their friend. “Oh, yeah, I gotta ask… isn’t that big game coming up? I should come for once. To be your cheerleader or something, hah! Imagine that!” They could never put themself on display like that. In fact, it terrified them. They weren’t popular enough for it, anyways, so they didn’t bother thinking about it seriously.
They pop the hunk of bread they’d torn off into their mouth as they ponder actually going to the game. They avoided sporting events like the plague, something about the dread of being seen there. But, they did keep promising Clark they’d go to at least one… Sighing, they nod affirmatively. “Yeah, I’ll come for real this time. I won’t chicken out. Promise.” Holding out their pinkie, they give him a genuine smile. They never went back on promises.
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sifonie · 2 months
BOLD what applies to your muse. ITALICIZE if there's potential / it's dependent on external factors CROSS OUT if there's NO potential under any circumstances. Repost, don't reblog.
holding hands | buying flowers | cooking | cuddles | writing a poem / song | holding door open | tying shoe laces | sharing a milkshake with two straws | offering their jacket when it's cold | kissing in the rain | publicly confessing love | long walks at the beach | doing the titanic pose on a boat | taking cute pictures in a photobooth | sharing a taxi / uber | kissing the back of their hand | slow dancing | getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team / other | introducing them to their parents | lighting candles | flower petals on bed | love letters | star gazing | brushing / doing their hair | picnics | teaching them to play an instrument / a sport while gently guiding their hands | compliments | late night drives / flights | taking selfies together | drawing them | self - made gifts | massages | proposing with a family heirloom ring | lending them their favourite book to read | paying for dinner / coffee | mixtapes / playlists | surprise birthday parties | feeding them | handing them keys to their apartment | making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over | sharing a blanket | couple costumes | tucking a hair strand behind their ear | running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving | moving cities to be together | blowing a kiss | breakfast in bed | defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) | joint bubble baths | dropping the l - bomb ("i love you") | dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them | wearing their clothes | yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie | grant them the last bite from a meal
GIVING: Physical touch, for sure. If they like you, they'll touch you, especially gently. Whether it's PDA or in private, they'll be more likely to express themself through touch. Actions speak louder than words sometimes. Giving gifts as well, tbh. May or may not be stolen, but hey! They thought about you! But really, they might gift someone with a song for sure. It's well thought out and heartfelt.
RECEIVING: Words of affirmation is a BIG one for them. Please compliment them... and mean it. They want to hear real things that you like about them. Quality time as well. They want to feel wanted and loved. They want some kind of undivided attention and exclusive time together. Acts of service is another. If you do stuff for them without them asking, they might as well propose on the spot.
Tagged by: @saintfromkrypton <3 TYYYYY
Tagging: YOUUUUU
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pzfr · 2 months
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Concept that unifies 3-D space and 1-D time to form a 4-D continuum. One can think of this as a stretchy rubber sheet that can be curved by massive objects.
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tagged by: @saintfromkrypton (thanks!)
tagging: you want it? it's yours my friend. as long as you have enou
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