ciroocasio · 7 months
@salvadormairena location: Wine Tent, Wolfchella notes: kiss kiss
Old Frascati was a very ancient, very serious business. While it would remain true to its roots, Ciro had a dream of broadening its appeal to the varied supernatural races of Rome. From there, they could branch out even further; wealth was one thing, but this was in part about legacy. There was a symmetry to resolving differences over a bottle of wine, and if that bottle was a marker of the Amaranthus coven and everything that his mother had helped to build? All the better.
"Let me see." Ciro had handpicked the servers who'd be handing out samples, taking orders, and managing the inventory as he and Salvador oversaw the operations. Naturally, Ciro had handpicked their outfits as well; this was Wolfchella and appealing to the lycans would be crucial. Lycans who were accustomed to dog treats and gapes required a very particular marketing strategy. "That won't do, here." Ciro handed the man a rolled up sock to stuff down the front of his short shorts. The wolves spoke in knots, "Pick up some boob tape from Stacy, you might not have pecs but today everyone will think you do."
Ciro turned his attention back to Salvador as he sighed at the soft launch, "This wine is six times as strong as our regular brew," lycans had historically high tolerances for alcohol, this would help with that. "the milkbones that went into the fermentation process was a stroke of very unique genius, now we just need a name for when the orders start coming in."
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