#salvatore cash stash?
How to Become a Mob Boss: Quote episode 5 to 6
"- There is no Florida community of retired bosses." (Narrator - Episode 5)
"- It was understood that there would be no flamboyant displays of wealth. Don't antagonize law enforcement for unnecessary reasons. You don't talk your criminal business in front of others. And above all, don't rat anyone out. Any deviation from that is when Whitey would go ballistic." (Episode 5)
"- Bulger had little patience for people he viewed as a liability to him, and he didn't hesitate to have them killed. And that's what kept his gang in line." (Episode 5)
"- If there's no body, there's no murder." (Episode 5)
"- Little wonder why all the best bosses know the value of a good cover-up. When former Gambino boss, Paul Castellano, needed a rival disappeared, he relied on hitman Roy DeMeo and his Gemini method, named after DeMeo's favorite hangout. It involved fully draining a corpse of blood to minimize mess before cutting it into tiny pieces. While Salvatore Riina eliminated his problems using a practice known as lupara bianca, which could involve dissolving victims in acid, feeding them to hogs, or even throwing them into a steel smelter. But none of these masters covered their tracks as painstakingly as Whitey Bulger. In case the body was discovered, he'd cut fingers off, pull out their teeth because someone's identity could be revealed through their dental records." (Narrator - Episode 5)
"- Whitey Bulger begins feeding Connolly tips on his rivals inside the Boston underworld, so federal agents can do his dirty work for him." (Narrator - Episode 5)
"- How do you keep your dirty secret from coming out? To keep it that way, nothing and no one was off-limits. This guy had no empathy for anybody, only for himself. He didn't care for on one, this guy. Whitey was always in full control of his environment. I've never seen him drink. He never socialized. He didn't mix with people. That's a vulnerability if you're doing the wrong thing. He was often thinking about, "Well, what if I do get charged?" "I should be prepared." (Brian - Episode 5)
"- Whitey had been planning for years for the curtain to fall on his show. The Whitey Bulger method for getting out of Dodge consists of a few key steps that any outlaw can follow. Step one, start saving early. Stash cash, jewelry, and fake passports in safe deposit boxes all over the globe. Step two, build aliases. Pay top dollar for fake IDs, birth certificates, and credit cards in various names, then use new identities to open bank accounts. Step three, find the perfect hiding place. Choose somewhere you can easily blend in, some place with turnover and tourism. Outsiders will be less likely to take note of your quirks. Once you've found your new hometown, it's onto the next step. Tell no one when, where, or how you're leaving. You'd be surprised how many people forget this one. Finally, it's time to make your getaway. But when you do, don't forget the most important rule of all for going underground, be ready for anything. It's one thing to make a clean getaway. Staying safe for the long haul will take genius-level execution. So much about being a mob boss is being somebody. You have to be at ease and make a transition to being unrecognized and unacknowledged, to being a nobody." (Episode 5)
"- He had political power, he was a hero within his community... he was ruthless with his enemies, very Machiavellian, and he was a good business guy. You don't make 30 billion by accident." (Michael - Episode 6)
"- From then on, all officers who cross Pablo's path will have a simple choice. Plata o plomo. Plata o plomo, it means silver or lead. You can either take money, or you can take a bullet. It was an offer that on one could refuse." (Asha - Episode 6)
"- But if you want to go far, go as a team. Because together everyone achieves more. Mob bosses have to have strategic alliances with other mob bosses 'cause they're all working for that same successful outcome, right? To make money." (Narrator - Episode 6)
"- By the mid-1980s, Pablo Escobar was making a million dollars a day." (Narrator - Episode 6)
"- But when you're running an illegal empire, your growing bankroll is going to draw ever more unwanted attention. High-level criminals understand the benefit of having public opinion behind them. If you can get that community support behind you, people tend to maybe not look at the fact that you're doing things that are illegal. When you have the will of the people on your side, you're a winner. That's how you beat government." (Steve - Episode 6)
"- I prefer a tomb in Colombia to a jail cell in the United States." (Pablo Escobar - Episode 6)
"- At least the Mafia is not looking to pull wool over everybody's eyes." (Episode 6)
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quick question
Elena became a doctor, but I wonder what job Damon got for himself. 
I mean, he lost his vampire abilities (compulsion, speed, immortality) and now had human needs (food, shelter, living expenses). It’s kinda interesting to imagine what he did to support himself and Elena right?
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