#sakadays jf2024 guests comments
hyeahgaku · 9 months
Jump Festa 2024 SAKAMOTO DAYS Special Stage
(Part 1) Here are some of the things that were discussed, & exchanges that the guests had, which i manage to understand from the panel. I did not include those that i couldn't quite catch. Apologise if i misheard anything cuz my listening for Japanese isn't top-notch 🙏
Guests for SAKAMOTO DAYS JF2024 panel are Sōsuke Ishikawa (editor in charge of SakaDays; from here on shall be referred as Ishikawa-san) and Ryōta Suzuki (special guest appearance; from here on shall be referred as Suzuki-san)
Ishikawa-san did not cosplay as anyone this time (lol; previously he cosplayed as Tarō Sakamoto in JF2022, fyi). However, he wore Sakamoto's Store apron this year & said that it is no longer sold in Jump Shop but there is a newer version which fans can still purchase.
Ishikawa-san mentioned that now that the series has reached its 3rd year anniversary, the battle with Slur is heating up which makes it more exciting to witness its future development.
When Suzuki-san came on stage he made a joke about how there's an X mark (meaning Slur lol) at the spot designated for him. He jokingly commented that we would chance upon so many Slurs (X marks) in our everyday life so he's hyperalert of his surroundings lmao.
1st Segment - Suzuki-san's Favourite Manga Scenes
Suzuki-san chose chapter 16, "Department Store War": the limited edition Sugar-chan backpack sale scene. He expressed that he could really feel Sakamoto's love for his daughter, Hana-chan, in this chapter. And seeing how Sakamoto is now fighting as a Dad, & not as a hitman, really stood out here & it's amazing to see. He also praised the series' comedic scenes and remarked that those grannies in the chapter are way more scarier than any other assassins in the series.
Ishikawa-san added that as a backpack enthusiast, he felt that he need to get his hands on a Sugar-chan backpack too.
Suzuki-san's next favourite manga scene is chapter 28, "First Rate" (or "Top Notch" whichever yall prefer), specifically Seba versus Shin & Heisuke. Suzuki-san recounted his experience when reading this chapter, he wondered how Shin would fight an invisible person & moreover Shin couldnt read his mind when Seba wore the invisibility suit. But then Heisuke came to assist Shin, and Suzuki-san praised Heisuke for being a great guy who not only consoled Hana-chan when she cried (cuz she was left by herself in store) & told her that Piisuke would help find them. Ishikawa-san also agreed that Heisuke is a really good guy!
Suzuki-san explained that he had put lots of thoughts into choosing his favourite scenes as he took into account those people who have yet to read the series. He actually wanted to add a scene with "the strongest grandpa" Takamura! Suzuki-san confirmed it when Ishikawa-san guessed if it was the Tokyo Tower-slicing scene. Suzuki-san remarked that he was mindblown when that scene happened.
Ishikawa-san was asked to provide his thoughts on Suzuki-san's scene choices. He said that Sakamoto is always fighting a lot so seeing him take a breather and get to do a normal everyday life kind of stuff plus those hilarious (department store war) scenes was refreshing so he's glad Suzuki-san chose that chapter. As for chapter 28, the Seba versus Shin & Heisuke happened to be one of his favourites too. He enjoyed how Shin & Heisuke both try to adapt in the battle, with Shin not being able to mind-read, but the two never once gave up as they pushed on to defeat Seba, who has the invisibility ability.
2nd Segment - Special Q&A with Suzuki-sensei (done behind-the-scenes)
You may refer to the JF2024 Q&A questions which I have previously translated.
Q1. ALTERNATIVE CAREERS // Ishikawa-san thought that all the characters' alternative careers made sense. As for Suzuki-san, he was absolutely convinced that Sakamoto would have opened a ramen shop business & be the manager there. He added that Sakamoto's current shop could pass as a ramen shop as it already looked the part so he was really surprised with the home improvement/hardware store manager answer lol. He also commented that Nagumo is very handsome so him being an actor or model makes a lot of sense. As for Ishikawa-san, he also added that he can already picture Heisuke to still be in training even after he becomes a Chef lmaooo.
