We’ll Keep Each Other Warm
Summary: Sebastian wants to swap scarves with MC. Also kissing. (Sebastian Sallow x Hufflepuff f!MC)
Rating: PG
Warnings: None!
Word count: 500
A/N: inspired by this post by @witchywriter18, I combined the scarf bit with another idea I had. I think they’re stronger together just like Sebastian and MC. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Their empty butter beer glasses clinked as MC and Sebastian set them down on the table. They were celebrating the end of a rather lovely Christmas break, like all the other students that had crowded into the Three Broomsticks, and had spent the better part of the day talking about, well, everything.
“Back to Hogwarts, then?” Sebastian nodded to the darkening sky outside the window.
“Probably best.”
MC reached across the table and picked up her scarf. She almost had it halfway on when she realized the colors were wrong. “Sorry Sebastian, I-“
She looked up to find that Sebastian had taken her Hufflepuff scarf, and already settled it around his neck. He grinned at her over the stripes of black and yellow. “Go on then, wear it.”
Grinning despite herself, MC wound the green and silver scarf around her neck, draping it over her shoulders. She breathed in, letting his Slytherin scent fill her nose. A mixture of Feldcroft pine, library books, and dittany. It made her wonder what Sebastian was smelling on her scarf now… probably niffler.
Snow covered the roofs and lanes of Hogsmeade. More fell around them now, though it had slowed a great deal. The fresh powder was hiding patches of ice, which MC discovered quite by accident. One misplaced step sent her reeling, but she righted herself before she could fall into the snowbank beside the path.
Sebastian took her arm, laughing. “I think someone had one butterbeer too many tonight.”
“Nonsense! I just slipped on some ice.”
“That delightful flush on your cheeks says otherwise. Rather a good look on you.” The lightness in his tone and mischief in his eyes made MC’s stomach flip.
Or maybe she did have one too many butterbeers.
Sebastian cupped her face in his gloved hands, thumbs tracing the curves of her cheeks. They leaned closer, lips about to touch, when one of them found the icy patch again. With nothing to grab onto but each other, Sebastian and MC tumbled into the drift of snow. MC grunted as Sebastian’s weight pressed her into the ground, and he quickly raised himself up on his arms.
“Sorry,” he said, the flush in his cheeks matching hers.
MC grabbed him by the scarf - her scarf - and pulled him into a kiss. For a moment she thought they might melt the snow piled around them. When their lips finally parted, icy flakes still surrounded them, clinging to their hair and clothes.
“Yes, MC?”
“It’s really cold down here.”
“That it is.” A little reluctantly, he stood and offered her a hand up.
They were more careful of the road as they trekked back to Hogwarts. That wasn’t the only thing that kept their arms linked and their shoulders huddled close, though.
Sebastian insisted on walking her back to the Hufflepuff common room, even though his joke about her overindulgence in butterbeer was long forgotten. They stopped to say goodnight at the top of the staircase that led down to the kitchens.
“Don’t you want your scarf back?” MC asked, fingering the wool at her throat.
“Nope,” said Sebastian, grinning. “I’m keeping yours. We’ll switch for a while.”
“We can keep each other warm even when we’re apart.”
Speechless and blushing, MC noted the satisfied grin at her reaction. He turned and headed toward the Slytherin common room, calling over his shoulder in a singsong voice, “Good night, MC.”
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