mayoiayasep · 2 months
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i’m just throwing shit out here rn
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cryptidm0ths · 1 year
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some more pokemon au sketchs :D
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mirrortouchedsea · 6 months
She’s 6 years old, crowded around her mother with her three sisters. Their newest sibling has just been born and they’re all curious about the baby. What gender is it, one asks. What’s it’s name, says another. There’s a lot of chatter and her head is ringing as their mother finally speaks. It’s a boy, the first boy born to their family in several generations. His existence must be kept a secret, she says, but we will name him Kohaku. 
Kohaku Oukawa was born in a room full of life, with four older sisters taking turns holding him and letting him grab at their fingers, cooing over his features as their mother rests. The midwife is cleaning up from the afterbirth and the men are conversing in the corner, but for the second eldest daughter, she feels a special connection with the little boy in her arms. He has the same bright pink hair as her and she’d swear that they both had their mother’s eyes. She bounces him in her arms and for a moment, the entire world is just him in her arms. 
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starswallowingsea · 7 months
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I love Crazy:B
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yume-fanfare · 7 months
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this also. sick to my stomach. sakuranee. have you by chance read requiem. or seen this card
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mirrortouchedsea · 6 months
The one day they do all get to spend time with Kohaku is on his birthday. Those chilly February days are always filled with laughter and celebration as everyone catches up with each other and Kohaku gets to see more of his sisters. They always tease him and poke at him, but never too much, just enough to make him flustered. How were his studies going, they’d ask. Why you’re getting so big, the eldest exclaimed, picking him up and squeezing him. His face always lit up whenever they teased him like that.
On his thirteenth birthday, when she was nineteen, he finally managed to flip her onto the ground. She told him it was only because he had taken her by surprise, but he held it over her head for the rest of the day and for once, the brunt of the teasing was on her. At the end of the party, she returned the favor and flipped Kohaku clean over her shoulder onto the floor and stuck her tongue out cheekily at him.
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mirrortouchedsea · 6 months
want to make another rinne n hina post but what about
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