Q2. REST DAYS // Suzuki-san was just fanboying over Osaragi 😂 He said "Osaragi-san is the best and she's super cute!" and Ishikawa-san agreed. Ishikawa-san said she reminds him of a cat! Ishikawa-san further stated that, according to Suzuki-sensei, Nagumo is the kind who can switch between On & Off modes easily. Sensei also said that he would sometimes just sit on his bed on his day off, with his hair all messy, and just do Sudoku puzzles. Ishikawa-san confessed that he never expected such information though it's interesting, and then Suzuki-san chimed in & said that everyone generally likes guys with gaps (aka gap moe. Meaning: contrast between one’s appearance and personality, or the difference between someone’s actual personality and from first impression you had of them). Suzuki-san also added that Nagumo is pretty sly.
Q3. COOKING ABILITIES // Suzuki-san never would have guessed that Osaragi can cook! He even joked that Osaragi would cut her food/ingredients using her buzzsaw & then they joked that she'd even cut through the kitchen counter lmaooo. As for Ishikawa-san, he felt that Osaragi is good at cooking home-cooked meals. Then moving on to Yotsumura (the goat), Ishikawa-san stated that he actually asked Suzuki-sensei what Yotsumura's specialty was & Sensei stated that Yotsumura can cook just about anything -from Italian, French to Japanese cuisines you name it, anything at all! Lastly, Ishikawa-san remarked that since Mafuyu is a clean freak or a germophobe, he probably would not touch anything, much less cooking. Suzuki-san seconded this & went on to say that Mafuyu would never cook at all.
Q4. AOI & SAKAMOTO FIRST MEETING // Suzuki-san commented that Sakamoto being all shy, hesitant & fidgety is super cute & adorable. Ishikawa-san thought Aoi has great communication skills as Aoi strikes him as the type who would instantly speak what's on her mind so she must have been really worried for Sakamoto at that time (seeing him w blood).
Q5. SUZUKI-SENSEI'S MESSAGE TO SHIN & SAKAMOTO // Suzuki-san remarked that while Shin doesn't look like the series MC -cuz he imagined the MC to be someone really strong- he felt that Shin & the rest of the characters around him have made an impact & things have been exciting thanks to them too. Ishikawa-san pointed out that Shin is more of a "growth" type character. Comparing him to Sakamoto, who could just defeat anyone single-handedly and easily, Ishikawa-san explained that Shin doesn't have all that but no matter the obstacles & difficulties thrown his way, he constantly tried his best & never gave up, and that's what makes one want to root for him. Suzuki-san also expressed his opinion on how he feels like Sakamoto is the “I got your back” type of person, to which Ishikawa-san agreed, saying that whenever Shin is in a pinch, Sakamoto would always come to his rescue.
continue to pt.2 》
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hyeahgaku · 9 months
Jump Festa 2024 SAKAMOTO DAYS Special Stage
(Part 2) Here are some of the things that were discussed, & exchanges that the guests had, which i manage to understand from the panel. I did not include those that i couldn't quite catch. Apologise if i misheard anything cuz my listening for Japanese isn't top-notch 🙏
3rd Segment - Behind the Scenes Footage, featuring Suzuki-sensei's Workdesk & Manga Collections
Ishikawa-san managed to get these exclusive photos from Suzuki-sensei, with permission, & shared them with the audience.
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Ishikawa-san generously provided a walkthrough of some of the stuff here. The handgun replica & sniper rifle replica are those that Sakamoto's gun and Heisuke's rifle were modelled after. The white drawer on the left is where Sensei keeps the fans' letters that he receives. He also has Vaundy's "Replica" limited edition album which he joyfully talked about in one of his weekly comments (the orange one on the top shelf above his drawing board). There's also a bunch of manga collection on the right shelf -includes Dōmu by Katsuhiro Otomo-sensei, who is one of Sensei's favourite mangaka, as well as Mugen no Juunin, etc.
Ishikawa-san told the audience abit about the story behind Sensei's drawing desk (those who have read the manga would already know it, he said). This desk was originally used by his wife back when she was a junior high school student. Suzuki-sensei felt that it was just right for him so he has been using it from then on until today. Additionally, Ishikawa-san also shared a cool story behind Sensei's drawing board. Suzuki-sensei went to the hardware store to buy one but he found this piece of wood apparently thrown away. So he took a look & thought it'd be a good fit if he used it as a drawing board and so he took it home. Ishikawa-san added that it costed Sensei 0 yen! The host commented, "That's what we call Recycling!" Suzuki-san later praised Suzuki-sensei for being such a talented person & he proudly stated that he's a fan of Suzuki-sensei.
A funny bit: When the host pointed out about the elbow rest pads on the sides of the drawing board as she wasn't sure if they were, Ishikawa-san answered, "Yes they are elbow rest pads. It's for you to rest your elbows on them." and then Suzuki-san just burst out laughing & he said, "That's why they're called elbow rest pads! You're supposed to rest your elbows on them!" lmaoooo.
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Moving on to the left photo first, Ishikawa-san stated that those tools that Suzuki-sensei labelled '1st Military Set' are the ones that Sensei very often uses to draw the manga. There are different types of pens, which include G pen, Maru pen, Milli pen, etc). I'm not sure if I got this right but I thought Ishikawa shared that originally, Suzuki-sensei drew the series using G pens but now he has changed to use Milli pen.
When the host asked about the coins on the ruler, Ishikawa-san explained that some artists might tape coins especially to the underside of a flat ruler to help create a gap or a bridge so as to prevent the ink from bleeding onto the edge thus messing one's artwork.
As for the right photo, Suzuki-sensei's bookshelf is filled with manga series like Naruto, One Punch Man, Hunter x Hunter & so on. There's also a long, black stick on the right but none of them knew what it was lol. Suzuki-san wondered if it was the opponent's rifle (Kamihate's sniper rifle) but then they all just brushed it off as just a stick lmaooo even though all of them are curious what it actually is. (Idk, I thought it was a katana haha)
Suzuki-san once again praised Suzuki-sensei for arranging his manga & JUMP magazines so neatly while the host personally feels that Sensei really knows how to take good care of his belongings & use them with great care.
At the end of the photo-showcase, Suzuki-san asked Ishikawa-san if he had by any chance accidentally said anything weird or odd to him, but Ishikawa-san responded that if Suzuki-san had done so, then he would have imagined killing him. Suzuki-san was like, "Scaaary" & then immediately went full mode in-character & spoke Shin's dialogue, "Why did you imagine killing me?!" And then he went on, "I had to say it." lmaooo
4th Segment - Lucky Draw
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(left photo) So the 5 Lucky Draw winners have won this entire set of SAKAMOTO DAYS original goods. Yea, each person gets the entire set! Congratulations to them!
(right photo) As for those who did not win the Lucky Draw, they also received a gift (bonus, rare sticker) for attending the SakaDays panel!
5th Segment - Collaborations
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Collaboration with Bandai Candy. SAKAMOTO DAYS wafers, with special metallic cards, will be available in Japan stores in June 2024. There will be a total of 28 types of cards, 6 of which are the rare cards. Please look forward to further information in the future!
Suzuki-san revealed that he used to buy a lot of wafer cards & it made him so happy. This time he has to be careful not to eat too much wafers, to which Ishikawa-san responded that he's already thinking of going on a diet just to get himself prepared for June 2024 lmaooo.
Collaboration with Tower Records Cafe. The collaboration cafe is set to open some time in 2024 & Ishikawa-san stated that he could not reveal any further information yet so kindly look forward to future updates!
Final Segment - Volume 15 Reveal
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Volume 15 features Kumanomi, and it will be released in Japan stores Thursday, January 4, 2024.
Suzuki-san commented that the cover is amazing & he love the colour choices, whereas Ishikawa-san was kinda fanboying over Kumanomi; he said she's really beautiful! (Ishikawa-san is a man of culture indeed.)
Message from Ishikawa-san: Thank you to those that came today & those who watch this broadcast. Thank you very much also for always looking forward to & reading SAKAMOTO DAYS. Suzuki-sensei & the entire team are deeply motivated by everyone's support! From here on out, SAKAMOTO DAYS will be more action-packed & have interesting developments as the final battle against the formidable enemy, Slur, is about to begin. Kindly look forward to it! And as always we look forward to your continued support. Thank you very much!
Message from Suzuki-san: I, Ryōta Suzuki, am truly honoured to be on stage here today, as one of the fans of the series. I can really feel how great SAKAMOTO DAYS is, seeing how so many people have gathered here today to watch the event & we also got to know a lot of things, even stuff from behind-the-scenes. Thank you very much for having me!
《 back to pt.1
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